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Page 14

by Jade Winters

  Pushing the trolley to the side, Callum placed a guiding hand to the small of her back and steered Rae towards the exit.

  Once home, Rae and Callum sat around the dining room table in the kitchen, two cups of coffee in front of them. A tight fist constricted around her heart. The courage to call Lindsay and put the plan into action eluded her. Have I been too hasty? But what’s the alternative?

  Rae held her mobile phone in her hand, her finger poised over the keypad. ‘You sure you’re not going to change your mind?’


  ‘’Cause you’ve still got time to back—’

  ‘Just make the call, Rae,’ Callum said eagerly.

  ‘Okay. Here we go.’

  Rae tapped Lindsay’s number. Her stomach turned and her fingers gripped her phone tightly. She threw Callum a reassuring look. The butterflies in her stomach said otherwise.

  Callum gently drummed the table with his fingers and stared at her intently.

  In that instant, Rae would have liked to have been a mind reader. She could never tell what was going on in his head. It was one of the few things that irked her about him.

  Lindsay answered. Her voice was glum and lifeless. At least she isn’t slurring.

  ‘Lindsay, I’ve spoken to Callum.’ She paused for effect. ‘He said yes. He’ll do it.’

  Lindsay exhaled. Followed by silence.


  ‘Rae, you do understand what this entails don’t you? And there’s still no guarantee I’ll get pregnant,’ Lindsay finally said.

  She could hear the trepidation in her voice. ‘What? Of course I do. If there’s a chance it will work we have to try it.’

  ‘I can’t believe you’re being so blasé about it.’

  If only you knew how much this is hurting me. ‘Lindsay, you’re my best friend. I know you’re not going to actually enjoy sleeping with him. We’ve all got to focus on the end result. We’re going to have a baby.’

  ‘As long as you’re one hundred percent sure. I don’t want this to come between us.’

  ‘Believe me, nothing could do that. I’d put my life on the line for you,’ Rae said, glancing over at Callum who looked back with a wolfish grin.

  ‘Likewise. So how do we move forward?’

  ‘We need to sort out when you’re ovulating and where you’re going to …’ She paused trying to think of a tasteful phase. ‘… you know, do the deed.’

  Lindsay’s voice was high-pitched. ‘Well, according to my chart I’m good to go. I’m not doing it here though. And there’s no way I’m doing it in your bed.’

  Callum tapped Rae’s knee and mouthed, ‘Tell her we’ll go to a hotel.’

  Rae nodded. ‘Callum thinks it’s best to go to a hotel.’

  ‘Yeah, that’ll work. Which one?’

  Rae looked towards Callum and he mouthed the name of a hotel.

  ‘The Imperial,’ Rae said. ‘Tomorrow night at 8pm?’

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  ‘Are you completely out of your mind, Lindsay?’ Becky said.

  Her short blonde hair was meticulously gelled in tufts and her suit sat loosely around the waist area. Lindsay stared at the way it creased when she moved. This wasn’t exactly how she’d envisioned their first encounter after so many months of no contact, but she had no one else to talk to about the deal she’d made with Rae and Callum.

  ‘It’s a lot of money. Money that we need. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but things aren’t exactly great for me right now—’

  ‘I can’t believe Rae would even ask this of you. You’re talking about infidelity here, or have you conveniently forgotten? Sex with ... with ... your best friend’s boyfriend.’

  ‘I’m not stupid. I know what I’ve let myself in for.’

  ‘Have you? Have you really?’ Becky half sat on her desk, looking down on her younger sister like a priest from her pulpit. ‘What’s Kim’s take on this?’

  Lindsay hesitated. If she’d been trying to convince her sister the for past half an hour that she wasn’t prostituting herself, she was about to fail miserably. Lindsay shifted in her seat and lowered her gaze like a troubled child in the Headmaster’s office.

  ‘Kim doesn’t actually know and she can’t find out before I’m pregnant. I’ll tell her it was artificially done for the money.’

  ‘Oh my God! What’s happened to you?’ Becky moaned. ‘I don’t see you for months on end and when I do you come up with a scheme like this. I could understand why you left Steve, but this … whatever it is, is madness. I bet Mum and Dad are turning in their graves watching the mess you’re making of your life.’

  ‘For God’s sake, stop being so self-righteous,’ Lindsay said, fighting to keep her temper in check. ‘For one moment, can you get down from your high horse and try to imagine having two kids to take care of, while your partner is half way across the world? Imagine losing your precious Mercedes and your nice four-bedroom house is about to be repossessed. If you can, just stretch your ignorant imagination a little bit for once in your perfect life, and then tell me what the fuck you would do?’

  Becky dropped her gaze to the ground.

  ‘Forty grand for one night,’ Lindsay continued. ‘And it would mean nothing. Tell me honestly, Becky, how long would it take you to realise that this one small indiscretion would set you free?’

  ‘I’m trying to get my head around this, Lindsay, I really am.’ Becky sat down beside Lindsay and took her hand. ‘Do you at least know him well?’

  ‘Rae’s boyfriend? Not really. We haven’t really been alone together. He’s there when I pop round to Rae. He’s okay, I suppose,’ Lindsay said.

  ‘Just okay? I wouldn’t let a bloke who’s just okay get it on with me,’ she joked.

  ‘He’s not gross or anything. He’s actually very good-looking.’

  ‘Really?’ Becky asked.

  Lindsay could see she was genuinely curious which was a good sign. She needed her sister on-board, even if she didn’t whole-heartedly agree with her intentions. ‘Yeah. Wait, I think I have a pic of them on my phone.’

  Becky shifted closer. When Lindsay retrieved the picture of Rae and Callum on Facebook, Becky gasped at the sight of him.

  ‘Are you sure I can’t do the sex part for you?’ Becky said playfully. ‘Um ... of course, you can keep the money.’

  ‘If only you could, Becky.’

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Bile rose in Lindsay’s throat and her stomach clenched. This was the moment of truth. She was about to cheat on Kim. Every time that little voice in the back of her mind told her she was a filthy, cheating slut, she thought of the money.

  The night was wet and dark; darker than usual. Flashes of light struck the sky for seconds at a time. Through Southwark it was no less than a full-fledged storm, but as Lindsay’s taxi neared the area around Great Dover Street, the thunder seemed to increase while the downpour let up somewhat. Her shoulder’s relaxed. Although Lindsay didn’t care what Callum thought of her looks, she still didn’t want to walk into the hotel looking like a drowned rat with runny mascara.

  Since that call, Lindsay had been desperately trying to find the right outfit. God knows why. It had taken her several hours that afternoon to get the right ensemble together. Should she look like a surrogate (whatever those looked like), or should she look like a high class minx that would ride out a shag-a-thon until the last gasp?

  This was sex and Callum had to be turned on if she was going to get pregnant. She needed to look the part.

  Lindsay gazed out of the window, through the myriad of little crystal splatters pelting the glass. The warped colours of the signs and traffic lights passed swiftly, bringing her closer to the most surreal moment of her life. With every measure of distance, the car progressed closer to her meeting place with Callum. The thunder raged outside and when the taxi stopped in front of The Imperial Hotel, Lindsay sat frozen for a moment, uncertain of what she was doing, wavering in her plan now that it was so very

  There was a large difference between the safe contemplation of an act and the sudden awakening in the reality. Not a minute ago she was just a woman in a taxi and, now, as she opened the car door to the frigid realness of the venue, she was a prostitute. Just like that. In a click of her fingers, a blink of her eye.

  How did it happen so fast that she would be unfaithful to Kim halfway through this week, when last week she was a loyal partner? With every stride, Lindsay deliberated her moral dilemma. With each breath she took as she neared the entrance of the hotel, her mind played tug of war.

  Now that Lindsay was here, she was doubtful of so many things.

  Inside the hotel lobby, it was bright. Tall and small lamps shone like fallen stars in the middle of the grandiose hallway of maroon and green carpets, curtains and upholstery. Lindsay didn’t even notice how full the place was; her mind somewhere else, somewhere far away where she had hoped to find a conscience. Businessmen, couples and staff passed by her as she stood awkwardly at the reception desk, waiting to be helped.

  She looked around and didn’t see Callum anywhere.

  Please let him have got cold feet.

  ‘May I help you, Madam?’ the receptionist asked. She flashed her thick glossy red lips at Lindsay and tried her best to look interested.

  God, I need a drink! Lindsay leant slightly on the counter and spoke as softly as she could. ‘I have a reservation.’


  ‘Tonight,’ Lindsay mumbled.

  ‘Yes, Madam. I mean, for whom,’ the receptionist corrected through her teeth, her lips still fixed in a fake smile.

  ‘Oh, uh ...’ Lindsay stuttered. Flustered, the name they’d decided to use escaped her.

  ‘Ellison,’ Callum’s voice boomed from behind her, causing her to jump. ‘Mr and Mrs Ellison.’ He smiled at the receptionist as he placed his right hand firmly on Lindsay’s shoulder.

  Lindsay made every effort to control herself, but her legs quivered at his touch.

  This is real.

  The receptionist tapped away on her computer, glancing up at Callum every few seconds. ‘Here we go sir,’ she said completely ignoring Lindsay as she slid over a piece of paper for Callum to sign. Once he gave a quick scribble of his signature, she handed him the key.

  ‘Thank you.’ He leant forward to peer at her name tag. ‘Jenny.’

  Jenny blushed. ‘You’re welcome. If I can be of any assistance …’

  ‘I think we’ll manage,’ he said turning away from her and looking down at Lindsay.

  ‘You look stunning, sweetheart,’ he said leaning down and gently planting a kiss on her cheek.

  Jesus Christ, he’s taking this married thing a bit far. ‘Thanks. Do you mind if we grab something to eat before we go up. I’m starving,’ Lindsay said quickly. She wasn’t in any rush to go up to the room. Not yet.

  ‘You’re hungry?’ Callum asked Lindsay in surprise.

  This was the first time Lindsay had seen him this up close and personal. She had to admit she was taken aback by his striking looks. His eyes pierced hers and she had to look away. There was something intense about them. Too intense for her liking. It actually gave her the shivers.

  ‘Famished,’ she whispered.

  ‘The restaurant is down the hall to the left,’ Jenny said, her eyes still glued to Callum.

  They made their way to the restaurant in silence. Callum drew her chair out for her and she slipped onto it.

  ‘How chivalrous,’ she said, trying to make light of the situation.

  ‘Chivalry is due to all beautiful women.’ He smiled, and gestured to the waiter. ‘Drink?’

  ‘Um ...’ she paused. She hadn’t had a drink in ages and didn’t really want to go down that road again.

  ‘Ah, sorry, Rae told me you’re on the wagon. Maybe a soft drink?’ he said in a tone that made her feel like he was speaking to a child.

  ‘Not on the wagon. Just having a break,’ she said defensively. I need something to numb me. To give me courage. ‘Actually, I think I’ll have some wine.’

  ‘Red?’ he asked in front of the waiter.

  She nodded.

  ‘Can we have your best bottle of Merlot?’ he asked.

  ‘Certainly, sir. I’ll give you some time to select something from the menu.’ The waiter smiled and backed away.

  Now alone they stared at each other. As hard as Lindsay tried to keep eye contact, she just couldn’t. His stare always forced her to look away.

  ‘This seems a nice place,’ she said playing with her napkin. ‘Have you been here before?’

  ‘Plenty of times.’

  Lindsay sighed and dropped her face in her hands. She couldn’t keep up the pretence any longer. ‘Oh God, this is so awkward, isn’t it?’

  Callum reached across the table, gently pulled her hand away from her face and laid it on the table. His forefinger caressed her skin ever so slightly. ‘It doesn’t have to be. Just think of the greater good you’re doing. For Rae … and me.’

  ‘I suppose,’ she said, looking around the room with a strange admiration for their kitsch decorations. ‘This is just as hard for you as it is for me.’

  He shrugged. ‘Not really.’

  She lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. ‘What? You don’t think this is a little weird. Sleeping with your girlfriend’s best friend?’

  Callum leant back in his chair and grinned. ‘Not really.’

  ‘You say that like you’ve done it before,’ she said jokingly.

  Callum tapped the side of his nose. ‘A gentleman never tells. Anyway, don’t you think it’s time we started playing the part of a married couple. We don’t want people to think we’re a couple of cheaters meeting here for sex, do we?’

  His remark took her by surprise. Why would he say something like that? To remind her that their whole purpose of being at the hotel was to be unfaithful?

  ‘Oh come on, Lindsay, don’t look so innocent. You’re a beautiful woman. Don’t tell me you haven’t had your fair share of men.’

  She frowned. ‘My share …? If you must know my ex-husband was my first and last.’ She stopped abruptly. Why are we even having this conversation? She was relieved when the waiter brought the wine over. Callum took the bottle and poured them both a drink.

  He took a sip from his glass, and frowned. ‘I’ve upset you, haven’t I?’


  He held up his hand. ‘It’s okay, I know I have. I can be a little forward. I don’t mean to. It’s just nerves I think.’

  Lindsay gave a short laugh. ‘You, nervous? That I don’t believe for a second.’

  ‘I swear it’s true. People assume because I’m a good-looking guy I have bags of confidence, but it couldn’t be further from the truth.’ He leant forward. ‘I’ll let you into a little secret. I nearly didn’t come here tonight.’


  ‘I’ve been sat in the car park trying to build up my courage.’ He shook his head. ‘This is no reflection on you but it took a lot of arm twisting from Rae to even get me to agree to this. I thought she was crazy.’

  Lindsay took a leisurely sip of wine. Now she knew she was on the same page as Callum, she started to relax a little. ‘Me too.’

  ‘But what could I do. She’s desperate for a baby …’

  ‘Oh, I thought you were the driving force behind things.’

  He looked shocked. ‘Me? I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want a child, but it’s Rae that wants a baby like yesterday.’

  ‘She never said,’ Lindsay said thoughtfully. Maybe she felt embarrassed for wanting a kid so much after being adamantly against it for so long.

  ‘I think she feels guilty for leaving it so late. Maybe that’s why she didn’t say anything to you.’ He reached over and refilled her glass. ‘I’d prefer it if we kept this conversation between ourselves. ‘You know how sensitive she can be.’

  The waiter returned to take their order. For the next hour they had a pleasant conversat
ion over dinner. To Lindsay’s surprise she found Callum to be an interesting dinner companion. He told her of his past life as a polo player and the many times he’d played with royalty. Lindsay had to admit it—she was impressed and could see why Rae had fallen head over heels with him in such a short space of time.

  ‘Shall I order another bottle?’ Callum said as the waiter cleared away their plates.

  ‘Not for me thanks,’ Lindsay said. She’d only had a glass and a half and that was enough for her. It had done nothing to quash the doubt in her mind.

  ‘Are you sure? You’re still looking nervous.’ He smiled, running his fingertips over the length of her hand. ‘Is there anything I can do to help you relax?’

  Lindsay withdrew her hand and instinctively picked up her glass. ‘I’m just ... you know ...’

  ‘I know, but seriously, don’t worry. You never know … you might actually enjoy yourself.’

  Lindsay could see in his face that he glowed with desire while his eyes darted unapologetically between her breasts.

  Is he inspecting me? Sweat from her hand left a print on her glass as she quickly brushed her hair back. He seemed to have switched personalities. ‘My sex life with Kim is more than satisfactory.’

  ‘If you say so.’ He toyed with his glass, tilting it back and forth. ‘But I can’t help but wonder … if you were that happy being a dyke, why would you even contemplate sleeping with a man?’

  ‘Excuse me?’ she said, narrowing her eyes.

  ‘It’s a fair question, isn’t it? I don’t mean it in a malicious way. I’m just curious.’

  ‘Firstly, I don’t appreciate being called a dyke and secondly I love Kim. End of.’ Lindsay started to raise her voice. ‘What we’re doing here is strictly a business agreement.’

  ‘Okay, okay calm down. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit a raw nerve.’

  ‘You didn’t.’

  The phone in her pocket vibrated. Ignoring Callum’s smug face, she pulled it out and read the message. It was from Kim.


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