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Curse of a Dragon's Claim

Page 20

by Ciara Lake

  “Hmm.” Amuliana cocked her eyebrow then crossed her arms. “Very well, I guess you are frail.”

  “Bravo. You have manipulated the manipulator. She’s predictable in her arrogance. Stop before she catches on. She’ll become furious.”

  “My point exactly, you are weak yet you destroyed a mighty vampire.” She put her finger to her chin, tapping it as if contemplating her next action. “Very well.” She shrugged. “I will allow you some rest. Mind you, resting is not fucking your mate. I hardly call what you were doing restful at all.” She waved toward the bed. The covers yanked back again without her touching it. “Sleep now, you will call me as soon as you are rested. You will tell me what I want to know this night. Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” Arianna nodded, suppressing an urge to scream into the goddess’s face. “She’s a fucking bitch.”

  “See, she drives a good girl to curse.” Clayne smiled, coughing into his hand to cover a chuckle.

  “I understand a joining ceremony is being prepared for the two of you. I also hear Draconi is attending. Is this true?” Amuliana cocked her head to the side.

  “I guess it is.” Arianna kept her eyes down, not wanting to show her the defiance within their depths.

  “Draconi never attends such trivial functions. Do you know why he’s bothering to attend yours? Both of you are insignificant. For the most part anyway.”

  “No, goddess. I don’t know.” Arianna shook her head.

  “I am a prince,” Clayne added. “He has attended royal joinings in the past. I see nothing odd in that.”

  “Not all royal joinings. And she...” Amuliana pointed at Arianna. “Is a dracvipen.” She nearly spit out the word. Amuliana studied them. “Nevertheless, I will gift you with something special at your ceremony. Draconi will not overshadow me. I’m the honored goddess at these functions.”

  “Your absence would be a wonderful gift,” Clayne whispered in Arianna’s mind.

  “I should be the most honored guest. You should give me great consideration. After all, I brought you two together, not Draconi.” A huge frown marred her face.

  “She’s always jealous of Draconi. She wishes to be the center of everyone’s attention. She dislikes Draconi so much because he won’t bed her.”

  Amuliana smiled. Her eyes returned to their normal color, and her hair shimmered silver again. “We will talk tonight. Do not forget or I shall come for you again and you will regret that. I will meet you in the great hall. We will refresh ourselves while you tell me what I need to know.”

  “Yes.” Arianna nodded.

  “Yes, what?” Amuliana tapped her toe.

  “Yes, Goddess Amuliana, I will speak with you tonight.”

  “And your mate must learn his place. Mating has made him more stupid.” Without any warning, she was gone, leaving only the lingering scent of her perfume.

  “Fucking bitch, I grow sick of Amuliana.” Clayne paced the floor. “She’s a troublemaker. I don’t trust her, neither does Draconi.” He ran his hand through his hair. “We must be careful with her. I’m sorry she invaded our privacy.”

  Arianna walked over to him and kissed his cheek. “That was not your fault. You can’t control her actions.” Arianna leaned against him, wrapped her arms around his middle, and hugged him tight. “I was worried she’d hurt you.”

  “No, it was pain without real harm. She likes to make us fall to our knees. Her desperate need to know about what happened with those vampires is suspicious to me. I need to discuss this with Draconi, my father, and my king. Why would she suspect Draconi to be blocking the information from her? She’s probably listening in now.”

  “Rest, Arianna, I’ll bring you a fresh meal.” Clayne picked up his shirt.

  “Are you leaving me?” Arianna watched him put his shirt on and button it.

  “Only for a short time to get you a meal. Perhaps if you eat you’ll feel better. I’ll be back as soon as I can. I may stop to speak with my father. Rest while I’m gone. You can always call for me if you need me.” Clayne looked from her to the bed. He nodded toward the bed. “Even if you’re not tired, look tired, act tired for Amuliana. Close your eyes and rest. I’m going to seek advice. Maybe Draconi will know what’s up with her. If you don’t rest, she’ll return with a vengeance. I want to talk with Draconi before you tell her anything about what happened. I may go for a quick visit then come for you. I don’t want Amuliana to think you deceived her to delay her demands.” He walked over to Arianna and kissed her forehead. “I love you, my sweet mate. Now rest. You are very weak.” He winked.

  “Are you able to talk to Draconi?”Arianna hugged him. “Yes, I’ll rest. I love you too.”

  “Yes, I talk with him frequently. I’ll make a special effort to do so now. I believe it’s essential. Amuliana is up to no good.” He nodded. “Make yourself comfortable. Do you need another pillow?”

  “No, I have plenty of pillows. Thank you.” She smiled. “It seems Amuliana wants to have sex with you too.”

  “Yes, she’s always this way. She’s promiscuous. Don’t worry. I wouldn’t touch her. I can barely stand her presence. She has an unnatural allure to men, but I’ve always resisted. Something about her irritates me.”

  “I’m not worried. I trust you.” Arianna grinned. “Hurry back. I’ll miss you.”

  “You should trust me. I’m your mate.” He kissed her. “I’ll hurry, but I don’t want to disturb your sleep. You are still a frail mortal,” he emphasized, winking again. “We best not start kissing too much or she’ll be back. Amuliana doesn’t know how much Draconi speaks with us. She believes she’s our first loyalty. In her arrogance, she’s ignorant to the truth. After all, Draconi is our chief god. Dragons are in his image. While I’m gone, you’ll be able to contact me this way.” He headed for the door. “Is there anything in particular you want to eat?”

  “I’ll eat whatever you bring me. Thank you. I’ll rest now. I’m more exhausted than hungry,” Arianna stressed, wiping her hand across her forehead. “What’s happened has taken too much from me.”

  “I’ll fetch you a meal or send Timka with one. But first, sleep. You need your rest.”

  * * * *

  Clayne appeared in the grand ballroom. On ordinary days, this elegant room served as a gathering place, a dining area for the many families who lived in Ejdeha Dragoni. Several people congregated around large tables eating their meals.

  Clayne saw his father seated at a table on the other end of the room, sipping a glass of wine. His father’s violet eyes caught Clayne’s. He smiled warmly, waving Clayne over. Clayne walked to his father’s side.

  “Son, I’m glad you’ve joined me. Your mother is busy planning your joining ceremony. However, I hear you and your mate recently experienced unfortunate events in the human realm. Your mother has told me all about it. I’m sure it was very distressing for Arianna.”

  “Yes, we did have a difficult day. Arianna’s troubled, confused, and exhausted. She’s resting now.” Clayne pulled back an ornate dining chair to sit next to his father. “Arianna’s doing well under the circumstances. Amuliana must believe she’s extremely tired and needs her rest or she will insist on talking to Arianna concerning the events. Amuliana interrupted our time together, our very private time.” He cocked an eyebrow at his father. “I was making love to my mate when she just announced herself, expecting us to stop what we were sharing privately. She has no respect for any of us.”

  “She’s a bitch.”

  “What are you drinking?” Clayne nodded toward his father’s goblet.

  Zaj held his goblet up, tilting its insides around in the glass. The liquid was a beautiful deep golden color. “It’s the finest wine I’ve had in centuries, with a spark of fire inside. The wine came from Southern France. I added the spark of fire myself. The grapes were harvested in the next century. It tastes exquisite. The beauty of time travel is wondrous.” He put the goblet to his lips and took a large swallow. “Ah, so good.”

l have a glass of what my father is drinking,” Clayne said to a passing server. “It was agreed Arianna rest to delay repeating the events to Amuliana at this time. Later Arianna is to speak to the goddess about what exactly happened. Amuliana wants to speak with her later this night. I’m suspicious of her motives. Amuliana makes me angry. She brought me to my knees in pain when I disagreed with her tactics. I wish we could rid ourselves of her. But she’s the goddess of immortality. I suppose she’s needed. For what I’m not sure since we’re immortal with or without her. There are many other gods we can worship.”

  “Don’t show your anger, son. Amuliana’s a dangerous one. Draconi is concerned about her constant meddling in immortals affairs. Especially the meddling among his dragons. She may be the goddess of immortals but she’s too much in our business. She’s trouble.”

  “The roast hen is excellent, enjoy some with me. It’s seasoned with rosemary and sherry,” Zaj said to make their conversation seem normal. “Tell me about your mate. I hear she’s very lovely. She’s talented in musical arts?”

  “Yes, she’s amazing. I long to hear her sing.” Clayne leaned back in his chair. “Her voice is very compelling. She hasn’t sung for me yet. I guess she hasn’t sung since her mother’s death. It must be very emotional for her.”

  “I hear Amuliana is interested in Arianna’s musical talents too.” Zaj’s eyebrow rose as he regarded him.

  “Yes, perhaps too much. I don’t trust her interest. I don’t trust her at all.”

  “Anything she has unusual interest in, we must be aware of. Obviously, she has unusual interest in Arianna to have sent you to fetch her. Now all of this. It is curious.”

  The server appeared, carrying a goblet, which she sat down in front of Clayne. “Here is your wine, commander.”

  “Thank you, my dear.” Zaj smiled at the cheerful girl. “Bring Clayne some roast hen. And bring the whole bottle of wine too. My son and I have reason to drink. To celebrate his new beginnings. Or drink just to drink.” He winked at her. “You look lovely, Stellana.”

  “Yes, commander. Thank you.” The young woman smiled sweetly, blushing to the roots of her hair. She scurried away.

  “I want to speak to Draconi tonight. Do you want to visit his palace with me? I’d like to talk with him prior to Arianna talking to Amuliana. Plus, I know Arianna would like me to check on her friend Sarah. She was nearly drained by the vampires. Fucking vampires have no limit to their cruelty.”

  “Of course they don’t, they’re bloodsuckers. As soon as we eat, we can leave to visit with Dragoni. He’ll be pleased to see us, at least I hope.”

  “He usually likes visitors from our realm.”

  “Your mother wants you to try on a suit of clothes she has for your ceremony. She’s rushing around preparing a grand celebration. It’s been a long time since a prince has joined with a mate. Not to mention Dragoni has stated he’ll be attending. Your uncle, the king, is very excited as well.” He smiled. “There may be fireworks for sure with Draconi and Amuliana in the same place. He surely dislikes the bitch goddess. It should prove entertaining.”

  Stellana flashed ten feet from their table, approaching them carrying a tray filled with roast hen along with a bottle of wine. The aroma of the roasted bird was delightful. It tantalized Clayne’s nostrils, making his stomach growl.

  “That smells absolutely delicious. Bring us some more,” Clayne said. “I could eat five at least. Arianna should like this as well.” He smiled.

  Stellana sat the tray down on the side of the table and emptied it, serving the two men. “Yes, Prince Clayne, I’ll see to it more are prepared.” At the same time, a loud bang sounded behind her. She jumped, making the tray topple over the side, crashing to the tiled floor.

  “The stench of this place is disgusting.” The speaker made a snarling noise. “I have a message for you scaly reptiles.”

  The voice boomed behind Stellana. Quickly, she flashed away.

  “Dragon MacDagon!” the voice yelled. “We have penetrated this realm’s defenses.”

  Clayne and his father jumped up from their seats.

  “I’d stay where you are, reptiles. Keep your swords tucked away too if you know what’s good for your realm.” Seven vampires approached them. They sauntered toward them with extreme confidence. “Others you love will be hurt if you hurt anyone of us. There are more of us here than you can see.” He stopped. “You have been warned. I’m Seth.” He nodded with pretend respect. “I’m here to deliver a message to the royal dragon realm. To you, Dragon Clayne MacDagon.” He motioned to the others next to him to step closer to the dragons. “I’ve come with reinforcements in case you are unreasonable.”

  “What is it you want, you fucking leeches? A message from whom?” Clayne asked above the noise erupting in the hall. The dragon families with their children quickly left as dragon warriors flashed in, standing behind Clayne and Zaj. The dragon realm was on full alert, ready for battle.

  Seth stepped closer to where Clayne and his father stood behind the dining table. “We have a message from our leader.” He placed his hands in front him, folding them together, an arrogant grin on his face.

  “Your leader? Isn’t King Hema rather busy with marrying yet again? How many wives is it this time?” Zaj responded.

  “Oh, no. He isn’t our leader.” Seth chuckled, shaking his head. His blond hair framed his angelic looking face. However, his eyes gleamed blood red in his pale face.

  “Who would your leader be?” Zaj stepped around his side of the table. His violet eyes sparked with fire in their irises. The temperature spiked in the room. “Your leader is imprisoned, is he not? You do mean Saltar, don’t you?” A sword magically appeared in Zaj’s hand. The golden blade was sharp, bright in the light. Gems encrusted its handle. He held it to his side. “I’ll kill him, all of you where you stand.” Zaj pointed his sword in the vampire’s direction.

  “Shut up, ignorant dragon. We’re here to do the talking. Not to be questioned or threatened. I told you to put your swords away.” The vampire motioned to the golden sword Zaj held. It gleamed even more as Zaj held the heavy sword directly toward the vampire.

  “Speak up,” Zaj demanded. “I could have your head off in a second, finishing this. You’re in our realm. We make the rules here. Speak up or die fast. Tell us what you want then leave. You’re trespassing. Your presence here is a declaration of war. You’re not welcomed in any of our dragon realms. You know that. You’ve broken the peace yet again by stepping foot here. Be quick, our patience grows thin.”

  “We want to speak with the dracvipen female.”

  Clayne jumped over the table, standing only arm’s length from the vampire. His size increased as he barely controlled his transformation. He could see discomfort on the vampires’ faces due to the rising temperature in the room. Agitated dragons could bring a room to a boil.

  “Never,” Clayne stated between gritted teeth, his voice deeper than normal. “I’ll cut your heads off and eat your decaying bodies first. My father has been too kind.” He flashed his teeth as they changed to become jagged, razor sharp.

  “Hear us out.” The vampire stepped back as did the others who joined him, his confidence fading swiftly. “She’s our kin. We wish to speak with her as kin would. No harm will befall her, if you cooperate. In fact, if you wish to keep your women safe you best agree to our request.”

  “You dare to threaten us?” Clayne roared.

  Again the vampires collectively stepped back as the temperature increased exponentially.

  “You cannot talk with my mate. She belongs to me. I’ll protect her from such as you. She isn’t your kin.”

  “Saltar will be most displeased.” Seth shook his head. “The dracvipen’s our kin too. You can’t deny it. We have the right to ask to communicate with her. You must extend our invitation to her.”

  “She’s no kin of yours.” Clayne spit on the floor. An acidy substance sizzled on the tile just inches from the vampire’s feet. “How can Salta
r request anything? He’s eternally held in a prison created by Goddess Amuliana.”

  “He does request it. He will soon be free, very soon. It’s best to make this easier for all of us by being cooperative. Perhaps your mate would wish to speak with us as well. She is a combination of both our races with a tad of human too. Our kind’s blood runs in her veins. It entitles us. Perhaps she would like to know of her ancestors. I can educate her on the topic. The choice should be hers. Or is she your slave?” The vampire cocked his head to the side, baiting Clayne. He smiled, revealing two sharp fangs. “You should ask her, not speak for her as if she’s incapable of thinking for herself. We hear she’s very accomplished in many ways.”

  “I don’t know what you’ve heard or from who, but she’s under my protection. She’s still mortal. She requires even more protection from the likes of you. I’ll say if she can speak with you or your kind.”

  “Nonsense, she isn’t a weakling. She destroyed the vampires sent for her.”

  “They weren’t sent to talk, they were sent to destroy her. What games are you playing?” Clayne grew another five inches in height, his shoulders broadening. His clothing ripped, making room for his increased size.

  “A harmless miscommunication. A misunderstanding.” The vampire waved his chalky white hand as if dismissing a fly. Again, he took a step back. “You cannot keep her unique gifts secret from us. She’s very special. We heard her cry to you in every realm. Her cry immobilized us, drawing our attention. We know what has occurred by her very own broadcast. We need to find out what power she has.”

  A sword appeared in Clayne’s hand, identical to his father’s. Clayne pointed his sword’s sharp end directly at the vampire.

  King Arach flashed to the right of Clayne. He too towered over the vampires, his size increased by a partial transformation. “Tell your leader, whoever he may be, if any of you again enters this realm uninvited, I personally will remove his head from his body along with his followers. We’ll trample you and yours beneath our talons. Then we will shred you to pieces from the clouds, raining your blood upon the earth. Sound familiar?” Arach’s head metamorphosed into a purple dragon’s head with blazing orange eyes.


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