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The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three

Page 30

by Raymond L. Weil

  Audrey grinned. “We would.”

  Derrick took a laser pointer and indicated two of the large shipyards and one of the space stations. “We’ll drop out of hyperspace near all three of these. As soon as we do, we’ll hit them with a full missile strike. Assign ships to make sure we hit all three hard. If we’re a little lucky, we’ll have blown all three of them to hell before the Druins even realize what happened. Then I want all ships to launch full barrages of antimatter missiles toward the planet.”

  “They won’t get through,” said Audrey, frowning. “The Druin fleet is in orbit above the planet and should intercept all our missiles.”

  “I know,” replied Derrick. “That’s what I’m counting on. I want to keep their fleet busy.”

  Audrey nodded. “We’re taking a big risk, but, if it works, we might just be able to strike their planet.”

  “We’ll know soon. Let’s make our final preparations. We need to contact some ships to explain their parts in the upcoming battle.”

  Sitting back down in his command chair, Derrick gazed at the holographic display. The Druins didn’t know it, but the Humans were coming to avenge their billons of dead. For the Druins, there would be no mercy!

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The Fifth Fleet dropped out of hyperspace nearly on top of the two shipyards and the space station, which Admiral Masters had designated as their first targets. As soon as the systems of the warships stabilized, antimatter and fusion missiles launched from their missile tubes. The shipyards and space station were in high orbits above the planet and easy targets.

  All three were struck before they could raise their energy shields. Massive explosions broke off huge sections of the shipyards, and those were quickly riddled by fusion energy beams. The space station had less armor and, in just a few moments, had been obliterated.


  In the Command Center of the Defiant, Derrick watched in satisfaction as the two shipyards and the space station were pulverized. Finally the two shipyards exploded, sending flaming debris in all directions. Much of the debris fell toward the planet.

  “Primary targets annihilated,” said Captain Banora exuberantly. “Launching two missile barrages at the planet. Once those have been launched, we will target the orbiting warships.”

  Derrick leaned forward in his command chair. Depending on how quickly the orbiting Druin fleet responded, there was a chance that some missiles might sneak through.


  Druin Admiral Kotare had his meal interrupted when the emergency klaxons sounded and then the first officer’s voice came over the ship’s comm system, summoning him to the Command Center.

  Leaving his partially eaten meal behind, Kotare hurried to the Command Center, anxious to find out what was going on. He wasn’t quite there when the ship shook violently, throwing him to the deck. Getting back up, he made it to the Command Center and sat down in his command chair. “Report!” His gaze went to the tactical display, instantly noticing a large number of red threat icons. Even more worrisome, two of the shipyards and one of the space stations were massive debris fields.

  “A Human fleet is attacking us,” reported First Officer Madoll. “They dropped out of hyperspace and destroyed two of the shipyards and one of our space stations before they could get their energy shields up. They are currently launching antimatter missiles toward Druin Six, as well as our fleet units. I have instructed our ships to intercept the missiles.”

  Admiral Kotare knew this attack was the result of Admiral Kreen’s destruction of a Human city on Ranier Two. “Put Druin Six up on the viewscreen.”

  The main viewscreen switched to show the planet, just as an antimatter missile detonated on the surface. A huge flash of light indicated a massive area of destruction.

  “Are these the only Human ships attacking us?”

  “Yes, Admiral.”

  “Order all our fleet to form up around us. As soon as we have done so, we will move out and destroy these Humans. We vastly outnumber them. They must have hoped the element of surprise would allow them to destroy our planet. Well, it did not work.” He noted his ships were now intercepting all the missiles being fired at the planet. However, four huge mushroom clouds were already rising. Admiral Kotare knew that millions of Druins were probably dead.


  “Four missiles got through,” said Audrey, the sound of satisfaction in her voice. “Druin warships are now intercepting our missiles. They are also forming up into one large formation.”

  “We will do the same,” said Derrick. “Form up into a wedge formation, and we’ll see how many of these Druin ships we can destroy.” Now the battle would grow more interesting. He was also surprised four missiles had gotten through.


  The Great Council had been called into an emergency session once more.

  “I’ve just received a report that a Human warfleet is attacking Druin Six,” said an extremely agitated Druin, Councilor Clun. “Already we have lost two of our shipyards, one of our space stations, and four antimatter missiles have struck the surface, killing millions. Admiral Kotare is even now forming our fleet to destroy these interloping Humans.”

  “So, their threat to destroy one of our worlds if we destroyed any of their cities was not a bluff,” said Ardon Reull, his cold and hard eyes focusing on Clun. “You have Admiral Kreen to blame for this, and he disobeyed a direct order from this council in destroying the Human capital city on Ranier Two.”

  Clun did not reply. However, his eyes were red with rage, his control over his emotions forgotten. “We must send ships to Druin Six to ensure the destruction of this Human fleet!”

  “What if more Human fleets are in the Confederation?” asked the Lamothian Councilor. “If we send any of our fleets, we could be leaving our own worlds open to attack.”

  Ardon Reull slowly nodded his head. “The Lamothian Councilor is correct. We dare not move any of our fleets until we know more. I suggest you move more of your own fleets from your other worlds to assist in defending your homeworld.”

  The Druin Councilor stood and stormed out of the Great Council’s chambers.

  Councilor Damora slowly nodded to himself. The Druins had brought this attack upon themselves. In recent years the Druins had demonstrated their desire for war was greater than their concern for the Confederation. This would be a good lesson for them.


  In the Druin system, the two fleets had now closed to optimum engagement range. Missiles and fusion energy beams were being exchanged at a maximum rate. Ships on both sides were being destroyed or damaged. In the Human fleet, when a ship was damaged, it pulled back to the rear of the formation to conduct repairs.

  Captain Banora shook her head. “We’re just too badly outnumbered. We’re losing two ships for every one of theirs we destroy. We’re just fortunate this Druin fleet does not have a lot of battleships.”

  That also had surprised Derrick. Only twelve battleships were in the entire Druin formation. “Are all the Druin warships in that formation?” Derrick felt the Defiant shake from a missile strike to its energy shield.

  Audrey spent a moment closely examining the sensor readings. “Yes, all their ships are in their fleet and are currently engaged with us.”

  Derrick nodded. It was time to play his hidden ace. “Contact the Ranger and the Intrepid and tell them operation Archangel is a go.”


  Onboard the Ranger, Captain Drake received the message. A grin that almost looked evil crossed his face. “Prepare for a hyperspace jump to the far side of the planet away from the battle. As soon as all systems are stabilized, launch the interceptors.”

  Both carriers transported the maximum load of interceptors at 140 each. Each interceptor was armed with four fusion-tipped missiles.

  “Course plotted,” reported the navigation officer.

  “Very well, take us to Condition One and prepare to jump.”

  Moments later both the Ranger and the Intrepid vanished, as they entered
hyperspace heading toward their target.


  Druin Admiral Kotare was satisfied with the progress of the battle. He was slowly annihilating the invading Human fleet. With every passing minute, his numerical advantage increased. He wondered why the Human fleet didn’t flee. With his fleet blocking access to the planet, they could no longer strike it with missiles.


  “Captain Banora, have the Aloran jump out to the edge of the system and send this hyperlight message to Golan Four. Attack has commenced, two large shipyards and one space station destroyed. Four antimatter strikes on the planet so far. Preparing to launch main attack against the planet. Meeting heavy resistance.” Derrick at least wanted Layla and the other members of the military to know the attack was in progress. Once it was over, and they had to flee the system, it would be necessary to maintain hyperlight communication silence.

  Two green icons appearing on the other side of the planet drew his attention. He quickly dispatched a dreadnought and ten battlecruisers to provide cover for the battlecarriers. Time for the main part of this operation to commence.


  Onboard the battlecarriers, the interceptors were launched as rapidly as possible. Each pair rapidly headed toward the planet to deliver their load of fusion missiles. In less than four minutes all 280 interceptors were inbound toward their targets. Combined they had over eleven hundred missiles to deliver.

  Admiral Kotare had noticed the arrival of the Human carriers and instantly dispatched a force of twenty battlecruisers to deal with them. They arrived at the same time as the Human battlecruisers and the one dreadnought. Heavy weapons fire instantly broke out, preventing the cruisers and the battlecarriers from targeting the planet with their missiles. With deep concern, Admiral Kotare dispatched an additional eighty battlecruisers and two battleships to protect the planet, but the interceptors had already been launched.


  Derrick smiled as he saw the small green icons, representing the interceptors, swoop down into the planet’s atmosphere. If the interceptors could deliver all their missiles, it would effectively kill the planet. The Defiant shook violently, and a console exploded in a shower of hot sparks, smoke forming in the Command Center. Derrick coughed as the ventilation system struggled to clear the air.

  “Energy beam penetrated a weak section of our energy screen,” reported Audrey. “We’ve directed more power to the screen.”

  Derrick nodded. The battle was becoming brutal. His fleet must survive for another few minutes, and then they could pull out. On one of the viewscreens, a Human battlecruiser was torn apart by intense fusion weapons fire from several Druin warships. On another screen, one of Fifth Fleet’s dreadnoughts had been torn in two by a fusion missile.

  “Admiral, we’re losing three ships now to every Druin warship we destroy,” reported Audrey, growing more concerned.

  “Just a few more minutes,” replied Derrick. “We must give the interceptors time to deliver their missiles and to get back to their carriers.”

  Audrey let out a deep breath. “We may not have much of a fleet left by then.”

  Derrick knew Audrey was right. But it was a risk they must take.


  The interceptors descended to twenty kilometers above the surface and launched their small fusion-tipped missiles. The missiles streaked toward the ground, detonating fifteen hundred meters above it. Blast waves and tremendous heat radiated outward from the explosions, destroying everything in their path. Across the planet hundreds of mushroom clouds rose into the atmosphere.


  Admiral Kotare gazed at the viewscreen, his blood running cold. Across the home planet, devastation ran rampant. He knew beneath those rising clouds of death that millions, perhaps billions of Druins were dying.

  “This is all Admiral Kreen’s fault!” he raged, his eyes turning red in anger. Very seldom did Admiral Kotare lose his self-control, but seeing the home planet dying right in front of him had broken his control over his emotions. “I want those carrier ships destroyed! Shoot down all those small attack vessels, even if our battlecruisers must venture down into the atmosphere.”


  Across the planet, the interceptors streaked about, searching for and finding numerous targets. Factories, cities, infrastructure, military bases, and even dams were targets of the fusion missiles the interceptors carried. As soon as each interceptor had expended its four missiles, it turned and headed back to the carriers. No one wanted to be left behind.


  In space, the battle around the battlecarriers intensified. Some interceptors were destroyed before they could land, and others were caught in the cross fire between the two battling groups of ships.

  In a sudden massive explosion, the rear half of the Intrepid was blown apart from the direct hit of a fusion missile where its energy shield had weakened. All the rest of the returning interceptors were directed to land on the Ranger.

  “Last missiles have been launched,” confirmed the communications officer. “All interceptors returning.”

  The Ranger shook violently, and several red lights appeared on the damage control console. “Tell all the pilots they have five minutes to get back, if they don’t want to be left behind. Have our escorts close with the Ranger to keep some of the pressure off while we land our interceptors.”

  Captain Drake winced as two more incoming interceptors were blown apart just short of the ship. Four more managed to weave through the weapons fire to land.


  Derrick slowly pulled back Fifth Fleet. From the latest reports, he knew he had already lost nearly half of the ships he had come into this battle with. “How long until the Ranger is ready to jump?” He had watched the Intrepid die on the tactical display.

  “Three minutes,” answered Audrey. “All interceptors are heading toward the Ranger.”

  Taking a deep breath, Derrick issued his next order. “All ships stand by to enter hyperspace as soon as the Ranger is safely away.” The Defiant shook again. Smoke remained in the Command Center, and several technicians were working on consoles, trying to bring them back online. The damage control console showed considerable damage to the dreadnought but none of it severe enough to hamper its fighting ability.


  Druin Admiral Kotare stared at the main viewscreen, revealing the ruins of the Druin homeworld. Already the atmosphere was turning dark from the ash and smoke. Lightning flashed across the debris clouds, making the scene even more ominous.

  “Confirmed over one thousand fusion detonations,” reported First Officer Madoll. “We only have scattered communication with a few transmitters on the surface. The radiation count is rapidly climbing.”

  Kotare knew the homeworld was doomed. The Humans had done just what they said they would if any of their cities were destroyed. “Contact the Great Council and inform them what has happened. Send sensor readings and video of the planet. They must be made aware of the scope of this disaster.”


  Captain Drake watched as the last interceptor landed. Of the 280 launched between the two battlecarriers, only 78 had made it safely back to the Ranger. “Let’s get out of here. Notify Admiral Masters we’re jumping.”

  Moments later the Ranger and its six surviving escorts vanished from the space above the destroyed planet.


  “Take us into hyperspace,” ordered Derrick, as the Defiant shook so violently that Derrick was afraid it was about to come apart around him.

  Moments later the shaking stopped, and an eerie quiet encompassed the Command Center.

  “Successful entry into hyperspace,” announced Audrey with tremendous relief in her voice. “For a second there I didn’t think we would make it.”

  “Neither did I,” admitted Derrick. “Send a brief hyperlight message to Golan Four. “Mission accomplished, returning home. Then we go into a communications blackout until we’re safely out of Confederation space.”

  Derrick waited until the message was s
ent. “How many ships made it out with us?”

  Audrey shook her head. “Forty-eight battlecruisers, six dreadnoughts, and the battlecarrier Ranger.”

  Derrick blinked his eyes. That was a little less than one-third of the ships his Fifth Fleet had gone into battle with. He hoped it was worth it.


  Layla paced in the underground Command Center. They had just received a brief message that Fifth Fleet had begun their attack on the Druin home planet. Already they had hit the planet with four antimatter missiles, destroyed two large shipyards and one space station.

  “He’s making them pay,” said General Gantts, a note of satisfaction in her voice.

  Layla didn’t say anything. She was too worried about Derrick and if he would get away safely. She didn’t realize until now just how much she was coming to depend on him.

  “We might receive one brief message when they leave the system,” said Fleet Admiral Marloo. “After that, he will maintain communication silence, so his fleet can’t be traced.”

  Andrew looked at Layla. He saw the deep concern in her eyes. “I’m certain Admiral Masters will come through this. After all, he has a wedding to plan when he gets back.”

  This brought a smile to Layla’s lips. “I hope you’re right.”

  Andrew nodded. He hoped he was also.


  The Great Council watched the video of what had been done to Druin Six, the homeworld of the Druin race. The atmosphere was turning dark and would soon go into a nuclear winter so severe that no life would survive on the surface of the planet, if anything or anyone were still alive. Orders had already been sent for all available nearby transports to go to Druin Six to evacuate survivors.

  Silence filled the chamber as everyone watched the horrifying video. Finally Councilor Damora stood, towering over the others. “This is what the Humans have witnessed for over one thousand years from Druin fleets that have bombed their cities and worlds. It is not surprising they finally decided to hit back. We have become too complacent.”


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