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The Rise Of Harlem's Princess 1-3 Boxset

Page 38

by Chrissy J


  “I’m just going to tell you straight up, isn’t no need to beat around the bush. I’m still fucking Sincere and the day you were in labor he was down here fucking me and eating my pussy, while you were calling and whining about you didn’t want to have your bastard ass daughter by yourself.” Raya said I stood off the bed and walked out my room to Asia room I put the phone on speaker so she could hear this hot shit this bitch was spitting.

  “Ok and you are telling me this because what? You act like I need him; a nigga come a dime of dozen and I don’t need that nigga for shit. I had money before I got with his grimy ass and I’m going to have when he leave so if it makes you feel better you can have him and all the bullshit. How did you even get my number?” I asked Asia mouth was open from shock.

  “Don’t act like you don’t know how I got your number daddy’s girl, I got it from our man phone while he was sleep. Yea I said our man because he is playing house with both of us, but you see I know all about his game. Sin said he couldn’t take you serous because everything you do your father have to know about it, damn bitch how old are you twenty or two?” she said her and Brie was laughing on the end of the phone.

  “Bitch you funny. I know all about you too; how your dumb ass tried killing yourself when Kendu broke up with you. I even heard the voice mail you left him the night you slit your wrist you thirsty bitch, you the one that need a nigga. And my father, don’t need me to go and tell him shit. He a boss so the information comes to him when it has something to do with the Princess of Harlem. You mad because you don’t have a father and never knew him for him to care about your wellbeing. Bitch get off my fucking line.” I said hanging up the phone.

  “Wow Red,” Asia said I shook my head

  “This the shit I went through with Eddie and I’m not about to go through it with Kendu, fuck that.” I said walking back to my room, I packed all the shit Ken had in my house and sat it by the door of my room, I sat back on my bed and sniffed me a whole baggie of coke. I stopped while I was pregnant but now I need something to numb me and my mind, I sparked a blunt and waited for Kendu to bring my daughter home.

  “Shawty she need a bath, she did number two while we was in the car.” Kendu said giving me the baby I took her and brought her to Asia room.

  “Asia can you give her a bath for me while I deal with this grimy nigga?” I asked handing her the baby.

  “No problem Red, Come to auntie Sparky.” Asia said making funny faces at Sparkle, I walked back in my room.

  “Okay I have my daughter there goes your bags you can get your shit and get the fuck out.” I said Kendu looked at me with that cold deadly look that always sent shivers down my spine, but I didn’t let that shit change what was about to happen in this room.

  “What the fuck you are talking about?” he asked about to sit down on the bed.

  “Don’t sit down, your girl called my phone and told me an earful. She said while I was in labor with your bastard daughter you was down there fucking her and eating her pussy, oh yea and how you can’t take me serous because I run to my father about everything. So, if that’s how you feel you can bounce nigga because I was good before you came into my life and I’m going to be good when you leave.” I said sparking a blunt, I was hurting in the inside but I wouldn’t let him know that. I sat back smoking with a mug on my face that would scare the toughest bitch.

  “I’m not going anywhere, you ain’t going to treat me like some off-brand nigga.” he said

  “Whatever Ken, I’m not about go through this shit with you. Just go on with yourself,” I told him his eyes turned dark,

  “You are going to listen to Raya? That bitch is trying to fuck up what we have because she is fucking miserable.” he yelled

  “So how she knew only the shit I told you, she knew shit that she wasn’t supposed to know.” I yelled back matching his tone. I don’t know where in the game it said any cheating nigga can get mad when he was catch out there, but Ken had me fucked up if he thought I was going to back down from him.

  “I’m going to let you cool down, but I’m not going nowhere while my daughter in this bitch.”

  “How you know she your daughter,” I mumbled I didn’t think he heard me but I was wrong, he yoked me up so fast my neck snapped.

  “Bitch I will kill you if some shit like that come out your mouth again,” he said choking me I scratched his hands I started seeing blue spots, he seen my face turning red and let me go. I grabbed my neck and ran to my closet I went searching for my .25, I checked to see if my bullets were inside.

  “Nigga get the fuck out before I shoot you and I’m not going to regret it.” I said aiming at him

  “You really pulling out on me?” he asked with a shock expression on his face

  “Kendu I think you need to go, it’s getting out of hand now.” Asia said walking in the room, Kendu walked over to Asia and kissed Sparkle then left leaving his bags right there near the door.

  After the show, down between me and Kendu we didn’t speak to one other for four months, Hershey and Ha was the ones that came and got Sparkle from me to bring her to Kendu and back. I told my father what went down between me and Kendu he told me I was wrong for pulling out on him. I told him that nigga didn’t have no right to put his hands on me, Story finally was let go, come to find out her trip ass was in LA living it up with her boo.


  Four months passed since me and Diva broke up or that’s what Diva think, I still couldn’t believe Shawty pulled out on me. When I told Ha and Street what happen they clown me hard. Raya was on ice, that bitch just didn’t know how to deal with the fact that we wasn’t together, then I started fucking with somebody I didn’t have no business fucking with we both knew what we was getting into and the consequence’s that we would have to deal with if anybody found out about us. I was really felling Lil ma she wasn’t with all the bullshit, all she wanted to do was chill and spend as much time with me and now I found out she was carrying my baby, I know what y’all thinking I’m a grimy nigga, that shit just happen we didn’t plan that shit.

  “Yo I called Diva she is coming by the crib to see Hershey.” Ha said walking into Hershey living room

  “Alright,” I told him

  “Y’all need to stop this shit, Yo this Nigga Street is a fucking dummy.” he said talking about our baby cousin.

  “I don’t want to hear shit about that nigga, what he did to Story was fucked up.” I said shaking my head, this nigga Street snapped and beat the living shit out of Story leaving her in the crib for dead. If I wasn’t stopping by to link up with that nigga, Story would’ve bled out near their front door.

  “Yea that was fucked up,” he said.


  My sister landed in the hospital beat the fuck up and in a coma; the New Year brought us into 2012. Me and Hershey was turning 21 finally, me and my father threw Italy a big first birthday because Story was laid up in the hospital and Street was locked up in Atlanta. February went by fast and so did March thank god my sister woke up. I was all alone in the house, my father had all his grandchildren. Him and Mary was sneaking around I just wished they got back together, my mother was stressing him out and I could tell he wasn’t happy with her. Asia was in VA with her brother so I was by myself for the first time in my life, no Eddie no Hershey and no Kendu just me, I got up and went shopping.

  “Hood Diva,” I picked up my phone

  “Goddess I need Lil man pump,” Eddie said I took the phone from my ear because I didn’t know he our son the last time I checked he was still with my father, Eddie told me he went and met up with my father so he can get his son. I didn’t have a problem with that, Eddie and I was really starting to talk about all the bullshit we put each other through during our relationship. I knew he was hurt when I finally told him Fantasy wasn’t his daughter but that didn’t make him love her no less. He still brought her stuff every time he brought lil man and Jay-Jay things. Fantasy Lil spoiled behind had the best
of three worlds and she had three daddies. Kevin, Eddie and Kendu was all that Fantasy needed, she or any of my babies didn’t want for nothing.

  “Alright give me thirty minutes,” I said hanging up I drove into Brooklyn, Eddie brought a brownstone in Park Slope. I parked the car and got out, Eddie came to open the door with some basketball shorts and no shirt he knew he was my weakness and I was his.

  “You really had to open the door like that?” I asked pushing him so I can walk in the house, he cracked a smile.

  “What I do?” he asked locking the door

  “Where is Lil man?”

  “He in his room sleep,” Eddie said looking at me he was looking sexy and I felt my pussy jump, from the stare he was giving me. I knew I shouldn’t have entertained him but I couldn’t help it.

  “Well here is his pump, give my baby a kiss for me.” I said about to walk out the house when Eddie grabbed me and kissed me, I couldn’t stop myself if I wanted to, I kissed him back rubbing on his chest

  “I missed you Goddess,” he said into my ear

  “Me too boo,” I said helping him take my sweater off and my pants.

  “You still beautiful,” he said staring at my body

  “Eddie shut up and fuck me,” I said pulling his shorts down, his dick jumped out at me. I smirked pulling the condom out my bra, after he put it on he slid inside me and it felt so good.

  “Damn” he grunted in my ear we were on the bear rug in his living room fucking like we haven’t fucked in ages.

  “Ed-Die I’m Cumming,” I moaned busting my nut all over his dick Eddie came right after me. He carried me up to his room and laid me down on the bed while he went into the bathroom he came out with a warm rag and wiped me off, I dozed off and woke up to find Lil man on the bed with us.

  “Diva don’t go,” Eddie said sitting on the other side of the bed

  “Eddie this wasn’t supposed to happen, you know what we have is tainted. We tried this over and over and it didn’t work, I will always love you but we can’t be together.” I said wiping my eyes and getting dressed.

  “Goddess don’t do this to me, I want our Lil man to wake up and see us together like old times, I love you Diva I won’t love another female the way I loved you.” he said walking to me

  “And I won’t love another the way I loved you, you taught me what it is to be in a relationship and you showed me heartache.” I said kissing my son on the forehead while he slept then I kissed Eddie and walked out his house, I kept seeing his face with tears in his eyes as I drove to my house. When I got home I broke down and cried, I cried for everything I went through in my life and all the bull shit me and Eddie put each other through. I jumped in the shower and put on some Blue Chip and Pepper cut up skinny leg jeans with a blue shirt that had Mickey mouse on the front with my blue Christian Louboutin’s. I unwrapped my hair and grabbed my blue Louis Vuitton bag and was out the door to Hershey house, I got Hershey house within ten minutes.

  “About time bitch,” Hershey said opening the door and hugging me

  “Whatever bitch, what is so important you had to tell me?” I asked standing near the door

  “Bitch you could walk your ass in the living room,” she said rolling her eyes playfully.

  “Who is here?” I asked

  “Sandy,” she said smiling

  “Oh, it must be some big shit if you got Sandy ass to come over here.” I said walking into the living room

  “Look at you,” Sandy said standing up to hug me

  “Sandy” I yelled hugging her

  “Did she tell you yet?” Sandy asked looking at Hershey

  “No Sandy damn,” Hershey said handing me a card I open the card and read the letter

  Dear Diva A-K-A My Chica and my sister

  Thank you for being there and for giving me a chance at being your friend and other half (Crying)

  Thank you for your support and your loyal heart,

  Thank you for not judging me when I do something fucked up and trusting me through the good times and the bad, (we’ve been through some shit LOL)

  I’m writing you this letter to inform you that I’m finally making you an AUNTIE!!! I love you Chica and I know you always have my back like I have yours

  Love always your Hershey Kisses, your sister and your other half : )

  I had tears rolling down my face my vision was blurry

  “Oh my god Hershey, congrats Bitch.” I said hugging her

  “Thanks hoe,” she laughed wiping my eyes and I wiped hers and rubbed her stomach.

  “I can’t believe Hershey is finally making me an auntie, how far are we?” I asked

  “Three months, I just found out yesterday.” she told me

  “Why you didn’t call me I would’ve went with you the doctors.” I said

  “I know you would’ve but I wanted to surprise you, you know you going to have to walk me through this. I don’t know the first thing about being no mother.” she said looking scared

  “I got you Hersh,” I said Ha walked in the living room

  “I should beat your ass, you done knocked my sister up.” I said hugging him

  “It takes two to tangle Lil ma,” he joked

  “Congrats Bro, I’m so happy for you both.” I said crying again.

  “My baby is having a baby and making me a grandmother.” Sandy said me and Hershey looked at her like she was crazy,

  “Grandbaby Sandy what have you been drinking?” I asked joking

  “Yea Sandy you lost me with the grand baby mess,” Hershey said rolling her eyes.

  “Y’all know what I meant, Hershey is like my daughter shit I raised her.” she said having a point as long as I could remember Sandy was the one taking care of the house and Hershey.

  “We get it now,” I said hugging Sandy, she sat back down.

  “Walk me to the kitchen,” Hershey said to me we walked out the living room and into the kitchen

  “So what’s been up beside you getting knocked up? I been so out of tune lately.” I asked

  “Ain’t shit been going on, your ass been in school and being anti-social.” she joked

  “Speaking about school, I’m about to leave I have mad home work.” I told her

  “You got a little glow, where you been?” she asked

  “I don’t kiss and tell,” I smirked

  “Shawty how long are you going to be mad at me?” I heard Kendu ask I rolled my eyes up at the ceiling

  “Ken leave me alone, I’m not mad at you I’m pasted that already.” I told him he wrapped his arms around me.

  “Pretty girl I miss you,” he said kissing my ear, I melted in his arms I turned around to face him

  “I miss you too, but you played me.” I said feeling the tears in my eyes.

  “Damn I’m the pregnant one and I’m not a cry baby,” Hershey joked leaving out the kitchen.

  “Shawty how many times I have to tell you I’m sorry, I want to come back home.” he said wiping my eyes.

  “I don’t want to give you another chance and you play me again I don’t think my heart can handle that.” I told him, meaning every word I spoke to him.

  “I promise to do right by you this time.” he said kissing me, I loved Kendu with my mind, body and soul he had me trapped and I knew it would be hard for me to leave him, these four months that we wasn’t together was hell for me. We left Hershey house together.

  “Where is your car?” I asked Ken when we got inside my Range Rover.

  “Home Ha came and picked me up,” he told me I pulled out of the parking spot.

  “What’s good Harlem?” I asked picking up the phone

  “Diva can you come get me?” she asked

  “Where are you Harlem? Please don’t tell me you at Mase house?” I asked making a U turn.

  “I came to pick up the baby and this nigga is tripping out about me fucking around with Bishop.” she cried.

  “I’m on my way,” I told her hanging up.

  “What’s wrong with Harlem?�
�� Ken asked smoking his blunt.

  “She went to pick TJ up from his father house and Mason started tripping, I’m going to kill him if he put his hands on her.” I told him driving all the way on the east side of Harlem, I parked and checked my .380

  “There you go with these fucking guns,” Ken laughed getting out the car, I got out behind him and we went inside Mason building I heard him yelling all the way on the first floor.

  “This nigga here,” Ken said banging on the door

  “Who the fuck banging on my door?” Mase yelled

  “Nigga open the door,” Ken yelled Mason open the door and I pushed passed him.

  “Harlem come on,” I yelled for my baby cousin she came out the bathroom holding her four-year-old son her face was red and swollen.

  “Thank you, D.” she said walking to me I checked her face

  “This nigga about to learn not to fuck with any of us Woods.” I said pulling my gun out.

  “Diva just come on he isn’t worth going to jail over,” Harlem said

  “Go down stair’s Harlem,” I told her she looked at us and walked out the door.

  “What you going to do with that gun?” Mase asked with a smirk on his face, Kendu just stood there smoking his blunt waiting for me to do something. I aimed at Mase hand and shot him in his left hand.

  “That’s for hitting my cousin, now you’ll think twice about hitting any bitch you punk ass bitch.” I said walking out the apartment with Ken behind me laughing.

  “You crazy bitch, you really shot me in my hand.” Mase yelled

  “Nigga you need to check my resume I don’t play when it comes to my family, pussy.” I said closing his door and going to my car.

  “You really shot him?” Harlem asked laughing

  “Yea my Shawty is gangsta she shot him in the left hand.” Kendu said driving to the house.


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