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Love & Desire

Page 7

by Matilda Martel

  “I don’t like to brag, but I do have a high IQ. Plus, I’ve been fantasizing about being with you ever since I first kissed you at the museum. I never met a girl who knew so much about small primates and had such gorgeous round breasts before.” He laughed as he turned me over, spooned me tightly and squeezed both my breasts from behind.

  “Oh David, that is the most romantic thing I have ever heard.”

  Chapter 4

  David was able to pull some strings to get my transfer from Columbia to Boston College before the start of the spring semester and we were married on New Year’s Eve in a rustic chapel in Stowe. We told our families the news after we returned to Boston and were met with a mixed reception. Kelsey’s mom was thrilled. She thought we made an excellent match. My mother could not have cared less and my father was horrified that I married a man twenty years my senior. When I reminded him that his last two wives were more than twenty years younger than him, he was undeterred in his opposition.

  Kelsey was pissed at first, certain that it was payback for stealing Justin. But she came to her senses and realized she was being ridiculous. It was obvious I was in love with her father and when she found out we were expecting, she decided I wouldn’t have gone to so much trouble just to get some kind of twisted revenge. She was over her tantrum long before her little brother was born and although I don’t trust her to babysit, she tries to be a good big sister and makes the trip from New York to visit him once a month.

  As for David and I, we couldn’t be happier. Our son takes after his father—much too tall and far too smart for his own good. I’m sure he’ll drive some lucky girl crazy one day.

  The End

  Banished to the Netherworld

  Chapter 1- Banished

  “Prince Emalia Selene, you and your descendants are forever banished from the planet Eruta by order of royal decree signed by Queen Maika of Eruta. On this day you will be transported to the planet Arkania, where you will become a prisoner of the Royal House of Queen Seda. Your fate will be in her hands.” The Royal Chamberlain, whom I had known since I was a child read my sister’s edict with an unnerving calmness. Maika waited for me to cry or beg for the mercy she had no intention of granting. I said nothing.

  “Do you have nothing to say, little sister?” She chuckled cruelly. Our father was only hours dead. She had yet to be crowned and her first proclamation was to have me banished to the most dreadful place in the galaxy.

  “How long do I have to pack my belongings?” I answered coldly, denying her the satisfaction of my fear.

  “Your shuttle leaves tonight. I will send someone with you to ensure you do not take any jewels with you.” She snickered rudely.

  “My mother’s jewels belong to me and not the crown. I would not dream of taking any of your Majesty’s mother’s heirlooms.” I scowled haughtily. Her mother had been a scullery maid whom our father accidentally impregnated in his youth. My mother was a Volteran princess. My banishment was just her way of ensuring I did not challenge her illegitimate status. Furious that she would be denied my mother’s extensive jewelry collection, she looked at the Royal Chamberlain for guidance, who nodded and agreed with me. Annoyed that I had robbed her of the best tiaras in the royal chest, she waved her hand and a group of soldiers hauled me away.

  Arkania, the dark giant in the farthest reaches of our galaxy was the one place Maika knew I feared the most. It was the Netherworld, where people were sent and never returned. The Arkanians were our cousins and centuries ago had been our allies but they’d grown wicked and too powerful to trust. My fate was sealed and my imprisonment or death in that evil place was eminent. But I held on to one hope, that I could use my jewels to better my cell or improve the method of my execution. At the very least, Maika would not have them and I would die happy.

  General Agila, who had served under my father, volunteered to escort me to the Arkanian lock, the heavily guarded entrance to their planetary forcefield. The trip would take less than an hour and the shuttle was only allowed to carry as much fuel for the trip there and Agila’s return to Eruta, calculated to the exact minute. There would be no last minutes escapes or alternate courses. When I boarded the shuttle there was only one place I would exit—the Netherworld.

  “Princess Emalia, we don’t have much time, so please listen to what I have to say.” The general’s voice was ripe with concern.

  “Yes?” I answered in a broken whisper, my voice hardly audible even to me.

  “They do not like us. They know we look down on them and they may try to make an example of you. Please, you must not do anything to anger them or challenge their authority over you. Arkanians may be our cousins but they are much larger in stature and far more fierce by nature. I do not believe they want to hurt you. There is no reason to accept you as a prisoner just to harm you. They were your father’s sworn enemy and they have no love for your sister. If she wants you dead, they would not simply do her bidding. Whatever they ask of you, do it without question. They are a vicious people and you are no match for them.” He looked back at me as my eyes filled with tears. I couldn’t help it. I’d only just turned 19 and my life was over.

  “General, I’ve heard their women are taken into caves and violated!” My chest heaved in a state of panic.

  “I’ve heard that too. I’m sorry. But you will be taken to the palace, not to a cave, Princess.” His words offered no solace.

  We spoke little the rest of the voyage and before I knew it, the deafening sound of the Arkanian alarms were blasting in my ears. We’d reached the lock and Agila could go no further.

  “We are being boarded.” He gave me a guarded look, warning me not to say anything rude or incriminating. In one corner of our small shuttle, two enormous men appeared. They were cloaked entirely in black and so pale they could have been bloodless.

  “Princess Emalia of Eruta?” One of the men stared at me inquisitively.

  “Yes?” My voice shook with fear.

  Looking at General Agila, they began gathering my belongings. “You may return to Eruta once we have transported the princess off your vessel. You cannot move any further from here.”

  General Agila, who had served my father for most of his life and known me since the day I was born, bowed then hugged me as he choked on his tears. His uncharacteristic show of affection made me shudder with terror as he handed me off to the Arkanians and said one last goodbye.

  “Remember what I told you, Emalia. This is a new world and you are not royalty here.”

  Chapter 2

  The Netherworld

  Arkania was easily three times the size of Eruta surrounded by three moons but so far away from our sun that their days resembled our twilights. A third of the planet was encased in ice throughout the year, but as I arrived in the midst of their pink daylight to the capital city of Arkan, this part of the planet was also experiencing their coldest season. Seeing I was unprepared for the freezing temperatures, one of my escorts handed me a heavy cloak and muff to shield my hands.

  “You will not spend any time in the out of doors, but you will be exposed to the elements when we land at the Fortress of Queen Seda. It is just ahead.” The guard’s voice was gruff and deep but he was not unkind. I thought he was pointing to a mountain in the distance, but as we neared, my mouth fell open in shock. It was a fortress and it was a gargantuan, colossal obscenity. Never in my life could I have imagined a palace so large or ostentatious, yet at the same time it was frightening and foreboding. My heart sank as the shuttle approached and one of the guards informed me that the Queen was expecting me.

  Staring at the floor, I whispered nervously. “Are they going to imprison me? I have things I can use as currency.” My hand trembled as I pointed to the small chest I’d brought with me.

  The guard furrowed his brow in confusion. “We’ll take your things to your quarters. I haven’t been informed of any prison, but I wouldn’t presume to speak for Queen Seda. Follow me, everyone’s waiting.”

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  “The royal family— we need to hurry.” He was almost two feet taller than me and each of his steps was three of mine, yet somehow I managed to keep up. By the time we reached the throne room, sweat was beading on my brow and I was winded from sprinting the entire way. To make matters worse, the room had raging fireplaces in every corner, making the air feel thick and making me feel claustrophobic. As he guided me in, I felt a sudden inexplicable tightness in my chest that I naturally assumed was caused by my growing panic.

  “Queen Seda, may I present Princess Emalia of Eruta, Princess Emalia, this is Queen Seda of Arkania.” The guard bowed and excused himself, leaving me alone in the center of the room. I curtsied as low as I could go and waited apprehensively for her to speak.

  “Emalia, you are lovelier than I anticipated. I have met your sister and she is not easy on the eyes. You must resemble your mother. It was my intention to marry you off to a member of the nobility, but since you are a princess of royal blood, you would make a fine wife for one of my sons.” She waved her hand and I heard footsteps approach.

  My eyes darted around the room, looking for the source of the sound. I saw one man coming from one side and another coming from another. Although they were similar in size to one another and the guards, they looked strikingly different from one another. Both were massive brutes coming to decide who would take me and force me to serve him until the end of my days. It was too much, I felt my throat clench and lips tremble from the horror that was about to take place. Then suddenly everything went black.

  I awoke to the smell of something strong and bitter with a group of people surrounding me. A breathing mask was placed over my face to help me take in air while voices continued to speak as if I were still unconscious. One of the princes, who now appeared to be a handsome fair-haired man with the face of a god, but much more broad and muscular, took my hand in his.

  “You are right Mother, she is lovely. I’ll gladly take her. We both know Valik won’t want her.” Affection glowed in his blue eyes as he wiped the sweaty hair off my brow. I remained terrified, but he didn’t seem so bad after all. It was the other one who concerned me. He was positively glowering at me from the distance as his brother spoke. When the fair-haired prince called him out by name, he responded with a sneer.

  “No, I do not want her and I don’t know why you would. Erutans think we’re beasts and look down on us with contempt. Why do you think she fainted?” His upper lip curled in disgust as he peered down at me. He had dark hair with gray eyes like his mother and might have been even taller and broader than his brother. It was hard to tell from my prone position on the floor.

  “She fainted because she wasn’t getting enough air, she’s not used to our atmosphere yet. If you’re not going to be any help just go away.” The fair-haired prince defended me. I hadn’t thought about the air being different here. How mortifying. I had fainted in front of everyone!

  The dark-haired prince, the one they called Valik, took a seat in a throne next to the Queen’s, while his brother helped me to my feet. Queen Seda approached me as they helped me sit on a bench nearby.

  “Are you better now? You took quite a fall.” She studied me with concern.

  Rubbing the back of my head, I nodded. “Forgive me, your Majesty. I will be fine.”

  “I’ll send a medic to your quarters after you’ve had some time to rest. But first allow me to introduce my sons. This is Prince Berik.” The fair-haired man with the soft blue eyes approached me and kissed my hand tenderly. I might have giggled flirtatiously, if I didn’t still feel lightheaded and woozy.

  “And this is Crown Prince Valik, my eldest and heir to my throne.” His face went blank as he glared at me with obvious animosity. I nodded and looked away, avoiding eye contact. He was as handsome as his brother but lacked his warmth or charm.

  “Although Prince Berik wants to marry you and I would love to give my consent, Prince Valik is in far greater need of a wife.” She turned to look at the Crown Prince who furrowed his brow in anger.

  “I am not marrying King Golian’s daughter. I’ll find my own wife.” He practically spit out his words.

  “You see, he doesn’t want her.” Berik took my hand and sat next to me.

  “She’s also King Aramir’s granddaughter. She’s half Volteran.” I noticed his stern expression soften slightly.

  “You’re part Volteran?” Berik’s eyes sparkled with a recognition I didn’t comprehend. “Mother, he doesn’t want her. Why force him?”

  Prince Valik’s eyes narrowed as he gazed at his younger brother. He was about to say something but the Queen spoke first.

  “Valik, you will consider this or I will consider making Berik my heir.”

  Prince Valik remained silent and continued to stare at me with derision, except this time I held his gaze, annoyed that this brute was looking at me with such scorn when I’d done nothing to him. Sensing my hostility towards him, his face twisted angrily and I might have answered that insult further, but two servants tasked with taking me to my quarters stood between our views and hastily drew me away. It was for the best. He was going to be King of Arkania one day and I needed to remember my place.

  The maidservants who escorted me to my room and helped me unpack my things were not Arkanian, they were smaller in stature like me.

  “We’re Volteran.” One replied while unpacking my clothes.

  I felt a wave of comfort wash over me meeting another Volteran. “My mother was Volteran! Her name was Princess Selene, but she died when I was very young. I’ve never met another Volteran before, other than my grandparents.”

  They both looked at one another in confusion. “We know you are my lady, you look Volteran. Did you not know?”

  I shook my head slowly not understanding fully. “How do I look different?”

  “You’re uncommonly beautiful, Volteran women are known for their beauty. Your mother was a great beauty. That is why so many Kings marry Volteran brides. That and well, you know…” Both women chuckled.

  “No, what do you mean?” I was lost.

  “With our overactive libidos we make exceptional lovers. I’m sure that’s why Prince Berik wants to marry you so badly. That may also be enough to make Prince Valik forget you’re Erutan.” She giggled.

  “I’ve never been with a man before. I’ve never been married.” My face flushed red.

  Both couldn’t help but sit down with stunned expressions. “You’ve never been with a man? How old are you?”


  “How can you stand it? How do you keep yourself from it? I can hardly go a day without being with a man.” One of the maids appeared to be going into a frenzied panic.

  “How do you keep from becoming pregnant?” My voice dripped with astonishment.

  “We’re Volteran. We’re only fertile under the right circumstances.” She covered her mouth to hide her laugh.

  “What circumstances?” I’d lived such a sheltered life with my overbearing father, no one had taught me very much about male-female relations.

  “You’ll know. Not just anyone can bring it out in you. For men, half the fun is in the challenge.” They glanced at each other and smiled, leaving me even more confused than before.

  “One thing you should know, Arkanian men are quite dominant which is why they love us. Arkanian women are also dominant, while we Volteran understand how pleasurable it can be to submit. In the bedroom of course, only in the bedroom.” They laughed as they tidied up and said they would return to dress me for dinner.

  Between the maids, the indecent chatter and the lack of breathable air, I passed out.

  Chapter 3

  The Princes

  I was dressed in the most inappropriate dress. Lila and Freda, my two maids had been given instructions by the Queen to make me appear “appetizing” and they took their jobs very seriously. The tight black gown left nothing to the imagination, hugging my body from my ample bosom through my small waist and my round derriere. To make matters more hum
iliating for me, several holes were cut out in choice areas throughout the dress that revealed large areas of my skin for everyone’s viewing pleasure. I felt naked in a floor length gown.

  “This is ridiculous. It’s the cold season, I’m going to be a laughing stock.” I cringed at the sight of my over-exaggerated attributes in the mirror.

  “You look beautiful! No one is going to laugh!” Freda braided my long dark hair and fastened some jewelry to make me look more elegant.

  “What is the meaning of this anyway? Prince Berik already wants to marry me and the other one isn’t going to be persuaded by some skin.” I marched across the room and searched for a cloak to throw over my dress.

  “You don’t need a cloak, you’re not going outside. The room will be very warm.”

  Walking me towards the dining hall, Lila whispered, “Men like Prince Valik never know what they want until you show them what they can’t have. The future Queen of Arkania will be a very powerful woman, my lady. Much more powerful than the Queen of Eruta.” She winked at me as she pushed me into the room. Prince Berik quickly stood and came over to walk me to my seat. Valik grudgingly stood as a chivalrous courtesy, then sat back down. I ignored him for the rest of the evening and allowed myself to enjoy the company of his brother.

  Something odd was happening to me in the company of men. I’d never been allowed to be around young men in Eruta, it was deemed inappropriate or unseemly unless they were male relatives. Most of my days were spent sequestered in my father’s palace and in the company of women. Being in such close proximity to Valik and Berik, I began feeling a small tingle radiate from my stomach down to my toes. My breath felt labored but not for the same reasons as before and although I felt warm all over, my nipples were impossibly hard, making them noticeable through the tight fabric of my gown.


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