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Page 6

by Jade Winters

  ‘Yes, crazy, bunny boiler, obsessed, any term you want to use to describe someone who just can’t accept it when a relationship is over and won’t let go.’

  Rae remained silent, unsure how to take what he’d just said. Eventually she said, ‘Sounds awful.’

  ‘It was. She even set up a website about me, trying to ruin my reputation saying all these lies and ugly things about me.’

  ‘Oh my God.’ Rae gasped. ‘Isn’t there anything you can do about it? Sue her for slander perhaps or something.’

  Callum shrugged. ‘If I was rich and famous, I could probably get the site taken down. But being Mr Ordinary, I don’t think the service providers would even listen to me.’

  You are anything but ordinary. Far from it. Rae hoped that amongst Callum’s many talents, mind reading wasn’t one of them.

  Rae’s curiosity was piqued about what his ex-girlfriend had to say about him. ‘What’s the web address?’

  He grinned at her. ‘Do you really want to know?’

  Rae nodded. ‘Of course I do. This is a first for me, I’ve never heard of anything like this before.’

  ‘Ah man this is so embarrassing.’ He ran his hand through his hair. ‘Okay, but I’m only telling you so you know the kind of things I have to put up with. When you get home Google Callum Brice.’

  ‘Callum Brice,’ Rae repeated, committing his full name to memory.

  He nodded. ‘The link to the site will come up on the first page. She named me Callum: The Hunter.’

  Rae couldn’t help but laugh. ‘Seriously?’ She thought it should have been the other way around—Callum: The Hunted!

  Rae had to admit that she found Callum’s honesty refreshing. A lesser, more dishonest person would have withheld such information. Thus she decided to reserve her judgement until she had read what was written about him on the website.

  All too soon the evening came to a close, leaving Rae surprised at how disappointed she felt. When they arrived back at her house, he walked her to her door. She half expected him to invite himself in for coffee and she mentally prepared the not tonight speech.

  He took her keys from her and opened the door stepping inside to turn on the lights, then again stepped outside. ‘All clear, and look even Bourbon has come to greet you.’

  Callum brushed a stray lock of hair off her face, in a classic old style movie hero move. ‘I enjoyed tonight,’ he said softly.

  ‘Me too,’ she admitted.

  ‘Do you think we should follow protocol and I’ll call you in a week or so to arrange another night out?’

  The very thought of not seeing Callum for over a week caused a ripple of panic to course through her veins. She hoped he couldn’t see the desperation in her eyes when she met his gaze.

  ‘Or,’ he continued before she could answer, ‘we could just throw caution to the wind and I’ll pick you up tomorrow at seven again.’

  Without reservation she said, ‘Tomorrow sounds good to me. See you then.’ Rae turned quickly and stepped inside before she literally flung herself at him. She was certain there was something in the rulebook about appearing desperate, and that she’d possibly disregarded it, but she couldn’t care less. For the first time in an age, she actually felt beautiful, attractive and wanted.

  The only thing that spoilt her fairy-tale night was Callum’s confession about his ex. For some reason this concerned her. She was old enough to know there were two sides to every story and then there was the truth.

  Rae made her way upstairs to her office and called Lindsay as her computer powered up, wanting her input on the situation.

  Lindsay answered the phone after several rings, and Rae only belatedly realised that she might have been sleeping.

  ‘Did I wake you?’ Rae asked outright.

  Lindsay’s voice was slurred as she said, ‘No, I was just looking online for Katie’s birthday present.’

  Rae couldn’t determine if she was inebriated or telling a fib, and had been asleep. ‘Oh, good, so you’re on the computer?’

  ‘Yes,’ came Lindsay’s lazy reply.

  ‘Well guess what? I went out for a drink with Callum—’

  ‘I thought he was just bringing Bourbon home?’

  ‘He did but he asked me out for a drink. I was hardly going to say no after all he’s done for me.’

  ‘So is he still there?’

  Rae laughed. ‘Don’t be silly. Anyway, listen, we got talking about exes, as one does, and he told me one of his set up a website about him.’

  ‘Really, like a fan worshipper?’

  ‘No, like a crazy person. Google Callum Brice,’ Rae spoke as she typed his name into the Google search bar. The page came up on the first search, right at the top, just as he claimed it would. ‘It’s the first site on the list,’ she said as she clicked on the link. Within moments Callum’s handsome face stared back at her.

  ‘Oh my God,’ Lindsay said down the line. ‘Why on earth would he tell you about this? It doesn’t exactly show him in a good light.’

  ‘Which is exactly why he told me, because she’s spreading rumours and lies about him.’

  Lindsay let out a low whistle. ‘I don’t know, Rae. What if there’s some truth in it? I mean she’s accusing him of a lot of things here. He’s controlling, uses women then dumps them, a commitment-phobe, unfaithful, dates multiple women at once.’

  ‘You know as well as I do that one can, and is allowed to, date more than one person at a time. It’s only cheating if you’ve both decided on a committed relationship,’ Rae said as she read over the list of accusations.

  ‘Be that as it may, this is a red flag. If anything this woman claims is true, then you’re lucky you didn’t invite him in. If I were you I would just ignore his calls if he contacts you again. He isn’t worth the risk.’

  ‘Come on, Linds, there’re two sides to every story. Can you imagine what Greg would say about me if he’d set up a web page? It would be worse than this.’

  ‘And how would he explain his cheating ways?’

  ‘I’m sure he’d find a way to twist things. That was his speciality after all.’

  There was only one way Rae was going to find out if Callum’s ex was the real deal or not. She clicked on the contact me icon. It opened an email form addressed to Bev. ‘Give me a minute, I’m going to email his ex.’

  ‘What!’ Lindsay said in disbelief. ‘Have you lost your mind?’

  ‘No, but I’d prefer to have this resolved, to hear both sides so I can make an informed decision.’

  As Lindsay protested, Rae quickly typed:

  Hi Bev,

  You don’t know me, but I’m a friend of Callum’s, and he told me about this site. Are all the things you say about him on here true? Or are you just upset because he split up with you?

  If you find these questions intrusive, please accept my apologies. However, I hope you’ll reply.



  Rae re-read the email. She didn’t think it was intrusive or over the top. It was an enquiry, based on information someone had written on a public space. In her heart of hearts, she didn’t believe Callum could do any of the callous things Bev had accused him of doing. She put it down to sour grapes—pure and simple.

  Rae hit the send button before she had a chance to change her mind. As the email vanished from her screen, her mobile phone bleeped with a message.

  She glanced down at it.

  It was from Callum: I can’t wait to see you again in 17hrs 4min and 2 secs.

  Rae smiled at the childlike enthusiasm of the message, which caused her to further doubt the contents of the web page.

  She placed the phone back to her ear. ‘I’d better go, Linds, I’ve got an early start tomorrow.’

  ‘Okay, but let me know what his ex says if she replies,’ Lindsay said. ‘And Rae, don’t meet up with him until you’ve spoken to her.’

  ‘I won’t.’


  ‘Promise,’ Rae said before ending
the call.

  Despite what she had said to Lindsay, Rae still planned to see Callum the next day. At this stage of the game she was not going to stop seeing him because an ex of his had an axe to grind—she would give him the benefit of the doubt. If he was a bad seed, he would soon sprout.

  All she wanted to do now was snuggle up in bed and replay their perfect evening over and over again in her mind.

  Chapter Ten

  Lindsay pinched her eyes shut. The bright light filling the room was too much. It felt like daggers in the back of her eyeballs. Her mouth was dry and the overwhelming noise that came from her alarm was unbearable. Her body was heavy and sore; just moving took a colossal effort. She felt the presence of another in her bed and knew it was Kim, but had no idea what time she had arrived home.

  Lindsay tried to remember exactly how much alcohol she consumed, but things became hazy after her conversation with Rae. She had no idea how much of it still remained in her system. What she did know was that it was a weekday and she had to get the kids to school.

  Lindsay hauled herself out of bed and woke the kids, who were just as reluctant. She got them ready and on the bus that stopped at their school, unwilling to drive in her current state.

  After two pain killers and a mouthful of water, she crawled back into bed and slipped her arm around Kim’s waist. The fact that she had been asleep when Kim arrived home was possibly a good thing. Alcohol and resentment were not the best combination, especially if she wanted to talk things through.

  Kim let out a soft sigh as she turned on her side. Her eyes slowly opened. ‘Hey, gorgeous.’ Kim gave her a lazy smile as she brushed the back of her hand along Lindsay’s cheek. ‘Are you okay?’

  It was intimate moments like these that fuelled Lindsay’s decision to uproot her life, to make the change.

  Lindsay nodded, not wanting to spoil the mood.

  ‘I think I owe you an apology—’ Kim started, only to be cut short.

  ‘Not now, Kim.’ Lindsay snuggled into her arms. ‘Just hold me.’

  Kim tightened the embrace and planted a kiss on the top of Lindsay’s head. ‘The kids get off to school okay?’


  ‘You got a hangover?’

  ‘No,’ Lindsay lied. ‘Just tired.’ Of the fighting and the fear of losing you.

  ‘I’ll get up in a minute and make us breakfast.’

  ‘No. Just stay here. It’s been ages since we did this.’

  ‘I know. It’s my damn job.’

  Lindsay heard the regret in Kim’s voice, which gave her hope. ‘You know I said I was tired? Well—’ her hand moved over Kim’s taught abdomen, creeping under the fabric of her sleep shirt, slowly inching up to her small breasts. Lindsay loved the way Kim’s breath hitched as she caressed her skin. It had been so long since they had had some time to themselves. The atmosphere between then quickly turned electric, the flame always burning, quickly stoked to life again.

  Lindsay’s body tingled in anticipation and her breath quickened as Kim’s hand slowly, purposefully moved over her body. Kim knew when, where and how much pressure was needed to render Lindsay weak with need.

  Kim moistened her lips and whispered, ‘I think I know what you’re going to say next.’

  ‘Really?’ Lindsay gasped as she disentangled herself from their embrace, rolling onto her back. Adrenaline pulsed through her body as she whispered, ‘Show me.’

  Kim’s lazy smile and approach were all the confirmation she needed, causing her body to burn with need. Kim gently pressed her lips to Lindsay’s, gently coaxing her lower lip, then the upper one before pushing more insistently for more, a request Lindsay quickly reciprocated, allowing their kiss to deepen, to grow heated.

  It took several moments for Lindsay to register the sudden alteration in Kim, the way her body stiffened and she rapidly withdrew.

  Lindsay went to speak, but the vibration from Kim’s phone was indicative enough as to the cause. Instead she said, sarcastically, ‘I wonder who that could be.’

  Kim reached for her phone with gritted teeth. Her reaction gave Lindsay some hope that Kim felt the same level of annoyance for the interruption. However, a heaviness settled over her heart when Kim’s face fell. ‘Today’s meant to be my day off, and they’re still hounding me to go into work.’

  Anger became Lindsay’s topmost emotion. ‘Why doesn’t that surprise me?’

  Kim reached over to kiss her again, but Lindsay turned her head to the side. Mumbling and annoyed, ‘Don’t bother.’

  Kim’s eyes narrowed, her own frustration at the situation plain to see. ‘Don’t start this crap again. It’s not my fault. What do you want me to do? Ignore them? Trust me, if I could I would.’

  Lindsay believed her about as much as one would believe the weather forecasters when they said ‘London is in for an Indian summer’.

  ‘Just go if you’re going,’ Lindsay said turning her back to Kim.

  Kim got out of the bed and said, ‘I’ll make it up to you. I promise.’

  Lindsay blinked back the tears that had already started to gather, unwilling to allow Kim to know of their presence or how much it hurt. ‘Just go, Kim.’


  ‘Go!’ Lindsay ordered, not wanting to hear any of Kim’s promises or lies.

  Kim released a heavy sigh and left their room. Every foot step sounded like the hammering of another nail into the coffin of their relationship.

  One step forward, two steps back.

  Were things ever going to get better? Or was Lindsay building her dreams on sand?

  Chapter Eleven

  ‘These additions, as well as the other integrations I mentioned earlier, will not only lessen the carbon footprint of the building, it will also make use of more sustainable green energy alternatives, while remaining within the budget,’ Rae finished, concluding an arduous hour-long presentation. She then turned to her colleagues for questions, thankfully there weren’t any.

  Leo dismissed the meeting and everyone returned to their respective offices, where Rae let out a sigh of relief and sank into her chair. Her gaze landed on her computer and she quickly sat forward and logged in. Her eyes moved over the emails listed in her inbox, but there was nothing from Bev. She considered the fact that Bev could have moved on to greener pastures, that she’d put her vendetta on hold.

  A soft knock on her office door caused Rae to look up. Leo, her bearded boss, stood in the doorway.

  ‘Great presentation, Rae.’ The warmth of his smile echoed in his voice. ‘Keep up the good work and it won’t be long before your name will be listed with the rest of the partners.’

  ‘Thanks, Leo, fingers crossed.’

  Rae watched as Leo’s forehead creased in uncertainty. ‘Er, Rae, I was um, wondering …’ Rae rested her chin on her hand as she eyed him quizzically. His face flooded with colour. ‘… Um, no, it’s okay … I’d better get back to work,’ he said quickly and moved off.

  Alone again, Rae punched her fist in the air. ‘Yes!’ This is it! She was so near to achieving her goal she could almost feel it. ‘Partner,’ she said aloud. Just the sound of the word gave her an adrenaline rush.

  The insistent vibration of her phone caused her to jolt, for a moment infringing on her jubilation. She reached into her pocket and extracted it, looking at the caller-ID before answering.

  ‘So, is the street-wandering brat still at home?’ Lindsay teasingly asked, causing Rae to smile.

  Rae swivelled her chair and looked out over the London skyline as she replied, ‘You’ll be happy to know that I’ve grounded him, locked the cat flap and thrown away the key.’

  ‘About time he learnt that he isn’t a free agent.’ Rae could hear the smile in Lindsay’s voice.

  Rae absentmindedly toyed with a fray of cotton on the arm of her chair. ‘But that’s where you’re wrong. Cats are free agents.’

  ‘And that’s why I don’t like them,’ Lindsay replied dryly.

  ‘That’s exactly wh
y I do like them,’ Rae countered. ‘A cat wouldn’t be a cat if it was a dependent, obedient animal. Honestly, I can’t think of anything worse than someone or something that could not fend for themselves.’

  ‘Well that just confirms why you’re not a mother,’ Lindsay said.

  Rae didn’t respond. It wasn’t that she was offended by her comment, it was simply because Lindsay was right. She was not mother material and she wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

  Lindsay remained silent for several moments, as if expecting a reply from Rae. So much so that Rae thought she might have hung up, until she heard the clink of glass against the phone followed by the sound of Lindsay swallowing before asking, ‘You got any plans for tonight?’

  Rae gnawed at her bottom lip, uncertain as to how Lindsay would react to the news of her pending date with Callum. She could lie and save herself the ‘he’s no good for you’ lecture.

  There was no doubt in Rae’s mind that Lindsay had bought into the allegations Callum’s ex-girlfriend had made, therefore she would only piss on her parade and Rae was not going to have that happen.

  For once, Rae just wanted to have fun. She wanted to forget about all her duties and responsibilities; her work, her lonely existence. For once she was going to throw caution to the wind and if that meant telling one small white lie to Lindsay, so be it. ‘Um, no. Not really.’

  Lindsay’s tone turned mischievous. ‘Do you want me to come round? Kim’s out again tonight. We can have a girly night in.’

  In her mind’s eye, Rae could see Callum smiling at her. A single strand of hair draped carelessly over his left eye. She closed her eyes to retain the image. ‘Not tonight, I thought I’d catch up on some housework, before the place ends up a tip.’

  Guilt immediately assailed her for the uncharacteristic lie. While it was partially true, she had let some chores slide, it wasn’t that bad that it needed her immediate attention.

  ‘You never seem to have time for me, well, unless things aren’t going well in your life,’ Lindsay bemoaned, and Rae detected an almost accusing tone in Lindsay’s voice.


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