Better Than Fiction

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Better Than Fiction Page 13

by Bet Milner

  Danni looked a mixture of embarrassed and offended. She looked away from Tania and at Julia who was looking equally torn. Julia spoke. "Shouldn't you be asking Danni that question?" It sounded jagged even to herself.

  Tania laughed as she looked between the pair. "I just wanted to check if I had any competition."

  Danni was angry that Tania was acting as if she wasn't there and was just a piece of meat for the stars to pick from. She was about to say something biting when Julia slammed down her glass and spoke again.

  "The food is ready. Please excuse me." She was fuming. This isn't what she'd expected at all. She didn't invite Tania here to hit on her friend. She liked Danni so much already and now she felt as though she'd shot herself in the foot. She switched off the oven and took out the steaming hot food, burning her finger in the process. "Shit!" She squealed just as Danni walked into the kitchen.

  "Do you need some... hey are you okay?" Danni ran over to the brunette and grabbed her hand to inspect the burn and turned on the cold water faucet.

  "I'm fine. I just caught myself as I put the dish down on the side." Julia tried to protest but Danni held her hand under the cold running water.

  "It doesn't look too bad but better to keep it cool for a few minutes."

  Julia sighed and smiled across at the blonde taking care of her. It was sweet. "Danni, I'm fine."

  Danni caught her eye. "Really? Cos' you kinda shot out of there with a face like thunder."

  Julia's eyes widened. "I just didn't want the food to burn."

  Danni looked upset again. She dropped Julia's hand and turned off the tap. The brunette went to grab the hand back and they both said each other's name in unison.

  "Julia..." "Danni, I...”

  Julia nodded for Danni to continue.

  "Look, I don't want this to be weird. I don't need you to palm me off on your friend just because of last night. Like I said before, I'm not looking to get involved with anyone new and honestly, I'm a bit offended that you'd think I was that shallow of a person."

  Julia shook her head wildly. "Oh Danni, that's not what I had planned at all. I didn't invite her here for you." She smiled awkwardly not sure if she should be relieved.

  Danni scrunched her eyebrows together. Julia continued.

  "I mean, I guess I panicked after I invited you over. I didn't think it was a good idea for me to be alone with you." Julia looked down clearly trying to hide the blush on her face.

  Danni snorted. "Wow, Julia! I said I was sorry about last night. Do you honestly think I have zero self-control? What? You thought I'd just turn up here and pounce on you like some douche?"

  Julia sucked her lip into her mouth. Clearly she wasn't articulating herself very well. "That is not what I meant to imply." She rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her own hair. "I'm the douche, Danni. I didn't want to mess you around and I honestly don't trust myself not to kiss you again. I thought if Tania was here it would be more of a girl’s night and I could control myself around you. I had no idea she was going to come on to you!"

  Danni looked into chocolate eyes hopefully. A grin pulled at her lips. "Are you crushing on me?"

  Julia rolled her eyes again softly and grinned back. "Yes. I am crushing on you Danni! Your kiss certainly made an impression that's quite hard to forget." She turned to busy herself with cutting up the portions.

  Danni felt giddy. If this had been any other straight woman playing with her emotions like this she'd have called her out and given her a piece of her mind, but the fact Julia had started that whole speech with a declaration of how she didn't want to mess her around made her feel hopeful. Julia wasn't declaring love for her or even that she wanted a relationship with her. She had simply acknowledged the fact that she was attracted to her and wanted to kiss her again.

  "So what if I told you I just gave Tania my number?"

  Julia shot her head around with wide eyes. "I'd tell you that you're well within your rights to give your number to whoever you wish." She turned back to the dish.

  Danni bit her lip. "I didn't."

  "I know you didn't." Julia smirked down at the food.

  "What makes you so sure?" Danni asked staring a hole in her back.

  "Because you literally just this second told me you aren't looking to get involved with anyone new." Julia tilted her head, still looking at the countertop.

  Danni stepped closer to the woman and placed a hand on the counter top. "What if that wasn't exactly true?"

  Julia froze, feeling a shiver up her spine. "I think you don't know exactly what you want."

  "And what if I put my arms around your waist and told you I wanted to kiss you?"

  Julia felt her pulse quicken as Danni snaked one arm around her waist. She turned her head slightly against her shoulder. "Then why haven't you?" She swallowed hard as Danni's lips came closer to her own. She turned into the kiss, her backside pressing firmly against the counter top, one hand steadied herself and the other tangled in blonde locks. Sober, the kiss was more intoxicating than the previous night. Her whole body was electrified from Danni's light touches and exploring tongue.

  "Oh, such a shame. I had hoped we could have a bit more banter before you two hooked up." Tania interrupted their kiss.

  Julia blushed. "Sorry Tania." She cleared her throat. "Who's hungry? I know I am."

  Danni pushed herself off the woman and grabbed a plate. She was buzzing from the kiss but they had company and thankfully so. If Tania hadn't interrupted, she was quite certain things would have progressed beyond kissing with the other woman forgotten in the lounge. "I'm starving! So this is the famous curry that can cure hangovers?"

  Julia beamed. "Indeed! Bon appetit ladies!"

  Tania tucked into her generous portion making satisfied sounds. "I'm impressed Julia. Not only can you cook, but you have excellent taste in women. Who knew?" She winked at Danni with a genuine smile. Danni blushed. She wasn't sure what that kiss had meant and she was more than happy to ignore it if that's what Julia wanted.

  Julia quirked an eyebrow at Tania as a warning but smiled and simply said, "thank you Tania. So, where are you planning to live once the divorce is finalized?" She wanted to change the subject to something she could deal with.

  "Oh, probably here. I do love New York. How about you?" Tania added. She seemed genuinely curious and less on edge than she had been at the beginning of the evening.

  "Well, this is my place so I'm staying put. Brent has only ever been here twice so it's hardly overrun with his stuff." She looked around trying to shrug it off but clearly she was saddened. Tania's eyes softened. She and Julia may have reputations for being strong divas but they were both no stranger to lonely nights and feelings of rejection.

  "I'm really glad you invited me here tonight Julia. We should do this on a more regular basis, schedules permitting of course."

  Julia smiled. "I'm glad you came too Tania and yes, I'd love that." They shared a moment and the brunette looked over at Danni. "So did you talk to a lawyer about the contract?"

  "I did, actually!" Danni was proud of herself for having gotten off her ass and achieving something other than getting dressed that day. "I'm meeting him tomorrow to go over everything."

  Tania grinned. "I hear you may be getting into bed with Mr. Starr. He has a bit of a bad rep but he's very good at what he does so I wouldn't be too worried."

  Danni laughed. "Does everyone in New York know each other?"

  Julia and Tania laughed. "Only the people who matter!"

  Tania added, "I may have started out as a young singer many, many moons ago. Starr and I had a short run together before we both came to our senses and realized I was an awful singer!"

  Julia's eyebrows shot up. "Really? I never knew that about you! You know I have a PS4 in the lounge and a SingStar. Anyone care for a sing off?"

  Danni laughed. She couldn't imagine that Julia owned a games console of any kind let alone a karaoke game. Tania laughed too.

  "I haven't drunk anywhere nea
r enough for that!"

  Julia was already racing into the lounge like an excited kid. "Oh come on! You have an advantage, you've already had a career singing, Danni is, well, she's amazing and I... spend a lot of time on my own trying not to sound like a dying cat!" She'd switched on the game and was plugging microphones in.

  Danni and Tania both looked quite unenthusiastic on the outside but they weren't protesting too much. "Fine, Julia. But you my sweet, are up first!"

  Julia downed her glass of wine and flicked through to her favorite track.

  "Okay, but I'm not a singer and I don't pretend to be otherwise!"

  She positioned herself in front of the huge TV screen and began swaying to the music as she belted out One Way or Another.

  Tania and Danni cheered and lip synced along with her. She was actually pretty good and Danni was mesmerized by the way her hips were swaying and how she completely hammed it up as if she was on her own private stage.

  "Oh she's done this before! Such a liar!" Danni shouted and booed as her near perfect score came up on the screen.

  Julia shrugged and took a bow. "I said I'm not a singer, didn't say I couldn't hold a tune. Tania you're up!"

  Tania eagerly flipped through the song choices until she came to one she liked. "Prepare to weep my sweets." She began singing with the sweetest most innocent sounding voice that neither Julia nor Danni were expecting. It was almost ethereal in quality and very impressive. The chorus began and the other women swayed together with their arms over their heads mouthing along to the iconic and oh so appropriate lyrics of It Must Have Been Love. They cheered when her score came up on screen and were shocked to see tears in her eyes. Clearly the divorce was affecting her more than she was letting on.

  "Tania, you have an amazing voice! You shouldn't give that up!" Julia commented and ran a hand along her arm supportively.

  "It's not my passion. I've found my path acting and I wouldn't change it for the world. I am excited to hear Danni though." She slyly wiped a tear from her eye and smiled through her heartache. Julia was realizing how amazing an actress the woman really was.

  Danni took the mic and flicked through the songs. "Hey, how cool would it be if one of my songs got put onto one of these games?"

  "I'm sure you'll be inundated with licensing requests soon enough." Julia winked filling her glass once more.

  Danni began singing and Julia and Tania looked at each other with expressions of sheer joy. Danni's voice was so unique and made the hairs on the back of their necks bristle. The chorus came and she belted it out Use Somebody looking anywhere but at Julia.

  Their impromptu evening carried on with more music, singing and wine. Julia and Danni were slowly getting closer and more touchy feely on the couch as the night progressed and Tania had the sense not to say anything as she could tell it was a very new development. They were quite comfortable in each other's company and it felt as though they'd known each other for years. Danni was sat on one end of the couch, Tania was perched in an oversize armchair, her shoes long since kicked off somewhere in Julia's lounge and her feet tucked up under her. Julia was leaning against Danni with her legs stretched out across the length of the couch and one hand on Danni's thigh. Tania was telling a story about one of her worst on set experiences and they were all laughing heartily when a key turned in the door.

  Julia's heart pounded wondering who was trying to get into her apartment at ten o'clock in the evening. She leant forward clutching the side of the couch unsure whether to grab her phone or the rather heavy figurine from her coffee table. She chose the latter and shot up to her feet prepared to smash the intruders head in. Danni and Tania looked worried too. The door opened and a manly figure appeared, chucking his keys on to the table next to the door.

  "Brent?" Julia yelled more confused than relieved.

  "Surprise!" He smiled but frowned when he noticed the ornament in Julia's hand and the other women in the room.

  "Jesus Christ! You scared the hell out of me! What are you doing here?" Julia was still clutching the figurine but now had one hand on her hip and looked quite annoyed.

  Danni and Tania straightened themselves up and tried to look anywhere but at the man who had managed to shift the mood of the evening from warm and fun to resentful and worried in the space of ten seconds.

  "Sorry Jules. I should have called first. I just wanted to surprise you. I didn't think you'd have... plans. I'll just leave you to it. I'll be in the bedroom." He looked more annoyed than apologetic.

  Tania spoke. "It's actually pretty late Julia, I think Danni and I should get going."

  Danni nodded. "Yeah, I have that meeting in the morning too." She smiled. This was so weird meeting Julia's husband. Ex-husband?

  "You don't have to go." Julia turned around quickly to speak to the women and then back to her husband. "Can you please go to the guest room, Brent?" She wasn't having it. Him turning up out of the blue without even a phone call in advance. This was her home, her sanctuary.

  "Oh, sure Julia. No problem." Brent smiled. He looked put out but obeyed and completely ignored the other women in the room before heading off to the guest room.

  Julia turned around and put the ornament back on the coffee table. Tania laughed. "I don't know what you thought you were going to do with that puny little thing Julia! Squash a roach, maybe!"

  Julia laughed exasperatedly. "Oh God! I'm sorry Tania. I have no idea why he's here." She was talking to Tania but looking at Danni guiltily. Danni smiled and shook her head to let her know she understood. "I've had such a lovely evening with you both and I hate to cut it short but can we call it a night? I need to have a serious conversation with someone."

  Tania and Danni both nodded in understanding. What a huge mess they were all in!

  Tania put her shoes on and Danni grabbed her jacket which was by the door. Julia followed her over and hugged her awkwardly. "I really wish you didn't have to leave right now."

  "It's no problem Julia. Like I said yesterday, everything is good. We're good." She broke the hug and gave the brunette a genuine smile.

  "I'll call you tomorrow okay? What time do you think the meeting will finish?"

  "Ahm, not sure. I'll message you when I'm done."

  "Okay. Thanks for everything."

  "Thank you! It's been awesome."

  Julia hugged her again and turned slightly to press a sneaky kiss on the blonde’s cheek.

  "Danni do you need to share a ride?" Tania called over.

  "Sure. Why not."


  Julia opened the guest room door and signaled for Brent to come out to the lounge. "What are you doing here, Brent? The last thing you said to me was that you wanted a divorce."

  Brent was looking at her with his infamous puppy dog eyes. Those eyes used to melt her and make her give in to anything but right now she just wanted to kill him. "Look, Jules baby. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. You and I are good together. We work and one stupid argument shouldn't be reason to throw away three years."

  Julia guffawed. "Yeah right! We're perfect for each other as long as you're fucking someone else and I'm sat around waiting for the magical day that you decide to show up and shower me with attention."

  "Julia, that's not fair. We agreed that we were both free to pursue other people and our marriage was no barrier to that. If you are uncomfortable with that then maybe we need to consider our arrangements moving forward. Maybe we should consider being exclusive again."

  Julia was so annoyed. "You don't get to do this Brent. You don't get to walk in when you please and suddenly decide what's best for our relationship. What a joke! Do you know how many days we've actually spent together in our supposed three year marriage? Eleven! And how many times have we had sex since the wedding? Four! What kind of a relationship is that, hmm? And why now? Did Harley kick you to the curb?"

  Brent bristled. "Harley and I came to the natural conclusion of our encounter." He looked bitter. "Look, I know I've neglected you since we both went off and di
d our own films but I want to start afresh. I want to be the man you deserve. I miss us." He got closer to Julia and draped his arms around her waist. She didn't push him away. She'd loved this man for years and she was anything but immune to his charm. She began crying and he soothed her gently. "Shh, shh. I'm here now. Brenty’s going to make it all better."

  "Brent please don't. I can't live like this anymore. You can't keep running in and out of my life and leaving me to pick up the pieces. I can't take it again."

  "Julia darling. My sweet, gorgeous wife. Give me another chance. I promise. I'm done with that stupidity. I only want you." He kissed her gently and wiped her tears away. She bashed her fists against his chest in protest but she was exhausted. She needed to be held. She needed to feel loved so badly. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the main bedroom. "I'm not going anywhere."

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  "So what's the gossip? I want details! Tell me everything!"

  Danni laughed into the phone. "It's going pretty good Reese. I'm meeting an entertainment lawyer tomorrow to go through the contract so that's pretty awesome."

  Reese squealed. "Check you out girl! How professional! And what about the lovely star of the silver screen? I saw a couple of her posts on Instagram last night of the pair of you looking rather hot and sticky."

  "What? What are talking about?" She giggled. "We just went to a couple of clubs and had a few drinks."


  "And there may have been a kiss."

  "A kiss?"

  "Three kisses."

  "Danni you dirty dawg! Look at you bagging the hottie!" Reese laughed. She had a feeling things may just go in that direction. "Well make the most of it because I heard on the grapevine that a certain Mr. Barrington is hooking up with his newest co-star and she's been spotted rocking a diamond."

  Danni frowned. As much as her heart was singing at that tidbit of information, she couldn't bring herself to be happy about it. She knew the real story behind the rumors and knew Julia had been suffering for a long time. "It's not nice to listen to gossip Reese. She's going through it. It's her life, not just some story in a shiny magazine."


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