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Velvet Desire: The Velvet Vault Series

Page 4

by Lawless, Linny

  I knew Baxter was a rich man because of his nice house in the Garden District, the car he drove, and the way he dressed; But he wasn’t arrogant like some men with his kind of money were. He spoiled me rotten and reminded me several times to get used to it.

  It was the week of Thanksgiving and I missed my parents, Mary, and Thomas. I hadn’t talked to any of them in almost a year. I followed Mary and Thomas on social media but still felt guilt and sadness over it. I remember the last time I talked to Thomas. He never liked Master Philip and was angry and didn’t understand why I was living with him. He wanted me to leave him and move back in with our parents.

  It was a chilly afternoon as I sat alone in Baxter’s yard bundled up in a soft fuzzy sweater. I took a deep breath, exhaled, and called Thomas. He answered after only two rings as I tried to hold back tears. They fell as soon as I heard his friendly deep voice.

  “Are you still living with Philip?” he asked.

  “No. I left him a few weeks ago.”

  “Good! I never liked him. None of us did!”

  I sniffled and laughed, wiping tears away. “I know. I’m sorry I’ve been so distant this past year.”

  “It’s ok. We all just miss you so much Chloe.”

  “I miss you too, and Mary, and mom, and dad.”

  “Why don’t you come over to mom and dad’s for Thanksgiving? It’s their turn this year so everyone is flocking over to their house.”

  “Sure, Thomas. I’ll be there.”

  I did what a good son should do during the holidays and called my parents, Max and Ruth McClain, on Thanksgiving morning. They were enjoying their senior years together living in Baton Rouge. My mother was on the phone with me first, and as she always did, asked me why I was still not married and that she wanted some grandchildren. She assumed that I was gay and didn’t know that I had a vasectomy five years ago. I never told her because it would break her heart. My father, Maxwell, worked hard all his life and became a very wealthy man in the commercial real estate business. He was head-strong and very driven, but now that he was retired, he seemed to let all the stress of the business world retire too. He was more laid back and stress-free. He loved football and telling me, at times, “Son, don’t sweat the easy stuff in life.”

  Later that morning I drove Chloe to her parents’ house, William and Betsy Lane, who lived in an older, middle-class neighborhood off the Pontchartrain Expressway. She tried to feed me some nonsense about using public transportation to get there but I shut that down quick, with just one look, reminding her of who called the shots.

  She was dressed in jeans and a Drew Breese Saints jersey. Her pretty face glowed and she looked happy as she anticipated seeing her family again after nearly two years. My hand rested on her thigh as I drove, feeling a bit possessiveness, not understanding why. I was a Dominant in all aspects of my life, and those close to me knew I could be a bit abrasive at times. But in only a few weeks, Chloe had somehow brought out a more tame and gentler side of Baxter the Bold.

  I parked my car on the street in front of her parents’ house and leaned toward her, cupping her soft cheek, “Enjoy your day with your family, Princess.”

  “Thank you, Baxter. Please give a hug to Kassandra and Aiden for me?” She replied, then kissed me.

  I held onto her deepening the kiss. Seconds later, I was hard as a rock, snaking my hand up the front of her jersey and tugging the cup of her bra down. She moaned when I flicked and pulled her nipple gently.

  I pulled away first. “I’d finger fuck you right here in the car in front of your parents’ house but then your brother might come out here and pick a fight with me.”

  Chloe giggled, adjusting her bra and shirt, and gave me an innocent peck on the cheek before she climbed out of the car.

  Maybe it was the holidays. Maybe it was having Chloe in my life. Maybe it was both, but I missed Chloe the moment she left my sight climbing up the steps to her parents’ house.

  “Melodramatic sap!” I said to myself as I drove to meet Kassandra and Aiden at Brennan’s Restaurant in the French Quarter.

  They were already seated and Kassandra sensed my sour mood as I took a seat next to her. I nodded to Aiden and kissed Kassandra on the cheek, “Sorry I’m late. I dropped off Chloe at her parents for Thanksgiving dinner.”

  “No need to apologize. The server just opened the wine for us.” Kassandra replied.

  I poured myself a glass from the bottle of French wine and chugged it down quicker than beer.

  Kassandra laughed “Baxter, it’s wine, not beer. Savor it. What’s bothering you? You look like a grumpy old bear. Is everything ok with you and Chloe?”

  I poured another and grunted. “Yeah, we’re good. It’s the first time she’s been somewhere else other than with me at my house. That sounds so goddamned selfish and asinine.”

  “You’ve done a lot of good for Chloe in the past few weeks Baxter,” Aiden said, “If she’s a natural submissive, like me, you will reap the rewards my friend.”

  I left Kassandra and Aiden after dinner and drove home. Kassandra was right. I was in a very dark mood not having Chloe there beside me and angry at myself for feeling so selfish that she was spending time with her family and not with me. I wanted to keep her all to myself which was not usually how I’d felt about other women in my life.

  Instead of driving home I ended up driving to the Velvet Vault. I knew I would just pace the house waiting for Chloe to send me a text that she was ready for me to pick her up. I sat at the desk, rolling up my sleeves, and focused on Leo’s delivery of the dungeon equipment coming in this week as well as going over accounting and other paperwork. But I just couldn’t focus.

  I kept some of my good floggers stashed away at the club in a special closet built into the wall of the office. I opened the doors to the black, velvet padded closet that displayed the floggers on hanging hooks.

  I ran my hand down the cat-o-nine tails – nine separate woven strands of knots made from leather and suede that would inflict a good amount of pain for those who enjoyed it. My eyes moved over the leather flogger, a suede flogger, and the soft rabbit fur flogger I used to cool down a willing play partner.

  I pictured Chloe again, her back turned and bound to a cross. Her strawberry blond hair cascading down her bare back, directing my eyes to her luscious ass. I wanted to give her the pain and the erotic pleasure of a flogger that I’d allow her to choose herself. I shut my eyes and rubbed a palm down the front of my pants, I was already growing hard just picturing the image in my mind.

  That’s when my phone lit up with Chloe’s name vibrating on my desk. I answered and when I heard her voice she still seemed so far away. “Would you mind if my brother, Thomas, drives me back to your place tonight? He would like to meet you, but I wanted to ask you first.”

  I closed the doors to the closet, “I hope all that you’ve told your brother about me was positive, Princess.” I said jokingly. “Sure, I look forward to meeting him.”

  I was a bit nervous as I climbed the steps to the front door of my parents’ house and knocked. My sister Mary greeted me with her pretty smile and I broke down in tears as we hugged.

  My brother, Thomas, held on to me longer in our embrace than anyone else. When he pulled away his brows were knotted with worry. “It’s good you’re here Chloe. Who’s the man that dropped you off?”

  “He’s my friend, Baxter McClain. He saved me from Philip a month ago and has been very kind to me.” If Thomas had seen me the month before covered in bruises, I have no idea what he would’ve done to Philip.

  “I want to meet this Baxter guy. I can read people and I just want to make sure you’re safe with him, especially after that asshole Philip kept you away from your family for way too long.”

  I couldn’t blame Thomas for questioning my choices in men. But he didn’t know my deepest and darkest fantasies, of completely surrendering myself to someone. The damage that Philip had done to my body, heart, and mind didn’t help improve my own self-esteem e

  “He’s not at all like Philip. He’s caring, generous, and spoils me rotten. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind meeting you but I will need to ask him first.”

  I felt no bitterness from anyone in the house that day and the nervousness faded away. My heart was filled with happiness being surrounded by familiar faces. Smells of Thanksgiving dinner brought back fond memories of when I was a child.

  My cousins, aunts, and uncles were there. The men sat in the living room drinking beer and watching the football games on TV. The women busied themselves in the kitchen cooking the turkey and all the fixings. One of my more outspoken relatives, great-aunt Margery was there too. She could smoke a pack of cigarettes in eight hours. Her voice was deep and raspy from all the smoking. She told Mary and me familiar stories about how she used to be a wild child back in the late 1960’s and 1970’s with the flower power of the hippie movement, smoking pot and hitting on acid, going to wild parties, and crazy orgies. My mother tried to hush her up saying “stop feeding my daughters those immoral and wicked stories!” Aunt Margery would always snap back with “I was their age that they are now, Betsy Lane. Let them decide what they think is wicked and what ain't!”

  My sister, Mary, and I got along well compared to other friends we knew who had siblings. I sat with Mary in the bedroom that we had shared since we were teenagers and reminisced about school, the kids we knew in the neighborhood, who joined the military or got married, had kids or went to college.

  By sunset, everyone’s bellies were full of turkey, fixings and delicious pies for dessert. I made a phone call to Baxter and he was looking forward to meeting Thomas. As I left my parents’ house, I promised that I would stay in touch from then on and that I would schedule a “mom and sister day” to shop, spend a day at the spa, and get mani-pedi’s.

  Thomas pulled his car up and parked behind Baxter’s as I looked up at his house. The lights were on and when Baxter greeted us at the door, a warmth spread from my chest to my stomach at the sight of him – so tall and broad, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up his forearms, with that devilish grin that made me wet instantly. That’s when I realized how much I’d missed Baxter the whole day, as I rushed into his arms. I then introduced him to Thomas and their conversation was polite, man to man.

  When I walked Thomas back out to his car he seemed more at ease. He gave me a warm hug and said, “Don’t be a stranger anymore Chloe. We all want what is best for you.”

  I held on to my brother choking back tears, “Thank you, Thomas.”

  I hurried up the steps to the front door where Baxter stood. Once I was inside he shut the door and pushed me up against the wall, pinning his thigh between my legs.

  I squirmed and my breath hitched. I braced my hands against his hard chest when his fist twisted in my hair pulling my head back. “You’ve been away from me too long today. I may just have to put a collar and leash on you, princess”. He vowed, his warm breath on my neck.

  He was quick as he bent, wrapping his arms around my thighs. He hiked me up over his shoulder and carried me up the stairs to his bedroom.

  He tossed me on the bed and growled, “Take off the clothes now, princess. You’re about to get a good fucking,” as he began to undress.

  Baxter was rough and primal as he claimed me that night. His bold cock penetrated me with one hard thrust and I cried out, digging my nails into his shoulders and back. He growled pinning my wrists down to the bed and continuing to pound into me, thrusting, filling me up.

  Suddenly, he froze, his eyes fierce as he glared into mine. “I own you completely Chloe. Your mouth, your pussy, and your tight little ass belong to me. Understand?”

  He thrust roughly again as I cried out, “Yes, I belong to you Baxter the Bold! There’s no way I can ever deny you!”

  Chapter 12

  The next morning I watched the sunrise as its bright rays shined through the white curtains in my bedroom. Chloe laid naked beside me in bed in a deep sleep. She’d experienced so much abuse thanks to Philip. I tried to be as gentle as I could with her but I struggled with this because I’d never had to hold back in the past. I’d always been able to give my sexual urges free reign. Not only did I claim ownership of her the night before, I fucked her relentlessly until she begged me for rest.

  But the most important thing was to gain her trust in me. Communication in our relationship was the key in order to that build trust. We talked through the night being as open as we could be with each other. I promised to always hold her in the highest regard. That, as her Dom, I would make sure she was safe and comfortable during our play sessions together. I’d never wanted to put Chloe in a situation that made her feel uncomfortable or step outside of her boundaries. There had to be enough trust for us to share our darkest secrets and fantasies. I knew she needed some time to feel comfortable enough to share those with me.

  I propped myself up and watched as she laid on her stomach. Her messy hair was a bit damp with sweat around the nape of her neck. I leaned down to inhale her female scent mingled with the smell of our sex. She moaned when I slid a hand over the curve of her ass cheek, still rosy pink from the spankings I gave it the night before, then moved down in between her soft thighs. As ready as I was to fuck her again, I let her sleep because I knew I would have her again soon anyway.

  I showered and threw on a t-shirt and sweats. Chloe slept through the morning. The afternoon was sunny with a nice, cool breeze as I sat at the iron-wrought patio furniture in my backyard with my laptop. Chloe descended the stairs to the backyard, carrying a tray of scrambled eggs, fruit, and coffee. She hadn’t showered yet, wearing one of my light blue button-down shirts with the long sleeves rolled up. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she blew away a loose strand that had come loose. When she placed the tray down on the patio table, she giggled when I snatched her around the waist and planted her on my lap.

  I inhaled smelling the nape of her neck, “Good afternoon, Princess. I like you this way, smelling like our sex and wearing my shirt while you serve me brunch.”

  “Yes, Sir.” My dick stirred in my sweats at the sound of Chloe’s voice addressing me as she promised the night before.

  * * *

  A few weeks later in December, I was surrounded by people bitten by the holiday spirit bug. Everywhere I went, Christmas lights hung and blinked - in store windows and in the windows of the houses in the Garden District. Chloe was into the holiday spirit, along with Kassandra and Aiden. But me? Not so much since it became more driven by material things and people fighting in shopping malls for the high dollar meaningless toys and gadgets.

  Since Chloe came into my life she chipped away at my abrasive armor. This eased my temperament a bit and revealed a gentler side of Baxter the Bold. Chloe was adjusting well as my submissive too. She filled her days at my house with chores, cleaning, cooking, and was so eager to please me that we satisfied our sexual appetites night or day. Some would consider the chores and rules I set for Chloe as demeaning. Those people didn’t understand our dynamic. That it was how we wanted to live in our relationship as Dom and sub. I really didn’t give a fuck what other people’s opinions were of me or my relationship with Chloe.

  What was building between us was important to both of us. As her Dominant, I kept my commands simple. Chloe was an intelligent young woman but I wanted to make her feel more than overthinking everything. She needed to put aside her rational thinking and allow me guide her, to take control, but not to push her outside of her boundaries to the point of discomfort or worse, harm. I took the lead and she followed.

  I doted and spoiled Chloe because she was my princess. She fluttered around my house, decorating it with the holiday colors of green and red. I even took her shopping for a Christmas tree that she enjoyed decorating. For Christmas Eve, I set the mood. Logs in the fireplace crackled giving my house the nice smell of wood burning. Snow began to fall, leaving a dusting that covered the streets, trees, and sidewalks.

  I handed her a small black box with a red b
ow. She opened the lid to see a set of car keys. Her jaw dropped open and she looked up, “A car? You bought me a car, Sir?”

  Before I replied, she jumped into my arms. I chucked, lifting her off the floor “Yes, Princess. It’s safer than taking public transportation and gives you a bit of independence. Even though I do like to keep a tight leash on you.”

  “Thank you, Sir!” She said, smashing her lips against mine.

  I put her down and she hurried and opened the front door to see her brand new car. I drove a Lexus GS Sedan, and for Chloe, I bought a little, red, Lexus RC Coupe. She squealed and jumped up and down which made my eyes steer right to her tits, of course. Making Chloe happy made me happy. That was all that mattered to me.

  Chapter 13

  Baxter teased me the whole week after Christmas not allowing me to orgasm even once. He was fair and refrained as well. It was easier for him because he had better will power since he was the one always in control. But it wasn’t very fair when he touched my body with his big warm hands in bed at night, planting soft kisses on my lips and nipples. He got me worked up and so wet that I would huff with frustration and roll over as he laughed.

  A week later we celebrated the New Year together at the Velvet Vault. He looked so handsome with his rugged looks, dressed all in black, along with his good-luck purple tie. I matched his look wearing a form-fitting cocktail dress, of the same color, with black stilettos. To top off my outfit, I wore a beautiful chain collar made of platinum that Baxter had custom designed for me. He held on to a chained leash made of platinum with the other end clasped to my collar. When we made our entrance into the club, I was so pent up with sexual need, I squeezed my thighs together.


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