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The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset

Page 18

by Chrissy J

  “Yea that bitch is history, you know we don’t play that shit uptown,” Hershey finally said something making Trill turn to look at her,

  “Nana wasn’t trying to let me come up there, she was so scared her blood pressure kept going up, your mother and Granny had to talk to her so she could calm down. I don’t know what I would do if anything happen to Nana and I didn’t want her extra worried if I would have gone up to New York, so I let them niggas up there handle shit.” he said

  “I know how you feel Trill, Mommy told me Nana was down here worried. You know how I feel about my Nana, and I know if it wasn’t for Nana health you would’ve came up to New York and Turned it up. But that is history I’m passed that,” I said moving in my seat I lean over and gave my cousin a kiss on his cheek

  “Ewww, don’t do that mushy shit with me.” he laughed wiping his face and driving at the same time, I mushed him in the head and punched his arm making him laugh. Trill is my favorite cousin besides Melly Mel, both those niggas will literally kill something in board daylight over me so Gina lucky Kevin dealt with her dumb ass. Hershey asked me if I ever feel bad about Kevin raising his daughter by himself cuz he killed her mother for what she did to me and our son, I told her sometimes I feel bad and then other times I feel Harmony can have a better life without that wicked bitch;

  “Shut up, I love you Trill,” “I love you too” he said pulling up on a block with four guys standing on the corner, Trill rolled down the passenger window. I looked at the kid that walked up to the truck and who was standing on my side breathing all in my face as he lean inside the window, Trill asked the dude where was Major?

  “He just went in the spot, you want to hit him up and tell you out here T?” the light skin guy asked staring at me and Hershey, not even focusing on what Trill was rapping to him about

  “Yea do that, I’m driving there now. Aight,” he said driving down the block towards a blue house and stopping, looking at the store from the window I asked Trill if that store was a spot. He laughed at me shaking his head getting out the Range walking to my door and opening it both me and Hershey stepped out it seem like all movement froze all the niggas was staring “Damn niggas ain’t never seem bitches before?” Hershey asked “Not fine ass bitches like us,” I said we both started laughing then walked to the store, Trill shook his head. Trill was talking to a cutie when we walked back to him, the dude stood 6’3 brown cinnamon complexion, gray cat like eye’s with shoulder length dreads his skin glowed and his body was looking right in the white wife beater, not to baggy blue jeans and some Blue and gray Prada sneakers. His arms was full of Tattoo’s just looking at him gave me a hot flash

  “Excuse me, can I get inside the truck?” I asked with my hand on my hip both Trill and the dude stopped talking to look at me

  “You ain’t grown, you need to take that damn hand off your hip looking like auntie,” Trill said laughing so did Hershey I flipped them both the middle finger, couldn’t stop laughing she said Trill hit it right on the nail because I was looking just like my mama. I pushed her laughing;“Major this my Lil cousin Diva and her best friend Hershey, ladies this my right-hand Major.” Trill introduce us

  “Hi,” Hershey happy go lucky ass said, I didn’t speak I just kept staring at him, I got inside the Truck I looked at him again he smiled at me with a mouth full of blue ice and his chain was full of blue and white diamonds that read Major, told Major he was coming back within an hour as he got inside the truck. Looking at Major I thought I seen traces of the slime bucket Asia I never seen her older brother before and her mother never had any pictures of him in their house, but looking at Major had me really thinking they could be related. Major lean inside the window on my side “See you later Diva,” he said I smirked “Bye Major,” “It’s never bye beautiful, it’s see you later.” he smirked leaning back out the window Trill pulled off he looked at me, warning me to stay away from Major. I looked at Trill rolling my eyes telling him I was grown and I can handle mine; Trill shook his head chuckling telling me it wasn’t even like that, he said that Major was his partner in crime but he just have to many bitches and Trill didn’t want me to get caught up in Major’s web; he let me know he didn’t have a problem bodying anybody that put his family in bullshit or harm’s way.

  “Don’t worry Trill, I got you.” I said he pulled up to my Nana house which wasn’t too far from where his trap spot was it only took us twenty minutes to get there she lived in the heart of Richmond, Virginia in a nicer area she still lived in the four bedroom house my father brought her when she left New York, there was a white Benz parked in the drive way when we pulled up. Trill let us know Star was in the house

  “She doing it like that?” I asked pointing to the Benz

  “Yea right, I brought that shit for her.” he said we all laughed. Once we all was out the car I walked up to my Nana door and rung the bell Bria open the door “Diva,” she yelled pulling me into a hug “Look at you, looking like Auntie Summer,” I said hugging her tight, I caught a flash back of my auntie Summer

  “You shouldn’t talk, you look just like Auntie and uncle Mel, how he doing?” she asked I told her my father was doing fine and him and Ma moved out the house, Star asked how was her auntie Mary I told her Ma was doing fine and she was still crazy. She said she missed New York before turning to Hershey,

  “Hershey I didn’t know you was coming down, what’s up chick?” Bria asked hugging Hershey“Hi Bria, and I’m doing fine.” Hershey said

  “Nana your baby here,” Bria yelled, Nana walked out the kitchen smiling she still looked good at 56. Both mother and I got our looks from her

  “Is that my Diva?” she asked with her thick Trini accent “That’s her spoil behind,” Trill said walking inside the house laughing, I punched his arm and almost ran to my Nana; “Hi Nana,” I said giving her a big hug I felt my eye’s get watery I haven’t seen my Nana in over five years when she came to visit us in New York was the last time she came back, she said New York held to much bad memories. I understood where she was coming from, first her husband dies in a freak car accident then her oldest daughter get killed leaving behind two small children for Nana to raise;

  “Look at you, Tameka sure is your mother. Everybody always thought you was Summer baby cause you looked just like her when you was baby but now you look just like Tameka and Mel, Hi Ms. Hershey.” Nana said “Hi Nana,” Hershey said smiling and hugging Nana, Nana asked if we were hungry walking to kitchen with me and Star following behind her. Hershey sat in the living room talking to Trill flirty ass, I sat at the table talking to my grandmother about everything that was going on in my life and what was happening up in New York; I missed having my Nana in the big apple with me. Granny was always traveling so it was kind of hard to talk to her about the problems I was going through;

  “How’s my great grand babies? I’m so sorry to hear about Fantasy she looks like a mini you, I’m glad she’s doing better your mother sent down pictures of you and the kid’s even Jordan god bless his soul he was so handsome and that boyfriend of yours Eddie. Child he reminds me of your grandfather,” Nana said her accent was heavy she been in the states for 35 years going back and forth to Trinidad. Me and all my cousins was in Trinidad every summer when we was young, my Granny was down there every other month she loved her hometown “Lil man is good and Fantasy should be home in another two weeks; you know daddy can’t stop spoiling him it’s like I have to make an appointment just to get my baby,” I said we all laughed

  “I know Pauline told me how Melo always having him with him and Mary,” Nana said

  “When you spoke to Granny? She went back down to Trinidad and forgot all about her Lil Diva,” I pouted causing Nana to laugh “Child please we could never forget about our Lil Diva, and I was supposed to go with her but I was in the hospital so I told her to go without me. She should be back before you leave she stopping here first then going to New York,” Nana told me, her and Granny are best friends they grew up together on the island and they bot
h came up to the states together, I said okay and thank you to my grandmother as she sat a plate with my Roti. Star got upset because Nana was showing me all the attention she should’ve known that when I came around everything was about me,

  “Your welcome DJ, That damn boy in there sweet-talking Hershey.” Nana said laughing I shook my head at Trill and Hershey.

  We stayed at Nana house until around ten, Trill drove us to my father House in the suburb area in Virginia Beach. It took us an hour to get there on the I-64E Trill was driving like a bat outta hell “Damn Trill you in a rush homie?” I asked Hershey busted out laughing with her high ass, before leaving Nana house we smoked a blunt with Star and my grandmother made sure she made both me and Hershey a Roti to take with us; “Yea I got shit to do,” he laughed pulling up in my father drive way

  “I don’t know why Mel have this big ass house down here and nobody use it” Hershey said getting out the truck

  “I said the same thing, but he told me Maggie went food shopping and clean the house up for us,” I told her taking my keys out, we walked inside the house

  “Damn,” was all Hershey said looking around, the living room was laid out with brown leather sofas and beige pillows a 72” flat screen on the wall a huge fire place and a beige Mink Rug

  “Yea Uncle Mel doing it up all the way in VA,” Trill said laughing

  “And you know Dis,” I laughed walking into the huge kitchen that had black marble counter tops and state of the art appliances I checked the Fridge and the pantry, I knew we could trust Maggie she been working for my father since I was a Lil girl she moved from New York after I had the twins and came to Virginia my father made sure she and her family had a nice roof over their heads and Maggie had a nice amount of money in her bank account. After Trill left me and Hershey took our showers and went to sleep, the next two days was spent shopping and hanging out at the beach since it was the first week of May some of the college students was still on spring break so the beach was live, Bria stayed at the house with me and Hershey shit that shit had eight bedrooms in that bitch so I didn’t mind plus I missed my cousin, the third day Bria took us to the hot spots and we partied hard. I spoke to Eddie and my father every day to make sure my son was good; Hershey and Trill was getting close shit that trick came down here with me but whine up with my cousin every other day; I answered my phone not recognizing the number that popped up on the screen

  “What’s up Diva Eva remember me?” a sexy voice said on the other end

  “No, I don’t know who this is,” I said sitting down on the sofa with my blunt in my hand and lighting it; I Kind of knew it was Major from the accent so when he said it was him a big Kool Aid smile appeared on my face, he asked what I was doing? I told him I wasn’t doing anything and Hershey left with Trill so I was in the crib solo; he asked if I wanted to go get something to eat I was game I didn’t care if we stopped in Mac Donald’s. I was not trying to stay in that big ass house by myself standing up and making my way up to my room. Major said he would come get me at nine. Hanging up and I went to find me an outfit, he knew where we was staying. He and Trill drove out here to drop some weed off to us, I jumped in the shower washing my body with my green apple body wash then jumped out. I put on my Juicy Couture panties and bra set I fixed my hair up into a nice side bun with my bang it was hot outside and all my hair on my neck was not the move, I smoked two blunts and listened to music until 8:30 I sniffed three lines of coke before I started getting dressed. I put on a pair of Gucci dark blue skinny leg low rider hip hugging jeans with a hot pink Gucci button up shirt that stopped near my navel and showed a little of my back, I put on my white Rhinestone belt on. Threw my pink diamond studs in my ear with the matching tennis bracelet, I looked in the mirror to check myself out‘You a bad bitch chica’ I said to myself then laughed as I put on my hot pink Gucci open toe sandals I applied some clear MAC lip gloss and sprayed some Marc Jacobs Daisy on my neck and between my breast. I looked at the time noticing it was turning nine in two minutes I grabbed my diamond studded cultch and made my way downstairs as the bell rang I opened the door to find Major in all his sexiness standing there wearing some black True Religion jeans with the matching True Religion T-shirt and some black Gucci sneakers with the Gucci belt to go with the sneakers his dreads was in a ponytail and he had on a different chain around his neck which was an iced out money bag

  “You got here fast, let me find out you was parked down the block and drove over here at 8:59,” I joked locking the door

  “Nah I told you I would be here by nine, I just don’t do lateness.” he said opening the door to his green Mercedes Benz Truck he walked around to the driver’s side I unlocked the door and lean back in my seat

  “I like a guy that’s always on time,” I said looking at him when he got inside the truck he looked at me with a smirk

  “That’s good to know baby girl, so what you want to eat?” he asked pulling off

  “I don’t care, I eat seafood and Italian food,” I told him

  “Trill told me your half Trini and Italian, that’s a crazy mix,” he said smiling at me he turned the radio on Trey Songs came on‘Just Gotta Make It’

  “I like how Trill just be telling people I’m a mutt,” I laughed so did Major “It’s all good baby girl, don’t kill my homie. So, tell me a little about yourself,” he said I told him I was eighteen, finish high school I have set of twins boy and girl, my baby girl is in the hospital now she had a small hole in her heart that needed to be repaired, I spoke about getting shot when I sixteen causing me to lose my oldest son and how I like to shop, party and hang out with my homie Hershey. All Major said was Wow that’s deep, so that happen to you around last year? he asked pulling up at the cheesecake factory I looked at him and asked him how he knew he informed me that Trill was coming up to New York after telling him that his Lil cousin got shot but Nana gotten sick so they couldn’t come up, Major said he was going to ride out with Trill; getting out the car he walked over to my door opening it, I put my had into his and we walked inside the cheesecake factory the wait wasn’t long for a table and once we was seated we began talking again.

  “So, I have one more question to ask you, are you and your baby father still together?” he asked looking into my eyes.

  “You can say we together, he purposed to me but right after he did a month later right after my daughter went back to the hospital he was fucking with this chick I use to be friends with and was taking her to the Bahamas, if I’m happy with him? Sometimes, do I still love him? Yes. If I’m still in love with him I don’t know. Does that answer your question? So, tell me a little about yourself Mr. Major, do you have any kids? Or a girl somewhere?” I asked taking a sip of my water looking at him

  “Damn you just turn me the fuck on just now,” he laughed the waiter came we placed our orders and she left, he told he just turned twenty-three, and had a four-year-old daughter name London. I told him that was a beautiful name and how I bet she was pretty smiling at him; the waiter back with our food I ordered a steak with a baked potato loaded with butter and spinach, with some steam shrimp. Major order the seafood, I told him how Trill said he had a lot of woman then I asked him if he still was fucking with his baby mother.

  “Word Trill said that? He in the same boat, I have friends. I never found a real woman who wants me and not my money, that’s why I don’t settle down. I was with my baby mother Jackie for four years she was with me when I was broke so I held her down when I made it big, but she had plans of her own she fucked two niggas while I was locked up and one of the nigga’s taped it, I almost killed that bitch.” he said shaking his head he must’ve really loved her. I see the hurt and pain in his eyes

  “Did she have your daughter already?” I asked drinking my water my high was wearing off I needed to go to the bathroom

  “Yea she had my baby girl, my daughter was one. I was only in jail for eight months she played herself,” he said

  “My baby father played himself to, he started fucking
somebody I once called a friend.” I said putting my head down a little I felt them get watery,

  “Pick your head up boo, that’s some fucked up shit I know you beat ole girls ass,” he said I looked at him cracking a smile

  “You already know what I did, I punched him up. But it ain’t how it used to be between me and him, so how many woman you have in your web? And do I have to watch my back when I’m with you?” I asked finishing my food and thinking my red wine; “Nah you don’t have to watch your back while you’re with me, I told you I have female friends and there is only two of them that I really kick it with. But you have nothing to worry about,” he said looking around for the waiter, telling I was going to take his word for it then excusing myself to go to the restroom I stood up walking to the bathroom. I got inside the bathroom and went into the stall to use the bathroom plus I wanted to sniff a few lines. My habit was kicking me in the ass it was like my body craved the coke, I washed my hands checked my nose in the mirror and put some more lip gloss on.

  “You had to get glammed up again?” Major asked once I walked back to the cleared table, I giggled telling him I only put on some more lip gloss, I asked if he was ready “I was waiting on you,” he said standing up taking my hand, we walked out the cheesecake factory. He open the truck door for me I got inside and he walked over to the driver’s side and got in himself Trey Songs CD came on‘I Need a girl’ started playing


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