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Naked Love

Page 107

by Jones, Lisa Renee

  She gasped as the crop smacked her ass. Tears blurred her vision as the pain struck her with a ferocious heat. Jack wasn’t playing this time. She sank her nails in the leather-covered restraints. The crop came down again, and she swallowed the pain.

  “You don’t love me?” Jack threw her lies back at her. “Was that a lie, Abigail?”

  “Yes, Jack.” She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

  Smack. She breathed through the haze of pain. Her entire backside was on fire. She caught sight of Jack in the mirror. His face was grim as he pulled the crop back again.

  “You don’t want me anymore?”


  “You don’t want to live this freaky life?”


  Of all the things she’d said to him, that had been the one calculated to hit him where he was vulnerable.

  “I do,” she said shakily. “I want it so badly.”

  Jack thrust his fingers back into her pussy, and the pain turned into sharp pleasure.

  “Your pussy sure says you do, darlin’.” His thumb slid over and around, and she started to build rapidly toward a stunning peak. It was so close. He pulled out, and she stopped herself from begging him not to. She wanted him, needed him. “Your pussy doesn’t lie to me. Too bad your mouth doesn’t have the same sense.”


  He was alternating cheeks, never hitting the same spot twice. Each time he struck, the pain bloomed, and then Jack gave it a moment for the sensation to radiate into heat and something resembling pleasure.

  “Are you ashamed of what we do?” The question was flat and calm.

  She knew a wealth of fear lay behind his calm facade. She wished she could take away the doubt she’d placed in his heart.

  She laughed through the pain. If there was one thing she knew, it was that she wasn’t ashamed of them. “No, I am not. I love what we do.”

  Jack put the crop down, and his hand slapped between her legs. He smacked her pussy hard, and she screamed at the sensation. It was wicked pain and insane pleasure bound together. He smacked her sore ass again with his hand, but this was different. It was just a tap, followed by Jack rubbing her gently. Now that he was done, she felt sore but strangely peaceful. She felt his worshipful kiss on the small of her back.

  Jack got back down to look at her. She could see the love shining in his eyes. “Abigail, this is the way things are going to be. You will live with us here. You will marry me legally and take my name. You will consider yourself also married to Sam, and you’ll honor your vows to us. You won’t lie to either of us again. You won’t ever attempt to walk out again, not for any reason. You will give yourself to us, body and soul. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Jack, I promise,” she agreed with a contented sigh. She felt like she was floating.

  “I love you.” He kissed her tenderly and then got to his feet again. “I will always take care of you. Everything you promised me, I promise you, baby. You won’t regret it.”

  “I know.”

  She wouldn’t. He’d promised, and Jack kept his promises.

  * * *

  “Your turn, Sam,” Jack intoned darkly.

  Sam nodded, the only thing he could think to do. This was new. Totally new, and he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to react. Was he supposed to pretend to be scared or like this whole thing was distasteful? Because he wasn’t sure he could do that.

  He was naked so he couldn’t hide his reaction. His cock was standing straight up. Jack had the leather whip in his hands and a small smile on his face.

  At least he wasn’t frowning. He could handle Jack making fun of him, but not looking at him like Sam had disappointed him.

  “Do you want me to let Abby up?” He tried to figure out where he should go. Was he supposed to get on the spanking bench now? This was a turning point and he didn’t want to screw it up. All of his adult life, he’d wanted to try this. He’d certainly had offers, but the truth was he’d only ever wanted one Dom in his life.

  He stood behind Abby, fascinated with the pink skin of her ass. It was beautiful and he wanted to touch it, but he held back. Jack hadn’t given him permission.

  “No.” Jack motioned for him to stay where he was. “I think she’s in the perfect position for you. You’ll need something to hold on to.”

  Sam felt his heart start to race, and lust was pounding through his system as he looked between Jack and their gorgeous, generous bride-to-be.

  “Seriously, Jack? I thought this was punishment.”

  “It will be,” he promised. “But what you did was dumb. What Abigail did was cruel and counter to everything it means to be married. She also took her punishment with incredible grace, so I find myself in a more forgiving mood when it comes to you. Assume the position now.”

  He moved forward, placing himself squarely between Abby’s bound and spread legs. So good. She felt so good as he pressed his cock deep into her soaking wet pussy. A deep groan stuck in his throat as he sank into her inviting warmth. He was gentle with her pinkened backside as he tunneled in, but there was no question the signs of Jack’s discipline made him hard as hell. He worked his way in to his balls and held himself against her. Abby’s sweet pussy clenched around him, but she was quiet. He looked at her in the mirror and could see the effort she was going through to follow Jack’s instructions.

  “Hold still, Sam,” Jack ordered. “Let the whip direct you. Don’t move on your own until I give you leave, understood?”

  “Yes.” Sam’s voice sounded deep and a bit foreign to him.

  The picture of the three of them in the mirror was one of the most erotic things he’d ever seen. He couldn’t stop looking at it. Abby, beautiful Abigail, bent over accepting him and Jack…Jack was everything to Sam. He had waited so long to have this, to be in the middle.

  The first lash stung and shoved him forward. He hissed instinctively at the delicate pain. Abby whimpered as her pussy tried to suck at Sam’s cock to keep him there, but the motion of the whip pushed him forward and then allowed him to pull out.

  “I have been indulgent,” Jack was saying as he applied the lash.

  Sam’s hands tightened on Abby’s waist as he drove in again, caught deliciously between her hot cunt and the lick of the whip. He let his head fall back, giving himself over to the mindless sensation.

  “It occurs to me that if this marriage between the three of us is going to work, I have to curb some of your more impetuous tendencies.” Jack cracked the whip again. “When I am not around, you’re responsible for her.”

  “Yes, Jack.” He tried to focus on anything but the pounding need to come. Abby’s pussy felt like a hot furnace, and it was taking everything he had not to pour himself into her. The lash hit again and Sam groaned, allowing it to push him deeply into her channel. Sam pushed slightly against Abby’s hips and pulled his cock almost all the way out, waiting for the next strike.

  “You’re responsible for her happiness and her safety,” Jack continued. “If I am not around, I expect you to see to her needs before your own. You left her alone today, despite my instructions.”

  “Yes.” He’d fucked up. It had weighed him down all night. Now, though, the guilt was leaving him. It seemed to float away as he was driven back into Abby’s body. There wasn’t room for guilt anymore. There was just sensation and passion and sweet emotion.

  “You will follow my instructions to the letter from this day forward or you’ll find yourself right back here,” Jack promised.

  Sam wasn’t so sure here wasn’t his favorite place in the world, but he didn’t like the idea of letting Jack and Abby down. He did like the idea that he was responsible for her happiness. It made him feel worthy and that he had a place in the world. He wouldn’t do anything to betray the trust these two precious people had given him.

  “I promise. I promise both of you.”

  Jack took a step back and sighed. “Go on then, Sam.”

  He couldn’t contain his lust any longer, and he pounded for
ward as Jack walked around to the front of the bench and roughly shoved his jeans down his body and onto the floor. Sam realized quickly that Jack might have been calm, but he was anything but unaffected. His cock was huge and hard as he stroked it and got it into position. Sam fucked Abby’s pussy as Jack’s cock found her mouth.

  “Open,” Jack commanded. Abby’s lips parted, and Jack’s cock began to disappear. “Let me use your mouth, sweetheart. You relax. This won’t take long.”

  The thought of Jack throat-fucking their gorgeous wife made Sam crazy. He pounded into her. Jack held her head in his hands and worked his cock in and out in perfect time to Sam’s thrusts.

  “Breathe through your nose.” Jack’s voice was low and guttural. “I’m almost there. You feel so fucking good. Swallow me, Abigail. Swallow everything I give you. Don’t you lose a drop of me.”

  Sam thrust in to his balls as Jack’s head dropped back. Jack groaned, and he held her still for his orgasm. His big, strong body shook from the force of his seed jetting from it. The sight triggered Sam’s orgasm, and his release shot from his balls like a rocket deep into Abby’s warm, willing pussy. Every muscle he had relaxed as the orgasm left him languid and sated and blissful. He was completely satisfied until he heard a soft cry from Abigail.

  Jack got to his knees, tearing at the restraints holding her arms down. He looked up at Sam.

  “Get her out of this, now,” Jack ordered, his voice hoarse.

  He immediately got down and quickly worked the straps that held her ankles. She was free in seconds, and Jack was hauling her up. Sam was terrified because Abby had tears running down her face.

  “Baby, you can cry.” Jack’s face was grim as he pushed back her hair and held her gently.

  Abby, given permission to let go, sobbed against him, holding on to him like he was a lifeline.

  Jack looked completely helpless for once. “Where does it hurt?”

  She shook her head.

  “Abby, please,” Sam begged. Had he been too rough with her? “You have to tell us where it hurts so we can fix it.”

  Abby looked up at him, tears pooling in those big hazel eyes. He felt his heart seize at the thought that they had really hurt her.

  “Too much,” she managed to hiccup out between sobs. “Too much everything.”

  Jack got up, his body not straining at all under her weight. He moved swiftly to the massage table and laid her down. “Sam, get the salve and warm water. Abby, I’ll run a hot bath for you. I’ll take care of you.”

  “I know,” she cried. “I’m so sorry I tried to leave. I love you so much. I never loved anyone…”

  Sam handed Jack the items he’d requested. He breathed a small sigh of relief when he realized the problem had nothing to do with physical pain and everything to do with the overwhelming emotion between the three of them.

  He leaned over, and his hands tangled in her hair as he held her close. “I love you, Abby. We’ll take care of everything. Don’t worry about the town or the Echols family or anything else. We’ll take care of it.”

  He kissed her and stood back. She relaxed back against the plush massage table. Jack used the warm washcloth to tenderly wash between her legs.

  She sniffed as she looked up at them. “Are you going to take care of me?”

  There was a certain pleading heat in her voice that made Sam smile. “I don’t think she’s talking about a bath, Jack.”

  Abby wanted to come. Sam wasn’t so sure her punishment was over yet.

  Jack smiled down at Abby. “Just what do you need me to take care of? You did a good job, Abigail. You made up for what you did. I’m feeling indulgent. What would make you happy?”

  Sam was ready to make her happy. A few orgasms should do it. He prepared himself to give it all to her.

  “Kiss Sam,” Abby requested, quietly looking between the two of them.

  Jack’s emerald eyes flared in surprise.

  Whoa. He took a step back. This wasn’t what he expected. He’d talked to her because he had to talk to someone. He’d never expected her to push it this way. Nope. There was no way Jack was going to do this. A fine tremble started in his hands.

  What would it be like? What would it feel like to submit to Jack sexually?

  “You want me to kiss Sam?” Jack’s lips had quirked up slightly.

  He didn’t sound like a man who intended to say no. He seemed more amused than offended. Okay. Way more amused and not offended in any way. Sam swallowed.

  Abby sat up. If her bottom was sore, it didn’t seem to bother her. She looked between the two men and sighed, a dreamy look coming over her face. “I do. I want you to kiss Sam, and I want to watch.”

  Jack looked from Abby to Sam. He winked at Sam. Sam felt something deep inside him ease. Jack wasn’t going to reject him.

  “Will that get you hot, baby?” Jack asked.

  “Yes, Jack,” she replied with a happy sigh.

  He looked over at Sam, serious all of the sudden. “I won’t do this without your permission.”

  Damn it. The man couldn’t just take him. Of fucking course not. “I mean, if Abby thinks it would be cool, I don’t have a problem with it. I…I’m good with kissing. Girls do it all the time.”

  “Is that what you’re going with? All right. We’ll start there then.” Jack shook his head with a rueful laugh. “Come here, Sam.”

  His cock twitched. He couldn’t help it. He was sure Jack noticed it, too, but was politely refraining from commenting. Sam fought for each breath as he put one foot in front of the other. He had to think about it, otherwise he might have tripped. Awkward. He was so awkward, but there was no way he was backing down.

  He was slightly shorter than Jack. This close, he had to tip his head up a little. Jack radiated authority. It practically pulsed over his skin. Jack brought his hands up to cup Sam’s face and pulled him in.

  Their lips met roughly. There was nothing at all feminine about the kiss. Jack was rough and masterful. It was so different than kissing a woman. There was nothing gentle about it, and that spoke to him, too. Jack’s tongue plunged in, invading and conquering. Sam fought back. His tongue met Jack’s in a rousing duel.

  This was what sex would be like with Jack. It would be a fight to get Sam to submit on every level. He didn’t think it was a fight he could win, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to. Sam let his hand touch Jack’s perfectly cut chest. He had never wanted a man before, but he’d always longed for Jack. He was breathless by the time Jack pulled away.

  Sam noticed Abby had enjoyed the show. Her fingers were slipping in and out of her pussy.

  Jack’s hand shot out and slapped her hand away.

  “Not on your life, sweetheart,” Jack growled. “You got your wish. The rest of the night is for me and Sam. Take her to the bed.”

  Sam picked her up easily.

  “Thank you, baby,” he whispered as he carried her out of the playroom and through the master bath. She had made that moment with Jack possible.

  He tossed her gently on the big, soft bed and looked forward to the rest of the night.


  Abby shrieked when Sam threw her on the bed. He was on top of her before she’d settled onto the comforter. He had completely recovered from his first orgasm of the night and, if his dick was any indication, was ready for more.

  It was perfect because she was totally ready for more.

  She let her hands weave into his hair as he covered her mouth with his. Sam was voracious, and she knew that finally kissing Jack had the intended effect on his libido. He covered her body with his and forced her legs open to make a place for himself at her core. She responded to him by wrapping herself around his waist and pushing up, seeking relief from the seemingly endless stimulation.

  “Are you too sore?” Sam asked when he came up for air. He tried to pull his weight off her.

  “No.” Abby dug her nails into the flesh of his back to keep him right where he was. “I’m fine. I’m just a little sore. It doesn’t

  It didn’t really. She hurt a lot less than she would have imagined. What hurt was the ache in her pussy.

  His tongue delved deep again, and he stopped trying to spare her his weight. She was pinned under him, and it felt wonderful.

  “It was good,” Sam groaned. “So good. I always knew it would be. I always knew I would like the discipline. Watching him do that over the years, especially when we were at The Club…I always wanted it but I was afraid to ask. Thank you.”

  Before she could grind herself against his pelvis, Sam was working his way down. He kissed her face, licked her ears, and nuzzled her neck before he got to his destination.

  “Hello, you gorgeous tits.” He hummed happily, letting his tongue seek the tip of one breast. He tongued the erect nipple before sucking it deeply into his mouth.

  She felt the tug in her womb. She let her head fall back because there was no tempting him away now. Once he had some pink part in his mouth, Sam was like a dog with a bone. He sucked and played with her nipples, his hand molding the one he wasn’t sucking. His thumb flicked across the tip, making sure the nub stayed hard and at perfect attention.

  “Move over,” Jack said to Sam.

  She felt the bed dip under Jack’s weight. When she looked down, Jack’s ebony hair joined Sam’s gold as each lavished affection on her breasts. Abby felt her back arch when Jack took her nipple between his teeth and gently bit down.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “Please what, sweetheart?” Jack raised his head to look at her.

  She was restless underneath him, her body twitching and rolling. He was being so stubborn. She was sure he knew what she needed, but he wanted the words.

  “Please fuck me.” The ache in her pussy was too much to bear.

  Jack kissed her nipple one last time and then got to his knees. “Since you asked so sweetly…”


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