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Love & Desire

Page 8

by Matilda Martel

  “Would you like some some wine? It’s Volteran. Have you ever been to Voltera?” Berik poured the pink wine in a goblet an handed it to me. I’d never tasted wine before, but customs were different here and took it without question.

  “I wish. My father never allowed me off planet. Have you?”

  “I have several times, in fact Valik was just there a few months ago.” We all turned to him and he lifted an eyebrow.

  “Why are you looking at me?” He huffed.

  “I was just telling Emalia how much you liked visiting Voltera. Her grandfather is King Aramir but unfortunately she’s never had a chance to see the planet for herself.” Berik was speaking to his brother but had his eyes on me. The wine had a quick affect. Without thinking I caressed his cheek and smiled at him lovingly.

  Valik watched us intently then replied. “Who is your mother?” He asked sharply.

  “Princess Selene, she died when I was 8.” My voice broke as I spoke.

  “I am sorry for your loss. I remember her.” As he looked away coldly, I swallowed down the rest of my wine and returned my attentions to Berik. When I set down my goblet, the Queen who had been watching me flirt with her son, gave me a warning about the pink wine.

  “Be careful with that my dear. Volteran wine affects Volterans differently. My son is trying to ply you with alcohol so he can have his way with you.” My jaw dropped as Berik grinned devilishly.

  Although I stopped drinking the wine, one glass proved to be enough to stimulate my long dormant libido. I felt flushed and achy as my body began to crave something it had never had before. Berik’s scent was titillating my senses in a strange way and making the apex between my thighs seep with fluids. We were still eating dessert when he leaned over and whispered if he could come to my room later in the evening. I coquettishly batted my eyelashes and nodded, letting his musk fill my nostrils as I gave him a seductive grin. When I looked about the table, I noticed Valik staring at me oddly. He’d seen my exchange with his younger brother and couldn’t stop himself from handing me a disapproving look. I decided not to let him ruin my fun. This planet was the place of my darkest nightmares and in the last 4 hours I’d enjoyed myself more than I had in years. Prince Valik was not going to ruin it.

  After dinner, Queen Seda showed me around the palace, taking me to the top of the fortress in order to show me the view of Arkan and the mountains that surrounded the city. Both Princes stayed behind to drink while she and I went up alone. The view was breathtaking. Not only could I see the jagged mountain range behind the fortress but I caught a glimpse of the frozen lake that lay just beyond the capital.

  “It’s lovely. I’ve been frightened of this place since I was a child and it’s beautiful here.” I looked at her apologetically, but she seemed to understand my meaning.

  “Erutans and Arkanians have been enemies for so long I’m not even sure what the original fight was about anymore, but I bear you no ill will. If your sister hates you, then you cannot be bad for she is a truly vicious person.” She chuckled softly, then looked at me remorsefully, afraid she might have offended me.

  I smiled and nodded. “She is my half-sister and some say she may not even be that.” We both laughed then she walked towards me with a more serious expression clouding her face.

  “Emalia, I know you appear to have a fondness for Berik, but I need you to consider allowing Prince Valik to woo you.” She took my hand and patted it.

  I felt my body go limp. “Prince Valik? I don’t believe I’ve prevented him. He clearly doesn’t want to woo me. He detests me.”

  “No, I believe he’s quite fixated. He never took his eyes off of you throughout dinner. But he’s not charming like his brother. My Valik is like me and we don’t give into flirting and foolish games of courtship. We’re much more traditionally Arkanian in our personalities than most. When an Arkanian man decides to take a bride, he will state his intentions by offering you a gift. If you accept his gift then he’ll seize you and carry you off into a cave. He’ll keep you locked away, planting his seed in you over and over again until he’s certain you’re carrying his child. Then and only then, will he marry you.” She found herself so aroused discussing the details, she had begun to perspire.

  I was absolutely horrified and only slightly titillated because of the wine. “Forgive me, but that does not sound pleasant.”

  “Emalia, with the right man it can be paradise. Berik would do the same but he’s a charmer and would spend more time courting you first. Valik is 8 years older than Berik, and as heir to the throne he needs to choose a bride of royal blood. For my sake, please consider accepting his gift. If you choose not to and want to marry Berik, I will understand.” The look in her eyes told me she would not understand, but I took her word.

  “Berik was going to visit me tonight. Should I not allow him to? I have never had relations with a man and…” I had trouble finding the words to explain but she cut me off.

  “No, you may, but do not consummate your relationship. On Arkania, virginity is rare at marriage— but it is still coveted. The more affection you show towards Berik, the more Valik’s interest will be piqued.” We walked back to join her sons and I excused myself to return to my room. I received no special attention or looks of admiration from the Crown Prince, who never so much as glanced at me when I said my goodnights. As I strolled down the long corridor to my quarters, I wondered if his interest had all been in the Queen’s imagination.

  I was still changing from dinner when Prince Berik surprised me with an earlier than expected visit. With a solemn warning not to accept any gifts, Freda and Lila left us alone to get better acquainted.

  “Your mother would prefer I marry Prince Valik, has she told you this?” I eyed his expression as he marched across the room towards me.

  “Yes, many times. But what do you want?” He smiled and closed the distance between us.

  “I would prefer you. However, I am currently a person with few choices. I was banished from my home and I am at the mercy of your mother’s hospitality.” I forced a smile as I gazed up at him. “Why do you and your brother look so different? Do you resemble your father?”

  He nodded. “I am the spitting image of my father. Valik favors our mother. Is Queen Maika your only sibling?” He took my hand and led me to a small couch.

  “We have the same father, different mothers.” I shrugged my shoulders with disinterest. She was the last person I wanted to talk about.

  Patting his lap, he smirked and coaxed me over to him. “Come here, little one.”

  As I sat down on his powerful thighs, I felt a tingling in the pit of stomach. Wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him, his soft gaze traveled from my eyes, then dropped to my shoulders, then down to my breasts. He appeared mesmerized by the sight of my chest and the air moving in and out of my lungs. After a few minutes of entrancement, he looked up at me and smiled sweetly.

  “You have the most unusual color of eyes I’ve ever seen. They’re not quite green and they’re not quite brown. They look like honey. They’re beautiful.” He tightened his grip and pulled me closer to him. I felt so vulnerable in his arms, my limbs trembled in his grasp. As his hands began to explore the hollow of my back, I encircled my arms around his shoulders, offering him some encouragement and that was all he needed.

  Berik’s lips pressed against mine and gently covered my mouth. As he explored and caressed my lips tenderly with his tongue, I kissed him back eagerly, savoring every moment. Our passion grew the longer we kissed and as seconds turned to minutes, the more urgent his attentions became. I could feel his hot breath against my skin as his lips trailed down my neck and became overcome with a building lust that wanted to be explored and brought to its final release—but I knew we had our limitations.

  “Berik, we should stop. I don’t have any experience with men and I’m afraid of letting my emotions lead me.”

  His eyes grew wide. “Are you truly innocent? That’s quite commendable for someone so
beautiful. I really hope my mother stays out of this and allows us to marry. It would be my privilege to corrupt such a lovely Volteran.” He recaptured my lips and caressed the outline of my breasts, making me moan into his mouth as the thrill of his touch made my senses reel.

  “I’m only half.” I whispered breathlessly against his cheek as he trailed slow lingering kisses down my jaw.

  “That’s enough.” He answered, preoccupied with my neck and shoulders. When he attempted to pull one of my breasts out, I abruptly ended the evening’s visit and sent him on his way with only a few short kisses more. To my horror, Prince Valik was passing through the hallway at precisely the same time I was saying goodnight to his brother. After I received another icy stare, I gave him a chilly nod and closed my door.

  Chapter 4


  The following day, Berik showed me around the city of Arkan. I’d received no invitation from Valik and when we passed him leaving for the shuttles he made no attempt to speak to me. It did not appear he was going to challenge his brother’s suit in any way and that was fine with me. Berik took me out alone, among the Arkanians in the city that remained partly domed throughout the cold seasons. We walked on the frozen lake then went for a quick look into the cavernous mountains just behind the Royal Fortress. He intended to show me more, but after a few hours had passed, he received a summons from the Queen to return home immediately.

  “Is everything all right?” I was concerned he might be in trouble.

  “Mother is surely worried that I’m not allowing Valik an opportunity to court you.” He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

  “But he doesn’t want to court me. He won’t even speak to me.” I fidgeted in my chair, nervous that I was being set up for some kind of arranged marriage with a man who hated me.

  “She’s delusional.” He smiled at me and reached for my hand.

  “Berik? Your mother told me Arkanian men leave a gift when they propose, is that still done?” I was beginning to become fascinated by this the ritual. It seemed ancient and archaic, but also kind of…nasty.

  He chuckled and wagged both his eyebrows at me. “It is, you naughty girl. I would bring you a gift, something expensive, an heirloom and if you accept it, I would carry you off into a special mating cave behind the fortress. We would make love for days until I know you’re carrying our child, then we would come out and have a proper ceremony to make things official. Once we’re united, only death would separate us.”

  They kidnap women into caves and violate them. That’s where those stories come from. They never mentioned it was a mating ritual.

  He parked the shuttle and pulled me into his lap, crushing his mouth to mine. As our lips and our tongues intertwined, I pulled away to ask another question.

  “And how do you know when I’m with child?” I struggled to catch my breath.

  “I just know. I know when you’re fertile and I know when you’ve conceived. Your body scent changes drastically. Like right now, I know you’re incredibly aroused.” His eyes gazed at me lustfully, as his hands caressed my ass. “Do you want me to bring you a gift?”

  I nodded while his face was buried in my neck. “I do, but I’m worried.”

  “I am too. I’ll speak to my mother today.” He kissed me one more time before we disembarked and headed back inside.

  We were no more than a few steps out of the dock when an arm took me out of Berik’s grasp and carried me back in. I gasped loudly from the sudden jerk and shock of being whisked away. It was Valik hauling me off like a barbarian towards his own vessel without an invitation or word of greeting. Berik was incensed.

  “What in the world do you think you’re doing?” He shouted.

  Valik merely chuckled. “Mother wants to see you now. We’ll be back tonight.” He had me by the wrist, dangling me like a doll as we boarded a shuttle five times the size of of Berik’s.

  “Will you please ease up? You’re hurting me!” His hands were enormous and he was clearly unaware of his own strength.

  “Forgive me, I didn’t realize you were so delicate.” He smirked sarcastically as he waved me in before him.

  Unsure of where we were headed, I walked up the ramp in slow deliberate steps, but when he realized what I was doing, he came up behind me and pushed me forward with his body. “I’ve seen you move faster than this.”

  “Where are we going? Berik has already shown me around the city.” I asked, tersely.

  “I will rule an entire planet, not a city.” He replied harshly. “Please sit down, I’ll buckle you in.” When I hesitated for a second, confused on where he wanted me, he lifted me, planted me down next to the captain’s chair and fastened me in like I was a child.

  “You’re incredibly inpatient, you could have simply pointed.” I folded my arms and sighed with exasperation.

  Ignoring me, he addressed the crew members who were preparing the shuttle for him. Wherever we were going, we were going alone. I sat quietly in my seat staring out the front and waited for him to speak to me. We were well on our way before he said anything.

  “I know you do not want to be here with me and the feeling is mutual.” His voice was cold and exact.

  My face felt hot from anger. “Yes, thank you for acknowledging my present repulsion, Your Highness.” My response was just as cruel.

  He was not expecting me to challenge his insult. “I know how you feel about Arkanians—what you think of us.” His voice dripped with hatred, but he was too busy setting us down on an icy beach to look at me.

  I clenched my fists so hard I feared my nails would pierce the skin of my palms. “You are mistaken! I’ve been ignorant of your people most of my life and only knew that you were our enemy, but since I’ve been here I find everyone to be far better than the average person on Eruta. But you sir are the exception. You’re rude and impolite for someone who’s destined to be a king and completely unchivalrous to a female who has never done you any harm.” I turned away from him, struggling to hold back angry tears.

  While I shook in my seat, filled with righteous indignation, I didn’t hear him walk over to me until he was hovering. Bent over my chair with his face directly in front of mine, he addressed my insolence with a low growl.

  “You’d prefer if I just step aside and allow you to marry Berik, then?”

  I nodded. “You don’t want me and I don’t want you.”

  “Get up, get your coat on.” I followed his lead and grabbed a heavy coat and boots before heading down the lowered ramp. I took slow steps, fearing he would leave me in the middle of nowhere.

  “What are we doing here?” The wind from the half-frozen ocean was sending ice directly into our faces.

  “Just wait for it. Keep watching the water.” It was so cold, I nudged closer to him, using his great size to block the wind.

  “What are we looking at? Valik, my legs have ice on them!” Because I had not anticipated coming to the ice caps, I’d neglected to wear tights under my skirt.

  “Just keep looking, Emalia. You won’t regret it.” He put his huge arm around me to warm me and pointed to an area on the water that looked particularly choppy. Fighting to keep my eyes open with bits of ice pelting my face, I finally saw it. It was incredible. A sydros, a giant sea creature I assumed was a beast of fantasy or long ago extinct jumped high out of the water and flopped back in on it’s side. I instinctively screamed with childlike excitement then jumped up and down as I held on to Valik’s torso.

  “Was that?” Tapping him hard against his chest. “Was that really?”

  He laughed in amusement and hugged me tightly. “It was. We need to get you inside. You’re turning blue.”

  “No, no, won’t it come out again?” I struggled to stay behind, trying to plant my feet into the icy sand, but he carried me into the shuttle.

  “It won’t come out for awhile. We’ll come again later.” After he hung up our coats, he forced me to sit down so he could remove my frozen boots. In the process of sliding them off, he caught
a glimpse of the ice on my legs and panicked. Sliding his hands up my skirt and rubbing my legs furiously, he took off his own pullover to wrap it around my calves, reprimanding me in the process.

  “Why didn’t you say something?” He was more concerned than angry.

  “I did, didn’t you hear me? Then I guess I lost feeling.” I watched him rub my legs, his broad muscular chest was beading with sweat from the warmth of the cabin and for some unknown reason, I became intensely aroused. The feeling came on suddenly and was not motivated by any act I viewed as sensual or erotic. He had rubbed my legs, but he did it rather crudely. There had been no caresses or gentle strokes. Yes, I had been admiring his rippled abdomen and masculine torso, but not enough to become flushed with heat and feel such an accelerated moistening between my legs.

  Valik froze. His eyes slowly lifted to meet mine and I could see his mouth was watering as he stared longingly at me with seductive intent. As he drew closer, he appeared almost mesmerized and unaware that his hands were gradually parting my thighs. Berik told me he could smell when I was aroused and I had never been as aroused in his presence as I was in my present state. Fearing what might happen, I placed my shaking hands on his chest and held his away.

  “You’re doing something to me, I know you are. Please stop it.” It was the only explanation. The onset had been too quick.

  “I’m not doing anything. You’re doing it. I’m only sensing it.” He opened my thighs and reached for my panties, pulling them down without so much as small struggle from me. I had no power to stop him. The more he touched me, the greater my lust grew.

  “But I’m not, I swear.” As I spoke, he moved in closer until his lips were less than an inch from mine.

  “There is something about me that pleases you, my chemistry, something you inhaled when I started to sweat. You’re Volteran and Volteran females have the ability to…” His lips brushed against mine as he continued. “Sniff out favorable genetic matches for procreation.” The caress of his lips on my mouth set my body aflame. Any restraint I’d fought to maintain was shattered with the hunger of his kisses and I found myself submitting completely to his passion.


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