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It’s Not Home Without You: A Homecoming Novel #1

Page 21

by C. Lymari

  * * *


  My brother and father were the first to call me when I got home. I answered them both; one, Prescott had to know I had a good reason to break things off but I was not explaining dad’s clusterfuck over the phone. Two, because I didn’t want my father anywhere near me. My brother was many things, but sensitive and caring he was not. He cared about how my broken engagement would make him look with the voters.

  My father, on the other hand, was calm on the other end of the line, but I was fuming. “Son, it’s okay. We all get cold feet on our wedding day. Come tomorrow morning, you will feel better.”

  “It’s not cold feet, Father. When I marry the woman I love, I know I won’t have any doubt in my mind I want to spend forever with her. Abigail is not that woman. There will not be a wedding tomorrow. Juliet told me what you did, so excuse me while you’re the last fucking person I want to hear from.” As soon as I hung up the phone, I turned it off. My mind was set, and for the first time in years, I wasn’t lost. I knew exactly what I wanted and what I would do to get it. I wanted Freya, and nothing would stop me from having her.

  Come tomorrow, Freya wouldn’t even know what fucking hit her. “I’m coming for you,” I vowed as I took a drink, letting the liquid amber burn down my throat as I allowed the chaos from today settle. My fingers no longer trembled. The storm was beginning, but the calmness was already in me.

  The pounding on my door made me stop my planning for a second. I was going to pretend like I wasn’t home in case it was my family or Gary here to defend his sister’s honor.

  “Max, you in there?” The voice was familiar but not one I could place. I opened the door only to have Detective Hendrix almost hit me.

  “Can I help you?” I had nothing against the detective until I saw how close he had gotten with Freya.

  “Emma said I should find you.”

  “Is everything okay with Emma? I asked skeptically.

  “No, I mean, yeah, Emma’s fine. It’s Freya… She’s been in an accident.” The detective’s words made my heart stop and my knees go weak. Numbly, I followed him outside to his car, my mind racing through thousands of scenarios.

  Freya had to be okay. I had just decided to win her back.

  She had to be okay.

  I got my shit together long enough to say, “Someone needs to tell Eugene.” Dex called his father to ask him for the favor.

  “Yeah, Dad, can you do me a favor? Can you go over to get Eugene Pratt? His granddaughter has been in an accident.” He paused, then said, “I don’t know… Okay. Thanks, Dad.”

  The ride seemed eternal. Dex barely put the car in park before I was getting out and running to the hospital entrance. The rain hadn’t stopped, but it was drizzling now, the storm dying down. When I walked into the waiting room, Jana was sitting next to Emma. Russell and Jake were both standing and talking amongst themselves.

  “Why didn’t anyone call me!” I yelled at Rus and Jake.

  “And why should I call you, Max?”

  There was a challenge in Russell’s tone that made me snap. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed him against the wall. I heard Jana shriek and saw Jake at my back, trying to pull me back, but the adrenaline and anger were fueling me.

  “Because she’s mine!” I roared. “She’s been mine since she was fifteen, and she’s sure as fuck still mine.” My chest was heaving, but my fist clenching Rus’s shirt loosened. Russell wasn’t angry; instead, he was giving me a smug smile.

  “Not like we didn’t see this coming,” Jake mumbled as he pulled me away from Russell. “Heard what happened earlier today.”

  I shouldn’t be surprised he knew; the whole town would know by sunrise. I didn’t give a fuck about giving it time, not when the woman I loved was in the hospital.

  “What did you do?” Russell asked.

  “I canceled the wedding,” I replied, looking straight into his eyes. Russell gave me a nod in acceptance. I didn’t need his blessing, but it felt good to have it. “Tell me what happened?” I croaked. Freya had to be fine, I couldn’t live without her. I had just gotten her back, if she got ripped away from me again... God, I couldn’t… I wouldn’t cope.

  “I went to pick Blake and a few of his friends up since their car broke down by the old water tower. The rain had picked up by the time we headed back. I figured I’d go straight and take the old way back since it was hard to see. When I made it to the bridge, I noticed the headlights down by the water. I told Blake to call 911. Freya was unconscious when I found her. There was blood on her head. I brought her here immediately. I didn’t wait for an ambulance,” Jake explained. That’s when I noticed his brother and a few of his friends by the far wall.

  “What was she doing driving in weather like this?”

  “She was on her way to see you.” Jana’s soft voice brought me my knees. She had to be okay; this couldn’t be the end of our story. There had to be more to us. Hadn’t we suffered enough?

  “I was going to win her back. I had planned to see her first thing in the morning…” I stopped talking. It was physically painful to get the words out. “I can’t lose her.”

  “It’s not your fault.” Emma’s soft-spoken voice cut through my haze.

  I shook my head. “If I would have gone to her, she’d be with me and not here.”

  “If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s mine. I told my girl to get her head out of her ass and go find you,” Eugene said as he came in, followed by Dexter’s parents. “You know our girl is strong. She’ll pull through, you hear me, son?”

  Eugene held my stare, and I couldn’t help but nod back. Freya would be okay.

  “Family for Freya Pratt?” A doctor came out, stopping when she noticed all of us.

  “She’s my granddaughter,” Eugene answered. All of us huddled around the doctor, waiting for her to tell us Freya was okay, for the doctor to make my heart beat again.

  “The accident caused a minor concussion. Thankfully, there isn’t major swelling. There was also some internal bleeding because of the impact on her lower abdomen. We had to rush her into surgery. We’ll keep you updated.”

  The night wore on, but none of us moved. We were all waiting for Freya to pull through. I itched to see her with my own eyes, to confirm for myself she was fine. I had time to make everything right. When the doctor said she was stable, my heart finally took a steady beat.

  “I’ll stay with her. You guys rest,” I told Russell, Jana, and Eugene. Brandon Hendrix glared at me, but I didn’t care. I knew he was related to the Newtons, but it wasn’t his place to judge me.

  “Don’t you have a wedding to get to?” he asked, and all eyes came on me.

  “No, the only woman I will ever marry is here.” Let’s see if that sinks into everyone’s heads.

  “I can’t allow that,” he sputtered.

  I stood up, glaring at him. “I don’t give a shit what you want.” I walked away, heading toward where Freya was being monitored.

  “She’s my daughter,” he yelled, making me turn toward him. “I will not allow you to stay with her when you were about to marry someone else.”

  Now that he said it, I looked at him and at Dex. How come I never noticed the detective and Freya had the same colored eyes and hair. I was about to tell Brandon he wasn’t Freya’s father, but Eugene beat me to it.

  “You have no right to call my Freya your daughter. You may have helped create her, but I raised her. I’m the only father she’s ever known. You are the reason my Dev isn’t here anymore. You get no claim to my Freya. If anyone is leaving, it’s you.”

  I walked away, leaving them to deal with this drama. I needed to see my woman. Last I saw was Dex running out and Emma chasing after him.



  What the hell happened? My head was pounding. I woke up groggy and disorientated, and my mouth felt like I had eaten a bag of cotton balls. My surroundings were a little hazy. I blinked to try to clear my vision. I heard the beeping sou
nd of a machine; that’s when I noticed I was lying on a hospital bed.

  Oh, God.

  The sun was shining through my bedroom window, and there was no sign of yesterday’s rain. That was yesterday, right? I looked around the room, my eyes landing on a brown head of hair lying on my lap. With shaky hands, I poked him until he woke up.

  “You’re up.” He smiled at me, and I had never been happier to see him in my life.

  “Who… are… you?” I needed water ASAP, but that took a back seat at seeing Rusty’s face fall. I couldn’t hold it in anymore, and I laughed even though it caused me pain. “Oh fuck, it hurts,” I whined.

  “That’s what you get, stupid, for trying to fucking scare me,” Rusty scolded me.

  “You would have done the same,” I replied, and Rust didn’t disagree. I looked around the room, and I guess disappointment was in my eyes because Rusty gave me an answer.

  “He went to get coffee. He’ll be back. He’s barely left your side since you got out of surgery.”

  What surgery?

  I had so many questions that needed answers ASAP. Was Max still getting married? Was I too late? Was he only here because I had gotten in an accident? I didn’t have the opportunity to ask because Max walked in with a coffee cup in his hand. Immediately, our eyes clashed. There was so much to say, but neither of us said a thing. We were too busy taking the other in. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days. My eyes watered when I saw he was wearing a nice tux. He was married, wasn’t he? Without breaking eye contact with me, he handed Rusty his coffee and walked right next to my bed. My heart sped, and I wondered if the EKG machine would ring. That would be a buzzkill.

  Max came to the other side of the bed, his hand coming to my hair. “I was so scared I would lose you,” he confessed. When he rested his forehead atop of my own, tears fell, but he wiped them away.

  “What are you doing here, Max?”

  His hands came to my wet cheeks, grabbing me gently, and a small grin appeared on his handsome features.

  “Nine years ago, I gave a pretty girl a ride home, and she promised me a kiss. I’m here to collect on that kiss…”

  A sob tore through me, filled with hope and longing, yet I couldn’t believe it was real.

  “What about—“

  “It’s you, Freya. It’s only ever been you, and it will always be you, baby.” He spoke the words against my lips. I couldn’t get enough. His proximity, his warmth, it was surreal to touch him. I brought my hands to his face to feel him, to assure myself he was really here.

  “I was on my way to you," I confessed.

  “I know, baby. I canceled the wedding. I couldn't do it. I couldn't marry someone who isn't you. I was going to come find you in the morning. You are mine, and I’ve always been yours. The day you left, you took a part of me with you. It wasn’t until you came home that I realized I was a dead man walking.”

  I wanted to say more, but the nurse came in to check my vitals, making it hard to have a heart-to-heart with Max. I almost groaned when people began filling my room. Of course, Max noticed; I saw him smirking at me.

  “You were always one for attention,” Jana said, rubbing her belly. “You just had to pull one up on me.”

  “You know me. Drama loves me.”

  When my grandpa walked in, everyone cleared out. The last one to leave the room was Max, but not before bending down and giving me a whisper of a kiss. There was still much to be discussed between both of us, but for right now everything was more than perfect. Grandpa hugged me, and his shoulders shook. I tried not to cry, but it was useless. He didn’t need to tell me how scared he was or how much he loved me; it was all there in the way he hugged me.

  “I’m okay,” I assured him and myself. I wanted to talk more, but my eyes were already closing. Man, getting in an accident does a number on you.

  When I woke up again, the sun was setting, and I wasn't as groggy. This time it was Emma sitting next to me.

  “Hey, you’re up.” She jumped up from the chair and came to greet me. I wanted to say hi to her, or tell her my plan to help her business, but when I opened my mouth, I asked for Max.

  “He’s outside talking to your dad. Things are… tense.” Emma looked uncomfortable as she stared at the door as if she could see out into the hallway. I was under the impression my grandpa and Max were okay.


  “He keeps trying to see you, but Max told him to give you time. By the way, it’s so cute the way he stares at you when you sleep—not in a creepy way or anything.”

  “Hold up.” I raised my arm and felt a pain in my abdomen where I had my surgery. “I’m confused. Why doesn’t Max want Grandpa to talk to me? He was here earlier, and he was fine.”

  I heard Emma say, “Oh shit,” under her breath.

  “Emma? What’s going on?” I grabbed her hand. Emma bit her lip, obviously not comfortable telling me what was going on. Just as I felt myself breaking her down, a pissed-off Max walked in.

  “I’m gonna go now.” Emma grabbed her purse, but before she walked out, I called after her.

  “Emma, you and I need to talk.” Her eyes widened, but she nodded.

  Max came over and sat on the bed next to me, putting his arm around me, pressing me against his chest. Damn, he smelled good. “How are you feeling?”

  I closed my eyes, so I could stop myself from blurting out, “Better now that I’m in your arms.” I was still afraid he might disappear.

  “What’s going on, Max?” I asked instead. His arms got tense around me. His forehead dropped, and I got lost in those mossy eyes. Damn him.

  “Any chance you’ll drop this until you’re feeling better?”

  I arched a brow in response, and it made him smile.

  “I still can’t believe this is real,” he whispered. “I can’t get enough of touching you. Kissing you. Just being here with you.” When he bent his head, I felt my stomach dip. Screw you, pain. Arching my neck, I let him take away any insecurity I might have been feeling with that kiss.

  “Stay with me. After you get released from the hospital, stay with me. I’ll help with your recovery. I’ll buy a better bed. I can take time off from work to tend to you. I’ll take care of you, Freya. Just come stay with me.”

  “No,” I breathed.

  Max’s smile dropped instantly, his eyes darkening. I kissed his jaw, running my hand through the stubble.

  “Just yesterday you were ready to get married. You can’t just switch me with Abigail and plant me in the new life you were ready to live.” God, it hurt to say her name. “I love you, and I love that you are here, but I can’t move in with you. I’m not the same girl you loved, Max. I changed, and so have you. I think we should take it slow. Give time for the chaos to blow over. That way we can get to know each other all over again.”

  “Dammit, I just got you back, and you want space? Was the last seven years not enough space for you?” When he let go of me, it felt like a physical blow. “I lived seven years believing a lie, Freya. The last thing I want is space.”

  “I’m not saying that, Max. I’m just saying to keep things quiet for now, out of respect for others, and meanwhile, we get reacquainted.”

  He ran his hand across his face, then shook his head, and my heart sank.

  “At this point, I’d walk through fire if it meant that at the end of the night you’d be in my arms. You want to keep things between us for now, I’m all for it, baby. Fair warning, Freya, I will not make this easy on you. I’ve been wanting you since the night I met you, and that sure as fuck hasn’t changed, so you pretend like we aren’t together.”

  Damn, I needed to ask my doctor how soon sexual activities were allowed after surgery. Wait, I couldn’t do that; it went against going slow.

  “Okay, deal.” I smiled at him. Max’s gaze became heated and then soft as he smiled back at me. We were back to being Max and Freya. “Now you want to tell me what the hell is going on? Emma was about to break down and confess, but you spooked her.

  “Any chance you’ll drop it?” he asked once again.

  I stared at him. Did he not know me? He sighed, coming to the same conclusion.

  “Your father showed up.”

  “Yeah, I know. Grandpa was here earlier; you saw him.”

  “Your father, Freya. Your real father.” Max kept talking, but I didn’t hear him. It was a good thing I was already at the hospital; bombs like this were the type to shock someone to death. How many nights did I stay up as a little girl wondering who my sperm donor was? Now here he shows up all “Hey I’m your daddy, Freya.” I kept watching Max’s lips move; they were kinda erotic to watch, all masculine and kissable.

  I didn’t say that. Instead, I said, “Grandpa is my real father.”

  Max’s eyes went soft. “I know, baby. Now that you are awake they can get your DNA see if it’s a match. If it makes you feel better I think Dex is taking it as hard as you.”

  “Why would Dex care?” I was still processing the fact that my father showed up.

  “He’s Brandon’s son. That would make him your half brother,” Max said slowly, giving my shocked brain time to catch up.

  “Brandon Hendrix said he’s my father?” I asked in disbelief. Now the conversation we had at Rocco’s made sense. All the questions he asked, the way he stared at me. “Did he know about me all this time?” I looked up at Max like he had all the answers about my absent father.

  Max grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips. “According to him, he had no idea. Said your mother told him she was pregnant once before, trying to get him to stay, and it turned out to be a lie. When he finally did leave, he didn’t believe her when she said she was pregnant.” My heart hurt for my mother. This didn’t mean I forgave her, but I understood her a little better. I laid my head on Max’s chest and just let him hold me while my world continued to turn.


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