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His Desire

Page 26

by Lizzie Lioness

  I was at home lying in bed and crying to myself thinking about what happened over the past few days. Seeing my kidnapper was closure for me, though it didn’t take away the pain of everything they had put me through.

  My thoughts were interrupted when my phone began to ring. I grabbed it from the night stand and looked at the caller I.D hoping it was Kai, but was soon disappointed when the number showed up private.

  “Hello?” I croaked and wiped the tears from my eyes.

  “Um, Isla? My name is Billy. You need to come down here right away. It’s Kai.”

  “I’m sorry? Who are you?”

  “My name is Billy. I own a bar here and your boyfriend got a little drunk. I think he needs a ride home. He asked me to call you.”

  Kai was slurring his words in the background. “She’s not my girl, Willy.”

  “It’s Billy, pal.”

  “Sorry, Willy.” Kai hiccupped.

  I took a deep breath. Knowing that Kai had obviously had too much to drink, I didn’t want him driving home drunk.

  “Can you send me the address please?”

  “Sure. I’ll text it to you.” I hung up the phone and jumped out of bed, getting changed as quickly as I could.

  I’m not his girl. Fuck. He’s in as much pain as I am in right now.

  Grabbing my keys and bag I ran out of the apartment to my car and stepped inside. The night was cold, pitch black and the only thing that occupied my mind was Kai. When I arrived, I turned into the parking lot and notice Kai’s car was parked under a tree. Heading into the pub, I noticed Kai sitting at the bar with a drink in his hand. Kai’s head was dipped low and the bartender, who I assumed was Billy, was trying to talk to him. I walked over and sat down on the bar stool next to Kai and nodded at the bartender.

  “Can I get you anything?

  “No, thank you.” I gave him a faint smile.

  “Ahhh, you must be Isla.”

  Kai lifted his head up and looked at me, but I turned towards the bartender. “And you must be Billy.

  “I am. Welcome to my bar. I’ll grab a coffee for him to sober up.” I nodded and left Kai and I to talk. My body turned to him.

  “What are you doing here?” Kai sniffled.

  I narrowed my eyes. “Billy called me. You must have forgotten you told him about me.”

  “And you came?”

  I nodded nonchalantly. “Of course, I did.”

  He shook his head at me, brought his whiskey glass to his lips, I snatched it and slid it across the bar before he had a chance to take a sip. “I think you’ve had enough.”

  Billy returned with Kai’s coffee. He took one look at it, sulked, and pushed it aside.

  “Drink it.” I demanded.

  “You’re not the boss of me.”

  “Really, Kai?” I took a deep breath and sighed.

  “Kai, huh? What happened to, baby?”


  I placed my hand on Kai’s leg but he swiftly moved it away from me. “Don’t touch me unless you mean it.” Kai turned his attention to the bar. There was nothing more that I wanted to do than touch him and kiss him. To have him hold me so I could feel safe again. God, I love him. A couple of days away from him and I’m a fucking mess.

  “Kai, please look at me,” I whispered. He lifted his head up hesitantly and our eyes locked in place. How the hell do I fix this? The fear was still there. The idea that I was not good enough for him was tattooed in my brain. But looking how he was, I realized that I had never been so wrong in my life. I needed him. We needed each other. “Kai, I’m sorry. I really am,” I apologized.

  “I told you not to break my heart, Isla.”

  “I didn’t mean to.” I placed my hand on his leg, grateful that he didn’t push me away again.

  “Why’d you do it?”

  “Because I’m scared.”

  Kai narrowed his eyes. “Scared of what?”

  “That I am not good enough for you. I’m not perfect or good enough to be with you.”

  Kai raised his voice at me. “Damnit, Isla. I told you that was complete and utter bullshit!” Kai’s fists hit the bar and I flinched. He’s looking into my eyes with such an intensity, that I was burning from the inside out. “Seeing you today at the station. Oh, man. A couple of days away from you and I’m fucking falling apart.”

  My eye swelled up. “Where did you go?”


  “After I met with her, I came out of the interview room and you were gone,” I muttered.

  He turned his head away from me. “I went out to lunch with one of my colleagues.”

  “Oh.” Shit. He went out with that bimbo. Fucking great.

  Kai heard the disappointment in his voice and he brought his attention back to me. “She asked me in the morning to go to lunch and a whole group of us were supposed to go. When I saw that you had come in, I told her I wouldn’t be able to make it. I only left because I couldn’t stand to be there. Listening to what she was saying to you, Isla. I swear, if I didn’t leave, I would have killed her,” Kai confessed. “I knew you had Holden there.”

  I wanted you there too. “I understand.”

  He chuckled beneath his breath. “I don’t think you understand how close I was to taking a knife and stabbing her with it.”

  “It’s better that you left,” I sniffled.

  “I wanted to stay, Isla. I did. I wanted to be the person you ran to after walking out of that interview room.” Kai shook his head. “You should go, Isla.”

  “I can’t leave you here drunk, Kai. I’m going to take you home,” I demanded.

  “My car’s here. I’ll wait until I sober up.”

  Fuck he can be dense sometimes. “Not happening, Kai. You’re drunk. I’m not leaving you alone tonight.”

  “So, you’re going to take me back to the hotel room for the night and what? Leave in the morning? Just go.” I took a deep breath and sighed. My hand reached into Kai’s pocket and grabbed the keys, but not before he tried to swipe my hand away. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  I smiled and lifted his keys up in the air, waving it in front of him. “If I leave, I’m taking these keys with me so you don’t do anything reckless.” Standing up, I turned towards Billy. “It was great to meet you. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you soon. Thanks for taking care of this one.”

  “Nice to meet you too, sweetheart.” Billy smiled and went to serve another customer. I brought my attention back to Kai.

  “Last change to come home or you can stay here for the night by yourself and wait for me to come back with your keys when you’re sober. Your choice.” Kai rolled his eyes and stood up from the barstool. Slightly more drunk than anticipated, he stumbled and gabbed a hold of me.

  “Shit. Sorry.”

  Taking his arm, I wrapped it around my neck for support and we both made our way to the car, and I decided to take Kai back to my place.

  When we arrived at home, I stepped out of the car and opened the passenger side door. I leaned down and ran my fingers along Kai’s cheek. “We’re here. Wake up.”

  “No,” Kai mumbled with his eyes closed.

  Ever so gently, I ran my fingers through his hair and lowered my voice to a mere whisper. “Kai we’re home. Please get up.”

  Kai’s eyes fluttered open and locked with mine. “I need to get you inside.” I reached out my hand and stood up. He managed to get out of the car without stumbling. His arm flung around my shoulder and I shut the car door with my leg and locked it with my keys. It was a slow process, but we managed to reach my front door. When we stepped inside, I guided Kai to the couch. “I’m going to make you a coffee.”

  “I’m tired,” he whispered.

  “You can sleep in my bed soon.” I turned to walk away but Kai grabbed my hand.

  “Thank you.” I nodded and he let go. Fuck. I miss his touch already. After I made my way into the kitchen, I turned on the kettle and made him his beverage, sporadically looking towards the lounge room to make sure Kai was
okay. When I was done, I headed back to Kai and placed the coffee down in front of him, before I fell back onto the couch. I was sure he could feel the heat radiating towards his body. Kai took the coffee mug and brought it to his lips before placing it back down again, turning to me.

  “I’ll be fine. You can go to bed.”

  “You’re sleeping in my bed remember?”

  “I don’t want to put you out,” Kai said.

  “You don’t have a choice. You need a proper bed for the night.” Kai rested his head back on the couch and his eyes closed. It was a struggle to restrain myself from touching him again. I reached out my dingers to run through his unkempt hair, but I pulled away at the last second. Kai began to slur his words.

  “She kissed me,” he whispered.

  What the hell did he just say?


  “She kissed me,” Kai repeated. At lunch today, she threw herself at me and kissed me.”

  A lump formed in my throat and I tried to blink away the stinging of my eyes. This is my fault. My mistake. Kai turned his head to me.

  “She kissed me, Isla.”

  I asked the question I wasn’t sure I wanted the answer to. “Did you kiss her back? Looking into Kai’s eyes, they glimmered and were laced with guilt. I asked the question again, hoping against everything that his answer doesn’t make me fall apart. “Kai, did you kiss her back?”

  “How could I kiss her back? They weren’t your lips.”

  My breath hitched in my throat and my body caught up with my heart. I leaned in and crashed Kai’s lips with mine. His hand guided his way to my face and I kissed him like I’ve never kissed him before. All of my emotions and feelings poured into this one kiss. Everything I felt for this man, he could feel as our mouths and tongues collided.

  I knew he was drunk, but I couldn’t stay away from him. At least to kiss him if nothing more. I moved my body onto his and my legs placed on either side of his waist. With his hand still on my cheek, his other hand slid down to my hip where he gripped tight as we continued to devour each other. I could feel myself getting out of breath, but I didn’t care, daring not to pull away from him again.

  I’m in love with Kai. Irrefutably in love with Kai Storm.

  My fingers ran through his soft hair, and I could feel him reacting with every touch. I was making him hard. Fuck. Extremely hard.

  Kai pulled away from me and our eyes locked, and for a moment we didn’t say anything, just stared at each other trying to catch our breaths. My swollen lips missed kissing him already. I tried to lean in again for another taste, but he stopped me just short of our lips touching.

  Kai swept my loose strands of hair off my face and whispered to me. “Tell me I’m yours again.”

  “Are you sure you want me?”

  I could see the frustration in his eyes.

  His hands moved down to my waist and he pulled me closer to him, squeezing hard. “You’re perfect for me. Everything about you is perfect in my eyes. The way you bite your lip when you’re thinking about me. The way your eyes close when your mind remembers how it feels when I touch you. How you save your favorite thing to eat as the last thing on your plate. How you care about others never asking for anything in return, other than to be loved. And by God, I love you. So, tell me, Isla. Tell me what I want to hear from those damn kissable lips of yours.”

  I brought my mouth even closer to Kai’s and his breath hitched when I whispered to him. “I’m yours. I’ll always be yours and you’ll always be mine.”

  “Always.” Refusing to stay away from him, my lips crashed onto his. I could taste the whiskey and coffee as our tongues collided. Kai slid his soft hands underneath my top and he caressed my skin with feather light touches. As much as I wanted him, I knew I needed to pull away.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re still drunk. I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

  Kai smirked. “Please don’t deny me what I’ll happily beg for.”

  I bit my lip and let out a small laugh. “Tomorrow morning, if you’re up for it, I’ll let you do anything you want to me.”

  Kai raised his eyebrows. “Anything?”

  My body moved against his and I lowered my voice. “Anything.”

  “Fine, but you’re not sleeping on the couch tonight.”

  “Where do you want me to sleep?” I snuggled into his neck and he wrapped himself around me.

  “In my arms where you belong.”

  The next morning, I woke up and Kai was still sleeping, so I decided to head to the kitchen and make him some breakfast that would soak up the alcohol in his stomach. I opened up the stainless-steel fridge and grabbed the eggs and bacon, toast and mushrooms. As the bacon began to sizzle, I took in a deep breath. God, I love the smell of it.

  In my own world cooking, I didn’t hear Kai walking into the kitchen.

  “What the fuck happened last night?” I jumped and turned. Kai stood in front of me with his eyes widened. Turning off the stove quickly before I brought my attention back to him. “Why am I here, Isla?

  My heart sunk into my chest. “You don’t remember last night?”


  We Meet Again, For the First Time

  My eyes swelled with tears. Oh, God. He doesn’t remember last night. Our kiss.

  Kai stepped closer to me. “Did we have sex?” I shook my head slowly before my eyes moved to the floor. He stepped even closer, placing his hand on my chin he lifted my head so we could gaze into each other. “How could I forget you, Isla? How could I forget the kiss of all kisses?”

  “You’re messing with me?” His lips curved into a grin and a relief washed over me. I punched him in the arm. “Don’t scare me like that!”

  “Sorry, baby. I do remember something else you told me last night that I can’t seem to get out of my head.”

  “Really? What’s that?”

  Kai grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. “That you’ll let me do anything I wanted to you,” he whispered.

  “Really? I don’t remember saying anything like that.” I shrugged.

  “You’re trying to get me back, aren’t you?” he grinned.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I teased.

  Kai grabbed my hair and moved my head to the side, exposing the veins in my neck. With one hand gripping my waist, he bit down. Hard.

  “Ahhh!” I loved the feeling of his teeth piercing my flesh and his hot mouth over my skin. After biting down, he sucked the area to soothe the throbbing pain. “Fuck!” God, this is. Oh, God!

  Kai slid his tongue from my neck to my shoulders before navigating towards my lips. Using both hands to cup my face, he began to kiss me passionately. Pushing me back against the kitchen countertop, his hard cock dug into me. The pulsating between my legs intensified and my body begged for more. When he broke the kiss, our eyes locked in place. “I made you breakfast.” I bit my lip, knowing that having a meal with him was far from what I wanted.

  “We’ll eat later. I can’t stay away from you much longer. I need you, Isla,” he whispered.”

  “My body is yours to use as you want, Kai.”

  “God, you’re so beautiful,” he complimented. He grabbed me by my ass and lifted me up, before seating me on the marble kitchen bench. I look down at his face and lean in to kiss him, but he took a step back.

  “Lie down, baby.” Obliging, I laid back on the cool bench. Kai stood in front of me and opened up my legs. Putting his hands on the waistband of my panties, he slid them down my leg. My hips lifted up to allow him to remove them completely before throwing them aside. “God, I love the smell of you. I can tell how much you want me already.”

  He was right. I was feeling like that since the night before. My body was begging for him to touch me in any way, and I wasn’t disappointed when he slid his tongue up my inner thigh reaching just before my warm center. He took in a deep breath and his tongue streaked in between my folds. “Oh, God!” Gripping my waist, Kai’s fingers
were digging into my skin. “Kai!” I screamed.

  He stopped and I rested my elbows looking down at him. “Keep going!”

  “I wanna feel your body shaking as you come in my mouth.” Kai plunged his tongue deep inside.

  “Oh, fuck!” I cursed, laying back down on the bench. I grabbed a fistful of his hair and rocked my hips back and forth, begging for friction between is mouth and my pussy. Kai growled as he lapped up what he elicited my body to release. He moaned again, and just as he wanted, my body started to quiver when I came in his mouth. “Oh, God! Kai! Fuck!” He stayed there for a moment, marveling in every drop. When he finished, he stood up, helped me to a seating position, and crashed his mouth onto mine. My own sweetness remained on his lips. When he finally pulled away, he looked at me with lust swimming in his eyes.

  “Bedroom. Now,” he demanded.

  I nodded and Kai carried me to the bedroom. He threw me down and swiftly removed his clothes. Crawling on the bed, he leaned over and rested his hands on either side of me. “You said I could do anything I want with you.” I bit my lip and nodded my head. “Turn around,” Kai whispered, his lips were only an inch away from mine. Obeying his command, I turned my body around. Kai lifted my shirt, rubbed my bare ass, and smacked it raw.

  “Ahhh!” I shrieked.

  “God, your ass is incredible,” he complimented. Kai bent down and bit each cheek hard before he used his hand to soothe the flesh.

  “Mmm,” I moaned.

  “There’s something I want to do to you if you let me.”

  “What is it?” He moved down my body, grabbed my hips, lifted up my ass and I rested gently on my knees. With his cock in his hand, he slid it up and down my pussy, allowing my wetness to coat the length. Kai placed the tip near my ass.

  “I want to fuck you here.”

  Oh. My. God.

  I turned my head to look at him with a lustful expression. “I told you that you can have me any way you want.”

  He growled. “If it starts to hurt, tell me to stop okay?”

  “Okay, baby.” Relaxing was difficult. It was something I had never done, but I wasn’t an idiot. Of course I knew it would be painful.


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