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Neutral Zone Trap: The Dartmouth Cobras ~ An Off Ice Novel

Page 2

by Bianca Sommerland

  “Wait.” Ryan’s eyes heated as he took in the mesh shirt in the part of the jacket. “Fuck, you take that off and you’re going to have tons of offers. You’re so fucking new and it’s too fucking obvious. Keep it on.”

  Braxton stilled. Chewed on his bottom lip. “I’m not that young. And maybe I want people to offer. Tomorrow I have to go back to my life and pretend I’m…someone else.”

  “That’s tomorrow.” Ryan reached out and wrapped his hand around Braxton’s wrist. “Tonight you can forget about all that. I won’t let anyone near you.”

  Laughing, Braxton stared at Ryan’s hand. “Kinda defeats the purpose.”

  “Not if you let me take you home with me.” Ryan’s jaw tightened, as though he regretted making the offer. He released Braxton and shifted back. “I shouldn’t have said that. You’re here to have fun. Why don’t you watch the dancers and—”

  There was no way he could even look at the dancers now. A man like Ryan hitting on him was beyond anything he’d hoped for tonight. He wanted Ryan’s hand on his again. Wanted him to keep looking at him like he was fucking edible. Wanted him to satisfy every urge that had been denied over and over again.

  “What happens if I go home with you?” Braxton wasn’t usually this bold. When sex was involved, Hunt was there, leading the way and making sure they checked off all the right boxes. Find a woman who looked right if pictures leaked. Was famous enough to not want to talk badly about them for attention. Was willing and knew exactly what to expect from them.

  Which was a good time.

  But Braxton wasn’t trying to erase that woman. He was trying to erase Hunt. Which would be harder. Hunt was his friend. Was close to him. He could talk to Hunt.

  About everything except something like this. But so far, Ryan seemed to get it. How new this was. How important. Maybe Ryan was exactly who Braxton needed. Not just a hookup, but someone willing to explore all these feelings.

  “Braxton, I’m not looking for a relationship. If you are…” Ryan shook his head. “Don’t. Not yet. You’ve got time for that. But you need to be careful. A lot of men here will leave you feeling used and not care that you enjoy yourself. I’ll make sure you do.”

  “I’m not sure what I’m looking for.”

  Ryan’s lips curved. He leaned in close and whispered in Braxton’s ear. “If you come with me, I’ll let you suck my dick, then I’ll fuck you so you know how you like it. You’ll be hard to please after I’m done with you, but that’s a good thing. You deserve someone willing to leave you begging for more.”


  “Yeah…imagine that. Tell me I can touch you. I want to give you a taste of what I want to do to you.” Ryan’s lips brushed his throat. He licked Braxton’s neck when he nodded, reaching down and placing a hand on his knee. “You’ve been playing a part and it’s left you so fucking needy.” His hand moved up Braxton’s thigh, making his dick swell. “I won’t be done with you after fucking you once. I’ll give you a bit of time to recover, then I’ll take you again. And again. You’ll wake up in the morning too sore for me to do more than tell you how fucking hard you made me come. And maybe then I’ll get you off one last time before I let you go, because I’m mean that way.”

  “I want that.” And he did. Holy fuck, he wasn’t sure he’d ever wanted anything more. “I’m scared to ask what you’d do to me if you were being nice.”

  Ryan’s tongue flicked over Braxton’s ear. “If I was being nice, I’d walk away now. But I won’t. Because what fun would that be? You’re already mine.”

  He really was. He couldn’t think of anything but Ryan’s words. His every nerve was fixated on Ryan’s touch. All he cared about was finding the strength to stand so he could follow Ryan out of there.

  From the corner of his eye, he spotted Terry, arms folded over his chest, shaking his head. The man didn’t think he could make his own decisions. He thought he needed to protect Braxton. Just like everyone on the team.

  Just like Hunt.

  But they were smothering him. And he wanted this.

  Even if only for tonight.

  I can have tonight, right?

  Slipping out of his stool, he met Ryan’s level gaze.

  “Let’s go.”

  Chapter 2

  What the hell are you thinking, Hamilton?

  After finishing his drink, Ryan Hamilton nodded to the young man at his side and started toward the exit, schooling his features to hide the doubt echoing in his skull. This wasn’t how he’d planned the night to go. He usually sought out experienced partners, sometimes even men he’d enjoyed a night with before, men whose only interest was a good time. Men like him.

  Braxton was a wildcard, one Ryan usually wouldn’t play with, but he couldn’t ignore the draw of him when he’d seen him walk across the club. Eyes wide, both eager and a little afraid, seeming shy one moment, then bold the next.

  Ryan wasn’t the only one who’d noticed the boy, which was what got him moving. Before he’d reached the seating around the stage he’d been cut off by a man he’d fooled around with once, Michel Schauer. Half blocking Ryan’s path, Michel turned to face him, a smirk on his lips.

  “You can’t be serious. You want him?” Michel laughed and leaned close to Ryan, speaking low, but loud enough to be heard over the music. “I thought you weren’t looking for a pet? Just a toy to play with for the night now and then. That was your excuse the last time I offered, anyway.”

  Ryan’s jaw tensed as he looked over the slender man with the spiky platinum hair and big brown eyes. Extremely attractive, but him being sexy didn’t erase the fact that he was a toxic bastard.

  Michel claimed to be a submissive—they’d met at a different club and done a fairly light scene. But the man was selfish and manipulative. He spoke down to those he considered beneath him, pulled attitude with anyone in authority, then turned on the charm in the blink of an eye to get his own way.

  By the end of the night Ryan’s skin crawled just being near Michel, but he’d finished the scene—an intense flogging since Michel was a regular at the club and had a few Doms he’d scened with in the past as reference—and provided aftercare. He’d wanted to end things there, but Michel somehow guilted him into taking him home.

  They’d had lackluster sex and then Michel left. But not before shooting Ryan the same smirk he wore now. One that said he knew who was really in control.

  The only reason Ryan had even fucked the man was because he couldn’t quite put his finger on why the asshole made him so uncomfortable until much later, when he’d pieced together the little things. The way Michel spoke. The way he looked at people. The way other submissives avoided him. There were whispers that he didn’t respect the club’s rules of consent, but no one ever came forward. It was still enough to get him banned from that club, but there must not have been any complaints here.


  Ryan would give Terry a heads up when he had a chance. This was the first time he’d seen Michel skulking around the joint. And it would damn well be the last.

  No way was he letting him anywhere near the young man who’d caught both their eyes.

  He gave Michel a cold look. “Don’t test me.”

  “Test you? Whatever do you mean?” Michel let out a light laugh. “This could be fun. Let’s see which of us he’ll choose.” His lips curved. “Unless you’d like to share?”

  “Like fuck.” All right, Ryan was done playing nice. He stepped forward, forcing Michel back. “You have two choices. You leave now, or I’ll ask Terry if I can do him the favor of escorting you out.”

  With a little pout, Michel made a dismissive gesture and turned away. “No need to be so dramatic. This place is boring anyway. Everyone’s so uptight.”

  “Be careful, Michel.” Ryan’s eyes narrowed when Michel snorted, inching his way through the tight crowd toward the door. “Next time I see you, it might be in a more official capacity.”

  At that, Michel turned, feigned shock on his face. “I hop
e not, Detective. But if it pleases you, sir, I shall be on my best behavior.”

  Not good enough, but unless someone felt safe filing a report, there was nothing else Ryan could do. He would be asking around though. His job was to protect people from predators like Michel.

  For tonight, he’d protected one.

  Which should have been the end of it. He’d observed Braxton for a bit, realized Terry was in momma-bear mode, and considered looking elsewhere for the night’s entertainment. That would’ve been smarter.

  Instead he convinced himself it wouldn’t hurt to talk to the young man. Sat close to him and took in his hesitant smiles, the way he moved, the longing and hunger in his eyes as he was far too honest about why he’d come.

  Then he showed Ryan that damn mesh shirt. Fuck him, he wasn’t good at resisting temptation and that was exactly what Braxton was. Every sleek, tightly muscled, wiry inch of him begged for Ryan’s touch. Ryan battled with the protective urges in his head and gave in to the lust overpowering it.

  No matter what, Braxton would be going home with someone tonight. He was practically vibrating with need. Need that Ryan could satisfy.


  Only tonight. He couldn’t offer more. But he could make sure Braxton was safe. And give him an experience he’d never forget.

  Once they reached his car, Ryan glanced over at Braxton, frowning as the young man reached for the door handle. Without knowing more than his name, Braxton was ready to just drive off with him. Which, with the wrong person, could end up with him being another cold case sitting on Ryan’s desk.

  “Take a picture of my license plate and send it to a friend.” Ryan held Braxton’s gaze when the man blinked at him. “You don’t know me. There’s the possibility that I rented the car under a fake name, but at least it’s some way to track me—or anyone else you’re leaving a public setting with—if you go missing.”

  Braxton’s cheeks flushed. He folded his arms over his chest. “Should I be worried? You sound like a cop.”

  “I am one.” Amusement slanted Ryan’s lips when Braxton stared at him. “Unless you used a fake ID to get into the club, you have nothing to worry about.”

  “I didn’t.” Braxton hiked up his chin, all defensive now. “Do you want to double check while I get that picture of your license plate? Make sure this is all legit and everything?”

  “No need. Gordon’s good at spotting fakes.” He looked over Braxton thoughtfully. “I don’t put you much past twenty, though.”

  “I’m nineteen.” Braxton hugged himself a little tighter. “Too young?”

  “Yes and no. But like I told you earlier, I was your age once. And lucky enough to get with a few older men who treated me well.” Which was the only reason Ryan didn’t immediately tell Braxton to go home and find someone his own age. For a relationship that would be best. But for what they’d do tonight?

  Braxton knew what he wanted. And Ryan had no problem giving it to him.

  His response seemed to relax Braxton. After letting out a heavy sigh at Ryan’s pointed look, he went and took a picture of the license plate. Sent a text. Then returned to the front passenger-side door. “Did they pick you up at a club and tell you how good they were going to fuck you?”

  Ryan grinned, enjoying how straightforward the young man was being, now that they’d gotten the important matters out of the way. “Yes. And they weren’t lying. You’ll benefit from what they taught me tonight.”

  Inhaling roughly, Braxton lowered his gaze. “I…I want that. But I’m not sure I’m…any good.”

  Exactly how Ryan had felt his first time. But he’d been too nervous to confess as much to his lover. He’d simply let things happen and was lucky the man he’d been with was patient. A quality Ryan himself had honed over years as both a Dom and an officer. He’d let the young man go at his own pace—with some encouragement as they both figured out what that was. So far, Braxton seemed to enjoy being told what would come next, which suited Ryan just fine. He’d take his cues from how Braxton reacted to his words, building up the man’s confidence by showing him that his inexperience didn’t make him any less desirable.

  Making his way around the car, Ryan moved close to Braxton, tugging his arms apart and bringing them up around the back of his neck. Sliding his hands down Braxton’s sides, he brought his lips close to Braxton’s, speaking softly. “You’ll be good because you’ll let me take what I want from you.” He brushed his tongue over Braxton’s bottom lip. “You’ll do exactly as I say when I have you on your knees. When I strip you down and lay you in my bed. When I have you under me, begging.”

  “Fuck… Yes. I can do that.”

  “I know you can.” He pressed against Braxton, letting him feel his dick swelling in his black jeans. Enjoying the pressure of Braxton’s length, already fully hard and straining toward his own. “If you change your mind, at any point, tell me. But I don’t think you will.”

  Tipping his chin up, Braxton caught Ryan’s bottom lip between his teeth. Sucked lightly, making all the blood surge down until his dick pulsed, wanting those lips around it now. Braxton let out a soft groan. “I won’t. But I’m not sure I can wait until we get to wherever you’re taking me.”

  At that, Ryan chuckled. He eased back, then cupped Braxton’s cheek. “I’m taking you to my house. And you’ll be a good boy and wait.”

  Braxton slumped back against the car as Ryan moved away from him. “You’re not even gonna kiss me first?”

  Ryan shook his head. “Not until you’re naked. I don’t want you to forget what this is. One amazing night.”

  Brow furrowed, Braxton looked down again. “If things are amazing, why wouldn’t you want more?”

  A great big sign that Ryan should end this now. Bring Braxton back into the club. Help him find someone who’d consider a date after. Maybe a relationship. He didn’t think the man needed that yet, but what did he know?

  “I can’t give you more, Braxton. We’re staying right here if you don’t understand that.”

  There. He couldn’t get much clearer.

  But he wouldn’t lie and say he wasn’t relieved when Braxton nodded.

  “I get it.”

  “Good.” He pulled out his key and unlocked the door. “Then get in.”

  A one-night-stand. Totally fine. And honestly, Braxton did get it. Ryan thought he was hot and that was fucking amazing. The man pushed every button Braxton hadn’t known he had. He couldn’t imagine one night being enough, but that’s how things like this went, right?

  Fast and wild and erotic and then...done.

  But this was so damn new and he couldn’t ignore the fact that he couldn’t have gone home with just anyone. He’d thought it wouldn’t be an issue, but if a guy hadn’t talked to him? Hadn’t made him feel comfortable?

  He’d have stayed at the club.

  With Ryan, leaving had been easy. Sitting beside him in the car, looking out the window because the alternative was staring and making things weird, Braxton considered how fast he’d gone from being completely lost and overwhelmed to being…here. With a man who was everything he’d ever dreamed of.

  Could someone get sexier the longer you looked at them? Because when he’d first seen Ryan, he’d thought he was kinda hot. Then he spoke and he was irresistible. Then he’d gotten all take charge and there was no word for how much Braxton craved whatever he could have from the man.

  One night. One hour. Hell, one damn minute and there was something inside him that had been so empty, now filled up to overflowing. Maybe that was all this was. Finally, someone letting him be himself. Accepting him as though who he was wasn’t the end of the world. It was natural…even desirable.

  There were guys on the team who’d probably have given Braxton that feeling, but part of him still needed to keep this side of himself separate. He saw what happened when identity overruled talent. How people acted different.

  Someone like Shawn Pischlar, or Zachary Pearce, could get through it. They were established. H
ad fans and solid contracts and a future in the league. Braxton was still a nobody. Lucky to even be in the lineup every night. Easy to leave out if he messed up.

  He loved his career. Loved playing hockey. And as hard as it was to hide part of himself, he’d do it. At least until he proved he was worth keeping.

  They slowed in front of a small house near the edge of Dartmouth, on a long road near Bell Lake, an area he hadn’t been around much, but he recognized some of the landmarks from passing through on the way to visit other players for dinners and get-togethers. When Ryan pulled into the driveway, Braxton sat up and undid his seatbelt. Took a deep breath. And did his best to lay out the next play as though he was on the ice and had little time to make an impact.

  If all he had with Ryan was tonight, he hoped he wouldn’t be easy to forget.

  Because I already know Ryan won’t be.

  After parking the car, Ryan got out and headed straight for the front door, tension in his every step as he surveyed the area. He stopped in front of the door, waited for Braxton to join him, then unlocked the door. Stepped aside to let Braxton pass, followed, then locked the door and a deadbolt behind him.

  His lips slanted at Braxton’s questioning look. “I arrested the leader of a biker gang recently and came home to a few…interesting packages. We found the culprit, so no need to worry, but I tend to be vigilant. Just in case.”

  “That’s smart.”

  “I like to think so.” Ryan caught Braxton’s wrist and pulled him close, laughing against Braxton’s lips when he gasped. “Unless you ask me not to, I’m going to take these clothes off you. You teased me showing me that shirt. Such a bad boy.”

  Braxton shivered, Ryan calling him a ‘bad boy’ sending a sweet chill up his spine. He couldn’t find his voice, but after holding his gaze for a brief moment, Ryan seemed to get the answer he wanted. He shoved Braxton’s jacket off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor even as he tugged up the mesh shirt that covered next to nothing.


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