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His Desire

Page 6

by Lizzie Lioness

  Why does he have to look so damn hot? I feel nervous sitting here trying to work out what he knows. Maybe Kai didn’t say anything to him. Maybe Greg did. God, I hope Kai didn’t say anything.

  Holden was still dealing with a hotel guest, and Kai was still talking away. I stood up and paced the area, stopping at a number of old photographs on the wall. The hotel was built years ago, but recently refurbished. They have a display of pictures which showed the original construction, compared to what it was now.

  Sneaking a glance at Kai, I caught him looking at me even though he was still in conversation with the man. I wonder what they’re discussing. I don’t know why he said what he did after that kiss. I know I felt something, but I’m furious how he described it. The same as every other girl he’s kissed. Just the thought of another girl’s lips on his is making me anxious. Jealousy was not a feeling I was used to and it’s all I feel with Kai.

  Holden was suddenly standing beside me. “We need to talk.”

  I nodded, stepping away from the photographs. Holden reached out his hand and led me into one of the private meeting rooms, before abruptly shutting the door behind us. My red polished nails hadn’t seen the inside of my mouth for a while, but biting the sides of my fingers was all I could do to calm my nerves. Avoiding his gaze for fear of what Holden thought of me. When our eyes finally locked in place, I could see pain in them, drenched in anger.

  “What?” I asked nervously. I need to play ignorant right now. God, what have I gotten myself into?

  “How could you?” thundered Holden, whose loud voice struck me to my core.

  I’m hoping I’ve done something else wrong, that didn’t involve me getting paid for sex. “How could I what?” I answered. A hint of uncertainty in my tone.

  “Ignoring me like this,” Holden wept, tears swarming his eyes.

  Suddenly, the door swung open and Kai barged in. What the hell? Bringing my attention to him, I yelled. “What the hell did you say to him?” Kai shook his head vigorously signaling me to stop talking. Shit. He never said anything to him. Maybe Holden doesn’t actually know. I mean he’s the type to be up front with me. He would have said something already.

  “What are you talking about Isla?” Holden’s eyes narrowed.

  “Nothing,” I whispered. There’s no way I’m telling him now.

  Holden turned to Kai. “What are you doing here, bro?”

  Kai swallowed hard before he stuttered his response. “I…I needed to talk to you, Holden.”

  “Give me a minute. I’m in the middle of something important with Isla.”

  Kai turned away from Holden, nodded at me, before he walked outside. Why the hell did he come in here to begin with? Now it looks even more suspicious. Ugh.

  “What’s going on, Holden?”

  “Why were you ignoring me?” Holden’s voice dipped low.

  “I was upset with you after what you tried to do.” I answered. Holden could see I was still angry with him.

  “I know. I’m sorry. What more can I say? Forgive me,” he begged.

  “You could stop trying to set me up with people. Did you think that maybe I didn’t want to be in a relationship? I snapped. My voice was shaky and loud.

  “Kai is a great guy, Isla. I lost contact with him for a while and we’ve only just reconnected.”

  “And?” My fists were clenched. I folded my arms and tucked my hands underneath my body.

  “And I think you should give him a chance. It’s been a while since you’ve been with anyone.” His voice was still low and I could see the genuine concern etched on his face.

  “Not as long as you think,” I snarked.

  “I’m not talking about sex with Ace. I’m talking about forming a bond with someone.” Holden was firm after finding courage to talk to me about something he knows I wanted to avoid.

  “I don’t want my best friend trying to get me dates or pimp me out.”

  “That’s not what I’m trying to do,” he replied. Holden paused for a moment before a smile appeared on his lips, letting out a sigh of relief. “I’m still your best friend?”

  “Not if you keep trying to set me up with unavailable men. I may have to reconsider keeping you.”

  His eyebrows narrowed. “What do you mean unavailable? Kai is single. At least that’s what he told me.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” I brushed Holden off.

  “You know I love you,” he declared.

  “I love you too, asswipe.”

  He grabbed me by my waist before pulling me into a hug. A deep breath escaped my mouth as I settled into him, comforted. My eyes closed when he held me tighter. I know I have to tell him one day. Just not today. I wouldn’t even know how to start explaining everything, because it would mean telling him things that I haven’t found the courage to tell him yet. I pulled away from Holden.

  “I better get back to work. I’ll call you later. Please answer this time,” Holden begged.

  I nod. “Fine. If I must. I’ll see you later.”

  Holden opened the door and made his way back to the concierge desk. I was walking behind him when Kai grabbed me from the side and dragged me back into the meeting room. “What are you doing?” I gulped. He pressed my body back against the door and leaned into me.

  “I didn’t say anything to him about what you do.” Kai’s voice was low and deep. It was as if he needed me to believe him.

  “I know that now.” I replied. Kai stared into my eyes and for the life of me, I couldn’t look away. Only barely managing a whisper. “What do you want?”

  His hand moved down to my waist. My pulse quickened and my knees went weak from his touch. “To talk to you,” he whispered.

  “What about?”

  “Last night.”

  I’m so damn curious right now. He hated the kiss and now he wants to talk about it? I took the bait. “What about last night?” Kai leaned in and I was feeling nervous and scared at the same time. My palms were dripping with sweat and it was taking everything to keep my eyes locked with his. God, if he kisses me again, I won’t let him stop. I want to feel his lips on mine, but I’m still angry at him after what he said. So fucking confused right now. Ugh. I can’t. Not like this. “What are you doing?”

  “I want to kiss you again,” he whispered, before removing his hands from my hips, securing them on the wall on either side of my head.

  “Then go find one of the other girls who kiss just like me,” I muttered.


  Placing both hands on his chest, I pushed him away. The hurt in his eyes evident the moment he stepped back. As much as I want to kiss him, I know he isn’t good for me. Not right now at least. Especially with his hot and cold attitude. “Stay away from me, Kai,” I insisted. Strolling past him, I grabbed the door handle and turned it before leaving Kai in the room alone. God, resisting him has been one of the hardest things I’ve done.

  A few weeks passed and I hadn’t seen Kai around. Most of my time was spent working, looking for a new place, and hanging out with Holden and Daisy. It was Friday, and I was getting ready to see Ace. I stepped into my bedroom after showering and opened up my closet. I won’t lie, the new clothes I’d been able to afford had been a motivator. After rummaging through my dresses, I settle on a little black number. The thin straps, short hemline, and plunging neckline accentuated the curves of my plump breasts. Oh, yeah. This’ll turn some heads.

  After getting changed, I made my way into the kitchen just in time to see my phone light up. I grabbed it from the benchtop and read the message from my real estate agent who was helping me find a place I could actually afford. I think I’ve found something you like. It’s in your area. Clean, roomy, and even has a fireplace. It’s perfect for you. Sending her a quick reply. Thank you. Text me the details and I’ll take a look.

  Stepping into the hotel lobby, I noticed Ace sitting on the black leather couch. He stood up and walked to me, reaching out his hand. Holden was at the concierge desk. I caught his gaze
before bringing my attention back to Ace. God, I’m surprised he hasn’t figured it out. Ace told me that I was the only girl he sees when he stays at the hotel. Maybe it makes it more believable that it’s just sex and nothing sinister.

  I took his hand willingly before we made our way up to his room. The moment he closed the door, he pressed me up against it.

  “Fuck. I’ve missed you,” he whispered. Ace’s craving for me was visible through his black pants, which looked snug against his body. I smiled and licked my bottom lip. Bringing his mouth to my neck, he devoured me, biting down hard before sucking the flesh. My hairs stood up, completely aware of my body’s reaction towards him. I’ve missed his hands on my body.

  The moment he kissed my mouth, I could taste the sweetness of his tongue. A wetness settled between my legs. My arms wrapped around his neck. Ace growled at the back of his throat, grabbed my ass, and lifted me to his bedroom where he threw me down on the bed, frantically removing his clothes before taking off mine. Taking a condom from his pocket, he opened it up with his teeth before sliding it down his impressive length. He crawled on the bed and leaned over me.

  “I’m going to fuck you harder than I have before. I’ve missed that sweet pussy of yours,” he roared. Oh, fuck me. I nod my head and opened up my legs wide, waiting for him. Ace aligned himself with my beating center and plunged his member inside. I couldn’t help but scream.

  “Oh, Ace!”

  “Damnit,” he yelled. Ace grabbed my arms and pinned

  them against the mattress, before he fucked me hard. I felt every thrust and every growl released from his mouth.

  God, I love fucking him.

  “Change positions, Isla,” he demanded, pulling out and lying down on his side. I turned to mine with my back against him, lifting my legs. Ace grabbed his cock and aligned it once more before thrusting again, grasping my breasts, and pinching my painfully erect nipples.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” Ace moved his hands down my stomach to my center. Using his thumb, he rubbed my clit, his hips moving back and forth.

  “Oh, my God!” I screamed. My pussy tightened around him; his cock pulsated his release into my core. My body quivered as we rode our orgasm together. “Ohhh!”

  “Fuck yes, Isla!” Ace cried.

  Both breathing heavy, I felt my body relax when he took out his cock. After cleaning up, we both lay down on the bed next to each other. Sex is so hot with him. Obviously, experience counted for something.

  “You’re amazing,” he flattered.

  I smiled at him. “Thank you. I guess I’ll see you in about a month’s time?”

  “Maybe even earlier,” he whispered eagerly, moving his hand down to my waist pulling me closer, bringing his lips onto mine.

  Two weeks had gone by, and I was sitting in the lobby of the hotel. Holden was at home sick and Greg called me up with a new client. “Room 924,” Greg whispered, sitting down beside me.

  “Any weird fetishes?” I asked cautiously.

  Greg shook his head. “Nope. Not this guy.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” I’ve only had a few of them that I could handle. Greg has learnt from his mistake not to give me ones that make me sick to my stomach. Standing up, I smiled at him before I made my way to Level 9, heading down the carpeted hallway. This part always makes me so damn nervous. Wondering what they look like, what they want me to do to them and what they want to do to me. I know Ace. I know what he likes.

  Okay, Isla. Take a deep breath. After reaching the door, I swiped the key to unlock it and stepped inside admiring the suite. Fuck, this place is huge. Not as big as the penthouse suite, but damn! Some rich ass must stay here. Not being able to see anyone around, I called out. “Hello?” I made my way to the bedroom, slowly pushing the door open. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Kai, who was sitting on the chair in the corner of the room. My breath caught in my throat when our eyes met. Fuck. “What the hell, Kai?” I blurted. Ready to leave, I turned to walk out of the room, but he got off the chair and stopped me.

  “Please don’t go,” he begged.

  Kai moved in front of me. “Why am I here? Greg would have known this was your room. Why did he send me up?”

  “I asked him. I needed to see you, Isla.” Kai was desperate and nervous, scraping his fingers through his hair.

  “Why didn’t he tell me it was you? Why did he lie to me?”

  Kai took a deep breath. “I told him not to mention anything. I knew if he did, you probably wouldn’t have come up here to see me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t understand what you want from me.”

  “Anything and everything you’re willing to give me,” he whispered. Reaching behind his pocket, he removed out a thick white envelope and stretched out his arm. I took it from his grasp before opening it up to see the contents.

  Oh, shit. What the hell? “Kai, what is this?”

  “I want to be your client,” he proposed.

  A confused expression crossed my face. There’s no way he wants me as a client, right? I mean he hasn’t wanted to be around me. Regrets kissing me. How the hell is he going to be my client? “What? I don’t understand?” The envelope was dense and heavy, and I couldn’t have guessed how much was inside.

  Kai stepped towards me and I automatically moved back. “You heard me, Isla. I want to be your client.”

  I was speechless.

  I know I heard him; I just can’t believe what he’s just asked me. He doesn’t know what he wants. He’s confused. That must be it. “What changed your mind, Kai?” My curiosity was piqued and I needed to know everything he was thinking.

  “You can call me Kai or Storm.”

  “Storm?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

  “Kai Storm is my full name.”

  I nodded. Greg did mention that to me now that I think about it. “Okay. What changed your mind Kai Storm?”

  “You did.”

  “You’ve done a complete one-eighty. I just don’t get it.” I continued, “You can’t keep doing this.”

  “I know,” he whispered.

  My eyes traveled down to the envelope and back up to him again. I could definitely use the money. My real estate agent said that the place fell through. I’m still trying to get out of my dump, though I have no idea how I’m going to explain a new place to Holden. That’s definitely going to be an interesting conversation. Opening the envelope, I quickly counted the bills tucked inside. “There’s one thousand dollars here!” I yelled.

  “I know. I’ll pay you more for the entire night.” Kai scratched the back of his neck and took a deep breath. My eyes narrowed at him. “What?” he continued. “I want you for the entire night.”

  Holy crap. The entire night? Is he kidding me right now? Firstly, this is too much, and secondly, he wants me for the entire night?

  “One thousand is how much it would cost me for the whole night, Kai.”

  “Greg already told me how much and I want to pay you more.”

  More? Is he serious right now? What the hell does he want me to do with him?

  I shook my head; his expression was serious. “I need to think about it, Kai.”

  I need to think about it a lot. Hell, part of me is ready to jump in his arms and kiss him, but the other part of me, the scared part, is hesitant to do this at all. I can’t imagine what it would be like with him as a client.

  “Just say yes, Isla,” he whispered, trying to take another step closer to me.

  “I said I needed to think about the decision,”

  “What’s there to think about?”

  A lot. I want him. I know I want him. I feel something here more than I probably should. If I take him as a client, I know things will get complicated. Do I want complicated in my life right now? God, if it means having him, maybe I do. How long has it been that I have wanted someone not just purely for physical pleasure, but for an emotional connection? I can’t even remember.

  “Why do you want me? You obviously have the money, and
you could have any girl you want. Why me?” I needed to know if what I’m feeling is one way.

  If he feels anything like I do, I know it will get complicated for him too.

  “I have my reasons,” he replied.

  “And I’m asking for those reasons,” I insisted.

  I’m not giving up until I get the answers that I need from him. The truth. That’s what I want. It’s what I deserve.

  “I can change my mind at any time.”

  “Stop avoiding the question. Why?” Refusing to answer, I moved closer that our bodies almost touched, lowering my voice to a whisper with a hint of seduction in my tone. “Answer me, Kai.”

  His voice dipped low to match mine. “Because you’re so fucking sexy, Isla. So damn sexy.”

  I bit my lip. Kai’s hands moved down to my waist and my heart was beating out of my chest, sweat dripping from the palms of my hand. God, I want to kiss him again. Ugh. Fuck it. Leaning in wanting our lips to touch, my body froze when there was a sudden knock on the door. I stepped back and his hands dropped to the side.

  “Storm, it’s Holden. You in there?”

  Oh, fuck no! My head snapped towards Kai with my mouth opened. The nervous and excitement I was feeling moments ago, suddenly felt like fear. Damnit. Holden was supposed to be home sick. What the hell is he doing here now? I can’t let him catch me in Kai’s room like this.

  “Go into the bathroom and hide,” Kai demanded. Ensuring not to make a sound, I hid in the suite bathroom while Kai opened the door for Holden. I sat down on the toilet seat, my knees bouncing up and down, holding my breath while listening to their conversation.

  “Hey, bro,” Holden greeted Kai.

  “Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were home sick.” Kai asked.

  “How did you know?”

  “Oh, um. Greg told me.”

  Nice save, Kai.

  “Oh, yeah. I can’t stay long. I just wanted to let you know that the penthouse you wanted has become available. I had an issue with the previous guest and we had to kick him out. It’s getting cleaned out for you as we speak.”


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