Book Read Free

Wait for Me

Page 19

by Louise, Tia

  “We all do.” He smiles insincerely. “Will you attempt to buy Noel while you’re buying the rest of the town?”

  Anger tightens my chest, and I take a step closer. “Still after my girl, Hayes? When are you going to get it through your head she’s mine?”

  “I don’t see a ring, and clearly you can afford one. Perhaps Noel has finally come to her senses and seen you for what you are. Money won’t change that.”

  “You should know better than anyone.”

  “I know some people better than anyone.”

  My fist clenches, but Noel’s voice cuts through the tension. “Everything okay over here?”

  Her soft hand covers my fist, and I glance down at her. The red sweater she’s wearing makes her cheeks glow, and her lips are stained with a pretty red lipstick. She’s so fucking gorgeous, and that asshole Digger has my number.

  I’ve been working my tail off to prove to her I’ve changed, but no amount of money can make up for the hurt I caused her. She’ll have to decide if she’s ever going to forgive me, and so far, it hasn’t happened.

  “Just chatting. Happy Thanksgiving, Noel.”

  Her eyes glide between him and me, but she accepts Digger’s explanation. “Happy Thanksgiving to you.”

  “Ready to head back?” She looks up at me, and I don’t know if it’s what Digger said or my wishful thinking, but something seems different.

  Mindy leads the girls to the truck and Dove climbs inside quietly. Noel gives Mindy a hug, and she invites us over for Thanksgiving dinner. We’re all quiet on the drive back to the house. Dove falls asleep in her booster chair, and I carry her upstairs to the bedroom she never uses, tucking her beneath the pink ballerina blanket.

  Noel leans on the bar, reading a thick book, her hands around a mug of coffee when I re-enter the kitchen.

  “Does she seem okay to you?”

  Her eyes flicker up from what I see is a recipe book. “Why?”

  “She’s always talking about something. I’ve never seen her be this quiet before.”

  “Does she have a fever?” Noel puts her mug down and starts for the door.

  I’m right behind her feeling foolish. Why didn’t I think of that?

  Noel goes straight to her bedside and puts her hand on our little girl’s forehead, moving it down to her neck. Then she leans over and puts her lips on her head. Dove exhales a sigh and rolls over, still asleep.

  “She feels fine to me. Probably just exhausted from all the excitement.” We’re back out in the hall, and Noel pulls the door almost closed. “You were really great today. That gift was…” She shakes her head. “Unexpected.”

  We walk slowly down the short hall then descend the stairs with her leading the way. I think about her and Dove and warm pride swells in my chest. Fuck Digger. These girls are mine. I just have to show them I’m here for the long haul.

  “It felt like a good place to start. I can do more…”

  At the bottom of the stairs she stops and smiles up at me. I take the last step, which puts me right in front of her. Her pretty head is at the level of my chest, and I want to pull her close. I want to bury my face in her hair and kiss her neck. She still wears the scented lotion we made together.

  “Like what?” Her voice is soft, her eyes fixed on mine.

  It’s the closest to an invitation I’ve had since I got back, and I lean closer. She doesn’t pull away. “I’d like to kiss you.”

  Amber eyes blink to my mouth, and her tongue slips out to touch her bottom lip. Heat surges below my belt, and I slide my hands up her arms, ready to pull her to me. My throat is tight, and I quickly realize Dove is asleep, the house is otherwise empty.

  I can still taste the warmth of her mouth. I want to taste her everywhere. She exhales a soft noise, a quiet yes, and a loud knock on the door makes her jump.

  We step completely apart when the kitchen door opens. “Noel? You around?”

  “Deacon.” She shakes her head. “I asked him to come over and look at the books for me.”

  She hurries into the kitchen, and I fall forward, leaning my forehead against the wall and sliding my hand over the bulge in the front of my jeans. So close…

  Noel spends the afternoon discussing finances with Deacon, and I’m impressed by the numbers I hear them throwing around. I realize Noel doesn’t need to stay in this house with her brothers. She’s here because she wants to be, because they’re family.

  My girl is an incredibly successful businesswoman, and it makes me proud. She doesn’t need me to save her or Dove, and it makes me want to earn her kiss even more.

  I remember what Leon said long ago about her being serious-minded. He still hasn’t forgiven me. Sawyer had a conversation with him, but the most I get is a passing greeting from him. He still watches me like a hawk or ignores me completely—like all through dinner.

  My little mouseling remains unusually subdued through the meal. Her mother says she’s not sick, but by story time, I’m ready to get to the bottom of what’s going on.

  She sits beside me on the couch instead of her usual climbing into my lap, and I hold the book a second before scooting around to face her.

  “Is everything okay?”

  Her blue eyes are on her hands, and she nods.

  I’m not a child psychologist, and I’ve only known Dove a few weeks. Still, I’m pretty sure that’s a no disguised as a yes.

  “I thought you were really great in your play today. I didn’t know pilgrims could sing so well.”

  A slight smile curls her lips, but it’s gone just as fast. I hesitate a moment, but I open the book to the first page, where Mr. Mouseling is working on a story for the Mouseland Gazette. I start to read when Dove interrupts me.

  “Angelina looks just like Mr. Mouseling. Except for his glasses.” She puts her little finger on his face, and my throat tightens.

  “It’s true. They look alike, except Angelina’s a girl.”

  Her round eyes meet mine. “Ms. Moody called you my daddy, but Mamma said you’re Uncle Sawyer’s Marine friend.”

  Closing the book, I shift in my seat, doing my best to swallow the hard lump in my throat. “It’s true.”

  She blinks a few times as if waiting for me to say more. Only, I’m not sure what to say. I want to call her mom to come help, but I don’t want to lose her trust.

  “Uncle Sawyer was always here.”

  She doesn’t say it, but I feel her question. Where was I?

  I push my hair back and lean forward, getting closer to her level. “Remember that time when we were talking about princes and pretending?”

  “Prince Phillip?” Her brow furrows, and she looks up at me. “Were you trapped in a dungeon?”

  Sliding my hand over my mouth, I think about the right thing to say. “Not exactly… I was really sick for a long time. I got hurt when I was with your Uncle Sawyer, and I didn’t take care of myself.”

  “Is that why you limp sometimes?”

  My eyebrows rise. “Yeah. I didn’t know you knew that.”

  She nods, her round eyes solemn. “When are you going away again?”

  “Who said I was going away?”

  “Uncle Leon asked Uncle Sawyer. He wanted to know what happened when you left again.”

  Pain twists in my chest, and I realize she’s been thinking about this all day. Sitting up, I inhale deeply. “Is it okay if I hold you?”

  The corners of her mouth turn down, but she nods. I pick her up and hug her to my chest. Her little face presses into my neck, and I feel her breath hiccup. Something inside me breaks, and my eyes heat.

  “I didn’t know you were here when I came to help your Uncle Sawyer.” Clearing my throat, I smooth my hand up and down her back. “Now that I’ve met you, I’d really like to stay with you.”

  She puts a hand on my shoulder and sits back. When our eyes meet mine, hers are pooling with tears. “Will you stay in the cottage?”

  “I will for now. If that’s okay?”

  Her lips p
ress together and she nods quickly. “And we can make hoecakes and read bedtime stories?”

  “As long as you want.”

  “I think that would be okay.” She looks up at me, and the corners of her lips slowly start to rise.

  I can’t resist asking. “You don’t mind that I’m not a prince?”

  She tilts her head to the side and thinks about it, and I’m almost sorry I asked. “You said you were a hero?”

  A slight wince, and I confess the truth. “I wanted to be a hero.”

  Settling into my side, she picks up the book and opens it again. “You’ve got time.”

  “I’ve got time.” I give her a little poke in the ribs and she squeals a laugh.

  The sound of her laughter is the best thing I’ve heard all day. She bounces around and throws her arms around my neck, her little face in my ear.

  “I love you, Daddy.”

  It’s the sweetest whisper, and my heart melts completely in her hand.



  Mrs. Jenny’s Thanksgiving table is a glorious sight. An enormous turkey is in the center surrounded by bowls of mashed potatoes, stuffing, dressing, fresh cranberries, sweet potatoes, green-bean casserole, glasses of red wine…

  And a plate with a tin-can imprinted pillar of cranberry sauce.

  “So gross,” I mutter under my breath.

  “Don’t hate!” Mindy cries. “I have to have my Ocean’s Spray or it’s not Thanksgiving.”

  I shake my head and look around at my family. Mrs. Jenny is at one end with Sawyer at the other. Mindy’s daddy passed away years ago, so my oldest brother took his place at the head of the table.

  To Sawyer’s right is Leon and next to Leon is Deacon with Mindy beside him. Taron is across from Mindy and Dove sits between us, ending with me beside Sawyer.

  We all join hands and Sawyer says a brief prayer, then the table erupts into the happy noise of everyone passing plates and forks hitting china. Mrs. Jenny pre-cut the turkey in the kitchen before bringing it out, and this year she skips the retelling of how she put Sawyer on the spot that first year by asking him to cut it.

  She probably doesn’t want to embarrass him in front of his Marine buddy. She’s come around some as Taron showers Dove with affection. Watching him with his daughter is enough to bring anybody around.

  Dove has been stuck to him like glue ever since Ms. Moody’s big reveal, and she seems to find any chance to call him at the top of her lungs.

  “Daddy! There are pecans mixed in those little cabbages!”

  “They’re brussels sprouts.” Taron’s voice is low and so calm. “Want to try one?”

  Her nose wrinkles. “Nuh uh!” Then she points again. “There are marshmallows on top of the sweet potatoes. I don’t like sweet potatoes. Do you like sweet potatoes, Daddy?”

  Taron grins, unaffected by her calling him Daddy for the eleventy-millionth time this morning. If their bonding weren’t so adorable, I’d make her stop. She’s totally his mini-me, and he clearly adores her.

  When our bellies hurt from eating all the food, Mindy and I flop on the couch in the formal sitting room, glasses of red wine in our hands, while the guys camp out in front of the television to watch SEC football. All except Taron, who is too busy being Daddy.

  “Those boys are racing a little car down the sidewalk. Can we go see, Daddy?” Dove grabs his large hand and drags him to the door.

  Mindy gives me wide eyes from the other end of the couch, and I fall to the side, my head in her lap. “Stop! Don’t make me laugh. I might throw up.”

  “Don’t barf on me, glutton.” My best friend shoves my shoulder.

  “Your mom’s dressing is too delicious. I have to be sure none’s wasted.” I’m holding my stomach as she combs her fingers through my hair.

  “So how are you doing with all this Daddy?” The way she says it makes me laugh a little more.

  “It’s like she’s been waiting to call him that since the day they met.” Lifting up, I look out at them, and she’s propped on his hip, pointing at where she wants him to take her next.

  Seeing her this happy fills me with a joy I’ve never known. It’s like a kaleidoscope of butterflies is in my stomach, and every time she calls him and he picks her up, holds her and adores her, they swirl around inside me.

  “She always loved Sawyer and Leon, but this is next level.”

  Mindy looks out the window at them. “I can’t really blame her. I’d want a hot as hell man-slave at my beck and call, too. But what about you? How are you feeling?”

  Pulling my feet under me I release a sigh. “He’s trying so hard. He seems so sincere…”


  “I don’t know.” I laugh softly. “I’m glad he’s here for her. I’m glad he loves her so much…” An old ache squeezes my chest. “He hurt me really bad, Min.”

  “I know. I remember.”

  “At the same time, he was wrestling with some major league shit.”

  “Have you talked about any of this?”

  “Not really. We’ve really been focused on her and letting him get to know her so it wouldn’t be such a shock when she found out.”

  “That girl is not shocked.” Her eyebrows are up, and she points out the window. “She is in heaven.”

  Deacon walks out the door to where Taron is standing with Dove, and it’s my turn to give her arm a shove. “And what kind of spell have you cast on Deacon Dring to keep him coming back for more? Just when I think he’s gone, here he is again. Not that I’m complaining. He’s the best financial adviser I know.”

  “He’s the only financial adviser you know.” She tries to play it off, but I’m not letting her.

  “Spill. I thought you two had parted ways.”

  “I don’t know what you mean. We’ve never really dated.” She shakes her head and turns her back to the window where our tall, handsome former classmate is chatting with Taron.

  “You are so full of shit.”

  “I’m not! We only dated a few times. Deacon is not here for me, whatever you think. He’s looking for some family history or something.”

  “What in the world?” Now I’m intrigued.

  “He was raised by his great aunt. She’s one of those old Dallas wildcat wives who has more money than God. She’s pressuring him to settle down and get married. She wants him to have kids or she’ll write him out of her will.”

  “You have got to be kidding me.” I hop onto my knees. “That’s crazy! Why didn’t you ever tell me this? It’s like a Disney story. Is he looking for a princess to marry?”

  “Hell, no!” Her brow furrows. “And don’t repeat any of this!”

  “Who am I going to tell?”

  “Anyway, he’s looking for some Harristown relative or something to get her off his case. I don’t know. I kind of stopped listening halfway through.”

  “You stopped listening or you started making out?”

  Her lips curl in a smile, and we both start laughing. “I’m not one to kiss and tell.”

  “Sounds like you’re the one with the magic stringing him along all these years.”

  “I’m not stringing him along. He just happens to be in town, and we just happen to get along well…”

  Her voice trails off, and I chew my bottom lip. “It’s time you found someone of your own, you know.”

  She shakes her pretty head. “I’m trying. It’s just…”

  “I know.” First loves can be hard to shake.

  We sit for a few minutes in silence, watching the men talk. Dove’s head is on her daddy’s shoulder, and her little fingers rise and fall, patting his back.

  He doesn’t even seem to notice, and my insides warm. The ice melts and mist fills my eyes. They’re so perfect…

  Mindy’s phone buzzes, and she looks down. “Tamara said they just got back from her in-laws. She says Boo is whining for Dove to spend the night tonight. Yes?”

  “Sure… If she can tear her away from her dad.”

“That’s a real consideration. I’ll let her know.”

  Making cookies and Christmas in Mouseland manage to pry my daughter out of her father’s arms. Leon heads out to hang with friends, and Sawyer has his own truck, leaving Taron and me alone for the first time since that afternoon after the school Thanksgiving party.

  “Feel like you’re missing a limb?” I can’t help teasing as I drive us along the dark country road to the house.

  “Yeah.” He exhales a laugh, shifting in his seat. I wonder if his back is aching. He never complains about it. “The day she found out, I wasn’t sure how she was going to respond. I was nervous.”

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there with you. I had no idea she’d overheard Charlene make that announcement.”

  “No good deed, right?” He glances at me in the darkness, and the light in his eyes heats my entire body. They widen, and he grips the dash. “Shit! Watch out!”

  Slamming on the breaks, I turn the wheel hard right, narrowly avoiding a doe dashing across the road. I turn the wheel left again to avoid flipping, and the truck shimmies before skidding and straightening with a jerk.

  “Holy shit,” I gasp, holding the truck straight with trembling hands. My whole insides are shaken.

  “That was some badass deer dodging you did just then,” Taron quips.

  Adrenaline surges in my veins, making me laugh. We both do, and he reaches over to squeeze my shoulder as we turn in at the orchard road. A little farther, and I park the truck in the drive between the house and the cottage.

  He hops out, coming around to help me out of the cab. “You okay?” He stands in front of me, his hands on my waist, searching my face.

  His clean, masculine scent is all around me, and I want to snuggle closer in the cold night air. I want him to hold me. I want to thread my fingers in his hair and kiss him like I used to.

  “I’m okay now.” My voice is quiet.

  “We have to let those Fast and Furious guys know they’re missing a stunt driver.”

  “I don’t now about that.”

  We stand a moment longer, his hands still on me, my hands on his forearms. My breath is shallow, and looking in his eyes sends energy snaking through my lower stomach. That old pull between us is stronger than ever, fueled by our past, by our present, and the little girl binding us together.


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