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Saving Della-Ray

Page 19

by Le Carre, Georgia

  Della Ray

  I hugged my knees and I waited for Bone. The whole time, my ears were cocked, listening carefully for every bit of movement or trouble.

  My hand was on my phone, ready to call for help if he needed it, but even then I knew it would be too late. When the door was suddenly pushed open, I jumped up from the bed, my knees almost giving out in relief when Bone rode in with his wheelchair.

  “I’m sorry he startled you,” he apologized.

  I watched him, my heart breaking at the state he was in. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I was trembling like a leaf in a storm. “I want you to leave the club.” I sounded ridiculous and I knew as I had absolutely no right to request this of him, but right this minute I didn’t care what he thought. I just had to say my piece. I had earned the right after that idiot pointed a gun at me for no freaking reason at all. “I want you to leave otherwise I’m—I’m not going to be involved with you any longer. And it’s going to be your fucking loss. With me and Jess, you could live a better life, I swear it to you. You don’t need to live in this insane MC life.”

  I felt as though I had gone crazy, my breathing was ragged, and out of control. I wanted to shake him awake, to pour some common sense into him. He could never benefit from the club. It just couldn’t be worth the constant risk to his life.

  “I’ll leave,” he said quietly.

  I froze. I was almost too scared to ask, just in case I’d heard wrong. “What?”

  “I’ll leave,” he repeated. “In four weeks.”

  I swiped the tears away from my cheeks. “What? What do you mean? What’s happening in four weeks?”

  He didn’t respond.

  I lowered my gaze from the brightness of his eyes so I could think. Then it came to me. His retaliation for the death of his friend. Something deathly cold slithered through me. “What are you going to do? What do you mean exactly by you’re going to leave? Do you mean the club or …” I couldn’t say it.

  He looked ashen under his tan. “I can’t tell you.”

  “You’re just going to get yourself killed, aren’t you?” I sobbed. I had truly gotten involved with the wrong man. I rose from the chair and looked around in a daze in search of my purse. I found it on the floor and slung the strap across my shoulder.

  I wanted to say goodbye to him but I didn’t have the courage to.

  My heart felt like it was splitting into a thousand pieces inside of me. But better now when I could still recover fragments of it to keep me moving forward, rather than later on when I would be even more invested in him. Just the thought of him getting hurt destroyed me in ways that I didn’t want to even fathom. With my parents’ deaths, I had known what it felt like to lose a part of your being. I didn't want to ever feel that way again.

  “I’ve got to go to work. Your food is still on the floor. Help yourself,” I said and walked out of the room without looking back.

  Della Ray

  -only love can hurt like this-

  Two weeks later, and I was slowly crumbling into an irredeemable mess. Even Jess noticed. She brought out her pink doctor’s bag and started taking my temperature and listening to my heartbeat using her pink stereoscope. “I think you need more vitamins,” she said after a very thorough examination, which included looking into my ears with one of her medical instruments.

  She wrote me a prescription and I promised her I would go to the pharmacy and get it.

  Even Nichole tried to ease the burden by doing more household chores, but that just made me feel even guiltier. There was nothing wrong with my body. It was just that my heart was breaking.

  That evening I walked into my shift at the bar, sleep deprived, with a headache that was threatening to split my head into two, and found it already bursting with patrons. I stopped at the door. Suddenly, I felt as though I couldn’t do one more night here. As I stood there indecisively at the entrance, Henry spotted me as he rushed by with a tray filled with cocktails and cried to me to come to his aid.

  Pushing my mental exhaustion aside, I pushed myself into the bar and got to work. I spent the night mixing up orders and spilling alcohol everywhere.

  Midway through the shift, Tim, the manager confronted me. “What’s going on with you? Is something wrong with your niece?”

  “No. I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” was all I could say. My entire body felt like a lump of wood that I was lugging around.

  “Go home,” he said.

  My eyes widened at him in surprise. “It’s okay, Tim—”

  “No, Della. It’s not okay. This has been going on for a while now,” he said. “You used to be my best employee, but now you’re constantly distracted and sometimes downright sour. It’s costing me. Just go home and let me know when you’re ready to come back to work.” He walked away with a pained expression.

  I realized how difficult it must have been for him to do that. I bucked up then and put all my effort into properly completing the shift.

  When Henry dropped me off that night, he squeezed my arm. “It’ll be fine. Just get your head together and come back as soon as you can, okay?”

  I nodded. I felt numb inside.

  When he drove away, I stared at the door and didn’t want to go inside. Didn’t want to go to my room and toss and turn for the remainder of the night in remembrance of how it had felt to have him there with me. It was all driving me out of my mind.

  Releasing a heavy sigh, I stared up at the moon. It was full, creamy yellow and beautiful, but all I could think about was how he was faring and if he had healed by now.

  I glanced back at the tree where he had once ravished me. In a moment of weakness, I pulled my phone out of my bag. I even called up his number with my heart pounding in my chest. But just before I could make the grave mistake of calling him, the sound of an approaching car attracted my attention. I turned around to see a glistening SUV pull up by our sidewalk. No way could Nichole be expecting a guest at this time. Especially since, she wasn't even home now. She’d taken Jess with her to visit her parents for the night. Jess loved going there because her parents had a big German Shepherd that simply adored her.

  Uneasily, I turned fully to watch to see who got out of the car. A shadow rounded the vehicle, but when he came into the light of the evening, my mood plummeted into hell.

  "What are you doing here?” I spat at the slime that had come to pay a visit.

  “Della-Ray,” he called out, a sick smile across his face. “You can’t possibly still be this mad at me.”

  I couldn’t believe this. “You’re unbelievable. You can’t possibly still think you’re in any way still welcome in my life. What is wrong with you? Why do you keep showing up?”

  His response was a dry, grating chuckle. “I heard you were done with Bone! So I was hoping I’d have a chance now.”

  I glared at him, wondering how someone could be so dense. I didn’t have the capacity right now to handle any of this so I simply said to him, “Michael, please leave, otherwise I’m going to call the cops and this time around, I’m going to press charges against you.”

  I turned around to leave, but he came at me and grabbed my arm. Anger like I’d never known roared up inside of me. This was the worst possible time for him to be trying something like this. I felt like I could kill him.

  “Della-Ray, give me another chance,” he pleaded. “I’ll be good to you I promise … and your niece. We had something good between us.”

  “Let me go!” I screamed, and pushed him away with all my might. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and it made me feel sick.

  “Awww … come on baby girl,” he cajoled.

  “Don’t you dare touch me!” I reached for my phone, dialed 911, and placed the phone to my ear, but he smacked it away from me. The phone fell to the grass. I didn’t panic, because I knew all I had to do was keep screaming, and one of my neighbors would come out and help me. In fact, Mr. Harper two doors down, who
loved both me and Nichole, was also a hunter who owned a shotgun. I knew he was a mean shot. A few times, he brought us pieces of meat that he had hunted himself.

  As I turned around, Michael grabbed me and pulled me into his arms.

  The moment his mouth landed on mine, I roiled with the need to puke. I struck blows at him that seemed to hurt me a hundred times worse than it did him, but just when I was about to kick him in the nuts and send him reeling so I could scream my head off, he was suddenly dragged away from me.

  It took me a while to comprehend what was happening as I fought to catch my breath, but when I did, I was struck with shock. I used the back of my hand to wipe my mouth as I watched Gage jam his fist into Michael’s face.

  Michael went flying backwards.

  Gage turned to me, his hair tousled from the wind, his face had healed quite nicely.

  I stared at him as if he was in a dream I was having. An indescribably beautiful dream. In this dream I couldn’t speak, at least until Michael made a sound which made Gage turn back around to face him.

  “Don’t hurt yourself!” I warned in panic, as I scrambled to retrieve my phone. “I’ll handle him. I can call the cops.”

  Ignoring me, Gage crouched down to grab Michael by the hair. He pulled his face towards him and after saying low words to him that I couldn’t hear he pushed him back on the grass.

  He then grabbed my forearm and would have dragged me with him, but I pulled back. He turned around to look at me.

  “Why are you here, you sick asshole?” I asked, my tone thick with bitterness and emotion.

  “You can call me any name you want, it’s not going to change a thing. I’ll keep on coming here every night to check up on you,” he said.

  My heart knocked hard against my ribs at the thought of him caring that much that he was looking out for me, but then it made me mad as hell to think he wouldn’t give up his stupid club for me. “If you’re not going to be with me, then why bother? I can take care of myself.”

  “No, you fucking can’t,” he said.

  I could hear the furious tremble in his voice. To learn that he was probably going through even a bit of the hell that I was … gave me a thrill of joy. I stepped forward and slipped my hands around him, holding him tightly to me as I pressed myself against his chest.

  Then take care of me properly. Get out of that damn club and choose me, I wanted to say, but I didn't dare. I knew I would be only asking for more rejection.

  “Then take me home with you tonight and show me how much you care,” I said instead.


  I turned around and she hopped up on me, her legs opening wide, so I could feel the heat from her warm willing pussy on my stomach. Jesus, it felt like it had been so long. I couldn’t wait to feel her naked body against my skin again. I held her tightly then kissed her exposed neck and collarbone.

  Then I swooped on her mouth. This was mine. And only mine. I wanted to kill that asswipe when I saw him kiss her. I wasn’t done with him yet. But that could wait. Nothing was more important than this moment with her.

  I lifted my head and in the moonlight, I saw the hurt and the sadness in her eyes. Taking her to my bike, I carried her off into the night. The wind felt good in my face. This was how it was always meant to be. Me and her riding out in the open road. I felt her rest her cheek on my back.

  When we got back to my place, she wanted to walk, but I wouldn’t let her. It was some romantic notion of mine to carry her to my lair and do what I wanted to her. I put her on the bed and watched her get undressed. I bent down, laid my forehead against her belly and breathed in the scent of her pussy. Like a drug … it fucking intoxicated me. I licked around her belly button. Then I bit the soft flesh hard enough to leave teeth marks.

  She jumped with surprise.

  Yeah, I wanted to leave marks on her body. “Open your legs and lift up your hips so I can see everything you’ve got, baby,” I ordered.

  Obediently, she spread her legs wide.

  My cock was so hard and heavy, I had to reach down and rub it through my boxer briefs to relieve the ache. “Now hook your knees with your elbows, baby. I want to see what I’m gonna eat.”

  She pulled her knees outward and exposed everything to me. Her glistening pussy opened up like a pink flower. I could see her pretty little thing throbbing and pulsing for my cock. I rubbed her dripping slit, and the tender petals, before gently dipping my finger into her hungry little hole.

  Della gasped and closed her eyes.

  Her scent alone was driving me insane, so I gave in to the temptation and licked the insides of her thighs all smeared with her cream. As soon as her flavor hit my brain, I lost all control. I sucked her whole pussy into my mouth like a fucking caveman.

  “Gage,” she moaned, as desperate for my cock as I was for her pussy.

  “Mmmm … Mmmmm …” Hell, I couldn’t get enough of her. The more I drank the more addicted I became. “Come on my face, baby,” I said, as I devoured her. Sucking her juicy clit hard, I felt her body bow off the bed.

  “Jesus, Gage!” she screamed as she grabbed my head to climax hard and deep all over my mouth and beard.

  Hearing her scream made me feel like a God. A feeling I hadn’t felt for years. I lifted my head and looked down at her. She was still wide open. Even her little asshole was all wet from her dripping nectar and begging for my cock. I could do anything with her. Anything. Because she was all mine. Only mine. Every hole, every nook, every cranny, every curve—mine. The fact that she wanted me to do whatever I wanted with her made it all the more delicious.

  I got my dick out and stood over her. “I’m going to go in bare tonight, Della-Ray. I want to fill you up with my seed. I want to fill up your mouth, your throat, your belly, and your pussy with my cum.”

  She nodded eagerly as she still panted.

  I grabbed her wrists and held them over her head. She looked so beautiful like this. Her skin so creamy with spots of pink blushes and so fucking helpless. Too good for me, but I wasn’t giving her up for nothing.

  Fisting my cock, I put it at her entrance and thrust hard into her wet warmth. A little moan escaped her as I pushed my fat cock even deeper still. I let her feel my hunger. “You like my bare cock inside you, baby?”

  Her nod turned into a gasp of pain as I bit one hard nipple.

  “There’s never going to be anything or anyone between us, you hear me?”

  “I hear you,” she panted.

  I bit her other nipple and felt a gush from her pussy flow over my dick. I started sucking that nipple as I fucked her harder. She was so hot and wet it was pure heaven. Grabbing her hips with both hands, I tilted them up more, so I could get a deeper angle. I felt her pussy hot and silky, clench around my dick with every thrust. I could feel myself already hovering on the edge, so I stopped, but she started to rock her hips, and fuck herself on my cock.

  I ravaged her lips with a kiss as her warm tongue swept into my mouth.

  Then she bit my bottom lip still sticky with her juices and sucked it into her mouth. “I’m going to come,” she warned.

  I grabbed one of her legs and swung it over my shoulder. I got in so deep she let out what sounded like a cross between a yelp and a moan. I felt her pussy spasm against my bare cock.

  “Come inside me, Gage,” she screamed as she went over the edge.

  I thrust hard and felt myself explode deep inside her, enjoying the sensation of her pussy milking my hot cock.

  We lay together in a tangle of limbs for quite a while as we came back down to earth.

  We rested for a bit, then I ordered a takeout. Sitting close together, we ate the food. Afterwards, we fucked again. This time it was different. I took my time and made it last as I moved slowly and deeply into her, savoring every moan and whimper from her lips. She then sobbed her heart out. I held her close and promised her that the next time … I wouldn’t be taking her home afterwards.

  She looked into my eyes, her eyes so full of yearning I had
to open her legs and bury my mouth in her pussy so I didn’t blurt out things that would bring danger to her.

  Dawn was in the sky when I took her back home.

  There were tears in her eyes. “Please be careful, Gage. It’s not just you alone in this world now. There’s me too. I’m here waiting for you.”


  Altogether, fifteen of us set out in four different vehicles of varying levels of inconspicuousness on the two-day road trip to Dallas.

  We looked nothing like bikers, our vests hidden away and in its place simple t-shirts and flannels that told the story of normalcy. We were still under investigation for the fire, so we had to be extra careful.

  I rode in Snake’s Camaro, with the owner himself at the wheel, as Skippy and Volt were squashed in the back. RJ rode shotgun with Tyler in his Range Rover by order so that he could be monitored and kept in check in case he got too … excited.

  We arrived in Dallas and checked into a motel. We were the last group to get there. The rest had already logged into other motels in different parts of town.

  The next morning, we went at varying times to the quiet neighborhood in Eastwood.

  We were received at the door by three men from the cartel’s party and led down to the basement. Another group of men patted us down for weapons or wires and when we were all ordered to leave our weapons outside, my stomach instinctively tightened.

  Once everyone was satisfactorily clean, lookout posts were assigned, and the meeting began.

  I went over to one corner to listen carefully. I took a mental note of every one of them and listened very carefully as Snake was introduced to their leads and of course, RJ’s cousin.

  The address for the shipment’s location was given and I was put in charge of the shipment truck filled with tomatoes that was waiting to be inspected.

  I pulled out my phone to inform the remainder of our party that were on standby, so they could confirm that the shipment was indeed there. Nobody said anything while we waited for confirmation. When my phone rang within fifteen minutes, I snatched it and Dog confirmed that it was all there. As I ended the call, the funds exchange in the room began.


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