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His Desire

Page 27

by Lizzie Lioness

  Kai aligned his cock with my entrance gently easing himself in. Inch by inch I felt myself stretch around him. “Fuck! You’re so tight, baby. Is it okay?”

  The fuck do you think? “Um, ah. It’s painful.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No.” I turned my head towards him and bit my lip. After a few more grunts, I could feel his cock inside. He spits down to lube his erection and my entrance. The pressure was intense, but he didn’t stop. Fuck, I love his cock.

  Kai slowly moved in and out. “So fucking tight. I won’t be able to last long. Can I come in your ass?”

  “Yes, baby. Come any way you want.”

  “Fuck!” he yelled.

  Using one hand to rest my body on, I took the other and brought it towards my pussy, playing with my clit as he continued to fuck me in the ass. “Oh, Fuck!” he moaned. Hearing him grunt bought me to my orgasm. My body shook again as we found our release together.

  He slowly pulled out of me and I collapsed on the bed. Kai laid down next to me after he cleaned up and we turned to face each other. “Don’t ever leave me, Isla. You’re mine forever. Remember that.”

  “Yours, forever,” I whispered.

  Kai and I were in the car on our way to my parent’s place. My leg was bouncing up and down and my heart was thumping in my chest that I could hear the blood pumping in my ears.

  “Baby, they’ll love you. You’re already perfect to them.” Kai’s hand gently touched my thigh and my heart rate slowed down.

  “I’m just nervous,” I whispered.

  Kai chuckled. “So am I. I’m meeting your parents for the first time too.”

  We arrived at the house and parked the car just outside. I looked out my window and through the curtains I could see the shadow of someone who had picked up a child and spun them around, and I assumed it was Isaac with Max.

  I can’t wait to meet her.

  Both Kai and I made our way to the front door. Nervously, I pressed the door bell and we waited until someone answered. “Woah,” I breathed.

  I was lost for words. Standing in front of me was my mother. My real mother. The first thing that caught my attention was how puffy her eyes were. She’d obviously been crying. A lot. I then noticed how similar her eyes were with mine and I couldn’t stop staring into them. Our features were close and you could tell that we were related as we examined each other meticulously.

  My mom’s eyes moved between Kai’s and myself. Speechless, though I’m sure she has thought about this moment for years, wondering what she would say to me if she ever came face to face with her kidnapped daughter. I broke the silence with the first thing that came to mind.

  “Hello, I’m Isla.”

  “Of course, you are,” Her eyes started to swell again, but her lips pulled into a smile. She was beautiful and I could already feel her warmth by the way she looked at me. There was passion, and a sincerity in her eyes that I had never seen with my kidnappers before. “I’m…well my actual name is Mel, but I’m…I’m your mom.”

  I smiled before I introduced her to Kai. “It’s nice to meet you. This is my boyfriend, Kai.” My mom brought her attention to him and reached out her hand.

  “Lovely to meet you.”

  Kai shook her hand politely. “Nice to meet you too.”

  “Please, how rude of me. Come in.” My mom stepped aside. I could tell she was trying to hold back tears. Being a huge moment for the both of us, I wouldn’t have been surprised if she was emotional. Hell, I wanted to break down too.

  Kai and I entered the house and I could hear the giggling of a small child. We’re led into a small lounge room and I saw Isaac on the floor playing with his daughter, Max. The smile on her face was infectious, and her cute little curls covered the front part of her face. Isaac said something to her and she laughed uncontrollably, like what he said was the funniest thing she’s heard in her life.

  Isaac stood up when he saw me, walked over, and pulled me into a hug. “Hey, sis.”

  “Hey, Isaac.”

  Isaac moved away from me, but my eyes couldn’t turn away from the beautiful girl. She was kneeling on the carpet playing with her toys and she is even more beautiful than the photos that Isaac showed me. I couldn’t believe she was my niece.

  “Would you like to sit down?” My mom pulled me away from my thoughts. I looked towards her and smiled.

  “Sure.” Kai and I walked over to the creamed colored couch and sat down. Max skipped right over to me.

  “Hello,” she greeted in her cute little voice.

  “Hello, Max. I’m Isla.”

  “Look. Dis my Barbie.” Max grinned. She reached out and showed me a firefighter Barbie that she had clutched in her tight miniature hands.

  “She’s very heroic.” I beamed.

  “I’m going to play over there.” Max turned away from me and sat back down on the carpet.

  “She’s excited to meet you, it’s just getting to be her bed time. I’ll put her down and come back out,” Isaac smiled before he turned to Max. “Come on, baby girl. It’s bedtime.”

  “No,” Max protested.

  “Yes, baby. Sleepy time now,” Isaac firmed.


  “Pick something you want to take to bed, sweetie.”

  “Okay, daddy.” Max looked around and picked up one of the Seal plush toys that was nestled between two cushions on the lounge.

  “And don’t forget to say goodnight to grandma, aunty Isla and Kai,” Isaac told his daughter. Max ran up to my mom and gave her a cuddle before she skipped towards me and wrapped her arms tight around my body. After wishing me goodnight, she turned to Kai to do the same. It was the first time I had seen him interact with a kid, and I have to say my ovaries liked it.

  “Let’s get you changed for bed,” Isaac continued. “You can pick what you want to wear.”

  “Can you read me a book, daddy?” Max fluttered her eyes at Isaac, and I knew that it wouldn’t take much to manipulate him from how darn cute she was.

  “Of course. Just the one,” Isaac agreed.

  Suddenly, the front door clicked. I turned my head and a man locked his eyes with mine before he gave me a wide grin. My dad. I stood up and he walked right up to me and pulled me in for a hug. My arms wrapped around him and he began to sob. I moved my eyes to my mom and her hands were covering her face. She was crying.

  I knew she had held back when I first arrived at the house. I guess she didn’t want to overwhelm me, but I wouldn’t have minded.

  “I’m sorry, darling,” my dad apologized. I pulled away and smiled at him. The amount of guilt that they were no doubt feeling would have been intense.

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not,” he disagreed.

  “I should have been more careful. I should have been watching you the whole time. I can’t believe you’re here. I’m so sorry,” My mom wept, breaking down on the couch. I do the only thing that felt right and put my arms around her. She immediately relaxed as I comforted her.

  “I’m so sorry,” she repeated. Over and over again, as if she were begging for my forgiveness. I couldn’t help but break down with her. I didn’t know how much Isaac had told her about what I went through, though divulging that information would have made her feel more guilty than she already is. When she finally pulled away, we both wiped our salty tears and turned to each other. “Oh, God. I told myself not to cry.”

  “It’s okay,” I assured.

  “Mom, you alright?” Isaac came out of Max’s bedroom.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. I just can’t believe she’s here.”

  “Neither can I,” my dad interjects.

  We all sat back down on the couch. Kai took my hand in his and placed it on his lap. He tightened his grasp when he could feel my hand trembling. I gave him a brief smile before I brought my attention to my family.

  My family. Wow. I have a family.

  “So, Isaac told us you don’t live too far from here,” my mom whispered.

  “Oh, yeah. Not that far at all.”

  “God, how is that possible?” She shook her head.

  “My last name was changed. The man that took me had a friend in the police force who helped him.”

  “What, really?” My dad narrowed his eyes and I nodded.

  “He’s an embarrassment to the force I’ll tell you that,” Kai blurted.

  “He helped my parents get away with it.”

  “Your parents?” My mom narrowed her eyes.

  “Sorry. Force of habit. I prefer to call them Kidnappers now.”

  She shook her head. I knew this wasn’t easy for her to hear, but for years that’s who I thought they were. There were so many questions I wanted to ask them. So many things were on my mind, but I knew they probably felt so much pain already.”

  “Honey, you can ask us anything you want.” My mom smiled.

  Kai gently squeezed my hand and I relaxed with his touch. He always knew how to do that.

  “I want to know…um…”

  “What happened?” My dad finished my question.

  I nodded, shuffled in my seat, and listened to my mom.

  “We were at a family picnic in the park. Your father was helping with the grill and you were playing in front of me on the grass. I was sitting down on the chair bottle feeding your cousin because my sister had to use the bathroom.” My mom sobbed. I could tell it was hard for her to talk about, but she found the strength to continue. “Your cousin threw up. I turned away to grab some wipes to clean her up and when I looked back, you were gone.”

  A lump in my throat formed and Kai used his fingers to caress the palm of my hand. Assholes took advantage of my parents when they were occupied. My blood was boiling. I knew my parents shouldn’t have held onto this guilt. My eyes darted towards the floor.

  “We’re so sorry. You have no idea how sorry we are.”

  I shook my head and my eyes were still towards my feet. “I don’t blame you.”

  “You should. It’s our fault,” my dad cried.

  There were only three people in the world who should be blamed for what happened. One was dead, thankfully, and the other is in a prison cell. The third dickless cop needed to take part of that blame, if he were still alive.

  I found the courage to look up at them. “Mom.”

  It felt foreign to say that word to a stranger even though they weren’t really strangers. They’re the people that should have been in my life since day one. The people that would have loved me unconditionally. The parents who would have embraced my faults, cherished and supported me as a family should. It felt right calling her that. She smiled when she looked up at me. I continued to talk to my parents.

  “I want you to both listen. This is not your fault.” My mom was crying again. My heart broke at the sight of her in pain. I stood up, walked over, and sat down next to her on the couch. Holding her hand in mine and I gave it a squeeze. “You did nothing wrong.” I pulled my mom into a warm hug, and it is what safe was supposed to feel like. What family truly meant. She smiled at me when I pulled away.

  “You’ve grown up to be so beautiful,” she beamed.

  I smiled back at her. “Thank you.”

  My mom turned to Kai. “How long have the two of you been together? I can see you love each other very much.”

  “Not long actually, but you’re right, we do love each other,” I grinned.

  “She’s the girl I can’t live without,” Kai gushed.

  It was hell thinking that we were over even for those couple of days, and I knew it was my fault. I’m human and I have made mistakes. One of the biggest mistakes even though it didn’t last long.

  “He means the world to me. I’m not letting him go anytime soon.”

  “Or ever.” Kai and I say in unison.

  I felt like my life was complete after meeting them, having no idea what was lacking in my life to begin with. “So, I have a cousin?”

  “You actually have a few. Maybe one day when you’re up for it we can have a family picnic with them,” my mom grinned.

  “As long as no one tries to kidnap me again.” A smile formed on my lips. “Too soon?” Isaac and Kai chuckled. It took a bit but I finally saw a smirk playing on my mom’s lips.

  “So, what do you do for work?” My mom asked.

  “I work at a hotel in administration. My best friend got me the job. Before that I was a waitress.”

  “Did…” my mom hesitated. “Did they look after you?”

  I took a deep breath and turned to Isaac who shook his head confirming my suspicions that he never mentioned the abuse. “They weren’t the best parents. I never got along with them.”

  That was the best answer I could give her. My parent’s guilt would have been a million times worse. My eyes caught Isaac’s again and he gave me a sweet smile. I didn’t want to sugar coat what happened, but I avoided going deeper than that. My attention returned to my mom.

  “They abused you, didn’t they?” she wept.

  Fuck. How do I answer this?

  “Isla has been through a lot, but she’s an incredibly strong woman.” Kai interjected. I turned my head to him and smiled.

  “I don’t doubt her strength one bit.” My mom looked proud.

  “Daddy, I can’t sleep.” We all turned our heads and Max was standing against the door with her furry plush in her grasp.

  “Everything okay, baby girl?” Isaac asked her.

  “Noisy,” she responded.

  “Okay, sweetheart,” he continued. “We’ll keep it down. Go back to bed, baby.”

  I turned my head towards Kai. “We should go.” He nodded. My focus returned to my mom. “It was amazing meeting you both.”

  My mom smiled and stood up. Kai and I got up from the couch and my mom pulled me in for a hug.

  “I love you, sweetheart. I never stopped,” she whispered. I could feel the tears stinging my cheeks as they rolled down swiftly. “It’s okay. I know you haven’t known us for long, so I don’t expect you to feel the same way as we do, but I want you to understand that there was not a day that went by where you weren’t in our thoughts.”

  Holding onto her tighter, I whispered. “I wish things were different.”

  I pulled away from my mom and she cups my face in her hands before she gently pressed her warm lips on my forehead. After saying goodbye to my dad, I gave Max and Isaac a hug.

  Kai and I left and we made our way to the car. I took a deep breath as soon as we stepped inside.

  “You okay, baby?”

  I turned my head to him “I can’t even tell you what that felt like. I mean I haven’t known these people for long, but the time I spent there, it felt more like a family than my own ones did.”

  “They weren’t your real family.”

  “No, they weren’t,” I agreed.

  After the drive back to my place, we stepped inside my building and took the lift up to my apartment. We stopped in our tracks when we saw who was standing outside.


  Two Lines

  “Holden, what are you doing here?” I asked. He was standing outside my apartment leaning against my door, and his eyes were filled with pain “Is everything okay?”

  “It’s Daisy,” he whispered.

  “What about her?”

  The words struggled to come out from his lips. “She…she’s pregnant,” he wept.

  I couldn’t help but smile, but it soon faltered when I realized he didn’t seem to be happy about the news. Pregnant. It was amazing. Incredible. I just didn’t understand why he would be crying about it. Holden’s always wanted kids. He should be happy unless…

  “Is she okay? Is the baby okay?”

  Holden nodded. “I think so.”

  I reached out my hand to him and he hesitated for a moment before he placed it in mine. “You can come inside and talk.” I unlocked the door to the apartment and the three of us stepped inside before Kai closed the door.

  “What a beer, bro?” Kai asked Hold

  He nodded. “Yeah, why not?”

  We made our way to the lounge room and Holden and I sat down together on the couch. “Okay, talk to me.” Holden’s stare was intense and his eyes were threatening to spill tears. Instead of talking about why he was here, he decided to ask me about my family.

  “I forgot. How did things go?”

  I shook my head. “It was emotional and amazing, but we’re not going to talk about me right now. I want you to talk about Daisy and you can ask me about tonight later on.” Holden nodded and Kai returned with an opened beer for him. He brought the cold bottle to his lips for a drink and placed it down on the coffee table.


  “So what happened? I thought you’d be happy about her being pregnant.”

  “I am. Or at least I should be. Daisy and I were talking and ugh. The incident in the basement came up and I told him what happened,” he mumbled.

  “Oh.” Daisy was quite head strong, but I wasn’t sure how she would react if she ever knew what happened to Jim and our involvement in it. “How did it come up?”

  “We were talking about Ally.” Holden replied, taking another sip of his beer. Holden avoided eye contact with me and I knew not to press him for more information.

  “Okay, so you told her. I can’t imagine it went down well since you’re here with us right now.”

  “Isla, I didn’t want to leave her, especially not after we found out she was pregnant. I don’t want her hating me, Isla. I love her,” he admitted. Tears were spilling from his eyes. I leaned over and took his hand in mine. Kai had sat down on the couch next to me.

  This was so unlike Holden and Daisy. Rarely arguing. Ever. Only once and it was about me. This would have been their first major disagreement, but they probably felt it more because of the severity of why they were arguing to begin with.

  “I know you love her, and she loves you too. What you’ve divulged to her was a big deal. It’s a lot for anyone to process and it wouldn’t be the easiest thing to hear that your boyfriend was an accomplice to the killing of a rapist. I mean you can’t expect her to be okay with it right away,” I continued. “Not to mention, since she’s pregnant, congratulations by the way, I would think that her hormones are all over the place right now.”


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