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Pocket Change

Page 18

by E. M. Leya

  Jess welcomed him with a long kiss, hoping Andy knew how much he cared. How much being with him meant. "Don't ever let me go." Jess curled against him, happier than he could remember ever being.

  "Never," Andy promised.

  And as sleep started to take Jess, he realized, he believed him.


  Andy dressed as he waited for Jess to finish his shower. It was hard to believe they'd already been together three weeks. Life had never been better. He was pretty much living at Jess's apartment now, though he kept his own. It was closer to school for Jess, and since Andy was the only one with a car, and he couldn't always drive Jess to work or school, it made things easier.

  They talked about getting a new place together, but Andy figured this place was good enough for now. He'd let his apartment go in the next month and officially move in with Jess. They still hadn't told his parents, but Andy was sure they'd be excited when they did.

  "I'm nervous." Jess walked into the bedroom, a towel wrapped around his hips.

  "Don't be. It's just Maggie and Tony. I know you haven't met them yet, but you'll love them. Al will be there too." They'd continued their Friday sessions with Al, and did their best to remember he was watching, but more times than not, they ended up fucking while Al sat silent. It was a huge turn-on to be watched, so much so that Andy longed to do it more.

  "What if I suck at this?" Jess pulled clothes from his drawer.

  "Then we don't do it. I don't think you're going to suck at it. But if it's not what you want, just say so." They were heading over to Maggie's so Jess could talk to her about what it meant to be a sub. No matter how much Jess read or watched, nothing would help him as much as talking to someone who was actively living the life.

  "Is this okay?" Jess held up a nice button-up shirt.

  "You don't have to dress up. It's casual." Andy walked over and gripped Jess's arms gently. "Take a deep breath and relax. I'll be with you the whole time." He kissed him softly, then took the shirt and hung it back in the closet. "Grab a t-shirt and go for comfort. I'm guessing Maggie and Tony will be in leathers. Probably Al too. Since we don't have any yet, I'm not worrying about what we wear." The thought of Jess in leathers made his cock twitch. Someday soon, he'd have enough money saved to buy him some.

  "I can't imagine Al in leather." Jess pulled another shirt out and slipped it on.

  "He looks good. He has this mask he wears that covers half of his face. You hardly see his burns when he wears it." Andy checked his hair in the mirror, decided he looked good enough, and turned back to Jess. "Ready?"

  "Yeah." Jess took a long breath. "I'm excited to do this, but so nervous I will fuck it up."

  "We're just talking tonight. Maybe watching Tony and Maggie, but you don't have to do anything if you don't want," Andy assured him as they headed out the door.

  They drove in mostly silence, and Andy felt Jess's nervousness. There was no way to calm him. Hopefully, once they got to Maggie's, he would see he had nothing to worry about and relax a little.

  Parking in the driveway, per Maggie's instructions, Andy turned off the engine and reached over to Jess, taking his hand. "I love you. If you're uncomfortable at any time, we can leave. We both have to want this or we don't do it. Talk to Maggie, get an idea what she does, then you can decide if this is something you want. You're in charge, Jess."

  Jess nodded. "I want it. I'm just scared of letting you down."

  "Ah, Babe, you aren't going to let me down. Not because of this. If you told me right now you never want to explore this lifestyle again, I'd be okay with it. I love you. We have a great relationship with or without it." He gave Jess's hand a squeeze. "The sooner we do this, the sooner you'll relax. Come on." He released Jess's hand and pushed the door open.

  Jess met him in front of the truck and they walked hand in hand to the door. Andy rang the doorbell and smiled when Maggie opened the door. She wore a pair of cut-off sweatpants and a t-shirt that read, 'whip me'.

  "Hey, welcome. Come on in." She stepped back.

  Once inside, Andy made introductions. "Jess, this is Maggie, and Maggie, this is my boyfriend, Jess."

  The two shook hands.

  "Sorry, I was on a call." Tony walked in, dressed in his leathers.

  Jess's eyes widened.

  "Tony, this is my boyfriend, Jess." Andy smiled, his hand on Jess's back for support.

  Jess looked up and down Tony's large, leather-covered body and swallowed hard even as he offered his hand. "Nice to meet you. Thanks for letting us come over."

  "We're glad you came. Maggie is excited to meet you and teach you all of her many skills." Tony wrapped an arm around her after shaking Jess's hand. "Master Al will join us in a bit. For now, why don't we let Jess and Maggie go talk? I think she wanted to show off some of her clothing."

  Andy glanced at Jess, wanting to make sure he was comfortable being alone with Maggie before agreeing to anything.

  "I'd like that, thanks." Jess leaned over and kissed Andy on the lips before following Maggie down a hallway.

  "He's nervous." Tony observed.

  "Very. I can't tell if it's because he doesn't want to sub or if it's only normal nerves about learning new things and meeting new people. I've told him time and time again, if he doesn't want to do this, that's fine, but I worry he's doing it to please me."

  "He's a natural submissive. I can see it in his eyes. Maybe once Maggie puts him at ease, he'll relax. How's his pain tolerance?" Tony gestured for Andy to follow him into the kitchen.

  "What little we've done together, he loves it. Feeds off it. He's asked me never to make him bleed or scar him, and he's said no to the cane, but seems okay with other things." Andy took a seat and nodded to the beer Tony offered. "He's insane when it comes to sex. He wants it hard and rough. Both anal and oral. I sometimes wonder if I'm enough for him. He loves being stretched." It was strange talking to someone about their private lives, but this was exactly what they'd come here for.

  "What have you used?"

  "Just a flogger and a whip, but I'm nervous too, so I'm probably gentler than I should be with him."

  "That's normal and good. You want to go slow until you figure out how much he can take. He needs to learn to open up to you and let you know what he wants. How much he wants. Communication is important. It's hard to work with a sub you don't know. While I do scenes with others from time to time, I enjoy them most with Maggie because I can read her body language so well. I know when she's reached her limit and when she needs more. You'll learn Jess the same way I've learned her. It doesn't happen overnight."

  Andy took a drink of the beer, then looked across the table at Tony. "Is it normal to get a rush from causing him pain?"

  "Yes," Tony answered without hesitation. He smiled. "You and I are sadists. We enjoy causing the pain. Maggie and Jess are masochists and enjoy the pain. Together, you give each other what you crave. Doing it in a setting like we do keeps everyone safe. There are rules. Though it may look like the Dom is in charge, he's not. The sub is the one in charge. The sub decides how far things go. You might decide the means to bring the pain, but it's the sub who accepts or denies it. Maggie has full power over me. Not only because she's my sub, but because I love her, and that makes our bond even stronger. It would kill me to hurt her in any way she doesn't desire."

  Maggie and Jess walked in, both carrying armfuls of clothes. "We're going downstairs so I can show him the dungeon. Come down when you're ready." She grinned at them.

  Jess glanced at Andy and blushed, but remained silent as he followed her.

  "Ah, I think she's going to let him try on some of her things." Tony laughed.

  Andy's cock stirred at the thought. "That makes me want to run down there and watch."

  "I know, but we need to give them time. Maggie will teach him a lot. I have a feeling you'll be leaving with a very different man than you showed up with. One who, when in the submissive state of mind, will please you very much."

Andy couldn't be pleased more than he already was. Jess was his everything.

  The sound of the front door opening had them both looking up and Andy grinned as Al walked in. He was dressed in tight leather pants, military boots, but his chest was bare except for two strips of leather that crossed from his shoulders to latch at his waist. "Good evening, Gentlemen." Al smiled. He carried his mask and set it on the counter.

  "Good to see you. Would you like a beer?" Tony asked.

  "I'd love one. Where are our sexy subs?" Al took a seat at the table.

  "Maggie is showing Jess around downstairs," Andy said. "He's one very nervous man tonight."

  "Maggie will calm him. She knows what to do." Al took the beer Tony handed him. "I remember when she was new. Long before she met Tony. She was skittish too. Now, she's the sub that every Master hopes to do a scene with."

  Andy glanced at Tony. "You let her do scenes with others?"

  "I do. If she desires. I enjoy watching them. No one touches her without my permission, but if I give my permission, she is free to do as she wishes. We both do scenes with others. Sometimes we'll invite a sub or Dom to join us. Maggie likes double penetration, so if I get another Dom involved, she's always excited because she knows we'll fuck her at the same time."

  "You don't mind her having sex with others?"

  "Not at all. I know she is mine. I enjoy seeing her fucked by another man or woman. It's never done without me near, but when it does happen, we both enjoy it."

  "And you fuck others?"

  "I do. If there is a female sub who requests a scene with me and Maggie is okay with me doing it, I'll do it. Not all the scenes end with sex, but most do. Have you discussed having sex with others with Jess?" Tony asked.

  "No, but we have talked about sex in front of others. Having Al watch us fuck is a huge turn-on, and we both agree doing it in front of a group would be hot. We have talked about having Al join us in person. I'm not opposed to sex with others or seeing Jess with someone else, but it would be up to him if we do that." He pressed a hand to his crotch under the table, shocked at how hard talking about it got him. The image of another man taking Jess turned him on.

  "If he ever agrees, I'd like to do a scene with him." Al met Andy's gaze across the table. "Would you agree to that?"

  Andy nodded. "I'd love it, and with you, I know he'd be okay with it. I'd love to watch you do a scene with him. Take him as far as you think he needs. I'm so nervous that I'm either going to give him too much or too little."

  "I don't know how much more you've done alone than what I've seen on video, but I think he craves more than you give. He might not even be aware that he craves it yet, but I think he's afraid to ask for what he really needs." Al smiled.

  "Will you teach me? Show me how to give him what he needs?" Andy asked.

  "I'd be happy to."

  "Shall we move this conversation downstairs and see what our subs are up to?" Tony asked.

  Andy fought down the nervousness that fluttered in his stomach. Tonight was going to give him so many answers. Mostly, if this was a lifestyle that Jess wanted to be part of. "Yeah, I want to watch them." He was curious what Maggie would teach Jess and how he would react to everything.

  As they walked downstairs, Andy stayed behind Tony and Al. He had no idea where the night would lead and was ready for anything. He trusted Al and Tony to not push Jess or him into anything they weren't comfortable with.

  Taking the last step into the basement, Andy stopped, his breath catching, and heart racing as he looked across the room and saw Maggie and Jess both on their knees. Jess had his head bowed, his hands clasped behind his back, and damn he looked good that way. Andy imagined standing in front of him, looking down, and his cock swelled.

  "He's beautiful like that." Al grasped Andy's arm. "You should be proud."

  "I am," Andy said softly. It was then he realized Jess was naked. The fact his man was bare for everyone else in the room to see was a huge turn on. He fisted his hands to keep control as he followed Tony and Al to the couch and chairs to one side of the room so they could watch.

  "May I instruct both your subs?" Al asked as Andy sat.

  Andy glanced up, not sure what Al was going to do, but sure that he wouldn't hurt Jess. "If he is willing."

  Al slid the mask on his face, then squared his shoulders as he moved across the room. "Ready to play?" he asked Jess and Maggie.

  Maggie turned on her knees to face Al and without hesitation, she said, "yes, Sir."

  Jess tensed, but he also moved on his knees to kneel before Al. "Yes, Sir."

  "Good." Al smiled a wicked grin that sent chills down Andy's back. "Now, Jess, since this is your first time, you will need to let me know if you refuse anything I do. Don't agree to it just because Maggie does. I know her limits. I don't know yours, yet."

  "I can handle it, Sir," Jess said with confidence.

  "Even if I want to fuck you?" Al asked.

  Andy saw the way Jess sucked in a breath, but he also noticed the way his cock thickened. "Sir, that would be up to Master Andy. If he permits you to, then I agree."

  It was the first time Jess had called him Master and Andy had the urge to rush over and fuck Jess right there on the floor, but he didn't. Instead, he met Al's gaze across the room.

  "What do you say, Master Andy, may I fuck him tonight?"

  God, he hoped he made the right call. They'd talked about it a little, but never really agreed to anything. He saw how Jess reacted to the idea. He wanted Al. There was no jealousy at the idea, just arousal. Andy wanted to watch Jess come undone with someone else. "He's yours, Master Al."

  "Thank you." Al smiled.

  Jess's cock thickened even more.

  "But only if he pleases me." Al reached down and ran his fingertips through Maggie's hair. "As for Maggie, I'll have to ask either Master Tony or Master Andy to step in when the time comes. No offense, Mags, but you just aren't my type."

  "Yes, Sir," Maggie responded.

  Al walked over to the whips that were against the wall. With his back turned, he said, "Maggie, would you please get Jess onto the spanking bench. Arms and legs both tied."

  "Yes, Sir." Maggie stood and reached an arm down to help Jess up.

  Andy watched, waiting for Jess to refuse, but he didn't. He went willingly, letting Maggie guide his body onto the bench and then waited patiently as she strapped him to it. Once she was done, she stepped back, arms behind her back, head bowed.

  "Well done, Mags. Now if you will get on the floor behind him. Your head touching the floor, ass in the air." Al had picked a crop that was a bit longer and thinner tipped than the one we had at home.

  Maggie got into position.

  Andy took in the view. Jess's ass was up high on the bench, then behind him, Maggie's ass was up as she knelt face down on the floor. They were both beautiful.

  "Remember, say orange to slow down, red to stop." Al ran the tip of the crop down the crack of Jess's ass, then moved it to press it between Maggie's naked legs. "I want you each to count. Failure to count will result in us starting over on both of you."

  Andy held his breath, fascinated at watching. God, what he would give to have all this equipment to explore with Jess. He imagined fucking him with his ass in the air as he was tied to the bench.

  "Yes, Sir," Maggie said.

  When Jess didn't respond, Al flicked the crop against the back of Jess's balls. "Jess, I expect an answer."

  Jess gasped, but quickly said, "yes, Sir."

  "Good, now let's begin." Al brought the crop down hard on Maggie's left ass cheek.

  "One," she gasped.

  A quick redirect had the crop coming down on Jess's right ass cheek.

  "One," Jess responded.

  Over and over again, Al swatted them both, moving from one to the other with ease.

  Then Maggie messed up. "Six."

  "Wrong, Maggie, that was seven for you. The next would have been six for Jess. We start over."

  Andy watched
Jess closely. The red welts were obvious even from the distance he was sitting. They stood out on his pale skin, marking each time the crop touched him. Each smack of the crop had Andy's cock pulsing, and he wondered who would give first, him or Jess. The urge to run over there and plunge his cock into Jess was almost impossible to ignore. But no. Tonight Jess would be Al's, at least until they got home.

  As if reading his mind, Tony glanced at him. "Are you okay getting a blow job from Maggie? You're bisexual, correct?"

  Andy nodded. "I'm okay with it. Is that what you want?"

  "She looks good sucking cock while I fuck her, and she's good at it. I think you should come on her face and then have Jess lick it off her." Tony grinned. "If Al's not too busy with him, of course."

  Fuck, he could so get into this. He was sure once Jess was recovered and they were home, the two of them would be having sex all night as they talked about everything that was taking place tonight.

  "Any limits with Maggie?" Andy asked.

  "No, she has no gag reflex. You can bury your cock in her throat and she'll take it. She's just not big on swallowing other men's' cum, so that's why I said come on her face or tits."

  "Six," Jess gasped. His ass was now bright red.

  Andy wondered how long he would take to heal before he could sit and not think about tonight.

  Al got to ten this time without either one of them messing up the count. Once he did, he moved back to the display case and got a flogger. He walked back over and with a practiced twirl of his wrist, he brought it down over Jess's back.

  "One," Jess said without even being told to.

  "Good, boy." Al stepped behind Maggie and lifted the toe of his boot against her pussy, rubbing it hard.

  Andy saw Maggie gasp, but she didn't move as he continued to press there. The moment he moved his boot from her body, he brought the flogger down against her back.

  "One," Maggie gasped.

  "You make me proud, Maggie." He brought it down again on her shoulder.

  "Two," she kept her head touching the ground, staying in position no matter what Al seemed to do to her.


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