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Asher: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 3)

Page 10

by Nyssa Kathryn

  There was a beat of silence. Then Lexie saw tears begin to form in Gwen’s eyes. “You’re pregnant. Wow. You’re…you’re going to make a wonderful mother. You always took care of me.”

  Lexie nodded. “I did. I tried to get you help numerous times, but it never went anywhere because you were never open to change.”

  Tears fell down Gwen’s cheeks. “That’s true. I was never—” She took a breath, her gaze darting around before she continued. “I was never as strong as you.”

  Lexie wanted to yell at the woman. Either that or cry with her. “My strength was a choice. To take my struggles and overcome them.”

  Gwen would understand what Lexie was saying. That she’d crumbled when she should have been stronger. Both for herself and her daughter.

  Extending her hand, Lexie held out the money. “I want you to be safe, Mom. But me constantly bailing you out isn’t helping. If you want help to turn your life around, real help, come to me and I’ll do whatever I can. If not…I need you to refrain from contacting me again.”

  Gwen’s face crumbled slightly but to her credit, she didn’t fall apart. Lexie wished her mother would say that she was ready to change. Follow her to the car. But she knew the woman wasn’t ready for that. She might never be ready.

  “Bye, Mom.”

  Standing, Lexie had taken one step before she stopped at her mother’s voice.

  “I love you, Lex. I know it doesn’t always seem like it, but I do.”

  Lexie’s heart clenched at her mother’s words. A huge part of her felt that if that were true, she would have tried harder.

  “I love you, Mom.” Even when the woman didn’t deserve it, Lexie couldn’t help but love her.


  “I swear to God, Asher, if you don’t let me exit this car myself, I’m gonna nunchuck your butt to Timbuktu.”

  Asher raised a brow as he took a step away from the passenger door. “Nunchuck?”

  The woman was damn cute when she was mad. Her brows furrowed, making her resemble an angry rabbit.

  Lexie climbed out of the car with a huff. “Just because you have this superstrength thing going on, don’t make the mistake of thinking I won’t beat your SEAL ass if I have to.”

  Asher laughed out loud. Lexie might be tall for a woman at five foot nine, but her slender body was made for anything but fighting.

  Shutting the door after her, Asher took her elbow as they headed into Marino’s Pizzeria. “Let’s keep your pregnant butt out of any fights with my SEAL one, okay?”

  Lexie was pursing her lips, but Asher could see she was trying to hide a smile. Trying and failing.

  It had been a week since Asher had found out Lexie was pregnant. He could understand her frustration; Asher had been hovering. But dammit, he needed to ensure both Lexie and their baby were safe. Healthy.

  “Asher! Lexie! So good to see you,” Bill Marino, the restaurant owner, called as he stepped out from behind the counter.

  Giving both Lexie and Asher a kiss on the cheek, Bill led them to a corner booth.

  “What can I get you to start? Some wine? Garlic bread?”

  “Apple juice would be lovely, thanks, Bill,” Lexie said without looking at the menu.

  Bill’s brows pulled together. “No Heath Sparkling?”

  “No thanks, just juice.”

  Bill turned a questioning look to Asher. The man’s confusion didn’t surprise him. He had probably never seen Lexie in his restaurant without a glass. It was her favorite.

  “We’re not drinking tonight. I’ll have a Coke.” Asher smiled, noticing Lexie’s raised brow. “And some garlic bread.”

  Bill still appeared somewhat confused but simply nodded before heading back to the kitchen.

  Asher turned his attention to Lexie. God, she was stunning. He felt like he needed a moment to take her in. She had always been the most beautiful woman Asher had ever laid eyes on. Her radiant red hair and bright amber eyes made her stand out from a visual perspective.

  It was her fiery personality, though, that really drew Asher in. She always kept him on his toes with her quick wit and was never afraid to voice her opinion, even if she knew it wouldn’t be received well.

  “How’s the nausea? Feeling okay?” Asher asked as he lifted the menu.

  “This past week, I’ve been feeling better than I have in months. Whatever’s in that concoction of supplements that Sage is having me take, it’s a game changer.”

  Raising his brows, Asher studied the menu without really taking it in. “Is it the pills making you feel better, or the overbearing man you’re going to nunchuck to Timbuktu?” Hearing her chuckle, Asher let a small smile creep across his face. Every time he heard that lyrical sound from her, his blood pumped that bit faster.

  “Hmm, doctor-prescribed iron, magnesium, and iodine…or a man who threatens to throw me over his shoulder and carry me everywhere regardless of my own desires? That’s a tough one.”

  Finally looking up, Asher shook is head. “I don’t think it’s tough at all, Lex. Clearly the sexy man opposite you is stronger than any pill. Also, I would not throw a pregnant woman over my shoulder. I would cradle your delectable body in my arms.”

  Asher loved the sight of Lexie’s cheeks turning a rosy pink. Just the, Bill returned with their drinks and garlic bread.

  “What will it be tonight, folks? The seafood marinara pizza?”

  A choking sound came from Lexie’s direction, causing both Asher and Bill to look over to her. Her face had gone a shade paler.

  It looked like seafood was off the menu for the foreseeable future.

  “Chicken pizza?” Asher asked, smiling at Lexie’s vigorous nod.

  “And a margherita,” Lexie added eagerly.

  Bill’s eyes slanted as he looked at Lexie suspiciously. “First no alcohol, now no seafood—your favorite. Anyone would think you were…” Bill’s eyes grew large as he stopped midsentence.

  Ah, shit.

  “Santo mio. You’re pregnant?”

  Lexie opened and shut her mouth before eventually giving a small nod. “I am.”

  “Che grande!” Bill cried as he threw his arms into the air. Leaning down, he kissed Lexie on both cheeks before slapping Asher on the back. “Tonight, I make your dinner extra special.”

  Then Bill turned and hurried back to the kitchen.

  Lexie’s laughter pulled Asher’s attention and he studied the beautiful woman in front of him. “You don’t mind that Bill knows? You know the whole town will probably find out about this by morning?”

  Lexie shrugged as she turned her attention back to Asher. The joy on her face made his breath catch. Perfection.

  “I’m already showing. Soon enough, I’ll be the size of a house. People will sure know then.”

  The humor in her eyes made her whole face light up. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous, Lex.”

  He said it because he couldn’t keep the words in any longer. He needed her to hear. He needed the whole world to hear.

  Lexie’s smile softened. “Like I said. Soon I’ll be the size of a house. Will you still find me gorgeous then?”

  “You could be pregnant with triplets and my thoughts about you wouldn’t change,” Asher promised, all humor gone. “Any shape or size, you’ll still be the most beautiful woman in the room.”

  * * *

  Lexie couldn’t tear her eyes from Asher.

  Since they sat down only twenty minutes ago, he’d been looking at her like she was the only woman in the room. The only woman in the world.

  And man oh man had he been saying things that turned her to mush and made her heart sing.

  Just then, Bill returned with their pizzas and they smelled divine.

  Once the food was set down in front of her, Lexie’s hand had a mind of its own, swiping the first piece even before Bill had a chance to leave.

  “Oh my God, carbs are my soul food at the moment.” Biting into the slice of margherita, Lexie shut her eyes and let out a groan. “It’s like a slice of heave
n.” She took a moment to appreciate the cheesy goodness.

  Please, God almighty, don’t ever let me get full.

  Or at least not for a while. Lexie wanted to feel just like this while eating another ten slices.

  Slowly opening her eyes, she saw Asher smiling while Bill looked proud. Probably knowing his pizza was good. Damn good.

  Let them stare, Lexie thought. She didn’t care. The pizza was like all her dreams come true.

  Bill clapped his hand on Asher’s shoulder. “I think your woman will be returning in the next few months.”

  “Don’t close on me, man,” Asher laughed.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Bill shook his head as he went back to the kitchen.

  Picking up a slice of his own, Asher bit into it and frowned exaggeratedly. “Not quite a slice of heaven, but not terrible.”

  Lexie was already halfway through her piece, already eyeing a second. “Leave it for me then. I know how to treat it with proper appreciation.”

  Asher’s chuckle rippled through his big chest. “I don’t think so. You may be pregnant with our child, but no way am I letting you have it all.”

  Lexie laughed as Asher shoved half the piece in his mouth. Damn, she needed to eat faster or the man would finish the whole chicken pizza before Lexie had a chance to try it.

  She piled another three slices onto her plate, all the while ignoring Asher’s raised brow.

  “Let the race begin,” Lexie eventually said.

  After half an hour, Asher and Lexie had effectively eaten everything in front of them. Sitting back, she placed her hands on her stomach. “Baby may not be letting me have a glass of Shiraz, but I’m sure glad it likes pizza!”

  Bill popped by their table. “Ahh, you finished. More?”

  That was a no from Lexie. Her stomach was popping out, and it wasn’t all baby.

  “I think we’re done,” Asher said with a smirk.

  Lexie pushed out of the booth. “I’m just going to visit the restroom before we go.”

  As she headed down the hall, Asher’s behavior over the last week was at the forefront of her mind. Even though the man had been ridiculously overbearing, Lexie would never admit it out loud, but his attention was kind of sweet. He made her feel protected. Cared for.

  A flutter of hope built up inside her. Hope for a future that involved Asher and her together and her baby with two full-time parents.

  Lexie’s hand went to her stomach, thumb rubbing up and down.

  Since she’d been feeling better—better meaning not almost passing out every second of every day—she’d been able to appreciate her pregnancy more. Every day, she’d let the excitement increase. Lexie had even gone as far as to research car seats and cribs.

  Her next appointment with Sage was tomorrow. So far, all her bloodwork had come back great. And based on how she was feeling, Lexie wasn’t worried about tomorrow.

  Coming out of the bathroom into the hallway, she had taken only a step when a man walking toward her blocked her exit. She waited a moment for him to politely move to the side. When he didn’t she glanced up to see familiar black eyes looking at her. It took Lexie a moment to place them.

  He was the stranger she had bumped shoulders with at the hospital fundraiser.

  A nervous moment passed when Lexie wondered why the man didn’t step to the side. As she was about to open her mouth and ask him to move, he turned his body to let her pass just before she did.

  Lexie took a step around him and kept walking.

  What a creep.

  Noticing Bill at the counter, Lexie walked up to him before returning to the table.

  Leaning over, she spoke quietly. “Bill, do you know who that man is?”

  Bill glanced in the direction Lexie indicated with her head before turning back to her. “Dominic,” Bill said, nodding. “He’s renting the room upstairs. I wouldn’t worry about him. He’s quiet and pays his rent on time. Why, did he do something?”

  Bill was quickly on alert as his body straightened.

  “No, no,” Lexie reassured him quickly. “I saw him at the fundraiser last week is all.”

  Lexie looked over her shoulder in the direction the man had walked but he was gone. That was twice now. Twice she’d bumped into him and twice he’d creeped her out.

  Heading back to the table, Lexie shook her head. He hadn’t done anything. Absolutely nothing. She had to be overthinking things.

  When she returned to the table, Asher was waiting and holding her jacket.

  “We should stop by your apartment and get some more of your things,” Asher said as he helped her into her jacket.

  Lexie was definitely keen on that. She’d been borrowing too many of Asher’s things. She needed her own stuff.

  “I really need my charger. Sharing with you is a pain in the butt.”

  Stepping outside, Asher laughed. “Woman, if your phone isn’t in your hand, it lives on the charger. You would struggle to share with anyone.”

  The drive to her place was short. Both Asher and Lexie lived in the center of town. That was probably why they had such a problem staying away from each other.

  Lexie almost laughed out loud at the thought. That definitely was not the main reason they struggled to stay away from each other. More like, Lexie couldn’t keep her hands off the ten-pack.

  When they stopped outside her apartment building, Asher stilled behind the wheel for a moment. Lexie started to grab her door handle but was stopped by Asher’s hand on her arm.

  Eyes shooting back to him, Lexie frowned. “What is it?”

  Silent, Asher kept his eyes on the rearview mirror a moment longer before he glanced toward her. There was no humor in his expression. “Someone was following us.”

  Twisting her head around, Lexie didn’t see anything. “What do you mean, someone was following us? Maybe they were just going in the same direction.”

  Climbing out of the car, Asher was at Lexie’s door before she could blink. “No. They were trying to stay hidden, but I saw the tail.”

  Swallowing, Lexie kept glancing down the street as she walked next to Asher. The idea of someone following them creeped her out to no end.

  On the way up to her apartment, Asher pulled out his phone. “Jobs. I’m at Lexie’s apartment. There was a Mazda on our tail. They followed us from the restaurant.”

  There was a moment of silence before Asher continued. “Didn’t catch the plate number or the color of the car. Can you contact the guys to do a drive-around?”

  When they were only a few feet from her apartment door, Asher’s arm extended across Lexie’s body, halting her steps.

  “What?” Lexie asked quietly. Nervous tension entered her limbs. There was nothing that she could see that appeared out of place or warranted his stillness. She looked up to see Asher’s gaze narrowed on her door.

  “Someone’s been at Lexie’s apartment, Jobs. Call the guys.”

  Dropping the phone back into his pocket, Asher edged closer to the door, keeping Lexie behind him. When they got close enough, she finally saw what Asher saw.

  Her door sat ajar, the handle hanging. Almost like someone had broken it off.

  Holy shit. Someone had broken in to Lexie’s apartment.

  A chill swept its way down her body at the thought that she could have been home alone when that happened. Hand instinctively going to her stomach, she crept a bit closer to Asher.

  Tension was coming off him in waves. His body was ready for action.

  After a moment, Lexie realized he was listening.

  “There’s no one inside.” Asher spoke the words quietly as he took a step forward.

  Lexie hesitated. “Are you sure?”

  She thought she was a brave person but now that it was crunch time, she wanted to hide behind her big protector and ask him to carry her out of there.

  “Trust me.”

  Looking up into his brown eyes, Lexie knew that she would trust the man with her life.

  Giving Asher a nod, she fo
llowed him inside, his hand firmly clasping hers.

  Immediately glancing around her living room, Lexie couldn’t see anything out of place. Her books sat perfectly on her coffee table, dishes all intact in the kitchen.

  Asher pulled Lexie down the hall to the bedroom. When they stepped inside, they saw the same thing. Nothing looked touched. Even her jewelry remained.

  “They didn’t take anything.”

  At Asher’s continued silence, she glanced at him to see his eyes black with rage. “That means they weren’t after your belongings.”

  Lexie’s breath caught. If they weren’t after her belongings, they were after something else. Her.


  Lexie gasped for air as she bolted into a sitting position. Hands shooting to her stomach, she closed her eyes, trying to force the nightmare away.

  The vision of her crying baby being taken from her arms was on replay in her mind. The image of those little fists reaching for her made her want to cry and scream even now, just like she had in her dream.

  Sweat beaded on Lexie’s forehead and her heart raced.

  It was just a dream. My baby is safe.

  Lexie repeated the mantra in her head, praying her mind would accept it.


  Asher sat up next to her in bed, eyes wide. The man looked ready to kick someone’s ass. Unfortunately, he couldn’t fight off what existed in her mind.

  Throat clogged, Lexie took a deep, calming breath. “I just had a nightmare.”

  Only it hadn’t felt like a nightmare. It had felt as real as the sheets beneath her fingers.

  Asher growled in his throat. The anger on his face in complete contrast to the gentle touch of his fingers grazing Lexie’s cheek. “This is the third time in a week you’ve woken from a nightmare. Nothing is going to happen to you, Lex.”

  God, she wished she could believe his words. There was something inside her, though, urging Lexie to run. Hide. She knew how absurd that sounded but she couldn’t shake the feeling.


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