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Curse of a Dragon's Claim

Page 21

by Ciara Lake

  The vampires looked astonished by Arach’s partial transformation of a dragon’s head upon a figure of a human male.

  “Dear King Arach.” Seth nervously laughed.

  “I am not your king,” he roared.

  Seth nodded. “That is so,” he agreed. “You’re so imaginative in your description of our doom. I respect what you’ve said. I shall relay this colorful information to our leader at your request.” The vampire backed up further. In a second, the vampires disappeared in a flash.

  “Damn, what has happened to our defenses?” Arach roared. “I need to know where our weaknesses are now!” He changed back into his fully human form. “They’re not to have access to our realm. There were no warnings. They penetrated our defenses as if they don’t exist. Jacques!”

  A young warrior appeared at his side. “Yes, King Arach.”

  “I want you to investigate this matter at once. Report back to me within an hour.”

  “Yes, king.” Jacques bowed then disappeared.

  “I’m going to check on Arianna. We best check on everyone.” Clayne transformed back into his fully humanoid shape.

  “I’ll check on your mother and the other women of our family. Warriors, go check every inch of our realm to ensure everyone’s safety,” Zaj commanded.

  * * * *

  “Arianna, are you awake? It’s Timka. I brought you some food. The kitchen had succulent roast hens. I thought you might like some.”

  Arianna rolled over in the direction of Timka’s voice. “Thanks, Timka. You are very kind.”

  Clayne flashed to the foot of the bed. “The vampires have gained access to our realm. They confronted us in our dining hall. It seems they just flashed in without any problem.”

  “You’re kidding?” Timka rushed to Clayne’s side. Her expression showed panic. “That makes every one of us vulnerable. How can we sleep or feel safe?”

  “I wish I were kidding, but I wouldn’t joke about this serious topic. The king’s working on the problem. Soon we should have some answers. We’re searching the realm for weaknesses. We will make sure all is well.”

  “Oh, dear me.” Timka held her hand to her mouth. “I need to go check on my family and friends.”

  “Go do what you need to do,” Clayne told her. “Be careful. Be ready to fight. You’re safe as long as they don’t catch you unprepared.”

  “Yes, I know. We can’t rest now or enjoy a free moment. It’s as it was before.” Timka’s expression scrunched with worry.

  “They’re far inferior to our great power and size.” Clayne touched her arm. “I’m taking Arianna with me to see Draconi.” He looked over at Arianna. “Get dressed, we’re going to visit Draconi and Sarah. Father was going to go with me, but he’s with Mother now. I’m not leaving you here without me.”

  Arianna jumped out of bed, rushing to get dressed.

  “Be safe,” Timka warned. She flashed from the room.

  “What does all of this mean?” Arianna asked.

  “It means we aren’t as safe here as we once thought. They’ve shown us we’re vulnerable. It means war is on. Someone has betrayed us. Perhaps Saltar is truly close to his escape. It means Amuliana is perhaps responsible. At least those are my thoughts. I don’t trust the bitch. She would have the power to deceive us in this way.”

  “Truly? She would be responsible for this?”

  “Yes, she created this problem in the first place. She admittedly weakened Saltar’s prison. She had me summoned to fetch you for that very reason. Now, why and how she would have done it by mistake is something I’ve wondered from the beginning. And why would she need me to find you?”

  “I’m a part of this?”


  Arianna looked down into her hands.

  “Don’t fret, Arianna. I love you. You’re mine. Whatever’s going on, I’ll fight for you and our world. You aren’t the cause of this. They seek to use you for something. You’re an innocent to this. Amuliana told us you were a key of some sort.”

  “She told who?”

  “The dragons, but evidently, you’re wanted by the vampires too. I don’t know what they want. Amuliana is an outsider. She knew of what occurred at the dress shop. It seems the vampires know as well, yet the ones at the shop died.” He shrugged. “Just seems too coincidental to me that she knows as much as she does. I don’t trust vampires or Amuliana.”

  “Draconi is an outsider too.”

  “Draconi isn’t an outsider, he’s our direct dragon deity. He is and will always be loyal to us. You need not be concerned about him. He is much different from Amuliana.”

  “Finish dressing. You’ll soon see your friend.”

  Arianna quickly dressed in an emerald gown Timka had left for her. “We need to leave before Amuliana hears me and comes back as she warned.”

  Surprising Arianna, Clayne playfully grabbed her, pulling her into his arms. He kissed her neck. “I love you, my mate. Soon, we must complete what we were doing when Amuliana interrupted us.” He kissed her lips. “You taste delicious. Now we’ll flash to the gates of Draconi’s castle. Then I’ll transform to fly us to his castle door. Out of respect, we don’t flash within his gates. We must request entrance first. You’re right, let’s leave now before the goddess returns.”

  “Okay, I’m ready.” Arianna snuggled closer to him. “Mmm, you feel nice and cozy.” A warm scented breeze blew against them.

  Chapter 11

  “Smell those flowers. This is a beautiful garden. I know you’ve never seen the likes of it before.” Clayne took Arianna’s hand, and she opened her eyes. “Look around, enjoy the view. I need to speak with the gatekeeper.” He led her toward the giant gate.

  Arianna’s eyes widened as she took in the colorful landscape. “This is absolutely amazing.”

  They walked in a field of flowers so high they danced around her knees. There was no grass in the field, only flowers blossoming in every color, swaying in the wind. A rainbow arched across the field. The sun was high, bright in the sky. Puffy clouds made the scene as beautiful as a painting.

  In front of them stood a giant, black iron gate, ornately designed with magnificent scrolls. The gate was taller than Clayne would stand in his dragon form. On the other side of the gate was a cobblestone drive. In the distance, a crystal glass castle stood on a hillside. It gleamed like a diamond in the sun. Even though it appeared crystal clear, she couldn’t see anything inside. Only the sun’s shimmering reflection gleamed back, creating privacy for those within the structure.

  “It gleams in the moonlight as well. In fact, it gleams no matter what, even in the darkest of nights,” Clayne explained.

  “Dragon fellow,” a deep voice called to them. A gigantic form materialized on the other side of the gate. “Announce yourself. Make your request.” A large scarlet dragon stood watching them. His eyes were as red as his scales.

  “Yes, Crimson. I’m Clayne MacDagon.”

  “Oh, yes. I hardly recognize you in your humanoid form. Who’s this female? She has the faint smell of mortal flesh.”

  “She’s my mate.” He placed his arm around her waist, pulling her to him.

  “This is the dracvipen of great, unusual power?”

  “Yes.” Clayne nodded. “May we have entrance? I wish to speak with our God Draconi as well as see Sarah, my mate’s friend.”

  “Draconi is…romancing at this time. I’ll send him a message. I’m sure when he has finished with his current pursuit he’ll see you.” The large dragon smiled a toothy smile. He bent down to eye Arianna closely. “You are an attractive female too.” He sniffed. “And you smell sweet. I wasn’t aware I could find such luscious women on your mortal realm. I need to go visiting. It’s been awhile since I have visited among the humans.”

  Arianna nearly fell over from his close proximity. Clayne caught her. In a flash, she found herself on the same side of the gate as Crimson.

  “Romancing?” Arianna looked back into the huge red eyes.

“Yes, the female you call Sarah has captured our god’s interest. She’s an alluring female. Very extraordinary, especially now that she’s immortal. Anyway...” Crimson waved his taloned hand. “They’re entertaining each other.” He winked his large eyelid. “I had to leave the castle just to escape their romping around. Her continual giggling was driving me mad. I’ve not seen our god like this in…ever.” He shook his giant head. “If it’s possible for a once human female to bewitch a god, this Sarah has done so.”

  “Oh my goodness.” Arianna gasped. She placed her hand over her mouth.

  “Worry not. Sarah’s in good hands. In fact, she has my liege wrapped around her tiny fingers. Draconi’s so playful with her.” The mighty dragon straightened back up, standing at his full height. He looked toward the castle. “Your Sarah has made many changes to this household. It seems she’s in charge around here, at least in household things.” Crimson shook his mighty head. “In such a short time she has taken over things. It’s okay though, I like her well enough.” He winked again at Arianna. “If you like we can fly to the east garden to wait for them to compose themselves for a visit. I can see you’re served with refreshments.”

  “Very good.” Clayne nodded and swiftly changed into his dragon form. He stood at the same height as Crimson. Arianna stood her ground next to the great beasts.

  “No wonder humans shudder with fear at the sight of you. In fact, any sane vampire should be fearful,” Arianna yelled up at the reptiles. Both dragons were awesome. She felt minuscule next to them.

  “Come, Arianna, climb upon me. I’ll follow Crim to the east garden.”

  Arianna gazed up into the blue eyes of her lover, her nerves instantly calmed. Indeed, it was her Clayne starring back down at her.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you too, my beauty.”

  “Oh, this love stuff is rampant here,” Crimson teased. “It’s obviously contagious.” He shook his head. “Hurry with the love words, let’s take flight.”

  Quickly she climbed upon Clayne’s wing, making her way to his back. She took hold of his scales and pressed her knees into his side, attempting to grip him as best she could.

  “How could Sarah have accomplished what Crimson suggests? She’s only been here for a short time.”

  “I suppose she’s been here long enough to influence Draconi. You women do have mysterious ways.” He swung his head around to peer up at Arianna. “Especially if you’re the right one. I understand how the right female can get under our skin. She can scratch an itch we’ve had for a long while. Evidently, Sarah has scratched Draconi just right. Are you set to fly, my precious?”

  “Take me for the ride of my life, my awesome dragon.” Laughter spilled out of Arianna as he took off into the air.

  “Arianna, please don’t tease me. I’ll stop in the field of flowers to make love to you.”

  “You silly, we can’t do that.” Arianna bent down and placed a kiss on his neck. “Did you feel that?”

  “Of course we can, the field waits for us. And yes, my mate, I certainly felt your kiss. You may cover me in kisses. I’ll feel every one your sweet lips deliver.” He flapped his wings harder, and within seconds, they were soaring higher above the fields. Arianna could see Crimson leading the way.

  “It’s so pretty here. The castle’s…incredible. What’s it made of?”

  “What it appears to be made of. A very strong glass, a magical glass, it’s as strong as diamonds. As beautiful too. It has been bespelled to be so.”

  “I can’t see inside.”

  “You aren’t meant to. Those inside can see out. If Draconi wishes you to see inside the glass, it’ll become transparent.”

  “Is this a realm too?”

  “It is a realm within a realm. A god’s realm. It’s difficult to explain. Here, we’re almost to the east gardens. Look down. See the fabulous grounds, full of greenery and flowers. In times past, prior to the war with the vampires, we had many garden parties here, celebrating with Draconi. He is a most benevolent god. He enjoys our company. We invited vampires to attend our parties as well as other immortals such as trolls, merfolk, and even elves have danced here. There have been times of peace and tranquility. Those were good times.” Clayne sounded wistful.

  “It’s amazing all this exists.”

  Clayne glided to the ground, smoothly landing. He lowered his wings, and Arianna slid off, down onto the ground. In a flash, he stood next to her, fully clothed.

  “How did you clothe yourself so quickly?”

  “I can, if I wish. It takes more energy. Sarah may be about. I don’t want to make her jealous of you, for having me.” He grinned. “I can flash the clothing on and off. To save energy, especially in the mortal realm, I prefer to change in a slower method. Every use of magic takes power from us. It tires us. Even though we’re immortal for the most part we all have weaknesses. By the way, just to let you know, Amuliana can’t hear us here, unless she’s also in this realm, and she’s not. So, we’re free to talk openly. Perhaps we can stay here to enjoy some time together without interruption by the rude goddess.”

  Arianna placed a kiss on his cheek. “That would be great.”

  A familiar singsong voice rang out. “Arianna, it’s so good to see you.” Sarah came rushing toward Arianna with Draconi in tow. He did look smitten with her as he tagged along.

  “Oh, Sarah, how are you? I was worried so.” Arianna embraced Sarah.

  “I’m good. Draconi has healed me. He’s wonderful. He’s made me better than before.”

  Arianna looked in the tall god’s direction. She could see the admiration in his gaze. He definitely was fond of Sarah, more than fond.

  Sarah was dressed in a peach colored gown, similar to the gauzy gowns the dragon women wore in their realm. The gown was embroidered with a lovely flower décor. The gown’s coloring enhanced Sarah’s beauty. Her hair looked splendid. It had grown a considerable length, at least five inches, since Arianna had seen her, and it now hung past her hips. Around her neck was a lovely golden necklace with sapphires that matched her eyes. Even her eyes were more vibrant. They sparkled.

  “Isn’t this a glorious place?” Sarah asked. “I’ve never seen such beauty. It’s full of enchantment. Everything is touched by magic. I’ve been told the flowers always bloom here. I can ask to have them bloom in any color I wish. I like the rainbow of colors. Don’t you?”

  “You can ask?”

  “Yes, Draconi controls all things here.” Sarah smiled brightly. “I’ve suggested we have a joint ceremony for our joining, which is a wedding.”

  “You two are to be joined?” Arianna gasped.

  “Yes.” Sarah beamed with happiness. “Once Clayne shares his magic with you, it will make you immortal, as you should be. Draconi has told me everything. Those awful vampires nearly killed me. If not for your supernatural vocalization for help, I would have surely died. Thankfully, you were able to call to the god of the dragons to save me, and he has saved me. More than saved me actually. He has loved me well.” Sarah winked at Draconi. The god actually seemed to blush. “Draconi is such a wonderful lover.”

  “I understand you two have been very busy.” Arianna giggled.

  “Yes, things are splendid. There’s so much we need to talk about. You know, we could make the flowers all one color, like all white blooms for our joining. Wouldn’t it be excellent?” Sarah grabbed Arianna’s hand. “We are going to have a joint joining ceremony, aren’t we? We need to plan. I want it to be grand. Are you happy with my idea of doing it together?” Sarah looked at Arianna, pausing in her ecstatic state.

  “Of course. I’m happy to do that, if Clayne’s okay with it.” Arianna glanced over her shoulder toward her mate. She met his vibrant blue eyes. They were twinkling with emotion for her. Each time she saw his eyes she thought of how they were the same no matter what form he took. They made her feel warm inside, truly warm, from his inner fire.

  “Yes, my mate, all shall be as you desire
. I’m delighted you’re happy to do this with Sarah.”

  “Isn’t it amazing that Draconi has taken me for his mate? I’m a mate to a great god, a powerful dragon god.” Sarah spun around with glee in her eyes. “Oh, Arianna, he’s wonderful in so many ways. Draconi makes me feel good. He loves me. As I know your mate loves you.” Sarah batted her eyes in Clayne’s direction. “He’s a cutie too.”

  “Why don’t you charming ladies start planning our ceremonies? I know it will keep you very busy.” Draconi winked. “Sarah can show you how to communicate with Clayne’s mother. Go plan our grand event. The staff will help you make all the arrangements. I want all things to please you both. There’s no limit to flowers, food, entertainment, or whatever you shall fancy to have at the celebration. Of course, Arianna will sing for us. I want to hear your beautiful voice again, this time singing. Expressing happiness. Sarah has told me all about you, my dear MacDagon bride. As the mate of my loyal subject and the sister-friend to my beloved mate, you, as well as your talents, are important to me.” Draconi walked over to Sarah and kissed her on her cheek. “You have brought this gift of happiness to me. I am forever thankful.” Draconi bowed to Arianna, taking her hand and kissing its back. He stepped back to admire Sarah. “Isn’t she lovely?” he asked Clayne. “As is your gorgeous mate, Clayne. We’ve done very well in our fates to be mated.”

  “I do agree, they’re extremely special.” Clayne hugged Arianna. “Go speak with my mother about the ceremony,” he suggested. “She’s excited for us, and she’ll be ecstatic when she hears the ceremony is to be here and Draconi and Sarah are to participate. It will be historic. It’s a great honor to share this with our beloved god.”

  “Yes, it is,” Arianna agreed. “Thank you, Draconi.”

  Draconi nodded.

  “Go tell my mother of our exciting news, my love.” Clayne shooed them away. “I’ll have my god’s ear for a time to discuss today’s events.”


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