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The Littlest

Page 6

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Riley closed his eyes as Mateo’s pain became much worse. He tried to soothe him with his hands and speak quietly to him. Mateo jerked on the bed and then it was over. Riley covered him up with a blanket and placed a kiss on his forehead.

  “Get some rest, okay? I’ll bring dinner in when it’s ready.” Riley walked to the door.



  “Could you bring Maggie in?” Mateo grinned.

  “Yes, I can do that. Close your eyes for a bit.” Riley blew Mateo a kiss and walked out into the living room. Sam and Dakota were sitting on the couch watching Kane chase Matty around. As he neared the couch, Dakota looked up at him with a smile.

  “How’s Mateo?” Dakota asked, moving over on the couch to give Riley room.

  “Tired,” Riley rubbed his face with his hands. “We were just talking about this before we came out to Ireland. I went and saw my father in prison. He’s dying,” Riley sighed sadly. “When I saw my face in the mirror, I couldn’t help but think about aging.”

  Dakota nodded. “I know. Sometimes I think I’ll talk to my parents again someday. They’re still my flesh and blood, no matter how much they hurt me.”

  Sam sighed as Kane came to a sliding stop by the couch and tilted his head at him.

  “Could you please change back?” Sam picked his son up and held him.

  “I think he prefers being a werewolf,” Dakota chuckled.

  He tilted his head to the side, sending a mental message to Wyatt.

  “Sup, guys?” Wyatt snickered.

  “You want to give us a heads up as to why our werewolf children run around in wolf form all the time?” Dakota drawled.

  “Well, gee, let me think. Lying on your back all day in a crib staring at some weird crap going around in a circle over your head, or running around free and getting to smell and see exciting new things. Hmm, wonder why I was always in wolf form?”

  “Well, when you put it that way,” Dakota laughed.

  “Can’t wait to see my nephews and niece!” Wyatt chuckled.

  “Thanks, Wyatt. I don’t know why we hadn’t thought about that.” Sam smiled at Kane pulling on his pant leg. He was making small growling noises.

  “So, an alpha, huh? I bet you didn’t see that coming,” Wyatt laughed loudly.

  Dakota turned to Riley and grinned. “Oh, there were a lot of things we didn’t see coming.”

  “I heard. Riley and Mateo haven’t been taught to turn their thoughts off yet. I’ll be scarred for life,” Wyatt snickered.

  Riley’s face heated. “Oh, God, you mean…?”

  “It’s all good, Uncle Riley. I’ll get some therapy and be good as new,” Wyatt laughed.

  Riley sighed loudly into his hands. “Oh, shit.”

  “Yeah, um, thanks for the info, Wyatt. We’ll get in touch with you later, okay?” Dakota rubbed Riley’s shoulders.


  Riley stood up. “I’m going to get Maggie for Mateo. Do we have an ETA on dinner?

  “Conner said about twenty minutes or so,” Sam provided.

  “Okay, good. That will give me time to throw myself off a cliff in embarrassment.”

  Dakota chuckled as Riley made his way to the kitchen. Wayne stepped into the living room and Kane sat down immediately at his feet. Wayne grinned and picked him up. Even in wolf form, Kane resembled Sam. His first growth spurt had already happened.

  “Well now, I bet you’re hungry, aren’t you?” Wayne held Kane to him closely. “I miss them at this age.”

  “I still can’t believe he’s going to be the alpha,” Sam shook his head. “And he already chose his mate.”

  “I’m not surprised. Two great warriors side by side. It makes sense,” Wayne mused. “We don’t know what’s coming in the future; they do.”

  Dakota sighed looking over his shoulder at the bedroom Mateo was occupying. “I wonder if they saw that?”

  “I would think Matty knew what Riley would do,” Sam took Dakota’s face in his hands. “It’s what I would have done.”

  Wayne set Kane back down and he immediately jumped on Matty, pinning him to the floor. The two of them rolled around on the floor nipping at each other.

  “They are so cute,” Dakota whispered.

  “Destined to be together from birth,” Sam squeezed Dakota’s fingers. “They are going to have one hell of a love story.”

  Wayne crossed his arms. “I believe they will.”

  “Wayne,” Conner poked his head out of the bedroom.

  “What is it?”

  “Get Riley, Mateo and the babies,” Conner said mournfully. “They have someone to talk to.”


  Riley sat in front of the computer with Mateo and the twins. The screen was black and then his father’s image became clear. He was lying on a bed in what looked like the infirmary. Riley swallowed the lump in his throat and held Maggie up to the webcam.

  “Look, Dad – doesn’t she look like mom?”

  “She’s so beautiful, Riley,” Edgar tried to smile. “Let me see my grandson.”

  Mateo held Matty up – who thankfully was in human form at the moment.

  Edgar clasped his hands together. “They are just beautiful. You four make a beautiful family.”

  “We’ll be back soon, Dad, and then you can hold them,” Riley said, touching the screen.

  Edgar shook his head sadly. “I’m so sorry, son. I don’t have that long.”

  “But you said – ” Riley croaked.

  “I know, son; I didn’t want you to feel sorry for me. It’s my time.”

  “But I can help you!” Riley sobbed.

  Edgar put his hand on the screen where his son’s was. “I’ve lived my life. God knows I could have done so much better with you and I’ll regret it when I’m gone, but this is my fate, son.”

  “I can get you out of there! I can fix you!” Riley shouted. Mateo’s arms came around him and Riley sobbed.

  “Oh, Riley,” Edgar wiped at his eyes. “I’ve seen my grandkids; you and Mateo are happy, that’s all that matters. I deserve to be where I am.”

  “James can get you out of there, Edgar,” Mateo offered quietly.

  “No, he can’t. Treason is something even James can’t fix,” Edgar pointed out.

  “But you don’t understand, Dad. I can cure you!”

  “Even if you could, son, then I’d be locked away until my last days. I want you to be happy, you understand me? I love you, Riley, with all my heart and I’m so damn proud of you.”

  Riley broke down in Mateo’s arms and Mateo tried to smile at Edgar. The twins started crying and he held his family closer to him.

  “I’ll protect them with my life, Edgar,” Mateo vowed.

  “I know you will, Mateo. You’re a good man; I’m proud to call you my son-in-law. Riley couldn’t have chosen a better husband. You take care of those kids.”

  “Dad, please!” Riley pleaded. “We can be a family now.”

  “You are a family, Riley. Cherish each other. I love you; never forget that.”

  The webcam cut out and Riley grabbed the computer. “No! Dad!”

  Mateo held Riley as his body shook with his sobs. Matty was wriggling for his father and Mateo put him closer to Riley. It occurred to him that Matty may have seen this coming, too. They sat there for what seemed like hours. Wayne came into the room and ran his hand through Riley’s hair.

  “He’s in a coma, Riley.”

  “I want to go home,” Riley sniffled. “I want to see him.”

  “Don’t even think about trying to cure him. He will die, Riley. He’s too far gone and it wouldn’t be fair to him, even if it did work.”

  “Why not?!” Riley shouted. “Why does life have to end for him but not for me?!”

  “You really want to cure him and have him stay in prison until he dies? What kind of life is that?”

  “He’ll be here, with me and I can see him.”

  “That’s selfish, Riley.” Wayne shook his

  “I don’t care!”

  “Riley,” Mateo said softly. “You’re scaring the twins.”

  Riley sucked in a breath. Maggie’s eyes were huge and on the verge of spilling over with tears. Matty’s bottom lip trembled.

  “Oh God,” Riley whispered. “I’m so sorry.” Riley picked up the babies and held them close. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I think we should head to bed.” Mateo stood and put his arm around Riley. “I’ll bring dinner to the room, Riley.” Mateo waited for Riley to leave before turning to face Wayne. “Edgar could be cured with our blood.”

  “He wouldn’t want that,” Wayne shook his head. “James tried; believe me he tried to get Edgar out, or even negotiate a shorter sentence, but treason isn’t something the United States takes lightly. Even with all the power he holds, James couldn’t get Edgar out. He offered it anyway, and Edgar said no.”

  Mateo blinked. “He what?”

  “He said he didn’t deserve to be let out. This was what he wanted. He has a DNR.”

  Mateo sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “Okay. I’ll do what I can with Riley, but this is going to hit him hard.”

  “It already has,” Wayne said sadly.

  ~*Chapter Six*~

  The night hadn’t gone well. Mateo woke up groggy and plastered to Riley’s back. The twins were in front of Riley, both nestled into his chest. Mateo ran his hand over Riley’s hip. It had been a long, emotional night.

  Riley had cried for hours and Maggie had cried with him. Matty seemed to understand what was going on and tried his best to soothe his father by staying in human form, snuggled quietly beside him.

  Mateo slid out of bed quietly and went to the bathroom. He splashed some water on his face and looked in the mirror.

  His mouth dropped as he looked at his reflection. Not one grey hair was present and all his laugh lines and other wrinkles were gone. He looked thirty again. He tilted his head from side to side. It was amazing. His hair was lustrous and solid black again. Mateo took one more look, and then crept back into the bedroom.

  Matty’s eyes were open and he was fidgeting. Maggie was sound asleep in the crook of Riley’s arm. Mateo picked his son up and kissed his nose.

  “Morning,” he whispered. Matty made a soft sound and then a quiet knock on the door followed. Mateo cracked it open to see Sam in his boxer briefs with Kane in wolf form.

  “Hey,” Sam said quietly. “I think Kane wants to see his guy and get a run in. You up for it?”

  Mateo’s brows furrowed. “Why are you in underwear?”

  “Because they’re cheap and I won’t miss them when I ruin them shifting. I could have come naked – ”

  “Yeah, no thanks,” Mateo waved his hand in the air and stepped out of the room, closing the door gently behind him. “I’ve seen enough of you guys naked; in fact, I’ve seen more nakedness in the last ten years than I have the entire time I was in the Army.”

  “That’s saying a lot,” Sam snickered.

  “I know,” Mateo followed Sam outside. The weather was slightly chilly, but nothing teeth chattering. Matty wiggled in his arms, then shifted.

  “That must be so nice,” Mateo sighed.

  Sam put Kane down and he immediately ran for Mateo, jumping on his legs. Mateo put Matty down and Kane jumped on him, biting his ears. Both pups ran in the direction of the enclosure and Sam’s voice boomed across the land.


  Kane came to a sliding stop and glanced back at his father.

  “You don’t go near there, understand?” Sam put his hands on his hips. Kane took another step forward, all while watching his father intensely. Sam raised a brow and then shifted fully. A loud snarl left his lips and Kane backed up into Matty with a yelp.

  “Well now, seems Roane was right. You have to establish who’s boss with your own son,” Mateo chuckled. Sam huffed and flipped Mateo with his tail.

  “Shift, ya big baby.” Sam bumped Mateo in the thigh.

  Mateo crossed his arms, shaking his head. He wasn’t a pussy by any means, but the pain that came with shifting? Oh, hell no. He’d put it off for as long as he could.

  Matty yelped suddenly and Mateo’s head snapped toward the enclosure. One of the females was stalking his son.

  It was like taking a breath – it didn’t even hurt. Mateo shifted fully and released a growl so loud it shook the fencing. The female back-pedaled with a yelp of her own.

  “Nola!” Wayne’s roar cracked the earth in front of him.

  Mateo grabbed his son by the nape of his neck with his teeth. Kane was staring down the female, teeth barred, fluffy fur on end. Sam nudged his son in his hindquarters and they moved away from the fencing.

  “Go on guys, I’ll just have a chat with Nola.” Wayne narrowed his eyes at the female. She was still a bit green to the female werewolf life. She hadn’t been one as long as the rest of them had. He approached the fencing and stared her down. “Were you going to hurt him?”

  Nola blinked. “I just wanted to play. The others are too old.”

  Wayne chuckled. “Don’t let Josephine hear you say that.” Wayne sobered and searched Nola’s eyes. “I have your word you weren’t going to hurt the pup?”

  “I would never hurt a child intentionally,” Nola huffed.

  Wayne raised his brows. “Go inside and shift. I need to speak with you.” Nola’s tail went between her legs and Wayne smiled. “I promise I won’t yell.”

  Nola snorted, but did as she was told. Wayne leaned up against the gate and waited. Nola came back out in a T-shirt and jeans. He raised a brow and smiled.

  “How old were you when you were changed, Nola?”

  She put her hands on her hips and gave Wayne a stern look. “It is a bit impolite to ask a lady her age.”

  Wayne grinned. “Well?”

  Nola sighed. “When I was human I was changed at eighteen.”

  “And how old are you now?”

  Nola frowned. “I don’t know. Sixty or so? I’m not celebrating,” she snapped.

  “You seem calmer than the other females. Why is that?”

  Nola glanced from side to side.

  Wayne narrowed his eyes. “Nola?”

  “It’s all right, Nola. I’ll take responsibility.”

  Wayne turned at the sound of Evangeline’s voice.

  “You’ll take responsibility for what?” Wayne demanded.

  “I’ve been injecting Nola since I came here to be with the pregnant females.” Evangeline walked over to Nola with a smile. “She’s taken quite well to the meds.”

  “What meds? You didn’t think to ask me first?” Wayne moved closer to the female and eyed her cautiously.

  “It’s a combination of Xanax and bipolar medication, along with some other mood enhancers.”

  “Define enhancers.” Wayne crossed his arms and glared at Evangeline.


  Wayne’s eyes widened. “You doped up the females?”

  “No, just Nola,” Evangeline laughed. “I only did that once to see how she would respond.”

  “I ate a lot,” Nola grinned.

  “So now what? You inject her daily or something?” Wayne stepped closer.

  “No, once a week she gets a combo of drugs. The Xanax and bipolar medication seem to work the best, although in much higher doses than initially.”

  Wayne eyed Evangeline, and then turned his attention back to Nola. “Go on back inside; I need to speak with Evangeline.” Nola paused and looked between the two of them.

  “I’m not gonna yell,” Wayne smiled in assurance.

  He waited for Nola to go inside the cottage before turning back to Evangeline. “Why are you doing this? It’s because of Alexander, isn’t it?”

  Evangeline sighed. “I’m not going to lie. I want to be with him for the rest of my life, but I can’t do that. If he turns me, I’ll end up feral and then God knows what will happen. What if his true mate comes along? What if I lose him?”

sp; Wayne smiled and tilted his head. “What makes you think you’re not his mate? You’ve been together a long time. So what on God’s green Earth makes you think you’re not? He loves you with all his heart and he would never leave you, Evangeline, not for anyone.” Wayne studied Evangeline’s face. “You know him.”

  Evangeline opened her mouth to speak, when Alexander’s voice floated on the wind. She turned to see the man she loved walking her way. At six foot three, Alexander stood well above her and his black hair and green eyes melted her as he smiled. She loved him. She always would.

  How did I get so lucky?

  Evangeline stepped back, her mouth dropped open in surprise. “Alexander?”

  Look at her eyes. You are a very lucky man Alexander Romasko. Maybe later I can convince her to do that one thing –

  “Alex!” Evangeline hissed.

  Alexander stopped and looked at Evangeline’s beautiful face. Her cheeks were red with embarrassment.

  Oh God. Did she just hear me?

  “Yes, I did,” Evangeline smiled. “I heard you. Oh God, Alex, I heard you!”

  Alexander stepped back. “You…heard me? But that would mean…”

  “We’re…mated,” Evangeline whispered.

  “Say something to me.” Alexander took Evangeline in his arms.

  “I love you, Alex”.

  Alexander sighed in relief. “I heard you, my love. It is true, you are my one and only.”

  “Seems the fates decided you two had waited long enough.” Wayne smiled at the two of them together. “It would appear your mate decided to go behind your back and work with Nola.”

  Alexander frowned. “What is he talking about?”

  “Thanks, Wayne.” Evangeline glared at him. She turned back to Alex and palmed his face. “Let’s go talk?”

  “Yes, among other things,” Alex smiled mischievously.

  “No biting.” Evangeline pointed at him. “Yet.”


  Mateo ran, the wind whipping his coat. God, he’d never felt so free before. He could hear everything, see for miles, and smell everything around him – fresh grass, the brine of the ocean. It was unbelievable. Sam ran at his side, the boys a little ahead of them, galloping side by side.


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