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Just With You (Taphouse Blues Series Book 3)

Page 13

by Heather Lyn

  “Of course. I’m really glad you’re okay, Stella.” Drew holds his arm out and hugs me gently, kissing the top of my head. I gently climb down from the truck, and Jace slips his arm around my shoulders and guides me inside his house.

  “Do you need anything, baby?” he asks, locking the door behind us.

  “A shower and then food. I’m starving. Lunch is the last meal I ate, and then I’d like to sleep for at least twelve hours, if that’s okay?”

  Jace chuckles. “How about you go take your shower, and I’ll make you something to eat?”

  “But I don’t like charcoal,” I joke, Jace rolling his eyes in response.

  “I know how to cook enough things, smarty pants.”

  “Okay. I’m too tired to argue anyway,” I tease, then head back to the bathroom. Grabbing a couple towels, I quickly realize I won’t be able to wash my hair myself without getting the bandage on my head wet, so I just forgo that step and turn the water on. Facing away from the spray, I quickly wash myself and then switch off the water. Leaving my hair up in the knot I tied it in, I wrap myself in the towel and step into the bedroom.

  I hear Jace tinkering around in the kitchen, so I get changed into a pair of underwear and an oversized T-shirt. Realizing I don’t have any of my things, I make my way toward the kitchen but stop in the living room when I spot the white hospital bag lying on the couch. I never even noticed Jace had brought it.

  Reaching in for my purse, I find my cell phone dead, so I take it to the bedroom to charge. While I wait for it to power up, needing to call my boss, I slide under the blankets and get comfortable. My phone boots up a few minutes later, and I watch the screen light up with messages and emails, but I ignore them so I can call my boss. Apologizing for the late call, I give her the short story of what happened with my car and let her know I’ll be working on paperwork from home the next couple days.

  I end the call just as Jace comes walking in the room, a plate and mug in his hands. “See, I told you I could cook. Well, make a sandwich anyway.” He sets the mug of what looks like tea on the nightstand and hands me a plate with a turkey sandwich piled with lettuce and tomato, just how I like it.

  “You’re the best,” I tell him, gratefully taking a bite.

  “How’s the head doing?” he asks, reaching out to rub his thumb next to my bandage.

  “Okay. I might take some of the pain meds before I go to sleep, but I’m okay.”

  Jace nods and leaves the room, coming back a moment later with another plate and a bag of pretzels. “Wasn’t sure if you wanted any.”

  “No,” I tell him, taking another bite of food. “The sandwich is great. Is this tea?” I ask, motioning to the mug he set down.

  “Yeah. I had some in the back of my cabinet, so I hope it’s okay. The expiration date was still good, but I don’t drink tea much. Just when I’m sick.”

  “It’s perfect.” Blowing on the hot liquid, I take a small sip and sigh. “Yeah, perfect.”

  “So, do we need to make a follow-up appointment?” he asks me, reaching for the pretzels.

  “Yeah, I’m gonna call my OB in the morning and schedule something. I have no idea when I need to be seen again, but I assume somewhat soon.”

  “We gotta get one of those baby books, you know.”

  “Yeah, we have a lot to figure out.”

  We finish our dinner in silence, and Jace takes my plate from me. I lie back down, stretching my legs out in front of me. Staring down at my bare legs, I try imagining a big ole belly sticking out of my shirt, but I can’t. Resting my hands gently over my stomach, I smile, knowing our two babies are in there. It’s just crazy.

  Hearing Jace come back in the room, I look up at him leaning in the doorway, watching as I run my hands up and down my stomach.

  Kicking his sneakers off, he strides over to the bed and climbs on, lying down next to me. Tears prick my eyes when he carefully pulls my shirt up to reveal my bare stomach, splaying his hands gently across my belly. Leaning over, he presses his lips to my skin, and I caress the back of his head, running my fingers through his soft hair.

  “I know you two can’t hear me in there yet, but this is your daddy.”

  A few tears slip out, and I wipe them as Jace continues whispering to my belly.

  “Your mommy and I weren’t expecting you, but you’re the best things to ever happen to us. And I promise with everything I am to be the best dad in the entire world. I love you.”

  “I love you, Jace,” I whisper to him, cupping his jaw.

  Pulling my shirt down, he slides up the bed next to me and kisses me, his breath warm against my skin when he breaks away.

  “I love you too. You and these babies are my life.”

  Kicking off his jeans, he pulls the blankets over us, and together we fall asleep.


  Taking a sip of my tea, I rifle through the stack of case files on my desk and sigh, leaning back in my chair. Work has been completely crazy lately. The weeks have flown by since we found out I was pregnant, and I’m closing in on ten weeks. We’ve decided to announce the news to our family when I hit my second trimester. I’ve been feeling pretty good, and my morning sickness hasn’t been too bad, but I’m tired today. Jace keeps telling me that it’s okay if I need to slow down at work a little, but I don’t want to. Not yet, anyway.

  “Hey, girl,” Ashley greets, dropping down at her desk.

  “How’d court go?” I ask, and she smiles at me.

  “It went really well. I’m happy with the outcome.”


  “Yeah, it was a good day. How are you doing?”

  Setting my tea down, I grab for one of the files, opening to the front page. “Oh, you know, just a really tough case coming across my desk.”

  “Sorry, girl,” she says as I toss the folder down and rub my forehead. I take another sip of tea and cross my legs, leaning back in my chair.

  “So, do you and Jace have any major plans this weekend?” she asks me.

  “He has to work overtime on Friday night, so he won’t be home till early morning. But no, nothing major, I suppose. What are you doing this weekend? Got a hot date?”

  Ashley grins, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  “Okay, spill. I wanna know all the dirty details.”

  She laughs and scoots her chair closer to me. “It’s Eli.”

  My eyes widen. “Eli? Eli Holt? As in Jace’s partner?”

  “Yeah, we’ve been seeing each other off and on. Mostly on. And by on, I mean on my bed, his counter—”

  “Ash!” I groan, both of us laughing hysterically. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Didn’t wanna jinx it, I guess. After shit-for-brains cheated on me, I wasn’t ready for another relationship, but then I met Eli at Jace’s birthday. We spent most of the night talking, and he asked for my number. I really like him, Stell. He’s such an amazing guy.”

  “He seems to be. Jace talks very highly of him, and while I’ve only met him that one time, he seems really sweet. I’m happy for you, Ash. I hope you guys make it official soon.”

  “Me too.”

  My phone beeps with a text and I grab it, finding a message from my brother.

  Mason: Stella, you busy tonight?

  Stella: Dinner with Jace, why?

  Mason: Fuck. Jules’s mom just called. She’s stuck filling in for an overnight shift tonight. I’m leaving in two hours for a work conference.

  Stella: You can bring her to the office and she can hang with me. Or maybe Jace can watch her until I get back?

  Mason: That would be fine. Would he be up for it?

  Stella: Let me call him. If not, just bring my girl here. It’ll be fine.

  Mason: Thanks, Stell. I love you.

  Closing out my texts, I find Jace in my favorites and connect the call. Not even two rings later, he answers, his voice bringing butterflies to my stomach.

  “Hi, baby.”

  “Hey, you.
Listen, are you busy?”

  “For you? Never.”

  Laughing, I roll my eyes. “Cute, but seriously. If you aren’t doing anything, I need a favor.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Mason texted me. Jules is with her mom this week, but she got called to fill in for an overnight shift. Mason has to leave in a couple hours for a work conference.”

  “Okay,” Jace says, clearly unsure of where this is going.

  “I told Mase he could bring her here and she can hang out till I’m done, or maybe you could watch her till I’m outta work?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, sure. I can take her to my parents’ to swim if she wants.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Swim? Jace, it’s October.”

  “It’s a heated pool, babe.”

  “Oh, right. Crap, pregnancy brain here. You sure you don’t mind? I know Jules would love to hang out with you, and I don’t have much work left to do. I can probably get out an hour or so early.”

  “That’s fine, Stell. I’ll call him and we can get it worked out, okay?”

  I smile, this man turning me to goo every time his heart shows me how wonderful he is. “I love you, you know that?”

  “Love you too. Now text me Mason’s number, and I’ll see you tonight.”

  Ending the call, I text him Mason’s contact info and look up to find Ashley staring at me, her mouth hanging open.

  “What?” I ask, tossing my cell down.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  Ohhhh shit. Me and my big-ass mouth.


  “I’m pregnant,” I confirm quietly, and she screeches, jumping off her chair to hug me tight. Laughing, I squeeze her before holding her at arm’s length. “You can’t tell anyone just yet though, okay? We’re waiting still.”

  “Cross my heart. But give me the deets, lady. How far along are you?”

  “Ten weeks.”

  “Girl, I am so freaking excited for you. And shit, you and Jace? That baby is going to be a stunner, that’s for sure.”

  “Babies,” I whisper, and she looks at me funny. “It’s twins.”

  “Shut up!”

  We both giggle, and she gives me another hug. “I can’t wait to be an auntie. Are you guys gonna find out what you’re having?”

  “I think so,” I tell her. “We haven’t exactly figured everything out. We’re still getting our heads straight with it. At least I am. Jace is so excited, and I’m panicking.”

  “What for? You and Jace are forever. What’s to be scared of?”

  I shrug, reaching for my now lukewarm tea. “I don’t know. I’m scared as much as just anxious. This was not planned, and now we have two babies coming? We don’t live together, and we aren’t married. Where do we live? Do we get married?”

  “Some advice, Stella? Sounds to me like you have nothing to worry about. Tell me, and honestly too, if Jace proposed tomorrow, babies or no babies, would you say yes?”

  I don’t hesitate before nodding, and she holds her hands up at me. “And if he asked you to move in with him?”

  I nod again, and she gives me a knowing look. “See? Maybe it’s unplanned and fast, but clearly this is where you two were headed. Embrace it, babe. Figure out where you’ll live and get married when it feels right. You know?”

  I nod again, knowing my best friend is right. “I know. I do, it’s just been such a shock. And Jace, that man has handled it so well. I’d be lost without him, but then it makes me think of Mom and Dad and I get sad, but it’s more of a far-off sadness. I just wish they were here for this.”

  “I wish they were too. But if they’re anything like you and Mason, then they’d love Jace and be over the moon for you guys. I just know it.”

  Ashley is right. I know she is. And an hour later, when I get a text from Jace with a goofy selfie of him and Jules laughing, I know without a doubt that finding him was the best thing that has ever happened to me.



  Pulling into my parents’ driveway, I grab my duffel bag from the passenger seat and climb out, opening the back door so Jules can get out. She tosses her backpack over her shoulder and gives me a nervous smile.

  “You ready to swim, kiddo?” I ask, leading her into the house.

  “Yep. I’ve never gotten to swim in October. This is so cool.”

  “Wait till you see the pool,” I tell her, closing the door behind us. Showing Jules to the downstairs bathroom, I tell her to get changed and I step into the kitchen, finding my parents waiting for us.

  A few minutes later, Jules comes bouncing out in a hot pink bathing suit, a pair of goggles on her head. Laughing, I wave her over.

  “Hi, I’m Jules,” she says to my parents.

  “Hi, sweetheart. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Jace has told us so much about you.” Mom holds her hand out and Jules takes it, grinning at her. She shakes my dad’s hand too, and Mom reaches for the stack of towels sitting on the table.

  “Shall we swim?” Mom takes Jules by the hand and leads her out to the pool, and I’m left in the kitchen with my dad, who offers to grab me a beer. I decline and tell him I’m gonna change.

  Stepping into the bathroom, I pull on my navy trunks and flip-flops, leaving my white T-shirt on. Shoving my clothes in my duffel, I leave it on the bathroom floor and go back to the kitchen, finding my dad waiting for me.

  “Is Stella gonna come by too?” he asks, pulling the back door open.

  “Yeah, though I have no idea if she’s gonna go in the pool. She’s finishing up at work and then coming over.”

  “Can’t wait to see her.”

  “Me too, Pops,” I say, and he claps me on the shoulder.

  “You love her, don’t you?”

  I see Jules and my mom floating on innertubes and smile, then nod at my dad. “Yeah, I’m in love with her, Dad. I’m gonna marry her someday.”

  “Proud of you, son.”

  Kicking off my flip-flops, I reach my arm back and pull my shirt over my head before running to the edge of the pool and cannonballing the girls. Mom threatens to beat me, but Jules just laughs, swimming to me and dunking my head underwater.


  A couple hours later, Stella comes walking onto the back deck, laughing when she finds us all goofing around, splashing and laughing.

  “Hey, baby,” I shout, pulling myself up and out of the pool. Giving her a kiss, I notice she’s not in her swimsuit, instead wearing an oversized sweater and a pair of leggings. “Not gonna join us for a swim?”

  “No, thanks, I’ll just watch you guys. Now, where is my favorite girl?”

  She bends down at the edge of the pool to give Jules a kiss and then straightens up, brushing my wet hair out of my face. “Can I borrow you for a sec?”

  Telling my parents we’ll be right back, I grab one of the towels and follow her next to the grill, where we’re partially hidden behind the countertop.

  “What’s up?” I ask, and she looks over to see everyone distracted. Turning to me, she takes my hand and slides it under her sweater.

  “This is why I’m not swimming.”

  And it’s then I realize she has a tiny bump. My eyes find hers, sparkling in the early evening light. “Fuck, Stell. Already?”

  Kissing her, I pull back and bury my face in her neck, the revelation that she’s already showing blowing me away.

  “We need to tell people,” she whispers, wrapping an arm around my neck. “We have our twelve-week appointment a week from Thursday, so maybe next weekend?”

  “Sounds good, baby. We can have everyone over to our house.”

  “Our house?” she asks, and I laugh, the implication of my words not lost on me.

  “Well, we certainly can’t raise these peanuts in separate houses, now can we?”

  “I guess not.” She grins, and I give her another kiss.

  “We’ll talk tonight, yeah?”

  “Of course. I never asked, did you want to stay at my place tonight?”

  I shrug. “Whatever’s easiest on Jules.”

  “I mean, I may have a homemade apple crumble waiting there for dessert.”

  My stomach picks that moment to growl, and we both start laughing, Stella leaning against my side. Tucking her in close, I kiss her forehead. “Your place it is, then.”

  Walking her over to the table and chairs, I help her sit, and then I jump back into the pool, cracking up when my dad swims to where my mom is on her float and tosses her off. I catch Stella’s eye, and she blows a kiss at me, her cheeks rosy, her eyes full of life.


  The following morning, the doorbell rings, and I leave Stella and Jules in the kitchen after offering to answer the door. Swinging it open, I find a woman standing on the porch, long brown hair an unruly mess around her face.

  “You must be Jace,” she says, holding her hand out to me. “I’m Isabelle, Jules’s mom.”

  “Hi, so good to meet you. Come inside, please.” I step back, and she moves into the house. I close the door behind us.

  “I hope she wasn’t too much trouble for you and Stella,” she says, adjusting the purse over her shoulder.

  I shake my head as Stella and Jules come into the living room, Jules running to hug her mom.

  “Hey, Izzy. How was your shift?” Stella asks, coming to stand next to me.

  “Long, especially when it’s been years since I pulled a third shift. You guys have fun?” she asks Jules, and she begins animatedly telling Isabelle everything we did.

  “We went swimming in October, Mom! It was so fun. And then Jace’s dad made us all cheeseburgers and corn on the cob. It was just like summertime. Then when we came back here, Auntie Stella painted my nails, and we watched Pitch Perfect.” Jules wags her hot pink nails at Isabelle, who laughs at her antics.

  “Sounds like you had a really fun night, sweetie.”

  “Yep, and Jace even liked the movie.”

  “Acca-scuse me?” I joke, and Jules giggles.

  “Well, maybe you can do this another time, okay? Why don’t you go grab your stuff so we can get going? We’re going out to lunch with Gammy today.”


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