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Serve & Protect

Page 4

by Kayla Carson

  “Kiss me, Sugar.” He seethed.

  I snapped my head up immediately finding his lips with mine. We moaned into each other's mouths as we came together in a white hot explosion. “Damn.” He breathed against my lips, while resting his forehead on mine.

  “Damn.” I agreed, on a blissful sigh as he slowly set me back on my feet.

  After helping each other wash up, and a few more kisses we finally made it out of the shower just as Ben started to knock on the door. “Oops.” I said, wrapping my towel around myself, and tucking it securely. “I can just ask him to wait in the living room, until we get some clothes on.”

  “I'll go.” He said, securing his own towel around his waist.

  “Are you sure, I mean-”

  “You aren't answering the door in a towel Haylee.” He said, brushing past me without another word.

  What a double standard. I couldn't answer the door in a towel, but he could. Jokes on him.. Ben's gay. I couldn't help but laugh to myself, as I tossed my hair up into a messy bun. A few seconds later Noah came back, shutting the door behind him. “Don't.” He said, brushing past me to grab his sweats from the dresser.

  I stifled my laughter for as long as I could, but it was useless. “I tried to warn you.” I said, tucking my tee shirt into my work slacks. “Come out when you're ready.”

  I grabbed my over shirt, gun, and badge from the dresser and made my way towards the living room. Ben was sitting on the couch awkwardly flipping through a random magazine I left lying around. “Sorry about that.” I said, as I shrugged my uniform shirt on and began messing with the buttons. “Can I ask what you said to him?”

  Ben smiled wide. “I may have mentioned that I agreed with you about him being a snack.”

  This time I couldn't hide my laughter at all, and Ben couldn't either. “He was worried about me stealing his girl, now he doesn't need to be. Problem solved.” He said shrugging his shoulders.

  “So I'm not a snack?” Noah asked rounding the corner, still towel drying his hair.

  “No, you're definitely still a snack.” Ben deadpanned.

  “Right!” I agreed sidling up beside Noah, and pressing a kiss to his cheek. I could feel the heat on his cheek, when I pulled away and I couldn't help but smile. “So now that you two have met, Ben, and I need to get to work.”

  “Not so fast, Sugar.” He winked. “Ben, and I need to have a little chat.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You have five minutes Steele, and then we're leaving.” I said, heading back to our bedroom to finish getting ready. I could faintly hear them talking from the living room, but I tried to ignore it. Ben was a nice guy, and Noah was reasonable I'm sure whatever they were talking about had nothing to do with me, and everything to do with the case. Noah was there when my father died, be blamed himself, and the fact that we still didn't have any definitive answers really bothered him. Maybe he'd be able to find some kind of closure talking with someone who wasn't so close to everything.

  After applying the last of my makeup, and tying up my boots I was ready to leave. I shot my eyebrow up skeptically, when I walked out to the two of them shaking hands. “What's this?”

  “We've just come to an agreement of sorts, that's all.” Noah said, coming over to kiss me on the top of my head. “Have a good day at work, Sugar. I'll see you for dinner?”

  My eyes darted back, and forth between the two of them suspiciously, before giving Noah a quick peck, and signaling for Ben to follow me out. When we reached the parking lot, I stopped him. “What was that about?” I asked.

  “He was just warning me, or threatening me.. I'm not sure. Either way, we're on the same page.”

  “Threatening you?” I said with hint of anger.

  “Relax.” He laughed. “He just wants you safe, Hales. I get it. You're a special girl.”

  I smiled, but inside I felt uneasy. It was the same eerie feeling that had fell upon me earlier when he made the joke about borrowing sugar. I shook it away. “Thanks Ben.” I said before turning away, and heading towards my car.

  Chapter Six

  When I arrived at the station, Erin was sitting behind my desk. She crossed her arms in annoyance, and rolled her eyes when I stopped directly in front of her. “Where's your boy toy?” She asked, in a flirty tone.

  “Noah's on graveyard, but you already knew that.”

  She laughed pulling a file folder from the inside of her jacket, and placing it on my desk. “I meant Ben.”

  “What's this?” I asked, opening the folder to inspect it's contents.

  “All the information I could find on Sarah Ryan.”

  I looked around the room, lowering my voice. “What are you doing?” I whisper snapped.

  “Helping you.” She whispered back.

  “If the chief finds out-”

  “Relax. I did the research on my home computer.”

  “There's not much here.”

  “You're telling me. It's like she didn't even exist.”

  “What are you thinking? Witness protection?”

  “It's Georgia Haylee. Who could she possibly be hiding from here?”

  “How the hell should I know?” I asked, throwing my hands up in exasperation. “What other explanation is there for someone abandoning their entire life?”

  “What do you say we check it out?” She asked, raising her brow.

  “Check what out?” Ben asked, as he entered the station with the other rookies on his heels.

  “A new night club!” Erin said, snatching the folder from my hands. “Our little Haylee loves to get her dance on, isn't that right Hales?”

  “Not as much as Erin!” I gushed. “This girl taught Miley Cyrus how to twerk!”

  Erin gave me a death stare, and it took everything in me to hold my laughter in.

  “You girls want some company?” Ben asked excitedly. “I've got to see this!”

  “Sorry Benny Boo. Girls only.” Erin said, before making a beeline to her desk.

  I shrugged my shoulders apologetically, and Ben smiled before heading towards the interrogation room. What was Erin playing at? We couldn't just go rogue on this case. If Chief Craig found out, he'd have our jobs. On the other hand, if Erin was willing to help me, maybe I should let her. Obviously no one found any answers legally, maybe a little under the table investigating is exactly what needed to be done.

  Pulling my phone from my pocket, I sent Erin a quick text. What did you have in mind?

  I knew you'd agree! Meet me at my place tonight after Noah heads to work. Wear black.

  I tucked my phone away once again, and got back to filing the reports that were stacked on my desk. I tried everything I could think of to make the day go by faster. I even volunteered to go out on the bullshit calls just to stretch my legs. I could only imagine what Erin was planning tonight, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little excited.

  When I finally arrived home a little past five thirty, Noah was just getting into the shower. I changed out of my uniform, and into something more comfortable before making my way to the kitchen. I got started on dinner, while I waited for Noah to join me. Erin specifically told me not to tell him about our little side investigation, but I don't do secrets. Not from Noah.

  I had just poured the spaghetti sauce over the noodles, and began to mix them together when Noah came up behind me. “Mmm.” He said, inhaling my scent. “I don't know what smells better. You, or dinner?”

  I giggled, turning my head so that his lips could brush my neck. “Did you miss me?”

  “Always.” He said, pecking my neck softly. “Anything I can do to help?”

  “You can throw the bread in the oven.”

  “Yes, ma'am.” He said, giving my neck a final kiss before heading towards the freezer.

  We finished preparing dinner in comfortable silence, and when it was ready we sat down across from one another at the table. I watched as Noah twirled his spaghetti around his fork, and brought his glass of milk to his lips. I played with my own food, trying to
figure out how to broach the subject of my impromptu investigation.

  “What's wrong?” He asked, setting his glass down.

  “Nothing.” I said, taking a bite of my food.

  “Haylee.” He insisted. “I know you better than you know yourself. Now, what's wrong?”

  “Erin may have done a little digging on Sarah Ryan.”

  “Legal digging?”


  “Did you ask her to?”

  “No. That's the surprising part. She showed up at work this morning with a complete dossier. Or, as complete as it could be. The woman's a ghost.”

  “Did you ask her what she was planning on doing with the information?”

  “She wants to help me.”

  “Help you how? Erin's brand of help isn't exactly conventional.”

  “I won't lie to you Noah. She wants to do a little side investigating, off the books. We're going to meet up tonight to strategize.”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Hear me out Noah. We could chase all the leads that the police couldn't. Hit the streets as civilians, and not officers. We could find my dad's killer.”

  “Or you could lose your job! A job that you have worked the last six years for! Do you know how many women get promoted to intelligence? Not many Hales, and you managed to do it in just two years. Are you willing to throw that all away?”

  “Of course not, but I can't just keep sitting on my hands. The police couldn't find his killer, and you and I both know that the rookies won't either.”

  “So what? You and Erin hit the streets, start asking questions, and then what?”

  “Look Noah, I didn't have to tell you. I could have snuck out the minute you left for work, but I didn't. I love you, and I value your opinion. I understand why you're worried, but you don't need to be. I promise that we're going to be careful. We aren't rookies. We aren't going to be running through town waving our guns around. Trust me.”

  He sighed, running his hands through his hair. “I trust you, Sugar.” He said softly. “I just don't want you to get hurt.”

  “I promise you that if things get hairy, I'll pull back. I know my limits baby.” I said, reaching for his hands across the table. “Please. I need to do this.”

  “Keep your phone on at all times.” He said sternly.

  I felt the smile forming on my face before I actually intended to smile. “I love you so much.”

  “Just promise me something?”


  “Call me. I don't care what time it is, or where you're at. If you need me. Call me. Understand?”

  “Yes sir.” I winked.

  Chapter Seven

  Noah's shift started at eleven, so when he left for work I headed to Erin's place. The closer I came to her apartment, the more my nerves started to mess with me. I had no idea what she had planned, I only hoped that it wasn't something too crazy. After a ten minute drive I arrived at her place, parking my car next to hers in the driveway. I didn't even have the chance to open my door, before she slid in beside me excitedly. “Aren't you going to invite me in?” I asked.

  “No time. Wait.. what are you wearing? I told you to wear black.”

  “Is that a ski mask in your hand?”

  Erin rolled her eyes, tossing it onto the dashboard. “We're going to Sarah Ryan's house.”

  “We can't break into someone's house Erin, we're police officers for Christ's sake!”

  “Relax. The house has been empty for two years, and it's dark. Which is why we're taking your car by the way. It's black. Mine would stand out way too much.”

  “I'm not breaking and entering.”

  “Suit yourself. You can be the get away driver.” She said, shrugging her shoulders. “Drive.”

  I knew this was stupid. I knew Noah would be pissed if he knew I was even contemplating this, but I also knew that if I didn't go with Erin she'd probably get herself caught. “Fine.” I agreed, putting my car into reverse and backing out of her driveway. “But, if I even get an inkling that something's not right, we're out. Got it?”

  “Got it.” She said, clapping her hands excitedly.

  “You are way to happy about this right now.”

  “Where's your sense of adventure Hales!?”

  “Don't call me that.”

  We drove in silence for the next fifteen minutes. Erin was staring out the window, while I focused on the road ahead. As awkward as our friendship was, I valued her opinion. Don't get me wrong, the woman was a class A bitch, but she was a damn good cop. “Can I ask you something?” I said, finally breaking the silence.

  “For the last time Haylee.. my boobs are real. I don't know who the fuck started that damn rumor-”

  “Relax Erin, it has nothing to do with your boobs.” I interrupted. “I want to know your opinion of Ben.”

  “Ben? Why? You got the hots for him? Just make sure to send Noah my way-”

  “Can you be serious!” I snapped, rubbing my hand over my forehead to release some of the tension that was beginning to build there.

  “He reminds me of a puppy. Cute, and eager to please.”

  “Too eager maybe?” I asked.

  “I heard his dad was a cop, he died around the same time as yours I think. Maybe he's just trying to live up to his name. You should know how that feels more than anyone.”

  “I guess. It's just... I get this eerie feeling around him sometimes. It's almost like I've met him before.”

  “One night stand? Was he a stripper? He looks like he could be one of those stripper gram guys. His body is-”

  “We're here.” I said, effectively interrupting her.

  “This discussion isn't over.” She said, unfastening her seat belt.

  “It is now.” I said putting the car into park.

  “Are you coming in?”

  I glanced around the neighborhood then. Most of the lights in the houses were off, aside from a few porch lights here, and there. Most of the street lights were blown. Resulting in broken shadows being cast along the road. “Yes.” I said, reaching for the door handle before I changed my mind. Together, we quickly ran across the street and onto the front porch.

  I stood in front of the door, my hands shaking. I had driven by this house so many times before, but I had never had the courage to get this close, and now... I was going to actually go inside. To see the place where my father was shot. I took a few deep breaths trying to calm my nerves when I felt Erin reach for my hand, and give it a tight squeeze. It had been a long time since I felt any kind of support from her, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it.

  “Whenever you're ready Hales. We can stay here as long as you need.”

  “I'm ready, and what did I say about calling me that?” I snapped.

  Releasing my hand, Erin pulled a small knife from her pocket, and used it to cut the weatherization seal on the door frame. “After you.” She said, motioning for me to go inside.

  When I entered the house I thought that I would feel something. Fear, adrenaline, sadness, but instead... I felt nothing. I looked around the large foyer noting that all of the furniture had been covered in white sheets. The hardwood floor beneath my feet was covered in inches of dust, but other than that the house looked untouched. I could feel Erin behind me, and I didn't say anything. I let her follow me from room, to room in silence. Normally I would have been annoyed by her presence, but in this moment I was glad that we were doing this together.

  “We should split up.” I said quietly.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I'm OK.”

  “Here, take this.” She said, handing me a flashlight.

  Clearly she had come prepared for anything. Switching on the light, I gave her a curt nod before heading for the stairs, leaving her to explore the first floor. I didn't expect to find anything, especially after the place had already been raked through with a fine tooth comb, but I still had to try. I found the master bedroom first, and lifted up the dust covered mattress, cough
ing when the particles began to stir in the air. Of course there was nothing under the mattress. What was I expecting to find, a million dollars?

  I laughed to myself as I made my way around the room opening drawers, and lifting furniture. I entered the walk in closet next, running my hands over the vast array of gowns that were still hanging in their garment bags, like they were waiting to be worn. I moved each hanger one by one, shining my light as I went. When I reached the center of the closet, I noticed a difference in the paint color. I ran my fingers over the wall, but it felt like normal drywall.

  “Erin!” I called out, as I moved the dresses aside to take a closer look. When she entered the room, I signaled for her to come inside. “Does the paint look different here to you?” I asked.

  Shining her own light beside mine, she ran her hand over the wall as I had. “Maybe she was a smoker?”

  “But it's only on this one panel.”

  “Could have been a repair? It's hard to match paint colors sometimes. Plus, it's a closet, she probably didn't care too much about it.”

  “The entire house is meticulous. Even her dresses are color coded. She would have cared.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I want to knock the panel out.” I said, knocking on the discolored section, and then the brighter section. “Do you hear the difference? It sounds hollow!” I said with excitement. I knocked on the wall again. First on the bright white side, then on the slightly discolored side.

  “We can't risk it. Someone could hear us.”

  “So you think I'm right?”

  “Don't get too ahead of yourself James.” She said, nudging me with her elbow. “Maybe we can just put a big enough hole in it to shine the lights through?”

  While we were contemplating destruction of property, the sound of a door knob jiggling caught my attention. “Did you hear that?” I whispered, quickly shutting off my flashlight. Erin did the same, and the two of us quickly shuffled behind the dresses in the closet.


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