Better Than Fiction

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Better Than Fiction Page 14

by Bet Milner

  "So when are you seeing her again?"

  "Honestly, not sure. Brent turned up tonight unexpectedly and kinda put a dampener on things."

  "What? Hold up! You were at her place? Oh my God did you bang her already? Did he catch you?" Danni could tell Reese was loving this gossip.

  "No, it wasn't like that. She invited Tania and I over for dinner and we were chatting and playing videogames and stuff."

  "WHAT THE HELL BISH?! Are you telling me you, Julia Jones and Tania Watson just had a girl’s night? How are you not flapping your ass off right now? Dude! You're seriously my hero!"

  Danni blushed. "Dude! I'm flapping pretty bad to be honest. We talked about fan fiction and Tania said she's kinda into it and she'd totally be up for a GwenAsh arc! Best. Night. Ever."

  "I'm so jealous right now. So what happened?"

  Danni sighed. "We were just chilling on the couch and someone turned a key in the door. Julia freaked out and was ready to bash someone's head in then it was Brent and it got awkward. Tania gave me ride back to the hotel and that's it. To be honest, I don't think she was expecting him at all. She was pretty angry at him."

  "Oh Dan. What a night. So do you think they're headed for a divorce?"

  "Yeah I think so but, I could be wrong. I just kinda wish she hadn't kissed me again. I felt so guilty when he walked in knowing a few minutes before I'd been cozying up to the dude's wife."

  "What a mess. Shit babe. You don't wanna be a rebound if it's that fresh. What are you gonna do?"

  Danni breathed in deeply. "I guess I'm just gonna get on with the music and play things by ear with her. I mean, she hasn't exactly said she wanted anything serious with me so I guess if she just wants to be friends, I'll be down for that."

  "You are so fucked." Reese laughed.

  "I know. Damn it!"

  The pair chatted for a few more minutes and Reese filled Danni in on Jimmy pestering her at the bar. "I told him I had no idea where you were and if he wants to know he needed to talk to you if you wanted to."

  "He's called me a million times but I'm sending it straight to voicemail. I don't even wanna think about him right now."

  "Good. Stay strong babe. You're getting your shit together. Don't be bullied into anything. Promise?"

  "Promise Reese. Love ya."

  "Love you more. Call me tomorrow kay?"

  Danni hung up reluctantly. The past two days had been a dream and talking to Reese had just brought her back down to a sense of normalcy. She giggled as the reality of the day’s events hit her. She was on the up and felt like nothing could stand in her way.

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  Danni walked out of her meeting feeling as light as air. The contract had seemed tight and extremely fair for her and the lawyer had said she could sign it in good faith. She took out her phone and messaged Julia to share the news.

  D: I'm done here. He said it all looked great and I should go ahead and sign. X

  The message took forever to send and she had no response straight away. She pocketed the phone and rambled off, not paying much attention to where she was going. She wondered if Julia was okay after Brent's surprise arrival last night. It wasn't really any of her business unless Julia wanted it to be so she hadn't pestered her for answers. Her fingers itched to text and ask how she was though. Danni walked for almost thirty minutes and found herself at a loss as to what to do next. She didn't feel like going back to the hotel but she only had twenty bucks left of the money Reese had lent her. Julia had pretty much paid for everything since she'd been in the city and she had absolutely no way of supporting herself until that contract was signed. Panic set in and she began walking back towards the hotel or where she thought the hotel was.

  Her phone buzzed.

  J: That's wonderful! So when are you meeting Starr again?

  There was no kiss at the end of the message but she didn't worry too much about it. She was more concerned with why Julia had messaged her instead of calling like she said she would.

  D: Well I was waiting to speak to you. When are you free? Do you still want to come with me for the signing?

  J: Of course! Why don't you call Bella and see when you can get in and let me know. I'm free for most of the week so whatever works best for you. Congratulations Danni! I'm really happy for you.

  Danni looked at the message and smiled. She was grateful for everything Julia had done for her and as keen as she was to speak to her and see her again, she didn’t want to come across as ungrateful or desperate. Julia had said last night that she needed to have a conversation with Brent so the least she could do was give the woman the space she needed.

  D: Sure. I'll do that and message you later. Thank you Julia. None of this would have happened without you and I'm so grateful. I owe you a huge one! X

  J: You don't owe me anything Danni. Just maybe dedicate a song to me sometime. ;-)

  It was cute. If she only knew how many songs were already dedicated to her, she would probably die of embarrassment! Danni could tell she was a little off from the messages but decided not to think too much on it. Today was a good day and if nothing else ever materialized from their relationship, she could be happy in the knowledge that this woman had truly changed her life for the better.

  Back at the hotel, Danni called Starrdom Records and set up another meeting. Bella had seemed quite enthused that Danni would be signing to them and assured her that Starr would be just as happy. She marked her in for two p.m. in two days’ time. Danni had hoped she could get in earlier as she had nothing to do other than sit around the hotel room. Bella assured her that her expenses would be covered in the hotel and she was fine to order anything she desired within reason. The car would be available to her for as long as she was in the hotel and if she needed any help looking for apartments, Bella would send her some contacts.

  It was all quite exciting and Danni's mind was put at ease knowing that it wouldn't be too long before she received her first payment. Still, it wasn't much so she'd have to be extra careful about spending and her music had to sell well for her to benefit from royalties. She messaged Julia again.

  D: It's booked for Friday at 2pm. Looks like I'm gonna be hauled up in this hotel room for a couple of days unless you have any better ideas. X

  J: I'll be there Friday. Why don't you go and enjoy the city? Maybe we can meet for a coffee sometime tomorrow. I'll let you know if I can get away ok?

  Danni frowned. It wasn't the idea she was fishing for but at least she'd suggested coffee tomorrow. The rest of the day was going to drag.

  D: Sure. Coffee sounds good.

  She sent another message.

  D: Is everything ok?

  There was a long pause.

  J: Yes, I'm fine. We'll catch up soon. I just have a few things to work out. Are you ok?

  D: I guess. I'm super excited about the deal. Was hoping to share a bottle of champagne with you to celebrate.

  J: Friday. I promise. X

  D: Ok. Friday it is. Take care. X

  J: You too Danni.

  Danni put the phone down feeling disappointed. This felt like all those other times she'd fucked up her friendships by coming on to girls that weren't interested and it scared her. She honestly didn't know how she'd handle it if Julia was suddenly out of her life again as quickly as she'd appeared. She kicked off her boots, fell onto the bed and flicked the TV on. A night alone would do her good. She hadn't had one night completely to herself in over seven years. There was always someone around, some drama or other. After thirty minutes she was going stir crazy. Danni was beginning to realize she hated being alone.

  The next day dragged relentlessly for the blonde. She tried to write a song to be productive but words weren't coming easily. There was a melody with a great hook beginning to form in her mind so she recorded the basics down on her phone and opted to try and come back to the lyrics at another point. There was no point in forcing anything as she knew her best work was done when it flew out of her in waves.

ni took a long soak in the tub to relax her tense body. She hadn't slept too well for some reason. Her dreams had been vividly disturbing and left her feeling out of sorts all day. Something was off but she couldn't quite place her finger on it. After the bath, she took her time picking out an outfit that was casual enough to appear as though she'd just pulled it on and yet still seem slightly sexy. She chose her ripped jeans and a low cut v top that showed off her cleavage but was still appropriate for the day. She had no idea what time she was meeting Julia for coffee or where, but she wanted to look good for her.

  Four o'clock came and still she hadn't heard from the brunette film star. She headed down to the hotel bar in search of a snack and beer. She sat at the bar stool checking her phone every couple of minutes and throwing peanuts into her mouth. Five o'clock and still no word. Six, seven and she was beginning to feel quite tipsy and alone. She was about to message Julia when her phone pinged. Her heart raced as she opened the message hoping in was the woman with some valid reason for leaving her hanging all day.

  Unknown: Hi, it's Tania. This is my number. Hope you are ok after last night. Call me if you ever need a drinking buddy. X

  She stared at the message and smiled. Saved by the bell, she thought to herself and typed back a message before she could change her mind.

  D: Drinking buddy would be awesome. I'm at the hotel bar if you want to join me.

  Her stomach flipped as the message sent. There was no harm in it really. Just two new friends meeting for drinks, maybe. Nothing more. Her phone pinged again.

  T: Great minds. I'm at The Paradise. I'll finish this and be there in fifteen. X

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  "What's this for?" Julia asked examining the Valentino gown suspiciously. Brent only ever presented her with gifts when he was guilty about something or wanted something from her.

  "I thought you could wear it to the gala tomorrow. Don't you like it?" He looked at his wife tilting his head questioningly.

  "It's stunning." It really was. The gown was a silky, red, floor length number. It was backless and opened all the way down to the belly button. Not something she would usually choose at all but still quite stunning. "Hang on a minute. What gala? I didn't get an invitation to any gala."

  Brent smiled cheekily. "I did. I confirmed it a few weeks ago. It's going to be huge. All the big name producers will be there. You're my plus one."

  Julia felt her stomach flip in dread. If Brent had known about this for so long, why hadn't he told her about it? She hated galas with every fiber of her being. It was all so fake and clappy-happy. A who's who of industry douches trying to stand out and appear more important than what they were. "I never agreed to that Brent. I'm not going."

  Brent looked angrily at her. "You are going with me Julia. This is too important to pass up. I need you there. I need your support as my wife."

  The words unsettled her. There was so much wrong with their relationship. It hadn't felt good for so long and him turning up and whisking her off her feet hadn't mended any of that. She wanted to talk to him properly about what she was feeling, the conflicted emotions running through her mind. Last night, all that had happened was carnal. Her body had cried out for attention and was alight with desire long before Brent had shown up. She weakly gave in to her carnal urges and fucked her estranged husband. It felt wrong. Their bodies fit awkwardly together and his touch felt rough. She tried to focus on her own orgasm and will herself there but the moment passed as he came in a grunt on top of her then rolled over and fell asleep. They hardly knew each other anymore. There was nothing connecting them on any level except the comfort of familiar territory. Julia spoke. "Brent, I can't do this. I don't love you anymore. I don't want... I don't want to be..."

  Brent cut in. "You are an actress Julia! You're coming with me tomorrow night and you're going to act the part! Fake it ´til you make it, isn't that what you used to tell me?"

  Julia felt a rage inside her. "Not about this Brent! I just told you I don't love you and you don't even care! All you care about is your precious image! Why did you even come back to me if you don't care for me?"

  Tears began streaming down her cheeks at the thought of how weakly she'd given in to him once again.

  "Julia. I do care for you." He approached cautiously and wiped away her tears. "You are talented, successful and beautiful. I want to be with you. I need you with me tomorrow, please. Please let's give it a chance."

  Once again, she felt torn. She knew it was a manipulation but maybe she owed him one last chance. Maybe she was just confused and didn't know what she wanted or needed right now. "I'll go with you to the gala but we need to talk. I need to talk."

  ✽ ✽ ✽

  "I didn't peg you for a drinking alone at the bar kind of girl."

  Danni turned around to see Tania standing behind her. She patted the stool next to her. "Well you pegged me wrong."

  "Drowning your sorrows?" Tania asked signaling to the bartender to bring another beer.

  "Celebrating, actually." Danni smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.

  "Oh? Then what are we toasting to?"

  Danni raised her bottle To Tania's. "To me becoming a signed artist tomorrow." They clinked bottles and took a swig.

  Tania looked at Danni curiously. She could tell she had been drinking for probably longer than she had and that was saying something. There was a hopelessness in her expression and she couldn't help but notice how the younger blonde pressed her screen every few minutes to check it.

  "I take it you haven't heard from Julia."

  Danni took another swig of her beer and ordered a bourbon. "Nope." She took a small gulp of the brown liquid and grimaced slightly.

  Tania sighed. "Give her time Danni. She's got a lot to think about right now and knowing what little I do know about her, she's going to want to do the right thing, whatever she might think that is. No reason you can't still have some fun. Aren't you recently single too?"

  Danni grinned at Tania. "You are terrible!"

  "What? I'm just saying. I make no excuses for my behavior."

  "Hmm, I bet you don't." Danni took another swig of bourbon and fully turned to look at the older blonde woman. She could tell it was just a facade. Tania was clearly hurting too and trying her best to hold it together. She liked this woman a lot and didn't want to see her suffering.

  "Look, Danni. I like you and I like Julia. I really do want us all to be friends. It can be hard to find and maintain friendships in our lines of work. But I'm not going to lie, I've drank too much to care much about maintaining my pride. I would very much like to fuck you."

  Danni almost choked on her drink. It was direct. Something she was usually known for and she laughed. "I admire your honesty."

  "And I admire your choice of outfit." Tania knew she was setting herself up for humiliation but she didn't care.

  Danni swigged her drink in silence pondering Tania's words. She had to admit, there was a certain attraction between them and Tania didn't seem like she wanted much else other than her animalistic needs satisfied. It had been a while since Danni had a fling with anyone and Julia, as much as she wanted her, she had to prepare herself for the possibility that it was never going to happen outside of her head at least.

  "Tania, you know I'm into someone else, right?"

  "I do." Tania scooted up a little closer on the bar stool and traced a finger around one of the rips in Danni's jeans.

  Danni couldn't help but react to the touch. "How long since..?"

  "Too long, Danni."

  "And what else would you want from me?"

  She gulped. She couldn't believe she was even considering this.

  Tania smiled sultrily. "Absolutely nothing. Just your continued friendship of course. Think you can handle that?"

  Danni swung herself to face the woman and allowed her knee to push between Tania's. She grinned with desire in her eyes as a fire settled in her stomach. "Oh, I can handle it. Can you?"

  Tania simply stood laughing and
took Danni's hand in her own, dragging her away. "Fuck me and find out."

  Danni couldn't contain herself. The last time she'd felt a woman's body against her own was years ago and her desire had been built up to uncontrollable levels after being in such close proximity to Julia for the last few days. She kissed the blonde vehemently, biting and sucking on those plump, pillowy lips. Tania was sensual and certainly no stranger to the female body. She gave as good as she got, biting harder than Danni had done and leaving teeth marks on the younger blonde's neck. Within minutes, their blouses were discarded haphazardly to the floor. Both women were desperate to feel another's skin against their own, desperate for some sort of release from the tension, the pain and frustration. Tania dragged Danni's bra down her torso, exposing the delicate mounds and immediately covering them with her hands, squeezing and kneading as her free hand went for the jean fly. Danni grabbed it momentarily having a crisis of conscience.

  "I thought you said you could handle it?" Tania taunted.

  Never one to be out-maneuvered, Danni winked and pushed the woman backwards onto the bed. "Oh I can." Honestly, the drink was beginning to wear off and she wasn't sure she wanted this woman's hands on her. She looked down at the neediness in Tania's eyes and knew she didn't have it in her heart to stop now. She knew what it was like to be on the verge of orgasm and not get there. No woman deserved that in her opinion. She wouldn't be the asshole in this encounter even if her heart wasn't in it.

  She leant forward and kissed her deeply, imagining it was Julia's lips and body below her. She pulled the black slacks along with the woman's underwear clear off her legs and threw them to the floor. Tania's breath hitched. She was used to being in control, leading the way but her body just wanted to be sated. Danni found a hard nub under her thumb and closed her eyes firmly. She circled the nub causing gasps of pleasure to fill the air. She remembered Julia's moans during their kisses and kissed the woman below her trying to simulate the same feeling. Her ministrations quickened and her fingers slipped easily inside the woman causing her to buck up against Danni's still jean clad thighs. Tania managed to slide a hand down Danni's jeans to feel the wetness below. Danni's body jerked in response to the touch, her body betraying her. She allowed the small touch and closed her eyes tighter conjuring the image of the brunette who had stolen her heart.


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