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Naked Love

Page 108

by Jones, Lisa Renee

  Jack’s hands were suddenly on her waist, and he pulled her over until she was on top of him. His back hit the mattress. “Straddle me.”

  She hurried to obey. She spread her legs and reached down to guide Jack’s big, hard cock to her opening. Even as wet as she was, she had to work her way onto him. She bobbed up and down, gaining ground as Jack’s hips flexed up and his eyes watched her breasts bounce. Sam moved himself behind her, in between Jack’s splayed legs. His hand worked around and ran the length of her torso from her breasts to the wet, silky V of her thighs.

  “Oh, please.” She flushed as Sam’s fingers brushed her clit. So close. She didn’t know if she could survive it if they denied her again.

  “Give it to her,” Jack ordered as he thrust forcefully up, using his hands to pull her hips down. He filled her fully, and she moaned at the exquisite sensation. Her head fell back onto Sam’s shoulder as Sam’s finger found the throbbing pearl of her clit. She went flying blissfully over the edge.

  The orgasm bloomed through her body, leaving her shaking as she collapsed forward onto Jack’s waiting chest. Even as she shivered with aftershocks, she could feel Jack’s fullness as he pressed up into her, holding himself still. She was surprised when Sam held the cheeks of her ass apart and started to work a warm, slippery substance into her anus.

  “Shh, sweetheart,” Jack cajoled, pulling her head back down to rest against his chest. “He’s getting you ready. Just relax. When he tells you to, push back.”

  She gasped as Sam slid his thumb past the ring of muscles surrounding her anus. He gently worked the lube into her super-tight passage.

  “She’s so small, Jack.” There was no way to mistake the anticipation in Sam’s voice.

  “Then you have to be careful with her,” Jack replied.

  She felt Sam withdraw, but then something much, much larger than his finger or any of the plugs they had used before was there. The broad head of Sam’s dick was pushing forward, seeking entrance.

  She whimpered slightly as Sam tried to work his cock in.

  “It’s going to be fine,” Jack promised. She could see the strain on his face. He was holding back, waiting for Sam.

  “She’s so fucking tight,” Sam gritted out. “Push back against me, baby.”

  She didn’t think that was such a great idea, but she tried it anyway. Sam was thrusting in short bursts, taking territory and retreating, only to thrust and gain another inch.

  “It burns.” She wasn’t sure she liked the sensation.

  “It’ll get better,” Jack assured her. His green eyes were dark as Abby looked deeply into them. “I can feel him.”

  “Can you?” She forgot about the pressure for a moment. Jack looked so pleased.

  “Oh, yeah, baby. There’s nothing to separate us but this tiny bit of skin. I feel his cock sliding against mine. When he thrusts in, his balls rub against mine. I love this, Abby.”

  Sam hissed, and she groaned in reply.

  “I’m in,” Sam announced as he finally slid home. “Oh, she’s so fucking hot. She feels so good.”

  “Are you all right, Abby?” Jack asked. His face was taut with self-control.

  She nodded. She’d never felt so full. It was shocking and was tinged with an edge of pain. The burn was still there, but so was a full chorus of nerve endings she never knew she had. Those nerves were singing now, begging her to go further.

  “Can I fuck this sweet ass, please?” Sam begged, his hands restlessly moving across her torso. “I’m going to die if I don’t move soon.”

  Jack thrust up into her experimentally, and she felt Sam’s cock move in her ass. She shuddered at the feeling of the two men filling her up.

  “She’s ready,” Jack said as he pulled back.

  Sam pressed forward, and she gave over. When Jack pushed, Sam pulled. When Sam attacked, Jack retreated. There wasn’t a single moment her body wasn’t invaded and plundered deliciously. Abby cried out as Sam hit some place deep inside she hadn’t known existed. Jack groaned and his hips pistoned up, fighting for his place. Sam grunted behind her, pulling his big cock almost all the way out of her ass only to tunnel his way back in. Abby rode the wave of jittery pleasure that threatened to overwhelm her.

  Never had she felt so wanted and loved. Caught in between the two men she loved more than life, she gave herself completely to the experience. When Jack’s hand reached between them and gently pinched down on her clitoris, Abby worried she might pass out. She bucked and screamed as everything inside her clenched and then released in a great rush of pleasure.

  “Fuck,” Sam cried out. His hands tightened on her hips.

  Abby felt him come deep in her ass.

  Sam’s orgasm seemed to trigger Jack’s. She watched in wonder as his gorgeous face contorted, and he moaned when his semen flooded her womb.

  Sam fell on top of her, forcing her farther into Jack’s arms. Abby found herself in between two adoring men. Jack’s hands soothingly rubbed up and down her sides as Sam pressed his mouth into the nape of her neck.

  “Never again, Abby,” Sam said quietly. “Don’t ever think about leaving again. I can’t stand it.”

  She managed to shake her head against Jack’s firm chest.

  “She’s ours,” Jack vowed. “She won’t leave. She belongs to us now.”

  She would have argued if she’d had any strength left. She would have argued with the now part. She had always belonged to them. It had just taken her a while to find them.

  * * *

  An hour later, Jack rubbed his hands along Abigail’s recently bathed skin. Delicious. The word rolled around in his head. She smelled delicious, looked delicious. He could eat her up and never, ever get full.

  She lay face down on the massage table, her still slightly pink cheeks beautiful to his eyes. Every curve and valley of her body called to him.

  “Does that feel good?” This was their quiet time, the time when he could thank her for all she did for him, when he could worship her like the goddess she was.

  “Mhmm.” She sighed, her whole body relaxed.

  That was a good sound to his ears.

  He poured more of the fragrant massage oil into his hands and soothed it onto the perfect skin of her back. He liked this part almost as much as the sex. Caring for his lover after sex seemed so intimate. Though he hadn’t had many women he would truly call lovers, even the one-night stands or weekend women he’d been with, he tried to take care of.

  It was a million times better with Abigail since he knew she was truly his.

  He genuinely enjoyed bathing her and carefully rubbing salve into her pink buttocks. He certainly liked the intimacy of easing the muscles that had worked so hard to bring him pleasure. Her skin was soft and warm under his hands. This was the calm, loving after-time he always lavished on a submissive.

  Except for Sam. He’d been willing to take care of Sam since he’d felt the lash earlier, but Sam being Sam, had fallen asleep and wasn’t having anyone interrupt that. He’d grunted and pulled a pillow over his head when Jack had offered.

  “You’re really good at this, Jack,” she groaned as he ran his thumbs under her shoulder blades.

  “I’ve had practice.” He loved the creamy perfection of her skin and how it contrasted with his own. She was a pale, gorgeous ivory, and he was a man who worked in the sun.

  “At The Club?” she asked hesitantly.

  Jack’s hands paused before moving up to her neck. “Where did you hear about The Club?”

  “Sam mentioned it. Was it there that you found out you were a Dom?”

  He sighed and made the decision. She had the right to know everything about him. In the beginning, he’d been worried that his past could come between them, but knowing her as he did now, he doubted it. Still… “If I tell you the story, I should warn you, I might not come out looking like your knight in shining armor.”

  “I want to hear it,” she said quietly. “I want to know everything about you.”

right.” He continued to move his hands over her skin, stroking her as he told his story. “I was involved with a woman shortly after I aged out of foster care. I was basically homeless, and Sam was three months from joining me. I had very little time to figure out how I was going to take care of us. I was responsible for him, you see. At first, I spent my nights trying to make cash playing pool. Despite the fact that I was eighteen, I looked older and could get into most bars. I met this woman at one. She took me home with her and she taught me what she liked. She liked to be dominated, and I enjoyed doing it. She was impressed with my control. Apparently, some men play at being a Dom when what they really want is to abuse a woman. The trust a submissive places in a Dom is a gift. It should be treasured. I was careful with her. She introduced me to a man named Julian Lodge. He owned an underground club in Dallas that catered to men and women in the lifestyle. It still does. I lived at The Club for several years. I made a living there.”

  Abigail’s head came up, and he waited for her judgment. He should have known better, because there was just a wicked smile on her face. “Really? People paid you to spank them?”

  There wasn’t a bit of condemnation in her big hazel eyes, and he relaxed. That was his woman. She would be far more interested in hearing stories about his time at The Club than she would waste worrying how it affected her.

  “Yes,” Jack said, returning her grin. “I worked for clients. I acted out scenes and scenarios with them. You have to understand that what I did mostly involved discipline. I got a lot of clients off, but I didn’t have sex with them, not the way you would think. I only had sex outside of work. I wanted to keep it separate.”

  She frowned and looked like a disappointed kitten. “They don’t have sex at The Club? That kills a lot of fantasies.”

  He leaned over and kissed her, a light joy lifting his heart. She was beyond perfect. “They have plenty of sex at The Club, baby. Not all Doms work the way I did. I preferred to keep sex private and off the clock. It seemed too much like prostitution the other way.”

  “What did Sam do while you spanked the regulars?”

  “Sam tended bar,” he explained. She’d turned over and he walked down to the end of the bench and took one of her pretty feet in his hands. He kissed the arch and started to work it over with his thumbs. He was satisfied by the happy purr that came out of his sweet sex kitten. “We worked there until we were ready to buy the ranch.”

  Her eyes narrowed curiously again. “You made enough money at The Club to buy this spread?”

  She didn’t sound like she believed it, and it wasn’t true. He decided to lay all his cards on the table. She would find out sooner or later. Sam had a big mouth and no ability to keep it shut. “No. I got that money the old-fashioned way.”

  “You stole it?” The question came out on a gasp, as though he’d finally managed to shock her.

  Lucky for him, that wasn’t the truth. “I blackmailed my politician father for it. Over the years, I became close to my boss at The Club. Julian was only a couple of years older than me, but he had so much more experience that he became a bit of a mentor to me. Julian believes in doing deep background checks on all of his employees and clients. He considers it essential to covering his ass. When he checked into my background, he found out some things I didn’t even know about my past. I’d always assumed my father was some guy my mom hooked up with who fled the scene. My mom was sweet and she loved me, but she wasn’t smart when it came to men. She was working as an assistant to a politician when she became pregnant with me. Shortly after, she left the job and she didn’t work again. Julian found it odd that she managed to raise me with no visible means of support.”

  “She had an affair with that politician, and he paid her hush money,” she surmised. “I’ve read enough tabloids to know how that story goes.”

  “Yes,” he confirmed. “My biological father took care of her financially until she died, and then it was easy to let me go into foster care. She was alone in the world. No one would have known or cared what happened to me.”

  “Bastard.” Her hands had fisted at her sides. She was a ferocious one.

  “After Julian confirmed I was, indeed, his biological son, we cooked up a plan. I went to him and explained the situation and offered my complete silence in exchange for five million dollars,” Jack stated. “Baby, you should know my biological father is Senator Allen Cameron, but I’ve signed a bunch of documents claiming it isn’t true.”

  “Holy shit. He’s talking about running for the presidency.”

  He nodded. “Yes. So you can imagine how having a love child who worked at an underground sex club could have put a wrench into his aspirations. He was more than happy to pay me off and get me out of his house. Funny thing is, now the bastard’s people call me trying to get me to contribute to his campaign.” He put her foot down and held his hand out to pull her to him. “So, you’re marrying a bastard son who used to work in a profession most people would consider prostitution. You still all right with marrying me?”

  She hugged him close to her. “I am going to be so proud to be your wife. I love you. I love Sam.” Her smile was radiant. “Though I still don’t see a ring on my finger.”

  He chuckled and held her close. “I will have to do something about that first thing in the morning. I wouldn’t want your finger to be ringless.”

  She bit at her bottom lip. He was beginning to see it as a nervous habit. He could always tell when she was worried. “I was kidding about the ring. We can get a band. They don’t cost very much. And you have to take the Benz back. I can make do with a cheaper car. I’m not a princess.”

  “You’re my princess.” He’d thought, maybe, she was under a few mistaken impressions, but this confirmed it. It just made him love her more.

  “Well, I can be an economical princess,” she stated firmly. “I will not have you hurting the business to dazzle me. I’m dazzled enough. I love you. I want to help out. I realize that every bit of that five million went into building your ranch. It’ll be years before it really starts to pay off, and I’ll help. I can get a job. Nurses make good money.”

  “Whoa.” He pushed her hair back, luxuriating in the soft feel. “I’ll take care of you. First, the ranch pays quite nicely. Second, seven years ago we found out that the ranch is built on top of roughly half a billion dollars’ worth of natural gas.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You’re filthy rich, aren’t you?”

  “I am intensely dirty, baby,” Jack acknowledged. “I signed half of everything over to Sam. When you marry me, he intends to make you his beneficiary and so do I. If anything happens to us, you’ll be well taken care of.”

  Suddenly, there were tears in her eyes. “They can’t hurt you, can they?”

  “No.” He kissed her mouth. He would never get enough of this woman. “They can’t hurt me or Sam, and they can’t hurt you. I can’t promise that they’ll all be kind, but no one can force you out again. I can promise you that Sam and I will be by your side for everything that happens.”

  She clutched him to her body.

  The door opened. Sam’s eyes were sleepy as he watched them.

  “Did she figure out we’re rich and nobody’s going to mess with us?” Sam asked, scratching his naked belly as he yawned.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact she did,” he replied with an indulgent smile. “I thought you were asleep.”

  He still appeared to be. “Can’t sleep alone. Cold. Lonely. Come to bed.”

  He shuffled back through the bathroom, and Jack picked her up to follow. Abigail yawned, too, cuddling against him.

  “Jack?” She sounded sleepy and happy.

  “Yes, baby?”

  “I did tell you I loved you before I found out you were a multimillionaire, right?”

  Jack stifled his laugh. “Yes, you did. I believe you told a struggling rancher you loved him and would work hard to make his business successful.”

  Abby nuzzled his neck. “I rock.”

e did nothing to contain his amusement this time. “You do, love, you certainly do.”

  * * *

  Later, after he’d settled her into bed and Sam was curled against her, Jack rose and got dressed. It wasn’t late. There was still time for what he needed to do. He took the Benz, and it wasn’t even nine o’clock when he rang the doorbell at the stately home that had housed the Echols family for years.

  A weary butler opened the door.

  “Tell Mrs. Echols that Jack Barnes is here,” he said. “We have something to discuss.”


  Ruby Echols watched as the door closed. Adam was walking out the door once more. It was all happening again. At least she’d had her husband by her side that night twenty years before. She hadn’t been forced to face ensuing tragedy alone. This time she didn’t know where Hal had gotten off to. He should have been here. He could have made Adam listen to reason.

  “Ma’am?” The maid’s voice cut through her dark thoughts. “I have your medication.”

  She looked up and her eyes focused on the young woman in her black uniform. It was too tight. She would have to say something to the housekeeper about the help she was hiring. They weren’t up to the Echols’s standards. The brunette maid held a glass of water and a familiar bottle of pills. Which one was this? There were so many pills these days.

  “I don’t want it,” she snapped. “Get my son.”

  The young woman looked slightly confused, but Ruby had long since decided that all young people were confused. The public education system was in shambles. They weren’t even allowed to spank the children anymore. How would they learn anything?

  “Ma’am, Walter moved out a couple of days ago. He left a number to call.” The young woman stood by the phone. “Would you like me to call him for you?”

  “How can Walter move out?” she asked irritably. “He’s fourteen years old.”

  The idiot simply looked at her. Ruby huffed. Good help was impossible to find these days. She pointed out the window where she could hear a door closing and the engine to a car purr to life. “Go and stop Adam from leaving. He just walked out the door. Tell him his brother is missing. That should stop him.”


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