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Asher: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 3)

Page 9

by Nyssa Kathryn

  Lexie nodded. It even sounded crazy to her ears.

  “What did he say when he found out?” Evie asked gently.

  Lexie chuckled. “Well, I told him after I fell down a staircase just before I blacked out. So I didn’t quite catch his reaction. When I woke up, he told me about Project Arma. After that, the doctor came in and started telling me about my abnormally low iron and white blood cell count. So, we haven’t really had a chance to discuss cribs and car seats yet.”

  The silence that followed pretty much summed up how Lexie felt about it all, too.

  Concern came over Shylah’s face. “That’s a lot for you to process, especially after what happened at the fundraiser.”

  Evie nodded, hand extending to Lexie’s knee. “Let’s start with the Project Arma stuff. So, now you know. No more secrets. That’s great. Amazing. How do you feel about it?”

  If Lexie was honest with herself, she didn’t feel much about it because she’d always suspected something massive was being kept from her. A huge chunk of Asher’s life had been locked away, and now she finally had a key.

  “Relieved to know the truth. Grateful that he finally told me. I guess I’ll always wonder if he would have told me on his own, without the baby bombshell.” Taking a breath, Lexie shrugged. “In regard to them being all superhuman, it wasn’t much of a surprise. Even before I saw Asher lift the car, I had suspicions that his secret was huge. I mean, I knew he was different. All the guys are.”

  “I’m so relieved you know,” Evie said.

  “Now, tell us about what the doctor said. How are you and the baby?” Shylah asked.

  “We’re both alive and healthy. Apparently, this baby is a bit high-need, because he or she keeps sucking all my nutrients. I was super low on almost everything, especially iron. I had an iron infusion and I’m on high doses of supplements. I might have to go back for more iron infusions during the pregnancy. I also need weekly checkups and low stress. Not that Asher cares about the stress part, he keeps forcing me back into the bedroom because I need ‘rest’ but doesn’t seem to get that him doing that is stressing me out.”

  Lexie appreciated his concern but wasn’t made of glass.

  Evie leaned forward. “I’m sure he just wants to help.”

  Shylah nodded. “The guy is crazy for you and I bet he doesn’t know how to handle the situation. All the guys are so used to jumping in and saving the day. He probably wants to do something. Help in some way.”

  That was true. Heck, Lexie knew that Asher was being amazing. So much more amazing than she had anticipated. He was desperate for her to rest and be healthy and he hadn’t left her side at the hospital. Not once. “Other than not letting me leave this bed, he has been pretty good to me.”

  Good. Amazing. The best thing since sliced bread. All of it.

  Shylah raised her brows in a suggestive way. “Not letting you leave your bed might have its perks.”

  Lexie couldn’t hold back the laugh. “So he can get it on with his baby mama? Yeah, right. I wouldn’t be surprised if our sexy time is put on hold. At least for another six to twelve months.”

  Evie laughed out loud. “I don’t think so. The man can’t keep his eyes off you all day at Marble Protection. I doubt he’s going to be able to go over six months without having sex with you.”

  The real question was, could Lexie go six months without having sex with him. Doubtful.

  “If the man doesn’t play his cards right, that’s exactly what’s going to happen,” Lexie said, lying through her teeth.

  All the women laughed at that one. They each knew what is was like to date one of the former SEALs. Living in the same house and not having sex with the guy would be impossible.


  The sound of a ringing phone pulled Lexie from her sleep.

  It took her tired brain a moment to recognize it was her phone ringing. Asher’s arm tightened around her waist as she went to sit up.

  “Who would be calling you at such an early hour?” The man sounded wide awake.

  She had her suspicions about who it was, but there was no way she would share them until she knew for sure.

  Grabbing her phone, she noticed it was three in the morning. And the name on the phone confirmed her suspicions on who it was.

  Crap. Not now.

  Pushing up to get out of bed, Lexie intended to take the call in another room but the arm around her waist kept her rooted to the spot. She threw an elbow into Asher’s chest, but he didn’t so much as grunt, let alone loosen his titanium hold.

  Well, it wasn’t like moving to another room would stop the guy from hearing. Lexie answered the call where she was. “Hello.”

  “Darling, it’s Mom. Have I caught you at a bad time?”

  Only if a person requires sleep. “Mom, it’s three in the morning. Of course it’s a bad time.” Lexie let out a yawn as if confirming her words.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, sweetheart, time got away from me.”

  Her words slurred through the line, telling Lexie exactly where that time had gone.

  “What do you need?” Because that was the only time she ever heard from the woman who’d birthed her.

  “Actually, I’m in a bit of a tricky situation. My friend Jo needs some money, and I’m, ah, a bit low right now.”

  Swallowing her resentment, Lexie ignored the hovering two hundred and fifty pounds of muscle next to her who was eavesdropping on every word. “I’ll transfer you some in the morning.”

  “No, dear, I need it now.” Gwen’s response was instant. Desperate, even. “In cash.”

  Groaning out loud, Lexie didn’t try to hide her frustration. “It’s the middle of the night.”

  “I know, I’m sorry, baby girl. Are you…are you able to drive over here now?”

  Falling back onto the pillow, she scrunched her eyes shut. “How much this time?”

  Gwen paused before she spoke. “Five hundred.”

  Christ, Lexie would be short for the rest of the month. If she didn’t give her mother the money, though, who knew what lengths the woman would go to get it.

  “I’ll be there in an hour.”

  Hanging up the phone, Lexie didn’t wait to hear whatever her mother said next.

  Grabbing the pillow, Lexie shoved it over her face. This was the first decent night’s sleep she’d had in weeks, and it was cut short by her one dysfunctional family member.

  “That was your mother?”

  Lexie went still at Asher’s question. Damn, she’d almost forgotten he was there.

  “Why does she need money at three in the morning?”

  Time to break the news to Asher that her life was not all puppies and rainbows, like he’d thought.

  Removing the pillow from her face, Lexie pushed out of bed, relieved that Asher let her go this time. Her mother lived in Austin so if Lexie wanted to be there in an hour, she didn’t have time to spare.

  “Possibly to feed her alcoholism. Although by how urgent she sounds, she might be using again.”

  Lexie avoided Asher’s gaze as she began to dress. She didn’t want the guy to feel sorry for her. She hated pity. She’d experienced it enough growing up. Everyone pitied her, but no one would do a damn thing to help her.

  That was fine. That’s how she’d learned to look after herself. You don’t get strong from having an easy life.

  “You’re not leaving.”

  Scoffing at Asher’s words, Lexie pulled a shirt over her head. Damn, her clothes were getting tight. She’d need new ones soon. Maternity clothes.

  “I am, Asher.” Although she wished she wasn’t. “My mother might be a dud in the parenting department, but I still love her. If I don’t give her the money, she’ll just find other ways to get it.”

  Suddenly, Asher appeared in front of her. He’d moved so quickly, Lexie hadn’t heard a sound from him.

  “Lex, you’re pregnant, you just got out of the hospital. and it’s 3:00 a.m.” Asher’s voice was firm. “I’ll send one of the guys.”
br />   So that they could all learn about her pathetic upbringing? No, thanks.

  “Asher, I appreciate your concern, but I’m going. Besides giving her the money, I need to talk to my mother. Check for myself that she’s okay.”

  “Lexie—” Asher took hold of her wrist as she tried to brush past him.

  “Asher, don’t. I know you can physically stop me from leaving your home, but I’m asking you not to.”

  His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. They stood there, daring each other to back down for what felt like an eternity, both as stubborn as the other, before Asher eventually broke the silence.

  “Fine, but I’m going with you.”


  “Either I go with you, or you don’t go, Lex. Take your pick.”

  At the sight of Asher’s set features, Lexie knew there was no changing his mind. “Fine.”

  That probably worked better, anyway. Lexie may be able to fit in a car nap. If she was lucky.

  With a quick nod, Asher pulled on a pair of jeans and a shirt, drawing Lexie’s gaze to his muscular body. The man even looked sexy in the middle of the night.

  Going to his drawer, Asher pulled something out that Lexie didn’t see before he ushered her to the door.

  Once in the car, Lexie let out another yawn.

  Growling, Asher took off. “You should be sleeping. You and the baby need rest.”

  “I’m fine.” But she knew he was right. She would have to break it to her mom that she couldn’t do this again. The further she got into this pregnancy, the more important sleep would be. “Can you stop at the ATM, then I’ll give you directions to my mom’s place.”

  “I’ve got the money you need, and I know where your mom lives.”

  Shocked, Lexie swung her gaze toward him. “First, I’m not taking your money. Second, how the heck do you know where my mother lives?”

  Asher didn’t take his eyes from the road. “You’re an employee at our business, we did a background check on you.”

  “And that background check included my mother’s address?”


  Yes? That was his only response?

  Huffing out an angry breath, Lexie crossed her arms. “I’m still not taking your money.”

  “You’re taking the damn money, Lex.”

  “No, I’m not.” She could feel a battle of wills coming on, and usually she would argue to the end, but at that current point in time, her body felt exhausted.

  “I’m not stopping the car, so tell me, how do you expect to get it?”

  Christ, the man drove her insane. “Fine, but I’m paying you back.”

  Shrugging, Asher didn’t seem bothered. “You’ll just receive it back again as a work bonus.”

  The man was infuriating. Sweet, but infuriating.

  “Tell me about your mother.”

  Gosh, that was the last thing Lexie felt like doing. “I thought you did a background check?”

  “There was nothing about your mother being an alcoholic.”

  That was because the woman was good at pretending she had her shit together when it counted.

  Shrugging, Lexie glanced out the side window into the dark night. “My dad left my mom when she was pregnant with me. She loved him, so when he left, it destroyed her. Add in being a single parent and it was all a bit too much. She turned to alcohol.”

  That was the very short and condensed version of the story.

  “That must have been hard for you growing up.”

  Hard. Lonely. Scary. It had been all those things. But no way in hell would Lexie let it affect who she was today. She was strong because of what she’d been through.

  And Lexie would never subject her baby to an upbringing like that.

  Lexie’s hand went to her stomach. “This baby is going to have a different childhood. I’m going to make sure of it.”

  Asher’s hand immediately left the wheel, intertwining with Lexie’s fingers over her stomach. “We’re going to make sure of it.”

  Swallowing the lump in her throat, she looked down at Asher’s much larger hand encompassing her hand and stomach. She hoped that was true. For her baby’s sake and for her own.

  Lexie knew she couldn’t control his actions. All she could do was wait and see whether he kept his word. Trust didn’t come easily to her, but slowly, he was gaining hers.

  Resting her head back, Lexie closed her eyes.

  What felt like a moment later, Asher’s hand on her arm caused Lexie to jolt forward. Looking around, she noticed they were outside her mother’s house.

  Jeez, she had fallen asleep quickly.

  Unbuckling her seat belt, Lexie was about to push out of the car when she caught Asher doing the same.

  “You’re not coming in.”

  Asher laughed. “Yes, I am, darlin’.”

  “I need to speak to my mother. Alone. I won’t be long.”

  “Lexie, this isn’t a good area and it’s pitch black out there.”

  Raising a brow, Lexie cocked her head to the side. “Aren’t you supposed to be a supersoldier? If some thug sneaks up on me between here and the door, won’t you get to me in time?”

  Asher’s eyes narrowed but he sat back. Taking her hand, he placed a wad of notes in it. “You have five minutes or I’m coming in there.”

  Lexie was about to climb out of the car but stopped at the last moment. Turning, she leaned over and planted a kiss to Asher’s lips. “Thank you. I know I’m a lot…but thank you.”

  Shutting the door after her, Lexie had a smile on her face as she walked up to the house. Even though she should be in bed, and even though she was at her mother’s house, it didn’t feel completely awful. Because she wasn’t alone.

  Before she knocked, Lexie took a moment to gather herself. Talking to her mother was not her favorite activity. Especially in person. It always brought her back to her childhood. Of craving the mother everyone seemed to have, bar her.

  After a moment, she straightened her spine and raised her hand to the door. Once she’d knocked, there were some muffled noises on the other side before the door opened. Only it wasn’t her mother standing in front of her.

  One hand on the door and one on the frame, a middle-aged man stood there. He was tall, with a large protruding stomach hanging out from his undershirt. The man reeked of alcohol.

  His eyes immediately scanned Lexie’s body, lingering too long on her chest. She had the urge to cover herself, even though she didn’t have much skin exposed.

  Standing taller, Lexie refused to be intimidated by the stranger. “Is Gwen here?”

  Finally, the man’s gaze rose to Lexie’s face.

  About damn time.

  “So, you’re little Lexie, huh? Gwen didn’t mention how hot you were.” Smiling, the man exposed his brown crooked teeth, making Lexie want to gag.

  “Is she here or not?”

  The stranger took a step forward, no doubt attempting to intimidate her. “What’s with the attitude, girlie? Think you’re too good for me?”

  “Damn straight she is.”

  Lexie swung her head around to see Asher taking a step in front of her, dwarfing the man in the doorway.

  Christ, that was the second time tonight she hadn’t even heard him coming. She hadn’t so much as heard the car door shut, let alone him walking right up next to them. The man moved like a cat.

  “Who the fuck are you?” the older man sneered, losing some of his confidence from a moment ago.

  Asher’s fists clenched. “That’s none of your business. The lady asked you a question. Is Gwen here or not?”

  It was clear the man didn’t want to back down but his gaze kept darting to Asher’s muscular arms. “I’m here to get the money—”

  “I didn’t ask what you were fucking here for. Get Gwen out here, now, or I’ll search the house myself. And you can bet if I have to search the place, and I find things I don’t like, the police will be pretty fucking interested.”

  The man’s face b
egan turning red from anger, his fingers tightening on the door. Opening his mouth, he shouted down the hall, “Gwen, get your ass out here!”

  There were some shuffling noises before Gwen came into view behind the man.

  Lexie breathed in a pained breath. It had been a year since she’d seen her mother in person, but Gwen looked like she’d aged ten. Her once pretty eyes were now red-rimmed and new wrinkles feathered her lips and eyes.

  “Lexie, darling, you’re here!” Moving next to the man, Gwen put her hand on his arm. “Albert, I’m going to sit on the steps and talk to my daughter.”

  Albert crossed his arms. “I’ll stay.”

  Asher took another threatening step toward the man. They were so close that they almost touched. “The woman wants to talk to her daughter alone, so if you like your bones unbroken, you’re going to go back inside, close the door, and stay the hell in there until we leave.”

  If Lexie was Albert she would be turning and running. Evidently, the man wasn’t so smart.

  His gaze flickered from Asher to Gwen, seemingly weighing his options. If he decided to stay, he was even more stupid than Lexie had already suspected. And she hadn’t thought much of him to begin with.

  Eventually, Albert turned to Gwen. “Don’t take long, and don’t come back inside without the money.”

  Giving Asher a final withering stare, the man disappeared inside.

  Gwen stepped out of the house, gently shutting the door. At the same time, Asher turned to Lexie.

  “I’ll wait in the car.” His voice was angry. As if he were just waiting for a threat to jump out.

  Nodding, Lexie watched him walk to his car before turning back to her mother.

  “Boyfriend?” Gwen asked.

  “Mom…” Lexie didn’t want to talk about her personal life. Not while the stench of alcohol was on her mother’s breath.

  Gwen followed suit and sat next to her. “You don’t have to tell me. Thanks for coming, honey.”

  Swallowing the lump in her throat, Lexie crossed her arms. “This can’t continue, Mom.”

  “What do you mean?”

  What an absurd question. Shaking her head, Lexie wrapped her arms around her legs. “I’m pregnant. I’m going to be a mother, and I am determined to give this child a better upbringing than I had. So, what I mean, is that next time you call me at three in the morning, I will not be answering the phone. My child is my priority now.”


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