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Neutral Zone Trap: The Dartmouth Cobras ~ An Off Ice Novel

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by Bianca Sommerland

  Neutral Zone Trap

  The Dartmouth Cobras ~ An Off Ice Novel

  Bianca Sommerland


  Cover art by I’m No Angel Designs


  The Dartmouth Cobras

  Off Ice Novel


  Bianca Sommerland

  Copyright 2019, Bianca Sommerland

  Cover art by I’m No Angel Designs


  Also by Bianca Sommerland

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  About Bianca Sommerland

  Also by Bianca Sommerland

  Also by Bianca Sommerland

  Sign up for my Newsletter for monthly prizes and teasers

  The Dartmouth Cobras

  Blind Pass

  Butterfly Style

  Cocky Shot

  Game Misconduct

  Defensive Zone



  Delayed Penalty

  Iron Cross

  Goal Line

  Line Brawl


  Deadly Captive

  Collateral Damage

  The End

  Celestial Pets: Evil’s Embrace

  Solid Education

  Street Smarts

  Forbidden Steps

  Rosemary Entwined

  The Trip

  Untamed (Feral Bonds)

  Upper Class

  Winter’s Wrath Series




  Off Beat

  Polished (New Rules Trilogy Book1)

  Gilded (New Rules Trilogy Book 2)

  Chapter 1

  A dark street, an Uber driver who didn’t say a word, and Braxton Richards reached the destination he’d been obsessing over for weeks. He stepped onto the sidewalk, avoiding curious glances from the guys standing on the edge of the sidewalk, smoking and laughing. They looked exactly how he’d expected them to look. Dressed either in all leather, or sparkly, colorful clothes.

  Very gay.

  Something he hadn’t realized he needed. Seeing them shamelessly expressing themselves, being so relaxed about it, released some of the pressure that had been building in his chest for months. Pressure that increased every time he hung out with one of the other young players from the Dartmouth Cobras. His teammates were awesome, and people seemed accepting, but…

  But of other people being gay, or bisexual, or in different kinds of relationships. There was this underlying current of how much harder it made life. How much harder it would make his life. His closest friend on the team, Dave Hunt, constantly repeated all the advice his dad, who was also his manager, gave him. The man was a jerk—not that he’d ever tell Hunt that—and blatantly homophobic, but it was hard not to admit he’d given Hunt some good advice.

  They were too new to get away with the shit that was even rumored about the more experienced players. If they wanted to get anywhere as professional hockey players, they had to prove they weren’t risky investments. That they’d appeal to long-time fans of the game. Fans like Hunt’s father.

  Which meant being serious about training. Impressive on the ice.

  And good with the ladies. Talk of a young player dating hot models was a good boost for his career, which was why some managers made sure to set their clients up with several. There had to be a careful balance, there couldn’t be talk of anything negative in the ‘relationships’, but a young man having all the fun the fans wished they could be having?

  All good things.

  So Braxton made sure he was seen with a few girls. Got drunk and let Hunt talk him into a threesome. His first time having sex. And it had been…

  Weird. The girl was gorgeous. Sweet. The three of them had been talking and dancing all night before they went back to the hotel. But she didn’t make Braxton hard. Hunt did.

  Not by touching him or anything. As far as he knew, Hunt was straight. But the sounds of pleasure Hunt made when the girl…Cindy, her name had been Cindy. When Cindy pulled out Hunt’s dick and started sliding her soft lips over it?

  Yeah, that had been hot. Richards wished it had been his lips, but instead he’d fucked Cindy at Hunt’s urging. The slick pressure hadn’t done much for him at first. Hunt’s whispers though? Hell, he couldn’t get that out of his head for the longest time.

  “Oh fuck, how does she feel, Richards?” Hunt let out a low moan that shot pleasure straight down the length of Braxton’s dick. “Tell me.”

  Braxton eased back, then thrust in, loving the way Hunt panted as Cindy sucked him harder every time she was driven closer to the edge. All sloppy and out of control. Just like Braxton would be. “So fucking hot, Hunt. So wet. Does it feel good?”

  Hunt groaned. “Yeah…don’t stop.”

  He hadn’t stopped, but he didn’t come until Hunt did. Almost bit through his tongue to keep from screaming Hunt’s name.

  And the next day Hunt had gone back to talking about his father’s advice and what his father thought of the queer players on the team. His tone was frustrated, but also…resigned. As though that’s just how it was. He’d mentioned that his father would ditch him if he wasn’t straight—he totally was. Very straight. He said it like a mantra. Like something he was afraid people wouldn’t believe.

  And yet…Braxton believed him. He believed him because he couldn’t say the same, so he usually said nothing. Just nodded and hoped Hunt didn’t see right through him.

  Which was one of the reasons he’d come here tonight. He couldn’t keep messing around with chicks because Hunt thought it was good for their image. Couldn’t keep thinking about how hot his best friend was. He’d eventually slip up and destroy their friendship.

  No way would he do that just to get off. Still, he couldn’t pretend all the time. It was driving him out of his mind.

  So he found a gay club after a lot of searches and lurking on forums. A club that was out of the way, in the warehouse district. Far enough that hopefully he wouldn’t see anyone he knew. Or, if he did, they’d be desperate to keep their secrets to and leave him one night to be himself. To be somewhere he didn’t have to pretend.

  The club looked like the pictures he’d seen online, a bit disappointing, unlike the men hanging around outside. Some of the clubs he’d scrolled past during his searches were on busy streets surrounded by other clubs and tons of people, lining up to get in. He’d love to go to a place like that, but this was better. A forum full of guys who loved the place talked about it being extravagant, but safe. There was a code of silence. What happened here, stayed here. Like Vegas contained in one big, ugly grey building on the edge of Halifax.

  Absolutely perfect.

  He shivered as a cool breeze picked up, pressing against his back as though to urge him on, or force him to turn around and go home. A home he shared with a veteran player who he’d barely exchanged more than a ‘Do you need to use the bathroom?’ before a shower.

  Tonight was his night to explore and no way was he backing out now. He squared his shoulders, smoothing his hands over the light, dark blue wool jacket he was weari
ng, along with skin-tight dark red jeans and covering a black mesh shirt he wasn’t sure had been the best choice for his first night like this alone. He could always keep his jacket on, or…

  See how you feel once you get inside, Richards. He hesitated at another chorus of laughter from the small crowd on the sidewalk. Just get in there!

  He forced himself to move, sparring the group a brief smile before heading inside. He felt their eyes on him as he let the heavy metal door slam shut behind him. Tried to keep his breaths slow and steady as a bouncer strode over to check his ID.

  About twice his age, wearing a black T-shirt and black jeans, the large man handed back his ID and gave him a considering look. “First time?”

  Inclining his head, Braxton met the man’s eyes. “I’ve heard good things.”

  That made the man smile. “I’m not surprised. Check out the show, we’ve got a good line-up of dancers tonight. And my husband, Terry, is working the floor. He’s the one with the pink and white hair. When you see him, tell him Gordon says hi and he’ll look out for you.”

  “Really? That’s cool.” Braxton’s cheeks heated. “Thank you.”

  “Hey, I was your age once. Coming here alone? That was brave of you.” The man hesitated. “Anyone give you trouble and you let me know, all right? Or tell Terry. You want a good time and you’ll find it, but nothing happens that you don’t want, got it?”

  Braxton swallowed hard. He hadn’t expected to need that kind of warning. This felt like stepping on the ice when Dominik Mason, the team’s enforcer, wasn’t around. Which rarely happened, but he was always more careful, knowing the man wasn’t watching his back. One wrong move and Braxton would be crushed.

  “Hey, I didn’t say that to scare you. I’m serious, Terry knows the crowd. He won’t let anything bad happen.” Gordon patted Braxton’s shoulder. “Have fun. And tip well.”

  “I will. Thanks again.” Braxton took a deep breath and continued inside.

  The place was crowded to the point that it was hard to get anywhere, smelling of sweat and candy and strong alcohol. He inched his way forward, lips parting as he spotted a dancer up on a small round platform, surrounded by men and women, dancing seductively to the heavy beat of the deafening music. He wanted to keep watching, but the crowd was pushing at him. He couldn’t breathe with so many people so close. The flashing neon lights sweeping over the club were making him dizzy.

  Ducking his head, he pressed forward until he came to the edge of the table circling the stage. There were less people standing here, more seated either around the tables or on the stools by the stage. There were no empty tables, but the two empty stools in front of him looked promising. He grabbed one and sat to gain his bearings.

  The music quieted and all focus turned to the stage. He started to look over too, but someone stopped at his side and he jumped.

  Grinning at him, the man with light brown skin, warm brown eyes, and pink and white hair leaned close. “The show’s about to start. Can I get you anything before it does? I don’t usually pass by here again until it’s over so I don’t block anyone’s view.”

  “A beer would be great.”

  “Any preference?”

  “Not really, they all taste the same.” He wrinkled his nose. “Just the easiest thing.” He recalled Gordon’s suggestion. “Oh, and Gordon told me he says ‘Hi’.”

  Terry laughed. “That’s my man. You’re adorable and he’s a worrier. How about I get you something tastier than beer? Do you like sweet? Sour? Salty?”

  Brow furrowed, Braxton shrugged. “I’m not fussy. Sour stuff I love though.”

  “Perfect! I’ll be right back.”

  As Terry disappeared into the crowd, Braxton turned back to the stage, folding his arms across his chest and trying not to notice the odd glances from the men, and the few women and other people around him. He felt like he was the one on the stage, with the spotlight on him, his inexperience stamped in the middle of his for all to see. Which was silly, people had to be doing their own thing?

  But those people had been here before.

  And he couldn’t be more out of place if he tried.

  “It would help if you took off your jacket.” A man settled in the stool beside him, setting his glass on the thin ledge before the stage. “You’re drawing attention because you look ready to run.”

  The man’s voice sent a delicious shiver down Braxton’s spine, deep and low, with the soothing quality of the ocean at night lapping the shore, the rumble of thunder in the distance as a storm approached. He had to count to five in his head to regain his composure before he looked at the man.

  Then he forgot to breathe at all. The man’s voice was soothing, but the man himself was everything but. Dark brown hair just long enough to look soft, but short enough not to distract from his chiseled features. Dark eyes with a golden touch and a hint of green. Smooth, tanned skin, a hint of stubble on his sharp jaw, and thick muscles under a dark green Henley shirt that was meant to show off every sculpted one. The man was a little too rough around the edges to be traditionally handsome, but he was alluring, with a strong presence, the look of a soldier, or what Braxton imagined one would look like—and did in every one of his fantasies.

  A hint of amusement in the man’s eyes brought Braxton back to his words. His jacket. Yeah…he should probably take it off. But he couldn’t.

  He cleared his throat. “I had an idea of how people would dress here, and got something I liked, but I feel weird now. My jacket is…neutral.”

  “Now I’m curious.” The man’s laugh was absolutely devastating. Like a soft caress slipping down Braxton’s spine. “But whatever you’re most comfortable with. I just thought I’d let you know the jacket is a dead giveaway that you’re fresh meat.”

  Braxton wrinkled his nose. “Is that why you’re talking to me?”

  “That, and I’ve been where you are. Not as young either.” The man folded his arms on the ledge, close to his drink. “My work took all my focus, and I liked it that way. I didn’t want to consider anything that would distract me. I achieved everything I wanted in my career and then decided Grindr hookups weren’t enough for me. I wanted to socialize a bit.” He made a vague gesture at the club around them. “So I started coming here.”

  “I considered Grindr, but the idea of meeting some random stranger?” Braxton shuddered. “Can’t do it.”

  The man nodded slowly. “So you’re looking for a relationship?”

  Am I? He didn’t even know. For now, just talking to someone was good. Someone like him who wouldn’t tell him how bad hooking up with a man would be for his career. Who didn’t care about his career. Who saw…the real him.

  “I’m looking for…this.” He shrugged as the music started building up again, and smoke filled the stage. “Being somewhere I don’t have to hide who I really am. I can’t do that with my job. With my friends. It’s…stressful.”

  “I get that. Believe me.” The man sat back as Terry returned with Braxton’s drink. His expression hardened as Terry leaned close, whispering something in his ear. He glanced over at Braxton. “Am I bothering you?”

  Terry looked at him too and Braxton shrank in his stool, staring at the yellow tinged drink that had been set in front of him. The man was nice, and Braxton was enjoying their conversation. But maybe Terry was worried for a reason.

  Yeah, because you’re new here and he doesn’t think you can make your own decisions.

  Could he though? This was…different. Picking up a chick with Hunt was easy. Being a pro athlete? Yeah, there were girls really into that. But Braxton didn’t want them.

  And now he was on the other side. The one being picked up. Maybe.

  He wanted to see where this went.

  He met Terry’s concerned gaze. “He’s not bothering me, but thank you.”

  “All right, honey.” Terry placed his hand on Braxton’s shoulder and leaned close. “He’s a good man, I’m not afraid he’ll do anything bad. But…baby, don’t expect too muc
h. Some people are only their real selves here, you feel me?”

  “I do.” Braxton licked his bottom lip. “I think…I think that’s me too.”

  “I hate hearing that.” Terry patted his cheek. “But I hope you’ll come back. No matter what, okay? You’re welcome here.”

  With that, Terry slipped away, serving the rest of the drinks on his tray around as the show began.

  A quick sip of the drink in front of him and Braxton let out a soft, pleased sound of appreciation. He’d mostly drank beer and a few shots of tequila, but this was so much better. Like sour lemon drops with a kick. He took another sip and licked his lips.

  “You should try this.” He turned to the man at his side, holding up the drink. “It’s so much better than beer.”

  The man chuckled. “I’ve had a whiskey sour before, but you’re making me wonder if I’m missing something, never having it here.” He took the glass and tipped it to his lips. “Oh yeah, that’s very good.”

  “Do you want one? I can ask him to get another if you—”

  “Tell me something…” The man paused. Waited, brow arched.

  “Richards. Or…well, my name’s Braxton.” Head flooded his cheeks.

  Very smooth.

  Inclining his head, the man handed back his glass. “Ryan Hamilton.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Braxton took a long gulp. He couldn’t tear his attention from the man, even though whatever was happening on stage was drawing the attention of everyone else in the room. He recalled what Ryan had said when he’d first come over and started undoing his jacket. “And you’re right, I shouldn’t be wearing this in here, I—”


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