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Crescent Moon Desire (Passion & Magic #1)

Page 2

by Amanda Bowen

  It was a little mean, I could do without the creamer, but watching her get flustered was harmless amusement.

  Callie opened the fridge and gave a sigh of relief. “Lucky day, we’ve got a little extra.” She pitched her voice so Thea could hear her after that. “Thea! We’re out of regular creamer! I’m sorry I meant to tell you but I got distracted.”

  Callie bit her lip and blushed as she heard Thea call back that it wasn’t a problem and then she added the cream, putting the container back before filling the cups the rest of the way with the freshly brewed coffee. She quickly popped lids on ours and then handed Thea hers without so she could sprinkle a little cocoa powder on it before closing it up.

  Thea smiled at me and I swore it felt like sunshine before she breezed out of there with her drink in her hand and then came back a second later for her purse and keys. That might have annoyed me if it was anyone else, but she made it kind of cute. Mike sat up enough to take his coffee and he sniffed it before flipping up the tab and taking a sip. He blinked and even hungover and bleary eyed gave a little grin and growled out. “Tastes better today.”

  He unwrapped his muffin, taking a bite before he sauntered out and I laughed a bit before I took a sip of mine too. I liked it hotter than most, and a crooked grin came because that applied to a lot of things. The flavor hit my tongue about then and I swallowed, examining the cup and then nodding to Callie.

  “He’s right, it does taste better today. Try and save us some of those turkey subs around lunch, would you? We’ve got a big project coming in and we might be a bit late.”

  Wonder if she noticed that I headed out so I could watch Thea walk out to her truck.

  I took her smile as the answer and headed out after Mike, and damn if I hadn’t finished that cup of coffee before I made it to the end of the row of shops to enter my tattoo place.

  * * *


  It wasn’t like us to run out of creamer, of all things to run out of that wasn’t usually anywhere near the top of the list. I didn’t have the heart to even be mad at Callie, she had a lot going on and I knew I was lucky to have her.

  It wasn’t every day that you ran across someone that was helpful like her, and trainable to boot. It sort of made her rare, even if she didn’t know that. She was definitely nothing like our couple of wait staff and our cook, all of them came in a bit later for the breakfast rush before lunch prep, but she was with me before and after.

  Callie had seen just enough to figure that whatever I did worked. Over the last year or so it really had become what we did working. It was a nice feeling, knowing that you had support and any lingering sense of annoyance was gone quickly. I couldn’t put my finger on it, there was something extra there today, some hint of almost fruit and floral that went really good with that dash of cocoa powder I always added.

  I’d have to check to make sure that we hadn’t mis-filled a shaker of sweetener maybe, but I definitely enjoyed it, even licking my lips to get the last drop.

  Chalk it up to a happy accident, and hope the rest of the day goes smoother.

  Mmm. That sort of sent my mind off and running thinking about other things and I had to remind myself that while driving it was best to pay attention. The last thing I wanted was to have a cafe out of creamer because the boss couldn’t keep her eyes on the road thinking about what another business owner had hidden in his jeans! Especially when the boss was me.

  I knew better than that, and managed to keep it at bay until I’d parked and gotten out at the restaurant supply shop. It took me another couple moments to check myself in the mirror and make sure none of those wild thoughts I’d just been having showed on my face. The woman that I knew would be there was a no-holds-barred gossip.

  The last thing I wanted was for her to think something was up, because she’d be after that like white on rice. Martha was nice enough otherwise and I usually forgave her for any intrusive questions. After all she always made sure to tell me what was on sale and every penny counted.

  It may not seem like a lot but when you run a business with the sort of overhead even a small cafe could generate, every little bit helped. One last check where I made a few faces at myself and despaired a little at the arch of my eyebrows at least got my mood back in order. I was able to finish my little errand without much further delay.

  I knew we had a bit before our first little crowd of the day, but I’d rather be there when it hit than hear about it in dramatic fashion from Callie after. Her flair for exaggeration aside, it just wouldn’t be fair and it was partially my fault. It wasn’t that I didn’t want extra help or that we hadn’t figured out the budget because we did.

  It was something I couldn’t quite put into words though, each person that had asked about the job just didn’t seem to fit. Even Callie agreed and she’d been the one to put the first hiring sign out when I’d drug my feet just a little.

  I liked how we did things and even so, I knew we’d adjust once we actually hired someone new. Resolved, I settled my purchases in the car after dodging a few too many pointed questions. For some reason they left me flustered worse than usual and I sat in the truck a moment, closing my eyes.

  I swore for a second or two that I could just smell that light cologne that Gunner wore. Maybe I smiled a little too much thinking of him, then I shook myself out of the little daydream even as I talked to myself under my breath.

  “Stop it Thea, it’s not the first time you’ve had a crush on a man out of your league…” and that got me sighing because who wants to think that they don’t have a chance on a great guy?

  My lips quirked, I could feel them even without glancing in the rearview and shaking my head I started the truck, which of course gave me a little fright as it took a couple extra tries before the engine roared to life. I really, really did need to get that thing looked at.

  Maybe after we got that new person hired. Maybe. I took a deep breath, letting the air fill my lungs and held it a few seconds, exhaling just as it started to burn a little. I’d hoped it helped me get my scattered thoughts back into order. Might have, just a bit. A little daydreaming was fine, but I had a business to run and people to help with the other things I did, and that had to come first.

  I mean didn’t it?


  I pretended really well that I wasn’t scoping the parking lot when I got back, looking to see if Gunner was out on the sidewalk making a call. I’d joked with him about getting a better phone with better reception but he’d said at the time that he liked the one he had, and then he’d laughed and said that he just wasn’t someone that settled for what everyone else wanted.

  At the time I’d laughed too, but now for some reason those words that I could hear clear as day in my head as if he were standing next to me just did something to me. My pulse sped, I could feel my heart race a little. My lower lip was suddenly without thought caught between my even white teeth.

  What if he’d meant he wanted me and I just failed to pick up on it?

  For a moment I let myself just feel what it would be like, to be wanted, desired, by a man like Gunner Blankenship. The answering zing of pleasure that shot through all of my nerves just to pool really low in my belly and make an answering throb come from between my legs shook me to the core, quite literally.

  This wasn’t right, I just wasn’t the sort to get all horny just from thinking a man might want me, at least I didn’t think I was? That momentary pause let those feelings ebb, leaving me with a slightly frustrated groan on my lips as I gathered the bags of creamer and a few extras I’d picked up out of the truck.

  My tummy flipped then and I swayed on my feet, and for a moment I had to wonder if I wasn’t coming down with something as a bead of sweat rolled from my hairline down my cheek.

  Ew, gross!

  Was I running a fever? That could explain all these strange thoughts and feelings swirling around. This was the worst time I could think of to get sick if you were in my line of work, well, the other line of work.
  The Fall season was always the most hectic for people that did what I could do. The few people I kept connected with on secret blogspots and internet bulletin boards always seemed to commiserate about the same things this time of year. Halloween was right around the corner, sure, but I always got a little extra slammed with orders every fresh semester too. Those college girls wanting that extra reassurance were a never ending stream at times.

  Now I felt a little guilty for not having already called Brenda Jefferson to come get her potion, but then again I hadn’t realized I’d have to supply run nearly the first thing this morning either. It wasn’t life or death, just a simple love potion that couldn’t hurt anyone. I carefully pulled open the door and bustled myself through as a smile came back to my lips.

  As far as spells went I never dabbled in darker things, I never had in my life done any magic to cause harm. I sure didn’t mean to start any time in the future either. The most my potion could do is give a nudge in the right direction toward someone that would be good to you.

  Match you with someone that was compatible to you. Maybe mine were a bit more effective than others because of my special gift, but any witch could make the same potion with the same ingredients and get the same sort of results.

  Well maybe not any witch, or trainee, but still. Point stands up.

  I wasn’t worried about any bad vibes coming from one of my potions, no sir. I bit back a sigh as I saw a few regulars at some of the small tables we had set in a sunny portion of the cafe. Going over emails or reading as they enjoyed a bit of breakfast. There was relief as I saw they all seemed to have lattes which used the steamed milk… so I’d gotten lucky, at least.

  Or Callie’s improved her hustle and salesmanship.

  Hustling myself over to the fridge I pulled it open and unloaded all the creamer except one. I took it over to the station and loaded the machine with an expert flip of the wrist, a small smile curving my lips. There we go, all in order, right as rain. I tossed the empty in the trash and then went back to the fridge to check on the potion I had resting there.

  That’s not how I left it? Is it?

  I picked up the container to make sure it hadn’t curdled though my gut told me it was perfect. Yet a sense of unease washed over me though because it didn’t feel as heavy as it should, and my fingers scrambled a bit as I popped open the lid. I peered within to confirm what my hand was telling my frantic brain.

  Half the potion was gone! I inhaled to call for Callie and suddenly my mind flooded with images, her smile as she handed coffee to Gunner, Mike, and me and how I’d smiled after tasting it and thinking the cocoa was the perfect touch to the coffee. Oh.

  Oh no.

  I was distracted as the bell over the door rang and in came Gunner. His eyes were a bit wide as he looked around quickly but he seemed to calm as soon as he saw me behind the counter. He made a beeline right for me and stared at me a moment before he sat down on his usual stool and just blinked. “Say, Thea…” he started and I couldn’t help myself.

  My gaze went right to his full lips, bracketed perfectly with his moustache and beard. I started thinking about how much I needed to know what they tasted like, and I felt ten shades of foolish as I heard myself answer him.

  “Yeah, Gunner? I mean sure, if you wanted to kiss me I don’t see why… not. Oh.” That last spilled out of my mouth as all the rest hit me like my cousin who loved to tackle me every Summer at camp, every year until I got fast enough to outrun her. It didn’t help at all, not even a little bit as I looked at him. Shocked at myself and my eyes wide as anything, and he stared at me and licked his lips.

  At nearly the same moment we leaned forward over the counter and I felt a shiver go up my back as his lips touched mine. It was gentle, his lips warm and inviting in a way that surprised me. Shocked me right out of the pull of the potion and I still couldn’t break the kiss until he did.

  He grinned at me and I felt a rush of color as my cheeks felt like they were on fire, and it was worse when he gave me a charming lopsided smile. “Well damn Thea, if I knew that’s all it would take I’d have said that months ago.”

  * * *


  I swear that wasn’t what I came in to do, but when Theadora leaned over the counter after saying if I wanted to kiss her I could? I didn’t stop myself, and I’m not sure I could have even if I wanted to. The taste of her lips was so sweet, so damn sweet that I already craved another kiss just looking at her.

  The way her eyes were slightly unfocused and soft, her cheeks a bright red? Those delectable lips swollen just the smallest amount by the pressure I’d put on her mouth. Delicious, better than I’d imagined and I’d imagined it a lot.

  I should probably say something, she’s frozen on the spot.

  “Sweeter than sugar.” Her blush went from red to hotter in seconds flat and I reached to take her hand. Gentle, gentle with her no matter how strong my hands were. She was saying something and I knew I should be paying attention. I caught myself sweeping my lips with my tongue, tasting her again as her words stuttered to a halt.

  Then of course I got a sharp elbow in my ribs, and turned to look into a still slightly hung over but same color as mine set of eyes as Mike gave me the strangest look before he reached for Thea’s other hand.

  What the hell?

  His voice, so much like my own caught my attention. “Look here, Thea. I get it, Gunner’s well, Gunner. But I’m not going to just step back after I’ve been working up to ask you out for a month now.”

  If anything Thea’s blush got hotter, and she looked between me and Mike, touching her lips with the tip of her own tongue as she closed her eyes. Damn that was sexy, and she whispered. “I don’t know what to say here, I don’t, things like this just never happen to me!”

  * * *


  Of course, of course I’d walk in just as my brother kisses my girl. Not that I’ve told her she’s my girl, but still.

  In the past, I’d backed down several times when I saw my minutes older brother zone in on a woman. Most of the time, I doubt he even noticed. Gunner just had a way with women. They flocked to him, and sometimes I got some of that sweet overflow.

  We’d never tricked any of them into thinking we were the other - we were fraternal twins, but growing up we looked a hell of a lot more similar. I was sort of proud of that since a lot of them seemed to think it would happen that way.

  Or maybe they hoped it would.

  Either way, it had felt wrong to even think about trying it. For a second, damn if I didn’t wish that I’d walked in five minutes ago but I wasn’t going to regret what I couldn’t change. Elbowing him in the ribs was the least I wanted to do. Because this time? I wasn’t going to back down. Thea? She was the warmest, kindest woman I’d ever met.

  She’d seen me at my worst and still managed to smile at me. Treat me like a person, and yeah. I knew that at first some of that was just being nice to a customer. But she listened, sometimes even when my own brother wouldn’t.

  I couldn’t help myself, I ran a fingertip over her wrist. Feeling her pulse, how rapid and kicked up it was. I caught her eyes as she opened them and realized something. Something I bet that had escaped Gunner, and I was okay with that. She looked between us both, and didn’t pull either of her hands away.

  Interesting. Very, very interesting.

  No matter what she might say, her body language was an open book to me. My own training in the military had been so much different than Gunner’s and I knew. No matter what Thea might say, she wanted both of us. As far as I was concerned, if it meant I got her?

  Hell I could share.

  The thought should have set me off. It should have had my hackles up. Ready to fight my own twin, over Thea. Yet, it didn’t and the more I thought about it? The more I felt that it was in the cards, whether Gunner liked it or not.

  Betting on not, but betting the big money on him wanting her enough to try it.

  I pushed in a little closer, a
nd grinned at Thea. This might take a bit of convincing on my part. I felt reckless though, and she needed to hear it. “He’s not the best kisser in this room, and I can prove it.”

  Come on Thea, take the bait. Come on baby.

  Gunner snorted, apparently he thought it was funny. I can’t say I could blame him, I knew he thought I was passive. Not interested in more than say, a casual date or hook up. But it was Thea that dropped the rock in the pond.



  This was absolutely a bad idea. This was not how my day was supposed to go. Nope, with a big old side of extra nope.

  That was my voice though. I’d always looked at Gunnar as the hot one, but when Mike took my hand? I’d felt that same thrill run through my veins. That same heat, that shock of what I knew was pure desire.

  Way too tempting, to find out if he’s full of hot air.

  I turned my hand in Mike’s grip, I saw his eyes go wide. He probably thought I meant to reject him despite what I’d said. Maybe because of what I’d said. But there I was and I leaned over the counter again and the warmth of Mike’s lips crashed onto mine.

  Oh God he’s a good kisser too.

  It seemed to go on forever. It also ended way too soon, as far as I was concerned. It hit me as I pulled back, seeing that smug look for a split second on Mike’s face that he’d enjoyed it. He’d also kissed me almost exactly as long as Gunner had. Gunner who had just the oddest expression on his face.

  If I was him I’d be so mad. He’s probably thinking I led him on, or something but it’s not that at all.

  I took a really deep breath and let it out slowly before I spoke. I had to tell them what Callie had done. Even though I knew that the potion didn’t work how they’d think. It didn’t make you do anything you wouldn’t already. All it did, was show you who you might be compatible with.


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