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Just With You (Taphouse Blues Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Heather Lyn

  I’d go anywhere with him.

  Because I am completely and undeniably in love with Jace Miller.



  “Let’s grab a beer this weekend, man,” Eli says, bumping knuckles with me.

  I nod and reach down for my duffel. We had to pull a double, and I’m beat as hell.

  It’s been a few weeks since I told Stella about the accident, and our relationship has only grown stronger. It’s hard to believe that it’s been four months since we met at Whiskey Nights, and I know without a doubt in my mind that she’s it. She’s my forever. We both have the next couple shifts off, and I plan to do little more than watch baseball and hang out with my girl.

  I’m walking out to my car when my cell phone starts ringing from my pocket. Pulling it out, I see it’s my brother.

  “What’s up, Drew?” I answer, unlocking my car when I arrive next to it. Tossing my bag on the back seat, I get in and start the engine.

  “Got plans tonight?”

  “No, Stella’s coming over. I think we’re gonna grill and have a fire. You wanna come over?” I ask, hitting the dash screen to connect my phone. My brother’s voice comes booming out of my speakers as I pull out of the parking lot.

  “Please. Dad came by today.” His voice is filled with frustration, and I shake my head.

  “Didn’t go well, I’m guessing?”

  “I’m heading to your place. We can talk when I get there.”

  Drew ends the call, and I grip the steering wheel harder.

  Turning into my driveway ten minutes later, I find his truck waiting for me, Drew sitting on my front porch. Climbing out of my car, I stride toward him and notice he’s got an open six-pack sitting at his feet.

  “Please tell me you opened that here,” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

  “You know I did.”

  I sit down next to him, and he hands me a beer. I twist the top off, propping my feet up on the railing. “What happened, brother?”

  Drew takes a pull from the bottle. “Why haven’t we ordered new chairs for the waiting room?” he growls, imitating our dad’s “pissed off” voice. “Where the hell are the files from last year? Why aren’t you charging more for oil changes?”


  “Made sure to remind me that I’m gonna drive all those years of his hard work into the ground. We’ve actually gained a new client who’s gonna make us fucking bank, Jace, but he doesn’t care.”

  “I’ll talk to him,” I offer, but Drew shakes his head.

  “He’ll just tell you he’s trying to help me, but he’s completely different when he comes in. It’s like I’m his manager and he’s still in charge. Mom said he’s been having a hard time adjusting to retirement, but it’s been three years. When is he gonna get used to it?”

  “Probably never. Drew, it was his baby for thirty years. When he handed it down to you, I think he expected to still be included in it, to still be a part of it. You’ve changed everything and made it yours, and we’re all damn proud of you. But it has to sting a little.”

  Drew huffs and finishes his beer. Grabbing another, he leans back in the chair and trains his eyes on me. “I know, but I had to make it mine. It’s the family business, I get that, but now it’s mine. Dad didn’t just ask me to work there, he gave it to me. Left it to be run by me, and that’s what I’m doing.”

  Crossing my legs, I look over at him, seeing the tension all over his face. “You need to talk to him, Drew. Like actually talk to him. And not at the office where you both get all wound up. You can’t keep fighting with him like this. It’s not healthy. You and Dad have always been close, but this bitching at each other needs to end. Either let him have some sort of involvement with the place, or set boundaries and don’t let him push you around.”

  “You’re right,” he says, head dropping back in defeat.

  “Damn right I am. It’s why I’m the older brother.”

  “You’re the older brother ’cause Mom and Dad screwed without protection.”

  Groaning, I toss my beer cap at him, and he laughs. “Screw you. That is so not a picture I needed to pop into my head.”

  “You’re welcome, Jace.”

  Flipping him off, I finish my beer and hold out a hand for him to pass over another. He does, and I’m taking a sip from it when my cell beeps with a text. Swiping the screen to unlock it, I smile when I open the message.

  Stella: Heading back to the office to file a few things. Still want me to stop and grab groceries?

  Jace: Do you mind? Drew is here, by the way.

  Stella: Tell him hi. Is he staying for dinner?

  Jace: Yeah, he got in another fight with Dad.

  Stella: Oh man. Okay, I’ll call you when I’m heading over. You boys behave.

  Jace: Doing our best, baby.

  Smiling, I set my phone down on the table between our chairs and look up to find Drew shaking his head at me.


  “Nothing,” he says, motioning to me with his bottle. “You’re just so fucking gone over Stella, and you don’t even know it.”

  Scoffing, I cross my arms over my chest and tip my head back. “Trust me, I know it.”


  A couple hours later, I’m down in my backyard with Drew splitting wood for a fire. I haven’t heard from Stella, and I check my watch to see what time it is. Five thirty.

  “What time is she coming?” Drew asks, swinging the ax over his head before splitting the log in two.

  “Not sure. She said she had to go file some paperwork, and depending on the case, it could take her awhile. Then she’s stopping to grab groceries. She’s making chicken alfredo. You’ll survive until then. Otherwise, you’ll miss one hell of a meal.”

  Drew laughs and we get back to work.

  We’re just about done with the wood when my cell phone starts ringing, and I grab it from my jeans. Finding a phone number I don’t recognize, I hesitate to answer, but it could be someone from the district.


  “Hello, I’m looking for Jace Miller.”

  “This is he,” I say, setting my ax down against the woodpile.

  “Hi, this is Shawna Duff calling from Memorial Hospital. We have Stella Cole here, and she told us you were her emergency contact.”

  Drew must see the color drain from my face because he tosses the ax down and strides to me, gripping my shoulder tightly. Swallowing past the fear clogging my throat, I scrub my hand over my face.

  “Yeah, she’s my girlfriend. Please tell me she’s okay.”

  Drew’s hand tightens.

  “Ms. Cole was brought in after being involved in a car accident, but I don’t know her current condition. She’s in with the doctor now. Come to the front desk at the emergency room and give them your name. They’re waiting for you.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Ending the call, I look at Drew, who grabs both of my shoulders and fixes me with a sympathetic gaze. “Do you need me to drive?”

  “I’m fine. I finished my beer almost two hours ago.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  Coughing back the emotion, I nod and he squeezes me. “Let’s go. She’s gonna be fine, brother. Don’t go there yet.”

  We both rush to Drew’s truck, and as soon as we’re buckled, he goes roaring out of my driveway. I send every prayer I possibly can Stella’s way, and my leg bounces up and down the entire drive. God couldn’t possibly be cruel enough to take her away.

  Haven’t we both lost enough?

  With how fast Drew drove, we pull up to the hospital fifteen minutes later. Before I hop out, he tells me he’ll park and come find me. I clap him on the shoulder and run inside, my legs not getting me there nearly fast enough. Seeing the desk, I sprint over to the nurse sitting behind it.

  “Hi, I’m here for my girlfriend, Stella Cole. I’m Jace Miller.”

  She gives me a warm smile and then begins tapping away on her keyboard. It feels like
an eternity before she speaks.

  “Ms. Cole was just moved upstairs awaiting test results. She’s in room 302. If you take these elevators to the third floor, the nurses upstairs can show you to her room.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  A couple minutes later, I’m stepping out of the elevator and find myself directly in front of a nurse’s station, a young woman in dark green scrubs greeting me.

  “Jace Miller, right? They called to let us know you were on your way up. I’m Shawna Duff. We spoke on the phone.”

  “Yes, that’s me. Is she okay?”

  Shawna stands from the desk, clipboard in hand, and comes around, steering me down a short hallway to the right.

  “Stella came in with a laceration to her forehead, complaining of dizziness. They’re waiting on the results of the CT scan, but Dr. Marks believes it’s just a concussion. She’s been waiting for you.”

  She swings a door open, and I step inside to find Stella sitting up in bed, a fairly large white bandage across her forehead, another bruise blooming on her cheek.

  “Stell.” Hurrying across the room, I grab her hand between mine, the entire weight of the world falling from my chest in seconds.

  “Hey, I’m okay, Jace.” Her voice is strong but quiet, and I press a gentle kiss to her lips.

  Sitting on the bed beside her, I rest my hand on her thigh.

  “What happened, baby? Fuck, that call took twenty years off my life.”

  “I was on my way to get the groceries for dinner, and I pulled up at the stoplight off Grand. Well, some idiot behind me didn’t get the memo that red means stop, and he slammed right into me. My airbags must have malfunctioned, ’cause they didn’t go off. I hit the steering wheel, hence this lovely accessory,” she jokes, reaching up to gingerly touch her face.


  “My car is destroyed, the entire back end caved in. Lost the bumper and everything. Mason has been telling me for years to get a new car, but I never listened. Guess now I have to, huh?”

  “I’m just so glad you’re okay, Stell.”

  She sets her hand on my forearm, her touch soothing, her warm hand a reminder that she’s going to be fine.

  “It’s okay, Jace. I’m all right.”

  Nodding, I brush her hair off her neck and run my thumb down the side of it, her skin soft and smooth. Her eyes close at my ministrations, and I lean over to kiss her cheek, resting my forehead against hers.

  “No more scaring me like that, okay?”

  “Promise, Miller.”

  I pull back with a laugh, and she winks.

  Before either of us can say anything else, a knock sounds on the door, and we both turn to see Drew walk into the room.

  “Stella Cole, what are we going to do with you, sweetheart?” Drew rounds the other side of the bed to greet her with a kiss to the cheek, and I just smile. I love how close they’ve gotten.

  “Buy me a piece of cheesecake?”

  “Sure thing, Rose Nylund.”

  Stella bursts out laughing, then groans in pain, gently touching her head. “What do you know about Miami’s favorite Golden Girl?”

  Drew looks at her in mock surprise. “I’m a gay man, Stella. I know all about those ladies. I may even own them all on DVD.”

  “How dare you not tell me this? It’s my favorite show.”

  “What are you guys even talking about?” I ask, my eyebrows knit together.

  “Don’t even worry about it, bro,” Drew tells me with a laugh before dropping into the chair next to the bed.

  “Can I get anything for you, babe?” I ask Stella, and she gently shakes her head.

  Drew and I lapse into silence while Stella takes it easy, her hand never leaving mine. We’re finally greeted by the doctor about twenty minutes later.

  The doctor frowns. “I’m sorry, Ms. Cole. Do I have permission to speak freely in front of these gentlemen?”

  “Yeah, this is my boyfriend and his brother. They’re my family.” My heart warms with her words.

  Drew stands from his chair. “I love you, Stella, but this is clearly a private conversation. I’ll be out in the hall if you need me.” He gives her another kiss on her cheek and walks out, the doctor smiling at us. He looks down at the clipboard in his hand before training his eyes back on Stella, his next words changing our lives forever.

  “So, good news, Ms. Cole. Your CT scan was clear of any bleeding or injuries, and all other tests came back good. I believe it’s just a very minor concussion, so Tylenol only for any pain, and monitor symptoms to make sure they don’t get worse. Also, I’d like to bring up OB and have them do an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay.”

  “Ultrasound?” I ask, Stella looking just as confused as me.

  “Yes, I’d like to have one done. Your blood work looks good, but I’d like to make sure the baby is doing okay.”

  My eyes widen, and if I wasn’t already sitting, I’m confident I’d fall over.

  “What? Baby? What baby?” Stella’s mouth is hanging open, and I’d be laughing at her expression if I weren’t so surprised myself.

  “You didn’t know you’re pregnant?”

  “No. We’ve never forgotten a condom. And I feel perfectly fine, no symptoms or anything.”

  “Well, condoms are not 100 percent effective. I’ve already put in the order for the ultrasound, so just sit tight. They’ll be up shortly.”

  With a smile, he leaves the room and we’re left alone, both of us silent.

  Scrubbing a hand down my face, I stand from my seat and sit back down on the bed next to my girl, reaching for her hands.

  “Well, this has been quite the day, huh?” she jokes, and I start laughing, for the first time in my life completely thrown for a loop.

  “You can say that again, Stell. Are you okay?”

  She doesn’t say anything for a moment, and I watch as her eyes fill with tears. My heart clenches at the sight, afraid she won’t want this. I mean, we’re in a serious relationship, and we’re both adults with good jobs. We can do this. Right?

  “I’m not sure, Jace. There’s a part of me that thinks I should be terrified. We’ve only been together four months. That’s not nearly long enough. But the other part of me, the bigger part of me, immediately fell in love with the idea of having your baby.”

  Carefully cupping her face, I kiss her and pull back to look into her eyes. “That’s good, right?”

  She nods. “Yeah. How do you feel?”

  “Honestly? I feel like I am completely head over heels in love with you, Stella Cole.” The tears in her eyes overflow, and I brush them away. “This sure as hell wasn’t how I’d planned on telling you, but it feels fitting. And I know once the shock wears off, I might freak out a little, since I have zero experience with babies, but we can learn together.”

  “I love you too,” she whispers, and she kisses me harder, her tears dropping to my skin.

  “We’re having a baby.” I laugh and she giggles, burying her face carefully into my neck. Hugging her to me, I smile, unsure how I ever got this lucky in life.


  “I apologize, this might be uncomfortable.” The ultrasound tech, Cathy, holds the sheet up at the end of Stella’s bed, and I focus my attention on my girl, a strange look coming over her face.

  “You okay?” I whisper, squeezing her hand.

  “Fine, it just feels weird.”

  “Okay, now we should be able to see in just a moment.” Cathy turns the screen to face us, hitting some buttons on the computer. “Okay, so this right here is the gestational sac,” she tells us, pointing to what looks like a dark circle. “And this right here is… oh….” She turns the screen to herself, and Stella and I share a look.

  “What? Is everything okay?” I ask, concerned something is wrong.

  Cathy shakes her head with a smile, then turns the screen back to us.

  “This white spot right here is your baby.” Moving her hand just to the left, she gives us a huge smile. “And
this white spot right here is your other baby.”

  “Excuse me?” Stella blurts, and my eyes feel like they’re gonna pop out of my head.

  “There are two embryos with strong heartbeats. Congratulations, you’re having twins. It looks like you’re right around six weeks.”

  It takes a moment to sink in, and I turn to Stella, watching a single tear fall down her cheek. She wipes it with the back of her hand, and then I’m greeted by the sight of her beautiful smile.

  “Twins,” she whispers to me, and I just laugh. I’m not even sure the shock of finding out we were gonna be parents has even gone away, and now we have another surprise on our hands.

  “I can’t believe this,” I say, looking back at the monitor. Cathy is taking what looks like measurements, and every time she taps a button it saves the image.

  “Well, believe it, Daddy.” Those words from Stella have my eyes burning, a smirk on my face. Not caring there’s someone else in the room, I lean over to Stella and kiss her hard, cupping her cheek.

  “Fuck, Stell. This is crazy.”

  “Yeah. I guess when your swimmers put their mind to something, they really go all out, huh?”

  “Damn right, woman.”

  We laugh together, and then Stella starts crying when Cathy hands us the ultrasound photos, those grainy black-and-white photos the very first pictures of our babies.


  Holy. Shit.



  “You all set?” Drew asks, looking over at me from the driver seat.

  I give him a nod, and he pulls out of the hospital parking lot. I was finally discharged a couple hours after my ultrasound, and I’m beyond ready to go home and get some rest. And eat. I’m starving.

  Jace and I made the decision to not tell Drew I’m pregnant, as we want to tell our families together. Plus, I think we both need a chance to process this news. Never in a million years did I think the doctor would tell me I was pregnant. I never even skipped a period, although my last one was much lighter than normal. Still.

  Drew and Jace make conversation until we pull into Jace’s driveway, the pain in my head finally slowing to a slight dull. Jace gets out from the back seat and pulls my door open for me. Unbuckling, I lean over to kiss Drew on the cheek. “Thank you for being there tonight.”


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