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Just With You (Taphouse Blues Series Book 3)

Page 11

by Heather Lyn

  “Honestly, man? I forget they are. Plus, it’s Nashville. You know how many I’ve met by now?”

  Turning down Matt’s road, I pull into a long driveway surrounded by thick trees. At the end of it is a large house, definitely a typical mansion but somehow much homier and warmer than the usual ones.

  Parking right out front, I kill the engine and pocket the keys, swinging around the hood. Eli and I make our way to the front door, and I pound my fist against the heavy wood.

  “Nashville PD!”

  The door swings open a couple seconds later, revealing a clearly disheveled and pissed-off Matt. “Thanks for coming, man. You have no idea how much I appreciate this.” He holds his hand out and I shake it, introducing him to Eli. They shake hands as well, and then he leads us into the main foyer, where several things are scattered about.

  An older graying man is pacing around, his face beet red. “You called the goddamn cops, you stupid son of a bitch? Who the hell do you think you are?” he growls at Matt, rage taking over his face.

  “Sir, we’re gonna have to ask you to leave. Don’t make us take you down to the station. If you leave now, that won’t happen,” I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “I ain’t leaving till I get my money!” Lee shouts, throwing a book at Matt.

  Eli steps in front of Matt, hand on his chest when he starts after Lee.

  “We don’t owe you shit, Lee. You have no contract. We’re done. Chris fucking told you this, and you deserve fuck all.”

  “You’re lying. I have a damn contract, you’re just keeping it from me. I’ll sue. You’re in breach of contract. I want my fucking money!”

  “Jesus Christ, Lee. How many times do I have to tell you? We. Don’t. Owe. You. Jack. Fucking. Shit. Now get the hell outta my house.” Matt looks like he’s ready to beat this guy’s ass, and as much as he’d deserve it, I don’t really feel like arresting a celebrity today. Plus, that sure as hell wouldn’t be keeping this quiet.

  “Sir, don’t make me ask you again,” I begin, but Lee staggers over, reeking of some cheap-ass alcohol.

  “Listen, Copper, this boy right here is going to pay me what’s mine, you hear? Or I’m pressing charges against him.”

  “Well, considering this is his private property and he’s asked you to leave, it don’t matter one way or another what you want. The only person who can legally press charges is Matt,” Eli tells him.

  “Fuck you, Waterhouse!” Lee charges Matt, and I step in, grabbing his right arm and pulling it behind his back. In seconds I have him cuffed.

  Matt shakes his head. “It shouldn’t have come to this, Lee. No matter how pissed any of us were, we would have held up our end of a contract. We would have paid you. We owe you nothing, and this is how you chose for it to end.”

  Lee spits at Matt, and Eli again has to restrain him, calming him down. Eli takes Lee from me, and as he walks him out, I hear him reading the Miranda rights. Resting my hands on my hips, I turn to Matt, who looks like he needs a drink.

  “Thanks, man. I know you’ll have to write everything down in the report, but I appreciate you coming out anyway.”

  “Drunk and disorderly. He’ll most likely just sleep it off in the tank and get released tomorrow. I’ll try to keep you out of it. I have no idea how long you’re here, but don’t be a stranger. Come down to Brody’s and I’ll buy you a beer. Or a keg, whatever you need.”

  Matt chuckles and reaches out to give me a half hug, thumping me hard on the back.

  He retreats into the house, and I walk out the front door and down to the squad car where Eli is waiting, leaning against the side of the car.

  “I just radioed in that we’re bringing someone in,” he tells me, and I nod.

  “Thanks, Holt. Let’s go.”

  And with that, we go riding back to the district, Lee cursing and shouting the entire time.


  “How was work?” Stella asks when she steps into my living room hours later, shoes in her hand.

  “It was good. Got to see Matt Waterhouse. Some shit went down at his place, and I had to help him out.”

  Stella freezes, leg up in the air as she pulls on her sneakers. “Wait, back up. Matt Waterhouse? As in Matt Waterhouse, guitarist for Dark Roads, only the hottest country band ever?”

  “The one and only.”

  “How do you know him?”

  “The band comes into Brody’s whenever they’re in town. I’ve met them all a bunch of times.”

  Stella marches over to me and smacks me in the chest, though not hard, and I laugh. “What was that for?”

  “I can’t believe you never told me you knew them. I love Dark Roads.”

  “I guess I didn’t really think about it. Next time they’re in town, I’ll make sure you meet them, okay?”

  Stella kisses me softly and lets out a deep sigh.

  “Okay, fine. But I’m still jealous. You ready to go?”

  Making a show of looking down at my jeans and sneakers, I nod. She just shakes her head at me and reaches for her purse on the couch.

  As we head toward Mason’s place, she tells me about her day, and I find myself just watching her, the late afternoon sun streaming over her face. Three months I’ve had this amazing woman in my life, and every day gets better than the one before it.



  “So, tell me, Mase. When are you gonna find yourself someone to settle down with?” I’m standing next to my brother as we finish washing the dishes from dinner while Jace and Jules play Sorry in the living room.

  Mason scoffs. “Yeah, ’cause I have time for that, right, Stell?”

  Knocking my hip against his, I shake my head. “You have plenty of time. You just need to make it. Jace and I both have demanding jobs, and we still make time for each other almost every day.”

  “Okay, but neither of you has a ten-year-old daughter thrown into the mix, an ex who you have to co-parent with, and a job that, while you’re successful at, you hate.”

  Mason hands me the last plate to dry, but I set it in the drying rack, abandoning the towel I was using. “Wait, what?”

  “Forget I said anything,” he tells me, reaching into the fridge for a beer. He offers me one, but I shake my head at him.

  “Mase, talk to me. What’s wrong at the office?”

  Taking a long pull of his beer, he rubs his forehead and sinks down at the breakfast table, motioning to the chair next to him.

  “I love selling real estate, Stell. You know that. And I’m really fucking good at it. But lately business has just slowed down. The market isn’t the greatest, and I’m starting to think I need to change my focus, move to commercial business.”

  “So why don’t you do that?” I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. “Mason, I know you better than anyone. Your drive is unlike any other agent you work with, and you know it.”

  “Because I’m scared to, okay? Twenty years ago, this job was a means to keep you with me. I couldn’t lose you to the system, no fucking way. And now I have a daughter to support. I can’t just risk it all, Stella.”

  Mason drains the rest of his beer and slams it on the table, his eyes pained, features filled with stress and agitation. Uncrossing my arms, I take his hands in mine to calm him down, looking deep into his brown eyes, the same as mine.

  Our dad’s eyes.

  “Listen to me, please.”

  Mason nods once. “I’m listening.”

  “You can do this, I promise you that. And you aren’t alone. You never were. You had me, goof. But now you have Jules and Jace in your corner, and we’ll be there for you the whole way. And I know you won’t fail, Mase.”

  Squeezing my hands, he releases them and wraps his arms around my shoulders. Burying my face in his shoulder, I take a deep breath and pull away to kiss his cheek.

  “Little sister, I love you something fierce, you know that?”

  “As much as I love you.”

  Rising from the table
, I go into the living room to check on Jules and Jace to find them sitting on the couch together, Jules curled up into Jace’s side, sound asleep. Leaning over the back of the couch, I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

  “There’s the most beautiful woman I know.”

  “Sure, sure,” I joke, releasing him to round the front of the couch. “How long’s she been out?”

  “Can’t be that long. We only turned this on twenty minutes ago.”

  “Weren’t you playing a game when we left the room?”

  “Yeah, and she beat me in less than ten minutes,” he says, rolling his eyes when I laugh.

  “That’s my girl,” Mason says from behind me, and Jace carefully extricates himself from the couch. “I’ll bring her upstairs in a minute.”

  “We should get going,” Jace tells him, and Mason nods.

  “Thank you guys for coming over tonight. And Jules enjoyed herself, clearly,” he jokes.

  I give him a hug. “Love you, Mase. Think over everything, okay? If you need me, I’m here.”

  “Love you too, Stell. Drive safe, you two.” Mason gingerly lifts Jules off the couch and carries her upstairs, leaving Jace and me to see ourselves out.

  Starting his car, Jace gives me a kiss and backs out of the driveway.

  “Thank you for coming with me tonight, Jace. Jules loves seeing you, and even though he’s a man of few words, so does Mason.”

  “I love your family. It’s not a problem spending time with them.”

  We’re about halfway home when I set my arm on Jace’s leg and reach up to kiss his cheek. He smiles but keeps his focus on the road. Kissing down his neck, I slide my palm up his leg, his cock beginning to harden under my touch.


  My hand becomes more insistent and he groans, hips flexing under my touch. “It’s okay, Jace. I can be quick.” Flipping the button on his jeans, I run my tongue down his neck, reaching for the zipper.

  “I’m driving, babe. We….” He’s breathing heavy, and his nostrils flare.

  I duck my head toward his lap when his hand comes down on my wrist, moving me back into my seat.

  “Fuck, Stella. Stop!” His voice booms in the small space, and my eyes widen. The hand he was just holding my wrist with jerks back to the wheel, clenching and unclenching it.

  Jace?” I say quietly, but he shakes his head at me.

  “No. You don’t do that shit when I’m driving, you hear me, Stella?”

  “I’m sorry, I was just messing around. You don’t have to be such a jerk about it.”

  “It’s not up for debate. Understood?” His words are hard, angry, and I stare at his profile before turning to look out my window, blinking the emotion from my eyes.


  Thankfully, we pull into his driveway a minute or so later, and when he kills the engine, I jump from the car. He’s right next to me, and when we step inside, I rush to the bathroom and lock it behind me. Sitting on the edge of the bathtub, I scrub a hand over my face and try to figure out what just happened.

  Months. Jace and I have been together for months and he’s never gone off like that. At first I felt humiliated that he didn’t want me, but my decade in the field I’m in tells me otherwise.

  Something was wrong.

  Forcing the thoughts away, I turn the water on so I can take a fast shower. Stepping out of the bathroom a few minutes later, I don’t see Jace in the bedroom. Pulling on a pair of boy shorts, I stroll to his bureau and grab one of his T-shirts, slipping it over my head. Leaving my wet hair hanging down, I go in search of him, finding him sitting on his back deck stairs. It’s almost September, the night air fairly cool. Sinking down next to him, I lean my head on his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, and he presses his lips to my forehead.

  “Forget it.”

  Jace stands from the steps and goes back inside, leaving me alone. Looking back at him, I watch him close the door and I hunch over, resting my head on my knees.

  I have no idea how long I sit out there, but when I start to shiver, I head inside, making sure to lock the door. Grabbing my purse, I pull out my cell phone and check my emails.

  Not having anything but junk mail, I scroll through the photos on there, most of them recently of myself and Jace. My heart hurts, and maybe even my feelings, but the kiss he gave me earlier shows that he’ll talk when he’s ready.

  Striding to the bedroom, I find Jace sitting up in bed, watching highlights from the Braves game. His eyes meet mine, and I think he’s going to start talking, but I watch him swallow hard and turn back to the television.

  Fine. I guess you aren’t ready yet.

  Ignoring him, I get into bed next to him and pull the blanket over me. Closing my eyes, I try to force myself to sleep, but as long as he’s awake next to me, I know I won’t be able to.

  Jace switches off the television, so the only light in the room is coming from his nightstand. Closing my eyes again, I can actually feel myself about to drift off when I hear his voice.

  “I was in a car accident my senior year of college.”

  Biting my bottom lip, I roll over to find him still sitting up cross-legged, his hands twisting in his lap. Leaning up onto my elbow, I watch him turn his head.


  “It was just before spring break. I’d gone out with my two best friends, Casey and Bryan. Shooting pool, having a couple beers. We were making plans for what we’d do back home. On the way back to our apartment, we were hit head-on by a drunk driver.”

  My heart’s racing and I cover my mouth with a hand, sitting straight up in bed next to him. His hands are shaking, but I let him continue.

  “I woke up in the hospital, I had no idea what happened. Broke my right leg in two places, fractured my arm.”

  I think back to the times we were intimate, and I faintly recall a scar on his right thigh. I never thought much about it, but now I realize that’s what it must be from.


  He lifts his head, and when I see the tears in the corners of his eyes, I bite back my own emotions.

  “Casey was sitting next to me, not wearing his seat belt. He was thrown from the car. Broken neck killed him. Bryan was brought into emergency surgery, but he died on the table.”

  Shifting around, I climb onto his lap and he latches onto me, his face pressed to my throat. Running my fingers through his hair, I soothe him as best I can, my other hand rubbing circles on his back. “I’m so sorry, Jace.”

  “We eventually learned the driver had a blood alcohol content of more than three times the legal limit. A year later he was sentenced to twenty-five years in prison.”

  Pulling back, I frame his face with my hands and kiss his forehead. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I shouldn’t have yelled at you earlier, but I can’t drive and be distracted like that. It took me over a year to even be able to drive after the accident, and for a long time after that, I wouldn’t get behind the wheel without a whole lot of anxiety and stress. Eventually, with the help of a therapist, I moved past it. But in that moment earlier, all I could see was us crashing, and it scared the fuck out of me.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.”

  “For so long, Stella, the guilt threatened to pull me under, and I think it’s why I’ve never gotten serious about anyone, just stayed to myself for the most part. Moving on felt wrong.”

  “But it was just an accident. It wasn’t your fault, Jace.”

  He swallows thickly and nods. “I know, but I lost my two best friends. We’d been friends since we were kids. I lived and they didn’t. How is that fair?”

  “I ask myself that every day when I remember that Mom and Dad won’t get to meet this amazing man I have right in front of me.”

  Jace gives me a small smile and runs his thumb down the side of my face. “I know, baby. And if I could change that I would. In a heartbeat.”

  “Me too.”

  I mov
e off his lap, and Jace lies down on his side. I push the blankets away from us. In the faint light, I lean down and run my fingers over the long silver scar on his thigh, gently pressing my lips to it. Jace pulls me into his arms, tucking me into his chest. Tangling my leg with his, I run my hand up and down his side.

  “I’m sorry you lost them, Jace. But I’m so glad you’re still here.”

  His chest hitches on a breath, and I hug him tighter. I’m not sure if he’s crying or if he’s holding it back, but either way, I need to hold him. Have him in my arms. I know telling me all of that wasn’t easy for him.

  Still holding each other tight, we fall asleep, the promise of tomorrow full of love and light.


  Sun shining through the window wakes me up, Jace plastered to me from behind. Looking back over my shoulder, I see him still fast asleep, so as carefully as I can manage, I slip out from under his arm and pull the sheet back up over him. Stopping in his bathroom to wash my face and use the facilities, I step back into the bedroom and find him still asleep.

  Padding out to the kitchen, I reach for his canister of coffee and go about making a pot. While it brews, I look through his fridge, trying to decide what to make for breakfast. Settling on omelets with green peppers and onions and sausage, I grab what I need. Ten minutes later, the coffee is ready, as are two plates of omelets. I’m cooking up the sausage when a pair of warm arms slides around my waist and I’m pulled back against Jace.

  “Morning, beautiful,” he whispers against my neck, and I turn my head to give him a kiss.

  “Morning. Hungry? I made omelets, and there’s coffee in the pot.”

  “Thanks, babe.” Kissing my cheek, he moves around me to grab a cup of coffee.

  “Today’s our day off. You wanna do anything today?” I ask softly, settling down on a stool at the island.

  He sits next to me and shrugs. “We could just hang out,” he suggests, reaching for a plate of food. He takes a bite and groans, shoveling another forkful into his mouth. “This is so good.”

  “Glad you like it.”

  Together we eat breakfast in silence, and then I carry the plates to the sink. I wash and he dries, and when we’re done, he holds a hand out to me and I take it. Jace pulls me back to his bedroom, and in that moment, I realize something.


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