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The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three

Page 29

by Raymond L. Weil


  Admiral Masters was back in the Command Center of the Defiant. Fifth Fleet was now deep into Confederation space. The long-range sensors constantly sounded warnings of enemy ships in various nearby star systems.

  “We are staying well clear of all systems inhabited by any of the seven races,” Captain Banora informed the admiral. “As long as we stay in hyperspace, we should be safe.”

  Derrick nodded as he sat down in his command chair. The next few days would be nerve-wracking. Their target was deep in Confederation space, and, once they struck it, every warship in the Confederation would be seeking out Fifth Fleet, if it survived the attack on Druin Six.

  “Let’s run some battle drills and damage-control drills to give our crews something to do. No need for them to sit around and to worry about what’s ahead of us.” He didn’t want the crews to worry, as Derrick would be doing enough worrying for them all.

  Audrey nodded her agreement. “I’ll set them up immediately.”


  On the planet Morag Prime, the Morag High Council was meeting. No member of any other race had ever been allowed to land on Morag Prime or on any of the primary worlds of the Morag.

  “Fleet Admiral Horrabe has been lost to us,” sent Addonis, the current leader of the council. In their meetings, the council tended to communicate using telepathy, as it was quicker and more efficient.

  “An unfortunate loss,” replied Delann, the only female on the council. “We should promote another admiral immediately.”

  “This message that Fleet Admiral Horrabe sent before his death is worrisome,” sent Hiram. “He claimed these Earth Humans may be as intelligent as the seven races.”

  “And even more dangerous than the Humans of the Empire,” added Delann. “Is that possible?”

  “Anything is possible,” answered Addonis. “Fleet Admiral Horrabe was a brilliant strategist. That is why he was chosen to lead the Confederation fleet. His failure does seem to indicate we must take a closer look at these Earth Humans.”

  “We could send a large Morag fleet to deal with Earth,” suggested Brant.

  Addonis shook his head. “No, the other six races of the Confederation have no real knowledge of the number of worlds we inhabit or the actual size of our fleet. It is why we have restricted access to our space to all but a few trading ships and why we control the minds of the captains of those vessels.”

  What no other race knew was that the Morag maintained a large warfleet of nearly 15,000 vessels, which they very seldom used. They also inhabited 112 planets in ninety-two different star systems plus numerous inhabited moons. The other members of the seven races thought the Morag numbers were far less and their fleet only a fraction of its true size.

  “What about the war in the Human Empire?” asked Delann. “Their core worlds are firmly under the control of this High Princess and their new military.”

  “When the time is right, we will use our fleet to crush them. For now we will allow the other six races to wage the war and to reduce the number of worlds this new Human Empire controls. As soon as the Confederation fleet returns from Earth, I will instruct Councilor Damora to convince the Great Council to order the repairs of the other races’ ships. The Confederation fleet shall be reinforced with ships from the other races and then sent back to the Empire. At that time we will allow the bombing of Human cities to bring the Empire into submission. Once the Human Empire is fully under our control, we will send a Morag fleet to deal with Earth. Six months from now this war with the Human Empire will be over, and Earth destroyed.”


  For the next hour the Morag High Council discussed their plans for eventual domination over the other six races and the Morag’s continued expansion of the Confederation. In time, the galaxy would be under their firm control. The only obstacle was the Humans, and that inconvenience would soon be dealt with.


  A couple days later Kala met Cheryl for lunch. She felt uneasy with two Imperial Guards accompanying her everywhere she went. When she arrived at the restaurant, she was immediately ushered inside, while the two guards waited near the entrance.

  Kala saw Cheryl and sat down and smiled. “Let me guess. You own this place?”

  Cheryl nodded. “I’m putting in an entire string of family restaurants, featuring Earth food. It seems to be very popular.”

  Looking around, Kala saw a large number of couples and also entire families at other tables. The lighting was moderate, and soft music played in the background. Enticing aromas of various foods were prevalent, making Kala’s stomach growl.

  “It’s a little tame for you, isn’t it?” Kala had visited several of Cheryl’s entertainment bars back on Pallas out of curiosity.

  Grinning, Cheryl nodded. “Some, but they pay well, and I know Dylan will approve. I also have a larger string of entertainments bars I’m putting on all the core worlds. Where there’s a large military, there’s money to be made.”

  “What does Dylan think of all this?”

  Cheryl laughed. “I have some restrictions. I’m not allowed to leave the core worlds, and I must have an armed military escort wherever I go. After what happened when I went to Highland Station, I won’t protest.”

  A somber looked crossed Kala’s face. “I heard about that. It must have been horrible.”

  “Yes, it was the most harrowing thing I’ve ever experienced. What made it even worse was that Dylan had warned me about going off on my own.”

  Kala’s eyes narrowed, and she spoke in a slightly lower voice. “I visited several of your entertainment bars on Pallas.”

  A grin crossed Cheryl’s face. “I bet you didn’t stay long.”

  “No, I didn’t. The servers and the women dancing were barely covered. They showed a lot more skin than I felt comfortable with.”

  “Part of the business,” answered Cheryl. “Dylan does not care for it either, but, when your main clientele is the military, often you’re dealing with crews who have been gone from home for weeks or even months, and you give them what they want.”

  Kala slowly nodded her head. “I guess I can understand that.”

  A waitress came over and filled their two crystal glasses with Carlish and placed a menu in front of Kala.

  “I would recommend the Karlen. It’s very similar to Earth lobster. That’s one of Earth’s seafoods I’m still having trouble procuring, due to harvesting limits on Earth. I’m thinking about importing some and starting a few growing farms on Glimmerr.”

  Kala placed her order and took a sip of the Carlish. She loved the slight strawberry taste. “Do you really need to be doing all this?”

  “No, not really. But I enjoy staying busy, and it gives me something to do when Dylan is away from Golan Four. So, I hear you’re moving into the Palace.”

  “Yes, at least for now. I told Andrew that I wouldn’t mind having a small house somewhere out in the country, just to get away on occasion.”

  Cheryl took a drink of her Carlish and gestured toward the door, where the two Imperial Guards stood. “See those guards? They’re a part of your life from now on. Wherever you and Andrew go, they will be with you. Even if you get a house out in the country, Imperial Guards will be there as well. They will be discreet and will keep their distance when possible, but they are now a part of your life.”

  Kala let out a deep sigh. “Krista and I discussed that. Imperial Guards are not allowed in the residential wing of the Imperial Palace, where we will be living, though guards will be stationed at all the entrances, in case they are ever needed.”

  Cheryl laughed. “You do know that, on several occasions, Krista has succeeded in sneaking out of the Palace to visit Major Barkley. Layla threw a fit the first time she found out. It seems that Layla had been limiting the frequency of Krista’s visits with Mathew. I believe they have now worked out a compromise, allowing Mathew to come to the Palace more often for supervised visits.”

  “Krista does seem more adventurous.”

Cheryl continued. “Layla has been trained all her life to someday lead the Empire. With her cousin Krista not first in line to the throne, Krista did not worry about someday wearing the crown, so her training was not quite as extensive.”

  “You sure seem to know a lot about what’s been going on.”

  Cheryl nodded. “I have my sources.”

  The waitress returned with their salads, and Kala noticed they were very similar to what she would have with her meal on Earth. Cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, lettuce, a couple slices of onion, and a choice of several dressings. Kala would remember this. At least if she ate at one of Cheryl’s restaurants, she would know what the food was.


  The two sat in the restaurant for nearly two hours, talking and just enjoying each other’s company. Kala had found the Karlen to be as tasty as lobster, and, for dessert, they had a decadent piece of four-layered chocolate cake.

  Finally Kala let out a deep breath, as she finished off her third glass of Carlish. “I better go. Andre will be wondering where I vanished to.”

  “Don’t worry,” replied Cheryl. “I’m sure the Imperial Guards have already informed him where you’re at.”

  A concerned look crossed Kala’s face. “I don’t need to look for hidden cameras or recording devices in my quarters, do I?” If she wanted to walk around naked in her own rooms, she didn’t want to worry about being recorded.

  Cheryl laughed and shook her head. “No, they don’t go that far. The privacy of the Royal Family in their personal quarters is highly regarded. It’s the one place you don’t have to act like a Royal. So, have you and Andrew set a firm wedding date?”

  Kala smiled and nodded. “Five weeks from now. That gives my father time to get here and for us to plan everything. I had another reason that I wanted to talk to you today. Would you consider being my Matron of Honor?”

  Cheryl looked surprised and then nodded. “Sure. I would love to.”

  A few minutes later, Kala left the restaurant, escorted by her two Imperial Guards. Today she had taken several important steps in her wedding plans. She just hoped nothing interfered. She knew full well a war was going on, and, in a war situation, one never knew what might happen.


  Derrick was in the Command Center of the Defiant, watching as the first long-distance scans of the Druins’ home system came in. He had sent several battlecruisers ahead of the fleet to scan the system at extreme ranges and then to relay the information back to the Defiant.

  “Our scouts counted 914 warships,” commented Captain Audrey Banora. “I expected more.”

  Derrick had also. “Keep in mind they sent a fleet with the Confederation force to attack the Solar System, and they have a fleet under Admiral Kreen in the Empire. They must have task groups protecting their other primary systems.”

  “Not detecting any defensive grid,” continued Audrey, shaking her head. “Are they so egocentric to believe no one would dare attack their homeworld?”

  “Seems so. Yes. The Druins are one of the seven races and think no one else in the galaxy matters,” replied Derrick. “They look down on all other races. The very thought of their worlds being attacked by a species such as ours is nearly incomprehensible to them.”

  Audrey checked the time. “We’re about four hours out. Are we ready for this?”

  A wolfish grin crossed Derrick’s face. “We’re about to extract revenge for one thousand years of the Druins’ bombing cities in the Empire. Billions of people have died, and that does not include those taken to the Confederation for the Lamothians to feed upon.”

  Audrey nodded.

  “Get me the captains of the Ranger and the Intrepid. It’s time for us to go over our plan of battle one final time. We’ll only get one shot at striking the Druin homeworld, and I don’t want anyone to screw it up.”


  High Princess Layla was pacing in her quarters. By now Derrick had either attacked the Druin homeworld or was about to. Several picket ships were out close to the Confederation, monitoring communications. A sudden increase in hyperlight messages would be a good indicator that he had launched his attack.

  “Sit down,” said Krista, who already sat on one of the comfortable couches. “We can do nothing but wait.”

  Layla turned to face her cousin. “I hate this waiting. We don’t know if they were successful, if the entire fleet was wiped out, if they’re on their way home, or even if they’ve attacked yet.”

  Krista stood, poured Layla a glass of ice water, and handed it to her. “I’m afraid to give you anything stronger.”

  Layla frowned but accepted the glass and took a deep drink. “When Derrick returns, we’re setting a wedding date. I don’t want to wait any longer.”

  “Don’t forget. Kala and Andrew are getting married in about five weeks. She’s already sent for her father.”

  “I’m glad they’re getting married,” replied Layla, as she walked to the balcony to gaze out over the city. “It will be good for the Empire and a huge morale booster. Derrick and I can have our wedding a month or two after theirs.”

  Krista came closer to stand next to Layla. It was getting dark outside, and the city lights were coming on. The sky towers were lit up in blue lighting, as well as the sky bridges. “The work on the Palace is nearly complete and so is the House of Worlds.”

  Layla stared up toward space. “Chancellor Stein and his people have done a fantastic job. The Palace almost looks as it did when we were children.”

  “Emira and I went shopping with Kala yesterday. We picked out several gowns suitable for Royal activities and a number of others that were more casual. Emira even let me pick out some that I consider more reasonable. However, I’m only allowed to wear them in the Royal Residence sections.”

  “You must mean that short skirt that comes to just above your knees,” replied Layla, glancing at her cousin. “I’m sure Mathew will like it.”

  Krista blushed. “I’m sure he will, though I haven’t worn it for him yet.” Krista looked at Layla and then hesitantly spoke, hoping not to offend her cousin. “Why don’t you buy a few items to wear just for Derrick?”

  Layla turned red and gazed in shock at Krista. “Krista! Some things must wait until you’re married, since we are Royals.”

  Laughing, Krista shook her head. “I didn’t mean it had to be that sexy. But we’re both young, and, at times, we should enjoy being ourselves. It doesn’t hurt for us to dress as others our age do, at least in the Royal Residence section of the Palace.”

  Layla’s shoulders drooped slightly. “You’re saying I’m too focused on putting the Empire back together and not paying enough attention to Derrick.”

  “When was the last time you and Derrick did anything where someone else wasn’t around?”

  Layla looked a little uncomfortable. “Krista, I don’t trust myself to be alone with Derrick.”

  “Then trust Derrick. He’s too good of a man to take advantage of you, at least not too much of an advantage.”

  Layla turned back to the view of the city. A number of lit aircars could now be seen in the corridors high above. “I’m not sure I can do both. Derrick and the Empire.”

  “Yes, you can! Our parents found a way, or we wouldn’t be here.”

  Taking a deep breath, Layla slowly nodded her head. “You’re right, of course. When Derrick returns, I’ll try to arrange more quality time for the both of us.”

  “Have you talked to Kala since she moved in with Andrew?”

  “Once,” replied Layla. “I should speak with her more. If she and Andrew are getting married, that will make her a Royal Princess by marriage. I should find out what duties she would like to be involved in.”

  “The more of us there are, the less work will be on your shoulders. Didn’t our parents always lecture us about giving others responsibilities?”

  Layla nodded. “You’re right. Again. Andrew is already proving to be very useful in his role.”

  “Look at Derrick. He�
�s off leading what may be the most important military mission of the war. He did not hesitate to take that responsibility upon his shoulders. We have people who want to help us. We must learn to accept that help when it’s practical.”

  Layla started laughing. “I can’t believe what just happened. Instead of me lecturing you, you’ve been lecturing me, and I deserved it.” Layla turned and hugged Krista. “I’m so glad you’re my cousin.”

  “Me too, but let me go. You’re squeezing all the air out of me.”

  Layla did so. “I’ll schedule a meeting with Kala tomorrow and see what Royal duties she may be interested in. I’ll suggest she get involved slowly, until she decides what role she wants to fulfill. We also need to discuss this upcoming Royal wedding.”

  “Yes, we do. It’ll be gigantic!”

  Layla laughed. “That’s what I’m afraid of.” Layla had already heard a few rumors of some of the things being planned for Andrew and Kala’s wedding. Layla wondered what hers would be like.


  “Two hours,” reported Captain Banora. “Fleet is still at Condition Three.”

  “We’ll go to Condition Two twenty minutes before hyperspace dropout and then Condition One ten minutes before we enter the system. Have our advanced scouts located any additional targets?” Derrick referred to the two battlecruisers now in the extreme outer regions of the Druin Six System.

  “They found four large shipyards around Druin Six, as well as three massive space stations,” answered Audrey. “All are armed and have energy shield emitters, though none of the shields are currently active. Also a number of large mining operations are on some of the other planets and moons. All could be considered tempting targets.”

  “Put the latest sensor data up on the holographic tactical display.”

  A huge display of the space around Druin Six appeared directly in front of Derrick. He got up and walked around the display, seeking a weakness they could exploit. “The Druins are not scanning the approaches to their system. They don’t believe they’re in danger of being attacked. After all, who would dare to attack one of the homeworlds of the seven races?”


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