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Curse of a Dragon's Claim

Page 24

by Ciara Lake

  “Oh, yes.” Arianna giggled again. “You’re full of magic today.”

  “The Enchanted Forest recharges me. I don’t worry about expending too much at one time while I’m here.”

  “I see.” Arianna popped several more grapes into her mouth. “So places of magic increase your magic.”

  “Sort of. It recharges all magical creatures.” He kissed the side of her face. “If we watch closely we can see many four-legged creatures scurrying about gathering their dinner. The forest is full of life. However, the entrance to part of the underworld is here.”

  Arianna sat up, wrapping herself in the blanket. Another blanket appeared over Clayne’s hips, a glass of wine in his hand.

  “The gates of hell?”

  “Oh, no. I’m talking about the afterlife paradise for those who lived well. Even immortals who die go there if they are good. My sister’s there with Persephone.” His eyes glistened with wetness. “Goddess Persephone loves nature. Therefore, she positioned her palace near the entrance to the Great Wood. The palace is at the edge of the Elysian Fields.”

  “Elysian Fields are myth.”

  “Can you still not believe after all you’ve seen?” Clayne looked at her, puzzled.

  “I guess not.” She shrugged. “Does anyone know where the entrance is?”

  “No, it’s kept secret. Only a select few immortals know where it is and our deities know. Also, as I explained, the Wood may not allow those who know to find it. If it weren’t a secret, we’d try to go see our loved ones. I know I would,” he admitted.

  “There’re so many things in this world I had no idea existed. Humans are oblivious to so much. The world is full of magic as well as amazing realms.”

  “Yes, it is. Humans have a difficult time accepting things. When something can’t be explained, they panic. They’re easily fearful of so much, but in eras to come, they learn to be less fearful. They become wiser.” He gulped down the last of his wine. “I like being alone here with you. I can’t remember when I’ve been this content.” He kissed her arm, trailing kisses to her hand. “Make yourself a sandwich. I’m sure you’re hungry now. You should eat.”

  “You’re very debonair.” Arianna giggled.

  “Thank you. You bring out the charm in me.” Clayne moved his eyebrows up and down. “It has been buried for some time.”

  He could be so playful. Even when he made a funny face, he was handsome. Arianna enjoyed the food they shared. They spent hours talking about their lives. He told her of his sister, all the good memories. Arianna shared her memories of her mother. They laughed together until they grew tired. Arianna laughed so hard tears came to her eyes. Some tears came from the sorrow she still felt for her mother’s passing.

  “You have a great sense of humor,” she complimented him as she wiped tears from her face with the back of her hand.

  “So do you.” He kissed her fingertips. “You taste like grapes.”

  “You, this place, are so romantic. I’ve had a splendid time. The forest has a soothing effect. I can nearly forget all the scary things that have happened to me. Even my mother’s death doesn’t seem as sad.”

  “I’m glad. This can be a place of healing. That’s why I came here so much after my sister’s death.”

  “Let’s come here often.” Arianna smiled as she popped another grape in her mouth. “I love being here with you. Will it get much darker?”

  “Oh yes, pitch black sometimes. But tonight the moon is full and shining through the trees branches. The Wood has provided us with atmospheric lighting to enjoy this evening. Some of the plant life here is iridescent in the dark. There are several plants around us which give off light.” Clayne pointed. “See the full, leafy plant at the foot of the trees? It glows. Its leaves will glimmer more as it gets darker. It puts out light like a dim lamp.”

  The trees continued to make music with the wind around them. The sound was subtle, relaxing. The breeze had a hint of cedar mixed with pine.

  “I’m going to close my eyes for a bit,” Arianna whispered. Her eyelids were heavy. She lay down next to him, cuddling close to his body. “You are so warm.” Arianna moaned.

  “You’re going to lay down just for a bit, huh?” he teased. Running his hand over her back, he patted her behind. “I think I’ll go to sleep too. You’ve worn me out. It’s a good tired though.” He pulled his blanket up to his shoulders. “If you need me for anything, even to talk, just wake me.” Clayne kissed her face. He ran his hand over her hair as he looked into her eyes. His intense look always stirred her deeply. “I love you, my mate. You make my heart ache with tenderness. You’re lovely inside and out.”

  “I love you too. Thank you for bringing me here. This Wood is a wondrous place.”

  “I’ve enjoyed every minute. I’ve never had such joy here.” He lay back onto the soft bed of flowers.

  The flower cover seemed to thicken. It was the softest bed she’d ever slept on and pleasantly fragrant. Clayne’s body was incredibly warm as her dragon normally was. Curling up next to him, she closed her eyes. Listening to the sounds of the forest comforted her like a lullaby. She could hear the wind blowing and the animals scurrying around, foraging in the underbrush.

  “I could do this every night,” Arianna whispered, more to herself than Clayne. Completely relaxed, having no fear, she drifted off to sleep.

  * * * *

  Something pulled at Arianna’s mind, causing her to wake. A soft breeze pushed her hair back from her face. Barely able to open her eyes, she struggled to focus into the darkness of the forest. A glowing figure about five feet away stood watching her. Arianna opened her mouth to scream. The figure raised her hand in the air as if beseeching her to be quiet. The noise froze in Arianna’s throat.

  “Hush, daughter, don’t scream.” The figure bowed her head as in thanks. “My sweetest Arianna, please don’t fear me. I wish to talk with you for a bit.” A familiar voice spoke to her, soothing her anxiety. “I know I’m but a shade of what you remember. But I’m still your mama. I love you and will not harm you. Since you are in the Enchanted Forest, my goddess has given me leave to visit you. When I heard your voice so near to the underworld, I was frantic to see you. I begged for this time. Please, I want a moment with you alone. Don’t wake your dragon husband.”

  Arianna nodded. “I thought you were Amuliana.”

  “No, my dear, it’s me, your mama. I only have a few moments, then I must return to where I belong. I have not the strength to maintain my form in this realm for too long.”

  “Mama.” Arianna quickly sat up. Complete recognition assailed her senses. Excitement shimmied down her back. “You look so lovely and young. Is it really you?”

  “Yes, all the beauty of my youth was returned when I entered into death. Since I was a Forsaken, I’m in service to the Goddess Persephone.”

  “You know about being a Forsaken?”

  “Yes, things are revealed to those who pass into the underworld. Immortals who lose their lives have special service in the afterlife, depending on how they lived before. I’ve been honored to be one of Persephone’s handmaidens. I know Clayne’s sister, she serves Persephone too.” Her mother smiled. There was an angelic glow to her body and face. She almost looked transparent, yet not. “She sends her love to her family as well as her blessing to your union with her brother. She loves her twin very much. She was saddened by his turmoil over her death. She’s happy you’ve brought him hope and contentment.”

  Arianna stood up, wrapping her blanket about her nakedness. “May I touch you?”

  “Yes, dear. I’ve missed your touch. But I’ll feel different to you here. This is but a shade of whom I am in the underworld or who I was when alive.”

  Arianna cautiously reached for her mother. She felt solid but there was no warmth, it was as if she was made of a cool liquid. Arianna could feel her yet her hand moved through her mother with some resistance.

  “Oh, Mama, I’ve missed you.” Tears fell from Arianna’s eyes. “You do
feel different.”

  “Yes, here on this realm I am very different. But in the underworld I am whole and solid in my new and healed body.” She smiled. “I’ve missed you too, my darling daughter.”

  Arianna’s lips began to quiver.

  “Daughter, don’t worry or cry for me. I’m good, never better, except for those I miss.” She brushed Arianna’s hair back from her face. Her hand was as wisps of air touching Arianna. “I’m much happier. Never a day ill. I have no worries. We feel very little grief here. All things past and future have been revealed to me, at least things I would need to know. There are things I cannot tell you, but you must learn in time. On your own. When I lived, I was confused, often out of place in our world. I knew we were unusual, yet I did not know why. It was torture for me. Being a Forsaken was indeed a curse. Your destiny is to be different. You know of your ancestry. You’ve reclaimed your birthright. I do miss you and your father, but Antonio shall soon join me here. As for you, you’ll live for an indefinite amount of time with your husband. This I must accept, because now you’ll be immortal as was intended before the curse of the Forsaken struck down our line. The goddess has allowed me to tell you a few things to help your life’s journey.”

  “Tell me, Mama,” Arianna pleaded.

  “Your dragon is a good, immortal male. He’ll take care of you. He’ll give you children. However, be cautious of the vampires who follow Saltar. They’ll seek to bring you to their side. Always trust your mate, no matter what may seem. Remember the Saltarians are wicked. They hunger for power and the blood of the living. Be wise of Amuliana, she’s a corrupt goddess. She has caused this turmoil between the immortals while she is to protect the immortals. She pretends innocence, to be helpful, but she has her own agenda. She can’t hear us here so I speak openly, but be careful in other places. She can hear your conversations. Be sure not to let her know you’re suspicious of her.”

  Arianna nodded. “I understand.”

  “Good, or she may dispatch you to the underworld, or worse, a prison realm like the one where she has Saltar stored. She betrayed her own lover, and now she fears his release and revelation of her betrayal to the immortals and the great council of deities. If that happens, Zeus could decide to banish her from all the realms and she would be forced to live in everlasting darkness.”

  “No wonder she’s such a bitch.”

  “Hush, child.” Her mother put her finger to her lips. “But yes, you are right.” Smiling, she caressed Arianna’s hair. “When you join with Clayne at the special ceremony, sing The Song of the Wind for him. It’s a song of great power. I didn’t know this when I taught it to you, it was passed down to me by my mother. Be sure to sing it with all the emotions you possess of your love for him. Love makes magic strong.”

  “I’m a song spinner.”

  “Yes, child, as was I, I am told. You’ll weave magic into your song.”


  “Time will tell, I can say no more. Kiss Sarah for me. Tell her that her mother is well. Louisa was sad for a time, as Sarah won’t be coming to join us. Now, she is content for Sarah’s happiness with the God Draconi. My time is up, I must return to my goddess. Remember I love you.” She began to fade.

  “Don’t go yet,” Arianna cried. “I want to talk to you some more. Please, Mama. I can’t lose you again,” Arianna pled. A floodgate of tears opened, and Arianna wept, sobs escaping from her very core.

  “You’ve not lost me. I’ll always be with you. But I must obey my goddess. I must return to her side. Your life is here, among the living. My existence is elsewhere.”

  “Oh, Mama.” Arianna moaned. “I’ll be alone again.”

  “Hush, child. You have your mate. He loves you. He will bring you joy with a family to love. Enjoy what he offers to the fullest.”

  “This is so unfair.”

  “No, it is not. This is the way of things and always has been. Perhaps I’ll be allowed to visit from time to time when you come to the Wood. There are benefits to being immortal, or an immortal in service to a goddess.” Her mother wiped a tear from Arianna’s cheek. “Persephone tries to keep the realms of the dead and the living separate, but she’s fond of me and of you. She has a special care for the Forsaken who were truly innocent, cursed as a result of our forefather’s actions. So, honor her with the planting of greenery. She may grant you a turn to see me. Goodbye for now, my daughter.” Her mother completely vanished.

  Arianna stood and simply stared into the dark woods.

  “Arianna, what are you doing? Come to bed. Where are you going? You shouldn’t wander off.”

  “I thought you said I’m safe here.”

  “Yes, it is safe, but I don’t want you to wander away. Have you been crying? Were you speaking to someone?” Clayne was standing behind her now.

  “Yes, my mama. She came to visit me.” Arianna turned to face him.

  “Your mother was here?” He pulled her close. “Persephone has been most kind to allow her to visit.” He kissed her tear-stained face. “Did she tell you something sad?” Cocking his head to the side, he studied her, waiting for her answer.

  “No, she told me mostly good things. She said Clarisa is well. She sends her love to all and her blessing to us.” Arianna smiled through her tears as she looked into Clayne’s eyes.

  Smiling, Clayne looked up toward the treetops and called out into the darkness, “Thank you, goddess! Thank you for your benevolence. I appreciate your kindness to the souls you watch over. You’ve made me and my mate very happy.”

  “You are most welcome, dragon warrior.” A soft voice Arianna almost missed answered. The voice sent chills up Arianna’s spine. It was infused with great power and very near.

  “Come back to bed, Arianna. It’s nearing morning. We’ll return to Draconi’s castle at sunrise.” Clayne helped her back to their bed of Flithosia.

  “She told me Sarah’s mother is well too. We are near the underworld’s realm just as you said. When my mother heard my voice, she requested permission to see me. I was sad, but now I’m happy. It was hard to see her for such a short period and then she was gone again. But I’m grateful for the time we had.”

  “Good.” He kissed her forehead. “I don’t want to see you unhappy.”

  Chapter 12

  “Damn the little human mixed-breed bitch and that…defiant blue dragon…Clayne.” Amuliana’s eyes sparked black with fury. Her hands balled into fists at her side. “Where did they go? They were to meet with me last night. They fooled me. How dare they leave here without talking to me first? I can’t tell where they are at, which leaves only a few places they could be. Zaj, if you know where your son is, you tell me,” the goddess demanded. She paced the tile floor in Zaj’s office.

  “My beloved goddess,” Zaj answered.

  “Don’t ‘beloved goddess’ me!” She stopped to stare at him, shaking her head, her silver hair floating all around her head and shoulders.

  The beauty of her face seemed to evaporate into an ugly mask. For a moment, she reminded Zaj of the paintings of Medusa with serpents hissing in her hair. Nevertheless, Zaj’s voice was cool, saccharine, even-pitched, but the temperature of the room was warming with his reticent temper.

  “My son is long grown, my goddess. He is a fully adult dragon. I no longer need to keep track of his whereabouts or activities. Where he takes his mate is up to him. After all, they are newly mated. You know how it is between lovers, my sensual, most beautiful goddess.” Zaj winked at the angry female. He could see she was about to boil over with fury. Clearly, she had indecision with his answers and-or attitude toward her. Zaj’s inner anger with her stopped him from having any fear of the goddess. He couldn’t resist mocking her.

  “Don’t falsely charm me…you…you…reptile. I can see you’re not sincere.” Amuliana pointed a finger at him, her chin held high. “You will not mock me, dragon.”

  “Goddess Amuliana, I am sincere.” Zaj lowered his eyes. “You are lovely. Sensual beyond words.” Zaj bowed hi
s head. “I will inform my son, when I see him next, that you are looking for him and his mate. I promise to keep an eye out for them both. Most likely they are busy copulating. I’m sure they innocently forgot their appointment with you.” Zaj smiled, winking. “It’s hard to remember things when you’re between a beautiful woman’s thighs.” He used his most charming smile to influence the goddess. Normally she did like male attention and anything related to sex.

  “You best do that. It is certainly hard to forget me!” She cut her eyes at him. “I’ll be waiting.” Amuliana vanished in a cloud of black smoke.

  * * * *

  Draconi greeted Clayne and Arianna as they entered his great hall. “Did you enjoy your time in the Enchanted Forest? Sarah loves to visit there.”

  He kissed Sarah after popping a berry into her mouth. She was sitting on his lap in front of the dining table, eating her breakfast. Arianna heard her giggles from several rooms away as they entered the castle. Sarah cheerfully greeted them with a full smile.

  “Arianna, come have breakfast with us.” Sarah wiggled out of Draconi’s grip. “We’re enjoying an assortment of fruits you may have never tasted or seen before. They’re delicious. Also, there’s this ambrosia. It’s really heavenly. It makes you feel euphoric.” She giggled again as she took a sip from the goblet she held. “Draconi tells me it’s the nectar of the gods. It’s wonderfully sweet and refreshing.”

  Sarah directed Arianna to a chair. She placed a full goblet on the table in front of Arianna.

  “Drink up. After we eat, we can finish with our joining plans. Timka and Krilata are coming to help us with the planning. Draci has prepared to send the invitations out. This is like living in a dream.”

  Sarah danced back over to her chair. She kissed the side of Draconi’s face and wrapped her arm around his shoulders.

  “You are so wonderful to me,” Sarah praised him in a singsong voice.

  “No wonder Crim had to have a break from this lovey-dovey behavior,” Clayne whispered into Arianna’s mind, a smile pasted to his handsome face. “Even for me it’s a bit much to witness. It’s hard to see my god like this.”


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