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The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset

Page 37

by Chrissy J

  “I’m not branding you Pretty girl, all these niggas know you mine”. he said standing up, I grabbed my Gucci bag and we left. The hall was only three blocks from my house, we walked into the hall and everybody was there.

  “About time,” Aunt Tasha said hugging us

  “I’m sorry, I fell asleep is everybody here?” I asked looking around the room.

  “Yes, Chile and they hungry.” she laughed we all sat down and ate, the get together was going smooth until Raya and Brie walked in.

  “Got damn who is that?” my uncle asked

  “Close your mouth uncle Mike, that’s Kendu baby mother” I said rolling my eyes with a shake of my head.

  “Diva leave it alone,” my father said seeing my face balled up,

  “That bitch is bad,” my uncle said laughing I punched his arm causing my father to laugh.

  “I’m proud of you Princess for what you did for Asia, not too many females would have done that.” my father said hugging me

  “I know daddy,” I said walking towards the bathroom

  “Hershey Ann why are you hiding?” I asked Hershey going into the bathroom

  “Because I’m trying to leave real fast my boo up in New York,” she said smirking

  “When you spoke to Trill?” I asked

  “Just now he said bring your ass so you can open the door for him.” she said I laughed shaking my head at her crazy ass. She was me when I was sneaking with Kevin and I was with Eddie, look how the tables has turned.

  “Come on punk,” I said grabbing her hand we walked up to Kendu

  “Baby I have to go to the house and open the door for my cousin.” I told him wrapping my arms around him

  “Okay Shawty I’m right behind you so stay there until I come.” he said kissing my hands. Me and Hershey got to my house in ten minutes to see Trill and Major was standing on the stairs looking crazy as hell.

  “About time, damn DJ you huge.” Trill said hugging me

  “Shut up Trill, Hi Major.” I said hugging him while Hershey open the door

  “Damn boo, you look good.” he said rubbing my stomach the baby kicked him

  “She doesn’t like people touching her spoil ass.” Hershey joked

  “Where is she?” Major asked I pointed to the back and he walked off, Trill looked at me with questioning eyes and I told him hell no. I already knew what he was asking no words needed to be said. Ken walked in the house ten minutes after me and Hershey got there; Trill turn around and started shaking his head with a smile, I seen Ken face lit up like they knew each other.

  “Oh, hell no, If it isn’t the God himself?” Trill asked hugging Kendu me and Hershey just looked at them with questioning stares.

  “What’s good Trill let me find out you my Shawty cousin?” Ken asked Trill told him I was his lil cousin. I just sat there wondering how the hell they knew each other until Major walked out from the back.

  “Major Maj, what’s cracking Cuz?” Kendu asked doing the Crip hand shake with Major

  “What’s good God?” Major asked

  “Shit chilling waiting on my Shawty to bless me with my princess.” Ken said Major nodded his head, an hour after we got there me and Ken left Hershey acted like she was using the bathroom so Kendu wouldn’t ask her no questions I knew she was staying with Trill.

  Two weeks went by and me and Eddie had a big argument about Asia staying with me he said I should’ve left her in the street, I told him he was a cold-hearted bastard he told me he treated her like that because she broke up our home, I told that nigga to look in the mirror and ask himself who really broke up our home, he said he didn’t give a fuck what happened with Asia.

  “Red I think my water broke,” Asia said knocking on my room door me and Ken was at my house because he didn’t feel comfortable leaving Asia by herself because she was due any day, he treated her like his Little sister he went out all types of hours for us when we had our craving.

  “Baby Asia water broke,” I said shaking Kendu

  “I’m up Shawty,” he said getting off the bed and walking to the door Asia was standing there in pain, I put on my sweat pants and slippers.

  “You ready to drop my Lil nigga?” Kendu asked laughing, Asia tried smiling but was hit with a contraction, we drove to the hospital fast as hell.

  “I knew you missed me,” Eddie picked up the phone

  “Please nigga, I’m just calling to let you know Asia is in labor.” I told him telling him what hospital we were in. Asia was admitted and she was already dilated 8cinmeters, I called Major and told him we were in the hospital, thank God, he and Trill didn’t leave New York.

  “Thank you for calling us Diva, you can leave now.” Tammy said walking in Asia room like she owned it, this bitch had me fucked up.

  “You must’ve bumped your damn head if you think I’m leaving,” I told her rolling my eyes so damn hard I thought those bitches was going to get stuck.

  “Get her out of here,” Asia said the doctor gave her some medicine through her IV. Two hours later Baby Jay ’Lon Christopher Major Woods was born 8lb 3oz Asia said she wanted him to have my last name because I was more of a father to him then Eddie, I gave him Eddie middle name and Major name, he looked just like Lil man and Eddie it wasn’t even funny.

  “Congrats sis, look at that fat little nigga.” Kendu said laughing and taking a picture of me and Asia and the baby.

  “He is perfect Asia, right Jay-Jay?” I asked the baby kissing his cheeks. Everybody left the hospital leaving just me and Ken in the room with Asia.

  “Alright mama get some rest, we’ll be back in the morning”. I said kissing Asia on the forehead

  “Okay, thank you Diva” she said

  “You’re welcome, the nurse brought Jay-Jay to the nursery if you want him just press the button and they’ll bring him to you.” I said

  “Aight Asia we out,” Ken said and we left, Kendu drove us to the crib and I laid in the bed with Kendu arms wrapped around me.

  “I can’t wait to meet our little princess,” I said rubbing my stomach

  “Me neither Shawty”, Ken said kissing me.

  Chapter 16

  Baby and Tragedy

  Asia was discharged two days after giving birth, Hershey and Story threw me a big baby shower. I had everything I needed for the baby. Kendu had business to take care of in Miami two days after the baby shower so I was in the house with Lil man because Fantasy was with Kevin sister, Kevin had to go underground over some shit that he and Mark did back in the day. I was hurt because I knew Fantasy looked forward to seeing her daddy and sister but Kevin sister stepped up and got Fantasy every other week just so she can be around her and Harmony. Asia was in her room with Jay-Jay, I was braiding Lil man hair when I had the first contraction I didn’t pay it any mind because my due date wasn’t until the end of August and it was August 3rd so I kept braiding Lil man hair then I felt the baby kick and water run down my leg, I moved Lil man to the other side of the bed and grabbed my phone I called Kendu phone and it went straight to voice mail.

  “Baby my water broke,” I left him a message then I called Hershey

  “What’s good Lil ma, Hershey sleep.” Ha picked up her phone

  “Ha can you please wake her up, I need her.” I said breathing hard the contractions was five minutes apart.

  “You alright?” he asked with worry in his voice

  “My water broke and your brother not answering his phone,” I said, I heard him call Hershey

  “I’m on my way Chica, try to calm down and breathe.” she said

  “Call my daddy Hersh, I can’t even dial out my fucking hands shaking.” I yelled

  “Red are you alright?” Asia asked walking in the room with a bottle for Jay-Jay,

  “My water broke, I need you to keep Lil man for me.” I said going into the bathroom I washed up and put on a tank top and some sweat shorts,

  “I’m here Princess,” my father said walking into my room,

  “Thank god,” I said grabb
ing his hand, him and Uncle Mike helped me down stairs and out the door. They drove me to the hospital, I was admitted and I was sitting in the room when Hershey and Ha along with Aunt Tasha in the room.

  “How you feeling baby?” auntie asked me rubbing my head

  “I’m hanging in there; did you get in touch with your brother?” I asked Ha

  “I’m calling him, I left a message for him to call me.” Ha said shaking his head

  “What you not telling me?” I asked I could see he was hiding some thing

  “Ain’t anything,” he said walking out the room. An hour went by and there was still no word from Kendu

  “Baby please call me I’m in labor and I don’t want to have our princess without you.” I said hanging up the phone

  “Diva he probably flying back here, you know he not going to miss his princess being born.” Hershey said wiping my forehead with a wet rag.


  “Slow down baby girl,” I said to Raya as she was riding me

  “You feel so good daddy, oh my god I missed you.” she said kissing me, I know it was fucked up that I was still fucking Soraya behind Diva back. It was just something about Raya that I couldn’t let go she was like my drug and she knew I was a junkie for her, I busted my nut the same time she did and we both jumped in the shower. Raya tried to get shit popping in the shower but I wasn’t having it.

  “Why you pushing me away?” she asked looking at me

  “I got to go, you already know what time it is baby girl.” I said grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my waist, I made sure I flushed the condom down the toilet Raya wanted me to get her pregnant again but that was a no-no, I was with Diva and she was the only one popping out my seeds. I got dressed and grabbed my phone, When I turned it on, I had over ten messages Ha left me three and Diva and my aunt left me some to.

  “Yo King it’s time Lil ma in labor her water broke, we at Harlem Hospital.” Ha said then Diva message came on

  “Baby please call me I’m in labor and I don’t want to have our princess without you.” my heart dropped she sounded so scared and nervous and I wasn’t there for her like I was supposed to.

  “Yo I gotta go,” I yelled to Raya while she was still in the shower

  “Why you are rushing back?” she asked coming out the bathroom naked my dick stood up, I cursed my dick out for betraying me.

  “My girl in labor and I’m down here fucking around with you while my princess being born, and next time you turn my phone off I’m going to break your fucking fingers.” I said grabbing my fitted hat and walking to the door.

  “Whatever Sin, fuck her and that baby I don’t give a fuck about them.” she said it was just like her selfish ass to say some shit like that.

  “Yo I’m not going to entertain your shit right now, when I want my son I’ll send my aunt to come pick him up.” I told her leaving out.


  “How you are feeling Ms. Woods?” Dr. Roger asked

  “I’m doing okay, what’s going on?” I asked her

  “We just checking the baby, her heart beat is going fast and slow so we are going to check her.” she said putting warm green gel on my stomach she moved the object around and looked closer at the screen she then looked at doctor Bacon and he walked out the room.

  “What’s going on?” my mother asked

  “We going to have to do an emergency C-section, the cord is wrapped around the baby neck and she not getting enough oxygen.” Dr. Rogers said standing up, the nurses got me ready to get rolled in the operating room. They gave my father a blue gown,

  “Is my baby going to be okay?” I asked

  “She going to be fine once we cut you open it take ten seconds to get her out.” Dr. Bacon said, they started wheeling me to the operating room and Kendu was getting off the elevator.

  “I’m here Shawty, where they taking her?” he asked my father

  “The cord is wrapped around the baby neck and she not getting enough oxygen so they going to give her a C-section. Here put this on,” my father gave him the blue gown. Once they gave me the Epidural and prepped me for the surgery they let Kendu inside the room he grabbed my hand.

  “It’s going to be alright Shawty,” he said wiping the tears that was rolling down my face, they began the surgery I only felt a little pull.

  “Baby what’s happening?” I asked taking the oxygen mask off my face

  “They are taking her out,” Ken said I felt the doctors take my baby girl out of me and heard her cry then everything went black.


  I watched the doctors pull my baby girl out of Diva and I had tears in my eyes, it was a beautiful thing to see my daughter born.

  “She out Shawty,” I said looking at Diva she was just staring into space her eyes was glossy and I notice she wasn’t moving.

  “Yo doc my girl is not moving and she looks bad!” I yelled Dr. Rogers ordered the other doctor to close Diva up while she came over and checked her.

  “I need two pints of O negative blood and get me a Crash cart now!.” she yelled a nurse pushed me out the room

  “Sir you going to have to wait out here.”

  “What’s wrong with my girl?” I asked

  “We going to find out but I need you to stay here and let us do our job.” she said going back inside the room, I took off the gown and walked to the waiting room.

  “What’s wrong?” Mel was the first to ask

  “They took the baby out and Diva stopped moving, her eyes was glossy they called for two bags of blood and a crash cart. I don’t know what the fuck is going on they kicked me out the room.” I said sliding down on the floor.

  August 4th was a good and bad day for me my princess Sparkle Rose Rogers was born 8lb 8oz 21in long and Diva slipped into a coma due to blood loss and shock. Mel went crazy in the waiting room that the cops were called to escort him out the hospital. He mange to fuck up the whole waiting area and scare the shit out of the doctors if they didn’t do everything in their power to help bring Diva out her coma.

  Three weeks passed since Sparkle was born and Diva still haven’t woken up, I was trying to keep myself from killing Eddie because he was Lil man and Jay-Jay father but he was working my fucking nerve every time he came by the crib to see the boys he always had some slick shit to say to Asia to put her down. I still made sure Fantasy went to her aunt house every week. I knew Kevin from around the way and I also knew he was Diva first love so it was a no brainer that Fantasy was his daughter. I was running late to the hospital when the bell rung I open the door to a fine chocolate female that could pass for Chili from TLC sister standing there.

  “Hi I’m Mary is Diva home?” she asked

  “She’s in the hospital,” I told her walking out the house and locking the door

  “What happen to my Princess?” she asked

  “She slipped into a coma after giving birth to our daughter, I’m on my way there now.” I told her

  “I know Mel is going crazy,” she said I told her what hospital she was in and we left. She beat me to the hospital when I walked inside Diva room she was standing over her bed crying Mel was standing there rubbing her back.

  “Ma she going to be alright, calm down.” Mel said

  “Mel how this shit happen to my baby? You were supposed to protect her from everything. I leave for a couple of months and I come back to find out my daughter in a coma and you have another kid.” she said snatching away from him I was confused because I met Diva mother so I didn’t know who this chick was Mel caught my stare.

  “This my wife, the one who raised Diva since she was five months old.” he said

  “I understand,” I told him

  “No change yet daddy?” I heard Story ask walking into the room with Mony her best friend, Mary head snapped towards Story.

  “No baby girl, Story I would like you to meet my wife Mary, Ma this is Story my daughter.” Mel said

  “Oh my god Mel she looks just like Diva,” she said hugging S
tory. Mel and Mary walked in the hall way to talk leaving me in the room with Story and Mony.

  “What’s good Sin?” Story said hugging me, man why she did that? My soldier was getting excited and I was willing myself to control myself. I knew it was fucked up that I was sitting here lusting after my girl sister while she was laid up in a coma.

  “I’m hanging in there,” I told her looking at what she had on she was wearing some tight white shorts with a blue spank me t-shirt and some blue Prada’s her hair was out laying down her back.

  “Hey Chica, I want to know what you dreaming about? You need to hurry up and wake up. Lil man is too much that Lil nigga smacked me on my ass the other day. I don’t know what Eddie be teaching him, but him, Fantasy and baby Sparkle needs their mommy and I need my big sis back. You have to see Lil Ms. Sparkle she looks just like us, I love you Diva Eva.” Story said kissing Diva forehead and putting some lip gloss on her lips.

  “Now there’s the bad bitch I know, Sin I’m out I can’t sit here looking at her like this.” she said hugging me again and walking out. If I would have known that was going to be the last time I seen Story, I would’ve made her ass stay in the hospital, she was kidnapped three hours after she left the hospital. We thought Mel went Ham when Diva went into a Coma he went extra hard when he got the call that his baby girl was kidnapped and Street was in war mode.

  A week later Diva woke up out the coma only to find out her sister was kidnapped.

  Chapter 17

  Fucked up


  I woke up out the coma only to find out my sister was kidnapped, when I got home from the hospital aunt Tasha and Hershey was in the house taking care of the kids. I was grateful for them because Asia would’ve killed herself if she was left to take care of two new born babies and a set of one year old twins, Aunt Tasha left a week after I came home. Thank God, she was starting to get on my nerves. I started my classes back but I took them online, I was doing an essay for one of my classes when my cell phone rung I looked at the caller id and seen an Atlanta number. Mary had the twins for the weekend so I can deal with Sparky and do most of my homework, plus I was still overseeing shit for my grandfather.


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