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Ascension: The Rising Son

Page 3

by AP West

  I roll over and look down at my body for a moment; peacefully asleep. My will takes me through the wall toward Apollo's room, but it's empty. I place him in my thoughts and quickly realize he journeyed over to Sabrina's house, on foot. Although he is upset with me, he is safe, so I move on to what I was set out to do, and journey to the northeast, gaining speed toward the Corsair Boundary.

  I reach the coast and swiftly weave through the rows of barracks and up to the main compound, concentrating on Brutalius until I realize his location. I fly over to a tall, antennae-thronged building at least four stories high. Angling my flight to the top I slip through the wall and into a room where a tall figure stands behind a woman who is sitting at a computer screen. “How long until it activates?” he asks the woman. “The upload is at sixty-three percent, Sire, meaning there is less the seventy-two hours until completion.”

  “Good, we'll be ready to attack by then,” a heinous smile widens across his illustrated face.

  I change my thoughts over to Vitus and find him not too far away. I start to focus in on him when a man walks through the door with a flinty look. “You and I need to have a word, Brutalius.” I almost think it's his deceased father, until I realize it's his twin, the man I'm looking for.

  “There's is nothing to talk about, Uncle. I am the rightful ruler of the Corsair and I am the word.”

  Vitus just scowls at Brutalius, as he knows he is powerless to stop him. “The Gods will have smiled upon you Nephew, if you live long enough regret this.” Those are the man's last words and he just stands there, silent and subordinate. I need more details about Brutalius' intentions so I get familiar with the specifics of the computer technician. I read things from her mind like her name, address, her daily routines; pieces that will lead me back to her.

  I propel myself back to the Acropolis; assimilate back into my body and wake up refreshed, like I just had a good night's sleep. I stand up and walk to the window, veering my attention to the computer operator. Her name is Antonia. She is still at her station and I can feel her concentration as she works with the data flowing on the screen. I conjure up her thoughts pertaining to her conversation with Brutalius. What they reveal is much grimmer than I had previously thought. In less than three days, Alcazar will cease to function, maybe cease to exist. I have to talk to Sabrina.

  I make the suggestion to Viceroy that we should take a drive. He meets me at the garage and we get into his vehicle. As we make our way down the road I catch him up on the whole situation and what I plan to do about it. Glancing briefly over at me with an upturned eyebrow he finally speaks up, “Are you sure all of this is going to work?” And I respond, “It really depends on Apollo, but I believe he will do the right thing, he is strong-willed, besides, he'll have no choice.”

  We arrive at Sabrina's. “Do you want me to wait here?” I shake my head at Viceroy and tell him to join me. I need him to stay with Sabrina after I take the boy with me. Viceroy and Sabrina have always been close so I am confident he knows just how to talk to her.

  I knock on the door and after a few seconds, the door opens and Solomon stands in the doorway. “Is your mother here?” He just glares at me; Apollo must have filled him in on our deal. “Yeah, she's here.” And as he says that I see her standing in the doorway to the front room, staring at me. “Solomon, go in the living room with Apollo.” She never takes her sullen eyes off of me, "I need to speak to our Doyen, alone." She definitely isn't lacking in her own influence, she knows what makes me tick.

  “What's wrong?” I ask as she moves closer. I feel a blinding, sharp pain as her hand makes contact with my left cheek.”You're not going to use him as a pawn in one of your stupid games!”

  “Varius is dead, Sabrina.”

  I try to explain and rub the pain from my face, “His son stabbed him to death three days ago, and now he's planning an attack. He wants everything for himself.” I tell her about the virus being uploaded to our computer system, and the attack that will destroy our exposed city. “What about the boys Oriah?" I take her hand, "I told you I won't let anything happen to him, remember?" She shakes her head and looks up at me, "But what about Solomon?" I answer, "Of course him too, he is in no danger." She throws away my embrace and her cold blue eyes stab at me again, "You know, for someone with sight as remarkable as yours, you can be so blind.”

  She turns to walk back inside the house. “You know I have to take him with me.” My words stop her dead in her tracks. I walk up to console her but she pulls away. Sabrina turns her head to the side barely giving me a glance, “I know you must have a plan, Oriah, and it better work.” I nod. “I give you my word it will.” Hopefully my word is something she still believes in.

  I still feel compelled to plead with her, “But I still need your help. Viceroy will stay and fill you in, he knows the plan.” She turns to me, “Why don't you just call him by his name?” I reply, “It's tradition, Sabrina, he understands." She turns her back to me, resuming her way. I wish she would just give me a chance, so I say to her, "You know what's in my heart, I can't do this without you.”

  She looks back at me, “How can you be so sure of our survival?” I can tell she's scared so I try to respond with reassurance, “Do you really think they're a step ahead of me?” She just shakes her head and walks through the doorway. I follow her inside. I must find Apollo; we've got a lot to do. There's no more time for games or lessons. I must explain everything to him now, which means I'll have to tell him about his mother.

  Chapter Five


  The only reason I agreed to leave with him is because he said we would begin my Ascension training tomorrow. And with all that has happened in the last two days, my curiosity has gotten the best of my contempt. “What am I ascending to be anyway?” He looks over at from the driver's seat of Viceroy's car, “To be Doyen of course.” he replies. “Well maybe I don't want to be Doyen.” I know I don't mean that. I just want to see what his reaction will be. His response surprises me. “Perhaps, but at least give me the chance to show you who you really are and why you are here, and if you still don't want to be Doyen, I promise you can have any life of your choosing. I give you my word.” I still don't completely trust him yet, so I quip, “Any tricks tomorrow and I walk.” He immediately nods and says, “I promise no tricks, rest tonight and in the morning, we'll begin your training.”

  I walk up to my room and crash into bed. I am so exhausted I don't want to move. I lie there on my back, watching my aquatic friends swim through their vibrant home. Their beauty eventually makes me think of Grace. It seems like an eternity since we were back in the classroom. I regret not ever having any kind of meaningful conversation with her. When we did talk, it was always some mundane topic like homework and I really didn't know that much about her. Yet still I felt it whenever I saw her, the nervousness. But she never seem to notice it.

  I start to imagine what it would be like if I could see her now. I visualize us together in the Porticus, surrounded by all the trees and the sweet smelling flowers. It's summertime and life is everywhere in the garden. From head to toe she seems to glow, her white lacy gown catches the sunlight, and her auburn hair radiates. She looks just like the angel I always imagined, and for some reason I know exactly what to say to her, “I never got to tell you how beautiful you are.” She smiles, “You should have, you know.”

  The response brings a warm, hopeful feeling in my chest, and I can't help but smile back at her. “Maybe there's still time,” I say as take her hands into mine. “Maybe” she looks at me lovingly, waiting for me to say something, but this time the words fail to come to me. I pull her closer. She reaches in and ever-so-lightly touches her lips to mine. They taste like sweet strawberries. The realness of the sensation snaps me back to reality. I shoot straight up in my bed and touch my fingers to my lips. It felt so real. I still taste her lip gloss as I fall asleep thinking about her.

  The next morning, Grace is still on my mind. The memory of her lips against mine dominates my
thoughts, and I wonder if I will ever see her again. I shower, put on some clean clothes, and make my way to the cafeteria. By the time I get back to my room, my dirty clothes have been removed and my bed made. There is a note stuck to the glass of the aquarium.

  When you are ready, meet me in the media room.


  I peel the note off the tank, stick it in my pocket, and I make my way to the library. I walk into the media room to find Oriah sitting in one of the plush recliners in the center. On the wall is easily the largest monitor I've ever seen. At least five meters high, it wraps around the ovoid ceiling so you get the sensation it's surrounding you. Oriah greets me with a smile, “Sleep well?” For once I can respond with the outright truth, “Yes I did actually.” I feel better than I have in weeks, and I haven't stopped thinking about Grace since I opened my eyes. My thoughts cling to the dream I had about her.

  “Apollo, I want to show you something about your grandmother before the War.” I watch Oriah with interest as he speaks out to the empty space. “Good morning ARIES.” A metallic, but pleasant female voice responds, “Good morning Doyen, how may I assist you today?”

  “Retrieve the personal log of Myra Lex, Department of Defense, United States Government; play entries sixty-two, fourteen-oh-five, and thirty-two-twenty-nine.” Instantly the face of the woman from the vision Oriah gave us the other night dominates the wall.

  “Personal Log Myra Lex, USAMRMC, Fort Detrick, Maryland, March 27, 2107. I brought Oriah home today. He's only six weeks old and he's already so smart. I couldn't be more proud of him. The genetic experiment seems to have been a success as there are no apparent side-effects. I love him more and more each day. I can't wait until we're able to move into our new home. Being a mother is the best decision I ever made.”

  There picture flashes to another sequence. It shows the same woman, her blonde hair is down around her shoulders; otherwise she looks the same.

  “Personal Log Myra Lex, USAMRMC, Fort Detrick, Maryland, July 6, 2112. Stage two is underway as Oriah continues to develop well, despite his anti-social behavior. His telepathy is extraordinary, and we will begin the OBE's soon. A female was introduced to him and he responds really well to her. Genetically, they are almost perfectly compatible for our experiment. They both show strong leadership qualities. I think we may have found our Pairing.”

  Another flash, another scene, but this time the woman looks extremely exhausted. Her hair is pulled into a bun. Her face is smeared with sweat and dirt.

  “Personal Log, Myra Lex, USAMRMC, Middleton, Maryland, September 8, 2122. This will be my last entry. Martial law has been the only thing keeping peace in this country after the economic collapse thirteen years ago. It's now obvious that the peace is about to come to an end. The site for our experiment is still a few months away from completion, but I'm afraid we don't have any more time. A lot of good people have already died for this project and we must see it through. I'm also convinced it's the only way we will survive. We make our escape tomorrow.”

  Oriah speaks again, “ARIES please give a summary for Project Nephilim, Department of Defense, United States Government.” Immediately, large images of old records flash on the screen as the computer voice narrates.

  “Project Nephilim was a government program to develop a ideal military leader in an attempt to save the former United States of America. A genetically enhanced male and female were to be placed inside of the walled city; Alcazar. They were to produce a child, the Nephilim. The child would exhibit special genetic conditions encoded within its human genome. It was to be raised in a controlled virtuous environment free of outsides influences until which time his or her experience and training would effectively co-exist within its unique genetic parameters. The experiment was not successful.”

  Oriah looks at me as if he is anticipating a reaction. Several thoughts sound off in my mind. What is a Nephilim?...unique genetic parameters? Military leader?..Of what? What does this all have to do with me? But only one question emerges from my lips, "What about my mother?" Oriah's expression proves to be an adequate preview of the apprehension that is evident in his voice, "I will tell you Apollo, but you must promise to stay on the grounds of the Acropolis after you know the truth. I will know if you are being honest or not." His request seems strange but doable, so I immediately accept. He seems to believe me because he again speaks, "Your mother loved you, she still does. I need you to understand that everything she did, she did for you." I interrupt him, "Well where is she? Is she dead? He shakes his head, "She's not dead, Apollo, just promise me you'll try to understand.." I jolt from my chair, "Just tell me!"

  "Your mother is Sabrina."

  The words hit me with disbelief, and I nearly charge at him. "You're lying!" Stomping and pacing around the room, I try to think of things to hurt him. But my mind can't help but go back to that day in the hallway at school, and how she said she was proud of me. I remember all of those nights in her home, the extra attention she paid to me in class, the frequent invitations to join her and Solomon for lunch. I thought she did it because she pitied me. Now that I know I'm her son, could it be because she loves me? All of the thoughts swirling in my head make the room spin around me and I struggle to find my chair. I collapse into the recliner and I mutter the only word remaining in my head, "Why?" Oriah looks at me empathically, "I will let you see for yourself."

  The library instantly flashes and we are in what looks like someone's living quarters. I see a woman holding a child, gently swaying back and forth trying to soothe the crying toddler. I instantly recognize who it is; it's Miss Jon, Sabrina, Mom. She looks young, her platinum hair is cut short just above her shoulders. Her eyes are puffy red and you can see streaks staining her cheeks from dried tears. A man with golden brown hair is standing a few feet from her but his back is turned from my view. "It's the only way, Sabrina" The man turns and I can see now it's a youthful version of Oriah. I am surprised on how much it feels like I'm looking at myself. "I can't do it Oriah, I won't." She pleads as he approaches her, putting his hand on her shoulder, "I promise I won't let anything happen to him, and when he is sixteen, I will bring him back here."

  Sabrina hugs the boy against her chest, kissing his neck. A woman in a white dress enters and gestures for the child. Sabrina jerks away and gives a look that convinces the woman not to repeat the attempt. Oriah glares over at the woman as he starts to rub Sabrina's shoulders. She continues to plead with him, "The war is over Oriah, we don't have to go through with the mission, there's no need for this!" He replies, "But what about Varius and Vitus, you know they won't sit idle forever. Peace is not what appeases their hearts. When they turn on us, we have to be ready. The government is finished and we're on our own now, you can see that as clearly as I can."

  She sniffles and tries to hold in her emotions as she gives the child to him. She raises her sadden, swollen eyes. Her indignant stare matches her tone, "You may get your way in this, but I am not leaving him." She pulls away and turns to leave, stopping right before she reaches the threshold, "Don't try to stop me, and if you ever try to delve into or manipulate my mind, I'll know and I'll shut you out, forever. I'll never forgive you Oriah." She doesn't turn to look at him, but just walks through the door and seemingly out of his life, becoming my teacher, my protector, and a normal person in our society. She goes on with her life, and has Solomon. Solomon. I can barely utter the conclusion that pops in my head, "Does this mean Solomon is my brother?

  Suddenly, we're back in the media room and Oriah answers my question, "Yes, but it seems no one knows who his father is. She won't tell me and, as you can see, I will not dare try and find out." I let that sink in and that's when I remember the part about the Project, "So you have like, special powers from some genetic mutation?" Oriah shrugs, "Well basically you're correct, but it's actually more like a genuine natural ability, extracted from what already exists in every human's DNA. I have what you would describe as telepathy. You have it too, but unlike me you also have a pot
ent psychokinetic capacity. I have a plan to try and bring it out in you and teach you how to exploit it, but in order to exploit something, you must first understand it. So for now, we will break for lunch, and after, I will teach you. It will be a lot of information, so try and relax your mind for a while. Remember our promise, Apollo."

  Oriah gets up and leaves, probably headed to the cafeteria. I'm left confused and empty, but definitely not hungry. I want to confront her. I want to ask her how could she know for all those years and not tell me. But I also made a promise to Oriah. He seems to be straightforward with me so I think should return the favor. Besides, playing along is probably the only way I'm going to get more answers. So instead of leaving I head toward the Porticus for some much needed fresh air.

  I sit near the small pond in the southeast corner of the enclosed garden, leaning against an old oak that has long since lost its leaves to the fall of the year. It's winter time now so the air has quite the chill and I get up to go retrieve a jacket from the closet in my room. As I turn around, I'm startled to see the very girl from my dreams. This time she's dressed in jeans and a light blue shirt, her henna-colored hair is tied in a long, single braid that goes down her right shoulder. She's wearing a snow white jacket with fleece cuffs and a collar. I see her carrying a soft pink flower, twirling it in her right hand. I check for a moment to see if I'm still dreaming. "I had a dream about you." I have to check again. Were those my words I just heard? "Apollo, did you hear what I said?" I wriggle, trying to shake my bewilderment when I realize that those were her words. "We were here, you and I, just like now but it was warmer. You were really sweet; you told me I was beautiful. I think I.." Her cheeks grow flush as she looks down at the flower in her hand. "..Well, I just haven't been able to get you out of my mind since." We stand there together, and I can feel the anxiety starting to creep in. She finally looks up at me like she needs to say something, "I just wanted to come and see you."


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