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Serve & Protect

Page 5

by Kayla Carson

  “Do you think someone else broke in? Maybe it's the perp? Maybe he's been watching the house this whole-”

  I placed my hand over Erin's mouth. “Shut up!” I whisper yelled. She nodded against my palm, and I slowly removed my hand.

  I held my breath, straining to listen for footsteps. When I knew someone entered the room, I stood as stiff as a board, and silently prayed that whoever it was wouldn't find us. The thing about going rogue was that there was no back up. I didn't even have my gun with me. I was nothing more than a civilian who was seconds away from being found in a closet by God only knows who.

  “I know you're in there. I can hear you breathing.” A deep male voice said calmly. “Come out with your hands up, and no one has to get hurt.”

  “Noah!?” I called out with disbelief, as I slowly made my way through the clothing that I was hidden behind. “Fancy meeting you here.” I said, offering him a slight smile when we were finally face to face.

  “What the hell Haylee.” He said, holstering his gun. “Day one of your little side mission, and you're already getting busted. This doesn't bode well for the rest of your 'investigation'.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You can come out now!” I called back to Erin.

  A few seconds later she sidled up beside me, tossing her arm around my shoulder. “Sup Noah.” She said, shooting him a wink.

  The chief's voice crackled over his radio then, and he signaled for the two of us to be quiet. He explained that it was a false alarm, and that he would be heading back to the station shortly. “You two got damn lucky tonight. What if another officer would have taken this call?”

  “Why didn't another officer take the call?” I asked taking a purposeful step towards him, and resting my hand on his chest. “This address isn't even on your patrol route.”

  He sighed, placing his hand over mine. “I can't always be here to keep you safe, Sugar. If something like this happens again, I'm pulling the plug. Understand?”

  I nodded slightly, before leaning up on my tip toes to place a soft kiss on his lips. “Thank you.” I whispered before taking a step back, grabbing Erin's hand, and making a run for it.

  The minute we were safely back in my car the two of us fell into a fit of laughter. We knew the situation wasn't funny, and that it could have been ten times worse, but there was also a little thrill. “I thought I told you not to tell Noah!” Erin said, when her laughter finally died down.

  “It's a damn good thing I did.”

  “I'm not disagreeing with you, but I'm not praising you either just so we're clear.”


  “So? What are we doing about the wall?”

  “We're busting it down.” I said reasonably.

  “I assume you have a plan?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  Chapter Eight

  After last night's impromptu B & E, I was starting to feel impatient. Finding that discrepancy in the wall color really had me thinking. It could be nothing, but it could also be something. If no one noticed during the initial investigation, maybe it was done afterwards? But why? Before I had the chance to contemplate any more Ben came out of the building to join me on the sidewalk.

  “Morning.” He smiled wide. “You ready?”

  “Let's go.”

  I couldn't shut my mind off. I needed to get back into that house. My dad had an old friend who used to be a building inspector, and I was hoping he'd be able to get me in legally to inspect that wall. It was in an odd spot, we couldn't exactly use the old gas leak ruse, but maybe he could help me figure something out.

  “Haylee?” Ben half shouted. “You just ran through the damn intersection. Are you alright?”

  “What? I'm sorry, I guess I'm just a little distracted.”

  “Wanna talk about it?”

  “Just wedding stuff. I never knew how much planning went into these kinds of things.” I laughed.

  “I thought maybe you'd heard about the attempted break in at Sarah Ryan's place last night.”

  I stopped dead in my tracks, making Ben stop with me. “Break in?” I asked, eyeing him questioningly. “What break in?”

  “Noah didn't tell you? He responded to the call.. I guess someone broke into her home last night, but when he got there, no one was there.”

  “I haven't spoken to Noah yet today. Was anything taken?”

  “No. It just seems odd that the chief puts a team together to look into your dad's case, and then all of a sudden after two years someone breaks into the place that he was shot in? You think somebody's hiding something?”

  “Like who?”

  “I don't know. Someone on the force maybe?”

  “That seems a bit far fetched.”

  “I don't know, I've seen stranger things.” He said, before continuing his jog.

  I stood there in shock for only a few seconds before rejoining him. How did he hear about the break in? His shift started at the same time as mine. Surely the chief hadn't called and told him, he would just wait until he came in. Right?

  When we made it back to our apartment complex, I was relieved to go our separate ways. I needed to talk to Noah. He was in the shower, so I slipped off my clothes and decided to join him. “Morning.” I said, coming up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist. “Miss me?”

  He turned to face me, as he rinsed the shampoo from his hair. “You're lucky I didn't slap a pair of bracelets on you last night.”

  “Promises, promises.” I crooned seductively, making him laugh before I switched gears. “About last night... Ben knew about the break in.”

  “Well I did radio it in. Maybe someone at the department sent him a text? He's working your dad's case, maybe someone thought he should know about it?”

  “Maybe. Something just isn't sitting right.”

  Noah cupped my face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs over my cheeks. “You're too close Sugar. I know I can't convince you to take a step back, but.. I'm worried about you.”

  “I need to get back into that house Noah. We found something, or at least we think we did.”

  “What was it?” He asked, releasing my face so that he could wash his body.

  I took the sudsy loofah from his hands, and started to wash his hard chest. “A wall.” I said, bringing the loofah over his broad shoulders next. “A discrepancy in the paint. It looks like a new sheet of drywall was put up, but the paint wasn't an exact match. It's barely noticeable, but I can't help thinking that it was replaced after my dad was murdered.”

  “What makes you think that?” He asked, as he watched me squat down to wash his legs.

  “No one noticed it two years ago.” I said reasonably, as I began to wash his ever growing erection. “Is it the shop talk, or me washing you that has you standing at attention?” I teased.

  He laughed, turning away from me to rinse the soap from his body. “I can't help it. My cock knows a beautiful woman when it sees one.”

  I rolled my eyes, trying to contain my laughter, and stay on task. “So? I was planning to make an anonymous call to the building inspector. Maybe express my concern for a rat infestation? Termites? Mice? Anything to bust that drywall down.”

  Noah gently maneuvered me under the hot spray of the shower, doing for me what I'd just done for him. “Even if you call anonymously, what proof do you have without incriminating yourself? You can't tell anyone you were in that house.”

  “My dad and Sal go way back. I'm sure if I explain the situation, he may be able-”

  “Spread your legs.” He said interrupting me.

  I did as he asked, and watched as he ran the loofah up, and down my legs, stopping just short of my heat. I cleared my throat. “He'll be able to get someone in there to take a look. It doesn't have to be me. Mmmm.” I murmured as he let his finger tips brush my clit. “You're trying to distract me.”

  “Is it working?”

  “No.” I said defiantly, knowing full well that I had just challenged him.

  Without an
other word he dropped to his knees, and placed his mouth over my clit. He sucked it in, and out of his mouth slowly enticing a small moan from my lips. “How about now?” He whispered against me, flicking his tongue out to tease me once more.

  “Dammit Noah.” I huffed out. He knew the effect he had on me, and he loved reminding me of it.

  He laughed as he stood, pulling me into his arms. “I'll give Sal a call while you're at work.” He said, reaching around me to shut the water off. “But first... you're coming with me.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  When we were dry enough, Noah scooped me up into his arms and laid me down on our bed. The towel was still wrapped around me, and with one swift pull he had it on the floor. I laughed, as he dropped his own towel before practically diving on top of me. His lips found my neck, and the scruff from his goatee tickled me there. I grabbed him by the hair, bringing his lips to mine with a smile.

  I could feel his erection pressing against me, and I ground my hips against his as we made out like a couple of pawing teenagers. His hands roamed my body, giving my ass a little goose causing me to squeal. I loved moments like this, carefree, and playful Noah was right up there beside jealous, and dominating Noah. He was perfect, and he was mine. The thought alone was enough to make moisture pool between my legs.

  A loud knock on the front door made us both jump, and then laugh. “They'll come back.” Noah said gruffly, before nipping at my bottom lip with his teeth. Knock, knock, knock. “Shh.” He said, maybe they'll think we aren't home. Knock, knock, knock.

  “I don't think they're going away Noah.” I whispered.

  He rested his forehead on mine, and sighed in frustration. “Stay here. I'll be back.” He said, jumping from the bed and tossing a pair of sweats on. After shutting the door behind him, he ran to answer the door.

  I sat up in bed, trying to listen as Noah greeted the unwanted guest. I couldn't make out who it was though, and the longer I sat there, the faster the time ticked by. Sighing, I decided to get dressed for work. When I was all set in my uniform, I grabbed my boots and made my way to the living room. “Chief. What are you doing here?” I asked with surprise.

  “What do you know about the break in last night Haylee?” He asked, looking me directly in the eye.

  “Only that there was one.”

  “So you wouldn't know anything about someone taking a sledge hammer to a section of drywall in Sarah Ryan's closet?”

  “What?” I asked, with genuine shock. No one other than Erin, and I even knew about the “clue” we'd found. “Of course not!” I could feel the anger rising in my chest, and it took everything in me to keep my tears at bay.

  “I have a job to do Haylee. I can't be your god father at work. I need to be your chief, and I can't be either if you're lying to me.”

  “Sugar-” Noah started.

  “No. Don't patronize me Noah. My dad has been gone for two years, and no one can find the man who killed him. Why is that? Why is it that the first piece of solid evidence seems to have been destroyed!”

  “What do you mean, evidence?” Chief Craig asked softly. “I can't help you if you don't tell me the truth.”

  I let the tears come then, sighing, and giving in. “I broke into the house last night. When I saw the cruiser pull up, I bailed, but I noticed the drywall was replaced in the closet. I was planning on getting a hold of dad's friend Sal this morning to get back in there. I just had this feeling that something was off. Call it intuition, I don't know, but clearly I was right because someone else beat me to it. Someone must have been watching me last night.”

  “No one else knew about this?”


  The chief turned to face Noah then. “You're telling me you knew nothing about this Steele?”

  “No, he didn't.” I said with anger. “I got tired of sitting on my hands and waiting, so I did something.”

  “You did. And now we may have lost evidence.” He said just as angrily.

  “Lost evidence!?” I yelled. “That house has been sitting empty for two years! No one has stepped foot in it! You wouldn't know evidence it if bit you in the ass!”

  “That's enough!” Chief Craig said, effectively silencing me. “I have given you a lot of leeway Haylee because you are my god daughter, but I'm also your boss. I'm placing you on desk duty until further notice.”


  “Let's go. You're riding to work with me.”

  “You can't be serious!”

  “Clearly, you can't be trusted so I'll drive you to work, and Erin will drive you home.”

  “You're treating me like a child.” I protested.

  “Then stop acting like one.”

  “How dare you!”

  “I would think carefully about the words that you choose to come out of your mouth next James. If you were anyone else I would have fired you for insubordination, and going against a direct order. Next time you won't be so lucky.”

  Before I could say another word, he turned on his heel and left, shutting the door quietly behind him. I turned to face Noah then. “Can you believe him?” I asked with exasperation. “Who does he think he is!”

  “Your boss?” Noah said shrugging his shoulders.

  The look I gave him, had him retreating back into the bedroom, and rightfully so. I was pissed. Not only at myself, but at whoever got to the house first. How could Erin, and I not realize that we were followed? We were both better cops than that. We were trained to be better than that. What the hell happened last night after we left?

  “I'm leaving for work!” I called to Noah, as I swiped my keys from the kitchen table. “Love you!” I didn't give him the chance to respond, I needed to get to the station, and I needed to speak to Erin.

  Chapter 9

  When I arrived at the station, I noticed that Ben, and the other rookies were already in the conference room. I sat behind my desk, and waited not so patiently for Erin to arrive, and the instant that she did I waved her over. I may have been a bit too enthusiastic for her liking, because she flipped me the bird and went to her own desk instead. “Bitch.” I muttered under my breath, before deciding to take the conversation to her.

  “We need to talk.” I whispered, glancing around the bustling station. “Privately.”

  “Not here. We'll grab lunch.”

  I nodded, and reluctantly returned to my desk. My desk, where I'd be sitting all damn day thanks to chief Craig. I rolled my eyes, as I booted my computer up. The thing was a dinosaur. I'd be lucky if it turned on by noon. I watched as my fellow officer's were sent out on calls while I manned the phones, and I could feel the jealously creeping up on me. I loathed desk duty. I'd don a short tight dress, and play “Candy” any day compared to answering moronic questions from the public.

  You wouldn't believe how many calls we receive about noise complaints alone. Let's just say I know how telemarketers feel now. You're forced to do a job that you know people don't really respect you for, but you do it anyway. I've been hung up on more times than I can count today, and most of them were senior citizens. You would think that they would understand the ins and outs of the law by now, but never the less I still received the calls.

  The minute the clock struck twelve, I practically jumped from my seat. I needed a break, and bad. I met Erin in the parking lot, and the two of us walked down to Vinny's for sandwiches. I breathed a sigh of relief when we slipped into the corner booth at the back of the diner. “I assume you heard about someone beating us to the drywall?”

  “Don't be mad.”

  “Erin? What did you do?”


  “Slow down. English Erin.” I said, the anger evident in my voice.

  “I went back alright. I found a sledge hammer in my garage, and I went back. You were right. I found something.”

  “Well don't leave me in suspense! What was it?”

  “A lock box.”

  “A lock box? What's in it?”

“No clue.” She said, taking a bite of her grilled cheese.



  “You're telling me that you've had this thing all night, and haven't even looked inside?”

  “I wanted to wait for you.”

  “Oh.” I said, looking down at my plate. “Thank you. I... appreciate that I guess.”

  She rolled her eyes then. “Come to my place after your shift, and we'll check it out. Together.”

  “I don't suppose there was a key?” I laughed to myself.

  “I can drill it out. You just need a quarter inch drill bit, and a flat head screw driver.”

  “You know what? I'm not even going to ask. I actually have to meet with Noah's mom after work today. I had to blow off dress shopping because of our sting last week, but I can come by afterwards if that's alright?”

  “Sure. I mean it's only the key to finding your dad's killer, and wedding dresses are waayyy more important.”

  “Fine! I'll reschedule again. At this rate I'll be walking down the aisle in my birthday suit!”

  “I'm sure Noah wouldn't mind.”

  Ignoring her, I finished the rest of my sandwich in peace before polishing off my soda as well. “Before we get any deeper into this, you should know that the chief knows I broke into Sarah Ryan's house last night. I kept your name out of it, and as far as I can tell, he believes me.”

  “Did Noah rat you out, because-”

  “Of course not.” I said, stopping her crazy before she fully unleashed it. “He put two, and two together. Hence the reason I'm stuck on desk duty.”

  “We're going to figure this out Hales, and when we do.. the chief will be eating his words.”

  “I hope you're right.”

  “Have I ever steered you wrong?”

  “Many, many times, but we won't get into that right now.”

  “We should head back now.” She said, ignoring my little dig.

  I left a tip on the table, and then followed Erin out of the diner and back to the police station. She was oddly quiet on the walk back, but I didn't think much of it. The rest of the day seemed to go by so excruciatingly slow that I thought I would literally lose my mind. I felt like I was living in an Edgar Alan Poe poem, but instead of the beating heart under the floorboards, it was stolen evidence under my ex best friend's bed.


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