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The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset

Page 19

by Chrissy J

  ‘ Shawty where you at?

  Shawty where you at?

  Stawty where you at?

  Yea yea

  It gets lonely in this business needs a homie and a realist.

  Someone who’s want to find out all that I have to give

  Who could bring me, what is missing when, I talk she wanna to listen

  Sittin patient steady waitin, for the day that I can face it

  The one who can love me for, who I am and so much more (is it you?)

  You ma Bonnie(say that I) I found the one,

  I ain’t gonna rest to know for sure, so

  Baby please believe me when I tell you that, I need a girl (need a girl)

  So, come on pretty lady won’t you holla back, I need a girl

  (I’m a tell you what I need)

  I sat back looking at Major singing along with Trey Songs I smirked, I felt a connection to this man.

  “Ma I got to pick up something from the spot, then I’m going to drop you home if you ready to leave me?” he asked turning to look at me

  “I’m good we can chill, I’m in no rush Hershey might stay out tonight knowing Trill nasty ass.” I chuckling while shaking my head

  “Yea knowing my nigga, your girl going to end up pregnant.” Major laughed

  “Nah she isn’t one of those chicks trust me she’s one of the safest bitch I know,” I laughed Hershey knew what kind of game niggas played so she always came prepared with her own box of condoms. We pulled up at the same blue house Trill drove us to the first day we got to Virginia, Major got on his cell phone telling somebody he was outside I sat in the truck looking at my phone Major got out the truck as the same light skin dude from the other day came walking from the house, him and Major gave each other dap then he handed Major the duffle bag he was holding. Major got back inside the truck putting the duffle bag in the back seat then he handed me five stacks “What’s this?” I asked

  “Put that in your bag boo,” he told me pulling off with a grin on his face I did what I was told and sat back in my seat. He drove for about an hour until we came to a wooden area in Chesapeake, VA I started getting nervous until I seen a house tucked in the back. He pulled inside the garage and got out taking the duffle bag with him, he open the door for me. I stepped out taking his hand we walked in the house through the kitchen. His house was simple and manly the house fit him to a tee everything was money green and cream I sat down on the dark green leather sectional he turned on the 62’ flat screen; “You want something to drink?” he asked moving around the living room “What you have?” I asked standing up to walk over to his bar “Everything you see behind the bar, make yourself comfortable I have to handle something,” he said walking to the back where he went inside a room closing the door behind him, it didn’t take a rocket science to know what he was doing behind those doors. I’m the daughter of one of Harlem’s top dogs so I knew he was counting the money up. I made me a glass of Alize` and Hennessy I sat down on the sofa taking a blunt from my bag after that night with Whitey I always had my own blunts and rolled my own shit, Major came out the room twenty minutes later I was already on my second drink he poured himself some Henny and sat next to me I pulled another blunt from my bag.

  “How long are you planning to sell drugs?” I asked he looked at me

  “I never had any female ask me that besides Nana, every bitch I fucked with was only concern about getting their hair done and money in their pocket they never really sat and held a real conversation with me and asked what I wanted to do beside sell drugs.” he said rubbing my feet

  “Well I’m not like those females, I’m from a different breed.” “I really want out of this life, I’ve been doing this shit since I was sixteen years old. The streets took most of my friends either to an early grave or to jail, that’s why me and Trill are so close we the only niggas left from the original crew. When I did my bid, he held shit down for me and I did the same when he did the two years he took for the team, he’s the only real friend I have I look at him like a brother I trust him with my life.” he said looking into my eyes as he spoke I felt every word he spoke

  “I feel the same way about Hershey I almost died in her arms, she has been there for me. We been through a lot with each other, her mother started smoking crack when we was nine her older sister started stripping just to make ends meet, until my uncle and father put her on runs letting her make drop offs state to state,” I said putting the clip in the ashtray

  “It’s hard to find two females that rock hard like you two and there’s no envy among y’all, what y’all have is sisterly love” he said passing me the blunt

  “We don’t fuck with that many bitches, and there’s no need to have envy among us because what I have is hers and vice versa except our man.” I laughed so did he, he laughed saying he bet me and Hershey lost our virginity on the said day. I told him yup we sure did an hour apart rolling my eyes playfully at him,

  “That’s some real shit, I knew Trill since he moved out here. I damned near lived with him at Nana house after my mom’s took my sister and moved back to New York. Nana fed me and made sure I had food in my stomach and somewhere warm to sleep at, I love that lady Trill and Bria is like my brother and sister,” he said talking about my fam

  “I love my Nana to pieces, me and my mom’s didn’t get along when I was growing up. Because I chose to live with my father, shit I was already living with him since I was five months so when my auntie Summer was killed my mother wanted me to live with her and I said no. I chose Nana over her but Nana already had her hands full her oldest child just got killed and she had Trill and Bria to deal with so my father felt it was too much for her,” I said standing up to make me another drink

  “Trill told me all about his pops killing his mother, that was some sucka ass shit.” Major said getting pissed off about how my uncle Miles handled the situation between him and Summer

  “Yea that shit was crazy, after that my father open businesses to help him clean his dirty money plus he have a lot of investments, he still in the game but he have loyal workers to handle the day in day shit” I told him trying to open his eyes, he had a daughter that needed him and he couldn’t run around recklessly no more

  “I want to open a club out here, I hired an attorney to invest my money into stuff. I already fund the neighborhood kid’s baseball team and the rec center, I want these Lil niggas to have something to do after school besides running to the streets.” he said shaking his head

  “I feel you, Lil dudes need mentors to take under their wing. I got a son now so I look at the game different from when I was young,” I told him walking back to the sofa, Major took his cell phone out his pocket sliding his finger on the screen to answer the call,

  “Talk to me,” “Yo M my cousin with you?” Trill asked I heard his loud ass on the other end of the phone Major passed me the phone I spoke to Trill with him asking about a million in one question regarding if I was going to stay at Major house, I answered all his question then passed the phone back to Major who only spoke to Trill for a minute then hung up. Me and Major sat up all night talking and getting to know each other, I fell asleep on his chest and in his arms right there on the sofa I slept like a baby. I didn’t feel when Major picked me up to take me to his room he put a t-shirt and boxers on me.




  I woke up four hours later looking around, I got off the king size bed. I walked into the bathroom Major left a toothbrush and wash cloth on the counter near the sink, I brushed my teeth then washed my face, I walked downstairs to find Major laid out on the sofa in his wife beater and boxers his bowlegs was sexy as hell. I stood there taking his body in, he didn’t try anything with me the night before and wasn’t pressed for pussy I liked that in men

  “Hey, can you, come keep me company in that big ass bed of yours,” I said in his ear tapping him, he turned
to face me with a smile he had a perfect set of white teeth under those grills

  “I told your cousin I was gonna give you my room for the night,” he said sitting up on the sofa‘boy oh boy, look at those muscles’ I thought blowing air out my mouth I had my hand on my hip“Boy bye, Trill ain’t my daddy. If you don’t get your ass up there with me we going to have problems, besides Trill laid up with Hershey. Come on keep me company that bed is big enough,” I said looking at him with my sad puppy eyes

  “You a trip, come on boo.” he picked me up and brought me back to his bed, we both laid in each other arms going back to sleep within minutes. Major phone woke me up around two in the afternoon, I pushed a little bit to wake him up telling him his phone been ringing for the pass ten minutes moving from in his arms, he open his eyes and checked the time on the cable box and pulling me back to him.

  “Damn boo this the first time I slept like this in a long time,” he said still lying there wrapping me tighter in his arms

  “Me too, having a six month old babies keep me up most mornings,” I smiled at him, he grabbed his phone I got off the bed making my way to the bathroom to wash my ass I didn’t care where I was at I was going to wash my ass, I got inside the standup shower and washed my body then rinsed off I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out to find Major laid back on the bed flicking through channels; “Do you have a washer and dryer?” I asked him he was staring at my body “Yea it’s downstairs near the basement,” he said getting off the bed and taking my hand, we got to his laundry room he had pile of clothes in the hamper I threw all of that in the washer along with my stuff, we walked back up to his room where he gave me another pair of boxers and wife beater. I straighten the living room up, the house bell rung Major came downstairs, letting him know I was going upstairs for him to handle his BI. As I was walking pass him up the stairs he grabbed me by the waist pulling me to him telling me I didn’t need to go nowhere that it was just his baby mother Jackie dropping off his daughter, kissing my neck then nibbling on my ear I asked him did he bring his baby girl around a lot of strange woman we were face to face

  “You’re the first girl to meet my baby girl, I really dig you and I want to see how my baby like, if she cool with you I know you are a keeper.” he said winking at me I told him I didn’t want his baby mother seeing me with the stuff I had on and getting the wrong impression pecking him on the lips I walked up to his room, I got to the room and laid across the bed flicking through channels my cell phone started ringing “Hey boo,” I picked up on the first ring I smiled hearing Eddie voice on the other end of the phone,

  “What’s up Goddess, I miss you.” Eddie said

  “I miss you to baby, what you doing?” I asked smiling he said he was driving around the hood with me on his mind, we spoke with me telling him I was coming home in a week; “Aight Ma I’m gonna let you go I love you Goddess,” “I love you to baby,” I said hanging up. I heard Major and his baby mother yelling at each other I minded my business she was concern with a bitch being around her daughter I understood where she was coming from, I went into my bag and took the baggie of coke I had left in there I sniffed two lines then lit a blunt I took two pulls and put it out. I heard the front door slam letting me know Jackie left. I got off the bed walking into the bathroom I washed my hands and brushed my teeth when I came out the bathroom Major was walking in the room with a stressed out look on his handsome face.

  “You blew it down without me?” he asked sitting on the edge of the bed taking the half of blunt that I passed him

  “You was handling your BI, where the baby?” I asked, he said she was in her room sleep “Let me run out to the store and buy some chicken or something so I can cook,” he said throwing on some sweat pants and a sweater with some Jordan’s

  “No, I’m going to cook for you, just get some curry powder and coconut milk when you go get the chicken.” I told him laying back down on the bed, Major grabbed his car keys and left. I must’ve dozed off, when I rolled over there London stood staring at me she had jet black hair pasted her shoulders to the middle of her back with the same complexion as Major boy did she look just like her daddy she was beautiful

  “Hi London, my name is Diva I’m your daddy friend. He went to the store is there anything I can get you?” I asked sitting up

  “Hi Ms. Diva, can I have some juice?” she asked wiping sleep out her eyes, I got off the bed she put her hand inside mine and we walked to the kitchen, I sat her on the counter

  “Your daddy need to get you some snacks in here, there’s no goodies in here.” I said pouring her some apple juice

  “Mommy said I can’t eat any candy or any goody’s because they will rot my teeth,” she said drinking her juice

  “She’s right, but one little snack won’t hurt and besides they gonna rot and fall out when you grow up to be a big girl, what you say I tell your daddy to get some snacks in here for you?” I asked she smiled handing me the empty cup

  “Yes, one snack, thank you for the juice Ms. Diva. Can you put my hair in a ponytail? It keep getting in my eye,” she asked

  “Your daddy have a brush in here?” I asked picking her up

  “In my room,” she told me I walked up the stairs to her room, it was every little girls dream room. Everything was Princess to go with the princess theme, she showed me her desk with her hair products sitting down at her lil vanity and turning the 32’ flat screen on Winnie the Pooh was on which was my favorite cartoon characters; I was almost finish with London hair when I felt somebody staring at me from behind I turned around to find Major standing in the doorway he smirked.

  “London I’m finish mama” I told her picking up her mirror to show her the twist, I flat twist the front into a crown and twist the back. “Thank you Ms. Diva, I like it.” she said hugging me she seen Major standing there at the door she ran into Major arms, I stood there watching them thinking about when I was that age my father would spend three hours with me in my room playing every game I wanted he wouldn’t answer the phone or think about anything that had to do with streets while he was with his princess, I walked towards Major and walked out of London room heading to Major room with him behind me I felt his eyes on my ass, I turned my head to look at him and sure nuff his eyes was low I smirked telling him keep his eyes up. Major bust out laughing, we walked to his room he had bags everywhere,

  “What’s all this?” I asked sitting on the bed “I brought you some stuff so we can go out to the movies, I know you don’t want to wear the same shit from yesterday.” he joked I looked in each bag he brought me panties and bra’s from Victoria Secret, pajama’s, socks and body wash with sprays from Bath & Body works, I went into another bag and pulled out a Baby Phat sweat Capri suit the jacket was short sleeve, with some white Air force ones. He went and brought me a black Miskeen dress that had different colors over it. I was liking it already because I happen to like Miskeen clothes, he got me a pair of Prada sandals

  “Thank you, you didn’t have to buy me this. You know you could’ve drove me back to the spot to get some clothes,” I told him smiling, he said he knew all that but he didn’t want to do all that he wanted to spend more time with me. I asked why London couldn’t eat candy cuz that still was heavy on my mind, what four year couldn’t eat candy or snacks? “She was born with Sickle cell, so Jackie feels like she shouldn’t eat candy or anything like that,” he said‘damn’ I thought

  “That won’t trigger her sickle cell, my little brother Bugger have that and that Lil nigga eat candy all day. When we go out to the movies you have to get her at least one piece of candy I promised her one,” I told him

  “Alright boo, you got It.” he laughed I mushed his head and sat on the bed

  “How did you know my shoe size?” I asked

  “I called Trill and Hershey told me, my nigga open.” he joked some more

  “Shut up, did you get the stuff?” I asked pushing him he told me it was in the Kitchen

  “I’m about to jump in the shower, her
mother going to have a heart attack about her hair,” he laughed taking his Jordan’s off and putting his dreads in a ponytail

  “Just tell her your real close lady friend did it,” I told him walking out the room closing the door, I walked to see what London was doing when I got to her room door I peaked in to see she was playing with her baby dolls; I asked her if she wanted to come help me in the kitchen she turned to face me with the biggest smile

  “Yes, I hope it’s not rice and beans. That’s all mommy make,” she said causing me to laugh

  “Well I’m not cooking rice and beans, I’m making curry chicken and coconut rice. You ever ate coconut rice before?” I asked picking her up then walking to the kitchen, I thought about my Lil princess and had to fight back tears I always wondered if she would have passed away due to her heart what I would’ve done I don’t think I could’ve went on with life knowing I lost two babies. We got in the kitchen and she watched me clean the chicken while she sat on counter, twenty minutes of us being in the kitchen Major behind me I finish cooking in an hour tops Major and London was in the living room talking and watching cartoons, I stood there staring at them thinking about Kevin and Harmony and what they been up to. I haven’t spoken or seen Kevin since Fantasy wake. I walked up to Major room to shower and get dress, I gave Major his time with London. Once I was finish getting dress I threw my wild curly hair in a ponytail and made my way back down stairs

  “Hershey what’s the deal?” I asked hitting my blue tooth as I started making our plates,

  “Nothing just left the crib, Star had company just wanted to let you know,” she said Bria was testing me and she really didn’t want to do that she know I don’t like people in my shit “What? Where you at?” I asked “I’m with Trill, he spazzed out on her. He told her to get the fuck out then took the key, I’m staying another night with him since you went and got you a Virginia boo,” she joked “Bitch whatever, you shouldn’t talk. You went and got you some Virginia love, I hope you checked my shit?” I asked


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