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Wait for Me

Page 20

by Louise, Tia

  “Deacon seems like a nice guy.” His hands slip off me, and he steps back.

  I’m confused and frustrated by this unexpected shift. “Yeah?”

  “He was kind of a cock-blocker the other day, but I listened to the two of you talking. You’ve been really successful. I’m proud of you.” He slides a hand in the side of his hair, pushing it back and looking up at me. “You don’t need me, but I want to be a part of Dove’s life. I want to take care of her… and you.”

  His voice softens on the last part, and if he didn’t already have the family advantage, with those words, he reclaims ownership of my heart.

  “A long time ago, you caught me when I fell.” My voice is a high contrast to his. “You said you’d save me if I ever needed saving.”

  “You said you’d save me right back.”

  Stepping closer, I put my hands on his arms. “I wasn’t able to save you before…”

  “I didn’t really let you.” Regret fills his tone.

  I’ve heard it so many times. I know it so well. Dolly would say storms make trees take deeper roots…

  “Maybe we can try again?” Our eyes lock, and the words are barely out of my mouth when his arms circle my waist, pulling me firm against his body.

  He’s moving fast, like he’s been waiting, covering my mouth with his, pushing my lips apart. I chase to keep up with him, and a soft groan escapes from my throat. His kiss is eager, hungry, sweeping his tongue inside to mine. I grasp at his shoulders, and his scent intoxicates me. The firmness of his body against mine is a drug.

  My hands are on his scruffy cheeks, moving higher, threading into his soft hair. His lips pull mine, nipping and tugging. He lifts me off my feet, and my legs immediately circle his waist.

  Boots scuff on the wooden porch of the cottage, and he fumbles to open the door. His lips break from mine, and I moan, leaning forward, kissing his neck, higher to his ear. I feel his erection between my legs, and my core aches for him to fill me.

  Lowering me to my feet, he holds me in front of him. We’re breathing fast. “Is this what you want?”

  Nodding, I lift my chin and close my eyes for another kiss, but he catches my chin.

  “Noel, I want to make love to you. I want to be with you all night—”

  “I wish you’d stop talking about it, then.”

  He grins, and we’re back. Mouths sealed together, desperate, hungry. It curls my toes.

  We’re in the cottage, and he gives me an order. “Lie back on the bed.”

  I don’t even hesitate.



  Noel is spread out before me, her back arched and her taut nipples pointing to the ceiling. The light of the moon streams through the open window, coating her naked body in silver light. She’s a goddess, and I have my mouth all over her, kissing her, tasting her, drinking in the sounds of her moans.

  Her legs tremble as she comes, my tongue circling her clit until she’s gripping my hair, pulling, and begging me to be inside her.

  I quickly shove my jeans down, turning her onto her stomach and catching her by the hips. She moves to all fours and looks at me over her shoulder, her amber eyes hot with lust and her dark hair, wavy over her shoulders.

  My cock is an iron rod. Her ass is a heart tipped up at me, and I slide my dick up and down her wetness before slamming balls deep into her luscious pussy. She drops to her elbows and lets out a loud moan, and I have to hold a moment as the sensation of being completely inside her blanks my mind.

  My hips move, thrusting in and out, chasing the orgasm that’s just within reach. She came hard only moments before, and I feel her clenching, squeezing around me. It’s so good, I groan low and loud as I feel the tension rising in my dick, tightening my ass and centering on the place where we’re connected.

  Reaching around, I circle my fingers over her clit, and she breaks into another cascade of orgasm, clenching and moaning. It’s the final push I need to fly over the edge, pulsing and filling her, reaching forward to brace the wall in front of us, scooting her farther onto the bed as I hold deep, riding out the final waves of orgasm, the soul-deep satisfaction I never thought I’d have with her again.

  We’re breathing hard, and I move us around, turning her and pulling her to me. It’s cold, and I quickly whip the blankets back, sliding between the soft threads with her beside me.

  Noel Aveline is in my arms. Her body is flush against mine, chest to stomach to thighs to toes. Her hands hold my shoulder blades, and her cheek is tucked against my heart. My heart that only beats for her. My heart with her name inked above it. Our breathing slows, and I smooth my hand down the length of her hair. I press my lips to her temple.

  “How do you feel?” My voice is rough, husky from the emotions surging in my chest.

  “Good.” I feel her cheeks rise with her smile, and I love this woman so much. “What’s this?” She lifts her face, her eyes on my tattoo.

  “Something you own.”

  Her chin lowers, and she presses her forehead against my skin. I slide my hand down her soft hair. She doesn’t speak, but it’s okay. I know we’ve taken a big step.

  Do I deserve this? A twinge of darkness lurks at the corner of my mind. That old anxiety tries to raise its head, but I won’t let it in tonight.

  Placing my hand on her cheek, I lift her mouth to mine again. Her kisses are like a sip of water in the desert, soul-deep and satisfying. With my knee, I part her thighs, moving above her and sinking into her core.

  Her moans are the melody I dreamed of so many nights when I’d lie alone, in the pit of hell, believing if I could survive one more night, I might make it back to her again. Her fingers thread in my hair and we slowly rock together, fire molding us into one.

  When she comes, I lift my head and look deeply into her eyes. They glisten as I let go, filling her and kissing her tears away. Her hands move to my neck, holding us close, and I press my lips to her shoulder, silently promising to never let her cry alone.

  Never again.

  I hold her, listening as her breath slows, as she sleeps in my arms.

  Tonight I have my one dream in my mind: Noel and me… and the beautiful little girl we created sharing a life together, building a family.

  The next morning, I wake to find cold sheets beside me. Not cool.

  I step into my jeans, jerk them over my hips quickly followed by my boots and a dark green Henley. A brush of my teeth, ball cap on my head, and I cross the yard with Akela hopping along beside me. I swear she’s smiling.

  I stop at the back door, love expanding in my chest as I watch my girl moving around the kitchen, her hair up in a messy bun on her head.

  “Is anybody still hungry after the dinner we had yesterday?” I close the space between us, pulling her firmly against my chest.

  “Leon is always hungry.” She smiles up at me and I kiss her lightly.

  Then I think better of it, and I give her another, longer kiss, parting her lips, curling our tongues together. She tastes like sunshine and fresh orange juice, and forever, and when I pull back, the light in her eyes fills me with so much gratitude.

  “Let me go now. I’ve got to make breakfast.” She smiles, and that little dimple appears below her mouth.

  I step back, admiring that ass as she turns to dig in the refrigerator. “Maybe you should get something from the pantry.”

  She straightens fast, pink flushing her cheeks. “Taron! Shh!” She looks over her shoulder. “Sawyer’s right in the living room.”

  As much as I know she loves being here, I’m beginning to see some drawbacks to living with her brothers.

  “When does my baby get home?”

  “You’re not enjoying your break?” Noel arches an eyebrow at me over her shoulder as she breaks eggs into the bowl.

  “No.” I exhale a chuckle. “I miss her.”

  I’ve gotten used to her sweet little voice calling me every two seconds, holding her on my hip, and hearing her thoughts about everything. She’s a ch
atterbox, and I love it.

  “Ask and you shall receive.” Noel smiles at me, and I hear commotion in the other room.

  Sawyer greets them coming through the door, and two little girls run into the kitchen, both in pink and purple glitter tutus, and start dancing around.

  “Daddy! Look what Mrs. Tamara got us!” She twirls, jumping and kicking her leg behind her.

  Her friend Beverly “Boo,” a little girl with dark hair cut in a bob at her ears, does the same. Mindy’s sister enters, carrying a small bag and placing it on the counter.

  “They were up past midnight watching movies. I couldn’t get them to sleep.” She steps over and Noel kisses her cheek.

  “Don’t worry about it. They’ve got til Monday to get straight.”

  “They talked nonstop about ice skating. Bill said he’d check to see if the coliseum is doing anything. I’ll let you know.”

  Tamara corrals Beverly and the girls hug and kiss goodbye before they head out the back door. Dove skips over and holds her arms up to me. I lift her onto my hip so she can wave to her bestie until they’re out of sight. Then she wiggles out of my arms and dances into the living room to watch her favorite show.

  Noel has her back to me. Hot biscuits are on a plate, and she quickly cuts little pats of butter and slips them into each one. I put my hands on her waist and lean down to kiss the back of her neck, just below her ear, inhaling the scent of her, coconut, peaches, a touch of rose… I’m feeling happy, like I’m finally home, surrounded by my people.

  I slide my hand forward to cup her breast, and she inhales sharply. “Taron.”

  She drops the knife on the counter, turning in my arms.

  Looking down, I smile, sliding my thumb along her chin. “Sorry.”

  “You’re not sorry.” Her lips press into a smile, and she blinks up. Our eyes meet, and it’s electric.

  “You’re right. I’m not. I’d like to take you into that pantry and…” I want to slip my hand down her pants, but she slides her fingers around my wrists.

  “I think we need to slow it down a little.”

  I don’t care for this. “Any particular reason?”

  She shrugs, picking up the knife again. “I don’t want Dove to think we’re together until… unless we’re sure.”

  “I’m sure.” My stomach is tight, but I gentle my voice. “You’re not?”

  She blinks quickly, putting the last pat of butter in the last biscuit. “I’m not not sure… I guess I just want to be completely sure.”

  The knife is on the counter, and I stop her. Catching her chin, I lift her face so our gaze meets.

  “I get that, and I deserve it.” Amber eyes flicker away, settling on my chest, right over my heart where her name is inked. “I will prove myself to you, Noel. I won’t let you down again.”

  A quiet whisper. “I’m trying.”

  Lifting her hand, I kiss her palm. Our eyes meet, and I hope she can see the depth of my commitment. I hope she can see my heart. “I’ll wait for you.”

  It’s a hard thing to do. It’s excruciating to be so close, to have held her in my arms all night and still have her put a hand up, but it’s my fault. She needs time.

  Time… I won’t lie and say I like it, but she’s important to me. Dove is important to me. They’re why I’m here, and I’m prepared to earn her back.

  After breakfast, I want to work. I want to be alone and work my muscles. I want to sweat.

  Sawyer says we need to be sure the roots on the new trees are well covered. The temperature is dropping, a bitter front is moving through, and forecasts are calling for ice, possibly snow.

  Dove falls asleep on the sofa in front of the television, and I head outside to get started. I’ve just finished checking the canvas on the first row of trees when I notice Leon standing with his hands in his pockets looking down at the concrete loading dock.

  “Hey.” I go to where he’s waiting.

  “Hey.” He looks up at me. His anger has cooled, and I’ve been waiting to have this conversation. “I’ve been pretty pissed at you for a while now.”

  “I know.”

  “Sawyer said you were injured, but I don’t understand what kind of injury makes you forget your promises.”

  My throat knots, and it’s like he’s slammed me in the side again. I feel like I’m back at Square One, trying to come out of the hole I’ve fallen into.

  “I started on pain meds…” Shame flashes hot in my chest. I hate this weakness. I hate admitting how far I fell. Still, I know from every time I tried to run, denial only leads to darkness. “The force of that addiction is something I’ll never forget.”

  He studies me, brow furrowed. Leon is smart—I can see him thinking about this. “So you’re over it now?”

  “I’ll never be over it… but I’ve learned to fight it. I’ve learned when to walk away. When to get help.” I look down at my scuffed boots.

  We’re quiet a moment. A bird chirps in the top corner of the shed, and I wish Akela would put her head under my hand.

  Lifting my eyes, I meet his. “I’m sorry I let you down, Leon.”

  He straightens and his jaw flexes. Then he nods. “You’re really sweet to Dove. She loves you a lot.”

  “I love her. She’s something to fight for… and Noel.” I mean these words with all my heart. “You’re a great uncle. I appreciate you taking care of her when I couldn’t.”

  He shifts from one foot to the other, and I glance up to see his expression has eased. “She’s my family.”

  My lips tighten, and I nod. Of course. If I’ve learned anything about Sawyer, Noel, and Leon, it’s that family comes first.

  After what they’ve survived, I get it.

  “I thought you might be my family once.” He slants an eye up at me.

  “I’d like that. More than anything—it’s why I’m here now.”

  “Sawyer said sometimes good people get hit hard. We have to forgive them because we never know when it might be our turn to need forgiveness.”

  Swallowing the knot in my throat, I nod. “Your brother’s a smart guy.”

  “He’s usually right about people.”

  Glancing up, I see Leon’s holding out a hand to me. I step forward and take it, shaking his hand and putting my other on top.

  A smile curls his lips, and he steps forward into a brief hug. “We’ve got you.”



  Telling Taron I need space is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Being in his arms was like going home. He might have torn my heart out by the roots seven years ago, but he also planted the seed of forgiveness when he gave me Dove.

  Coming back, loving her, being so amazing… It’s all gone a long way to mending the damage done so long ago.

  Still, it’s like my brain threw a leash around my chest and pulled it tight. I can feel the restraints binding against my ribcage. He has my name inked on his skin. Tears fill my eyes, and my heart wants to fly… But my mind says not so fast.

  Standing in the doorway, I watch him with Dove in the living room. She’s chewing gum, which is new, and she’s making him help her learn the opening dance for Angelina Ballerina.

  “It’s my talent for Princess Peach,” she explains like we should have already figured that part out. “Hold out your arm, Daddy.”

  Taron is on one knee, and she jumps, switching her feet beneath her like the cartoon mouse. I’m pretty sure this move is called a changement, and it’s pretty basic. Still, Taron is her biggest fan.

  “That’s good. Have you taken dance?”

  “Nuh-uh.” She shakes her head and does a sissionne, which is basically the same move, going to the side.

  The one year of ballet I took in high school has given me that much info.

  “What’s happening in here?” Leon walks into the room and flops on the couch. “Dude. She has you doing ballet now?”

  I sit on the arm of the chair beside him, watching their progress. “Taron is filling in for Freddie,” I t
ease, referencing Angelina’s dance partner in the books.

  “Lift me up, Daddy.” She puts his hands on her little waist, and when he lifts her, she points one leg out. “Grand jeté!”

  It’s so cute, I clap and laugh. “That’s good!”

  Taron turns her in the air and props her on his shoulder, and they both hold an arm out. Even Leon claps at their silly antics, and I wonder what’s wrong with my stubborn brain. This big, strong, alpha man allowing his little daughter to wrap him around her finger like he does should be enough to heal any wounds.

  He puts her down, and she walks over to the small trash in the corner and spits her gum into it.

  “Goodness, Dove,” I scold. “From the penthouse to the outhouse! Use a napkin next time. You look like a trucker.”

  “I’m Uncle Leon.” She puts her hands on her hips and saunters back to where Taron is now sitting on the couch.

  We both look at my younger brother, who’s making a shut up face at my daughter.

  “What does that mean?”

  “I don’t know what she’s talking about.”

  “Are you chewing tobacco again?” Stepping up, I smack his arm. “You want all your teeth to fall out?”

  “Woman!” he barks. “Stop abusing me!”

  I do a little growl. “Disgusting habit.”

  Still, I’m happy. We’re coming so close. I feel sure it’s only a matter of time before I’m able to give Taron everything, no uncertainty or fear.

  Dove is curled up asleep in my bed, and I’m putting clothes away in my closet when a tapping on my window makes me jump. I look around the door to see Taron smoldering outside the glass.

  Akela doesn’t even lift her head anymore. Crossing the room, I slide it open, and he sits, swinging his legs inside and pulling me between them.

  “It’s cold… Here.” I close the window behind him, checking over my shoulder to be sure Dove is still quietly snoring with Alice clutched to her side.


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