Book Read Free

Best Served Cold

Page 5

by Sandy Lynn

  Tina shook her head.

  “Couldn’t you at least start warning me that there’s someone behind me?” Stacy pleaded.

  “Where would the fun be in that? I told you to watch out. These guys love to sneak up behind you.”

  “And I want to get back to the previous topic. What kind of experience are you interested in? And how much knowledge do you want?” His teeth grazed against her flesh.

  “I think I need a mop,” Stacy whimpered.

  “Not yet,” Tina laughed.

  “If he keeps this up, I will.”

  Demetri’s deep voice was filled with humor and warmth. “But, my dear, I haven’t even begun.”

  “Help,” Stacy squeaked.

  “You’re on your own. She’s in thirteen thirteen, Demetri. No howling at the moon, okay?”

  “It’s not full,” he chuckled. “But I can’t make any promises for Stacy.”

  “You’re just going to— You’re going to send me off with— I can’t go home with a man I don’t even— I’m not even technically allowed—”

  “Relax. Remember, you’re off the hook.”

  “I promise you shall know me by morning, Stacy. And I shall definitely know you. I will know every inch of your body, intimately.” His hands slid over her shirt to cup her breasts. His thumbs teased her nipples until she was arching herself into his touch, uncaring that there was still another person in the room.

  “Get out of here, you two. Have fun, Stacy. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Demetri wasted no time. Grasping her hand, he led her out of the office and to a sleek black convertible. As he pulled away from the parking area, reality intruded on Stacy.

  “I can’t do this. I’m a married woman,” she groaned.

  “Do you still want to be married? I was under the assumption that you are filing for divorce. That you and your soon-to-be ex agreed to live as though single...”

  “How do you—” She stopped herself.

  Demetri smiled. “I asked about you. If you don’t want me to touch you, I won’t. But I won’t pretend that I don’t want to.”

  “I just—it’s...I don’t think I want to have any kind of relationship right now.”

  “I’m not looking for a relationship either.” When he stopped for a red light, he looked over at her. “What do you want, Stacy?”

  How long had it been since a man asked her what she wanted? How long had it been since any man looked at her with the blatant hunger Demetri was showing her he felt? Ignoring everything around them, he leaned over and kissed her. The feel of his lips pressed against hers sent delicious shivers throughout her body. When he pulled away, they were both breathing more heavily.

  “I want you to get us back to my apartment just as fast as you can,” she whispered. “I don’t know how much longer I can wait.”

  With a predatory smile, Demetri made the car purr as they sped off the second the light shifted back to green.

  After shifting gears, he rested his hand on her leg. After a few seconds he removed his hand to shift once again, this time sliding her skirt up so that his palm rested on the silk stocking that ended at the top of her thigh. A third shift allowed his fingers to rest against the crease of her leg, his index finger reaching out to stroke her satin-covered sex.

  Stacy’s newly manicured nails were digging into her palms as his finger slipped beneath her panties. She felt the car pause, waiting for him to shift the gears again. She was dreading losing the feeling of his finger pressing against her hot flesh. Instead she watched as he released the steering wheel and shifted gears with his left hand before quickly returning to the wheel.

  Looking over at her, Demetri winked a second before his finger slid between her pussy lips to circle her clit. Moisture pooled between her legs, and she tried to shift to allow him better access to her body. His finger stroked her, delving deeper and slipping into her dripping pussy.

  “I can’t wait to be inside of you,” he told her.

  Stacy couldn’t wait either, but she didn’t think she could say anything. She was having a hard time remembering how to breathe as his finger moved in and out of her body. When he added a second finger, she moaned. Her eyes were closed as she enjoyed whatever he decided to do to her. When he pulled his hand away from her, she jerked her eyes open.

  “I thought you’d prefer not to give the valets a show,” he smiled.

  “Oh. Then I guess I can forgive you.” She tried for levity, but all she wanted to do was to feel him pressed against her again.

  “I promise to make it up to you.” Demetri winked at her as the valet approached the car.

  Taking her hand, he led her into the building. Part of her wondered how often he was here if he was able to simply walk past the security desk.

  “Where were we?” he asked as they waited for the elevator.

  She wasn’t sure if she was still in the mood. She wasn’t sure how she felt about him being able to simply walk into her building. Could she be overreacting? Did he live here too? If so, why didn’t he just take her to his place? Was he married?

  She heard him take a deep breath, then sigh. “I’m not going to like this, am I?” He rested his forehead against her.

  “I just want to know why the security guard didn’t want to know who you are.”

  “Does it matter?”

  She opened her mouth to say that it did matter. She didn’t want to ruin someone else’s marriage as hers had been trampled on. But he didn’t give her the chance to talk. His mouth covered hers, his hands pulling her closer as his tongue thrust into her mouth.

  Stacy moaned into his mouth, her arms circling him as she held on tight. Her fingers threaded through his hair, tugging on the locks and making him growl into her. The sound turned her on more than she’d ever thought possible.

  He nipped her lips before pulling back slightly. “I just had to know what that felt like one more time.”

  Stacy thought about his previous question. Did it really matter why he was able to walk past the guard? Only one answer really did matter. “Are you involved with anyone? Girlfriend? Wife? Is there anyone, man, woman, or other being who considers you theirs?”

  “No. Or at least, no one who has the right to make that claim.”

  “Then let’s go.” She walked backwards onto the newly arrived elevator. Crooking her finger, she motioned to him. Wearing a smile that she could only call wolfish, he followed her, backing Stacy into a corner.

  He growled again and lowered his head to her neck. His hands went to the front of her shirt and deftly unbuttoned it. Spreading the material, his nails scraped against her.

  “Someone will see us,” Stacy blushed. She tried to pull the sides of her shirt back together.

  “So?” He nibbled on her shoulder, his thumbs tracing her taut nipples, then plucking at them.

  The elevator stopped, and when she looked up, she was grateful it was her floor.

  “Come back here,” he said, grabbing her shirt when she tried to walk away. Unable to see anyone in the hallway, she untangled herself from the material still hanging on her and sprinted down the hall with a laugh.

  A very arousing growl sounded behind her, and she was certain that he’d be chasing her. She hoped she hadn’t done anything wrong, but figured she’d already started this course of action and so she would follow where it led. Opening her door, she tried to push it closed when Demetri stopped her. He had a predatory smile on his face as he stepped through the door.

  “There’s a reason all those fairy tales warn little girls about the big, bad wolf.” He easily pushed the door shut.

  “Should I be afraid? Because I’m not.”

  He closed his eyes for a second. “I know. Just like I know exactly what you are feeling right this second.”

  She looked at the bulge in his pants and quickly sucked in her breath. “Oh my.”

  “Didn’t your mother ever tell you? You should never run from a wild animal.” He stalked her in her apartment. But she s
till wasn’t afraid. If anything, it seemed to make her more excited. And his smile let her know that he knew that as well.

  But she would play along. “Why not?”

  “Because it only excites us more.”

  “Promises, promises.” She batted her eyelashes at him before darting toward her bedroom.

  “What about this, then. I promise to make you scream,” Demetri breathed in her ear as she felt her bra being removed.

  Her skirt was off of her a second later, and a ripping sound let her know her panties were now useless.

  “Very nice,” he murmured as his hands roamed over her smooth skin. His hands were splayed over her groin. “I can’t wait to taste every inch of your flesh.” Demetri’s mouth played over her neck and shoulder. One of his fingers pushed into her willing body.

  Stacy moaned, spreading her legs to give him better access to her. She was about to complain about his constant teasing—the way he’d stop just as her hips started rocking with his movements—when he pushed his finger between her lips. She sucked on the cream-covered digit. With a sound in his throat, Demetri covered her mouth with his own. He sucked greedily on her tongue, and made a different noise that sounded like a cross between a moan and a growl.

  He broke the kiss only long enough to twist her in his arms. She rubbed herself against his clothes.

  “I agree with your earlier comment.”

  “And what was that?” Staring at her mouth, he licked his lips.

  “You are so very overdressed, and you should definitely get naked so I can continue my inspection.”

  “Are you sure you aren’t going to ask someone to kill you again if I do?”

  Stacy smiled at his teasing. “No, but something tells me that you might be able to make me think I’m in heaven.”

  “I do love a challenge.” He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and yanked it over his head.

  Her earlier, very brief poke at his chest had not prepared her for the sight of him topless.

  “Like what you see?” His tone was colored with amusement.

  “Oh, yes.”

  “Want to see more?” His hands were on his trousers, but he made no move to unhook them.

  “Yes, please,” she smiled. She tried to be patient. It didn’t work. “So, do I get to see any more?”

  “I was just admiring your bed.”

  “Really? Well it is quite beautiful. Deliberately turning her back to him, she continued. “And I couldn’t believe how comfortable it is to lay on.” She approached it slowly, adding more sway to her walk. She heard something hit the floor behind her, then felt herself being pressed against the mattress.

  Demetri was on top of her, straddling her, nibbling a path down her back. When he got to her lower back, Stacy hissed and arched against him. But he didn’t stop there. He continued to move down her body until he gently bit down on one side of her ass. She’d never felt anything like it, and excitement filled her.

  “I’m glad you liked that,” he said, his breath hot against her flesh. “And I know I like this.” His tongue moved from the spot that he’d bitten to her wet pussy. “So smooth...” She felt him rubbing against it the best he could, given their position.

  His weight lifted off of her a moment before her hips were lifted from the bed.

  She allowed him to position her as he wanted her, easily kneeling on the bed with her ass in the air. When he didn’t touch her, she looked back at him, surprised to find him simply staring at her.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” He moved closer to her then his head disappeared, blocked from her vision by her own rear. But she didn’t need to see him to know what he was doing. She could feel his breath against her, heightening her anticipation. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d received oral sex. Just the thought that he might do it, that he would enjoy experiencing it with her, had her squirming.

  When she felt his tongue press against her folds, she almost crumpled down to the bed. But he kept her in place, with a hand on either side of her, on each hip. His tongue started down near her clit, then slowly traced a circle around it. Continuing upward, she moaned as she felt it enter her.

  “Mmm,” he moaned against her. Returning to her clit, he teased her, much to her delight. Pressing her body backwards, she tried to get closer to him, to feel more of him against her.

  Taking his time, he lapped at her, stopping every now and then to work his way back up to nibble on her ass. He was driving her crazy and she’d come close to coming so many times.

  “Demetri,” she gasped as his mouth grew more insistent as he suckled on her clit.


  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m enjoying every inch of your body.”

  “That’s on—only one—one spot,” she stuttered slightly as he continued to suck on her while he pushed two fingers into her body.

  “I’m savoring it.”

  “You’re driving me crazy,” she cried.

  He gave one final, slow lick from her clit to her dripping hole. “But you taste so sweet...”

  She would’ve blushed, but she was too worked up. She was too close to orgasm to be embarrassed. “Demetri!”

  “Your wish,” he said before she felt something thick pressing against her. She could tell immediately that he’d finally positioned his cock at her entrance. Pushing back against him, she moaned with delight as he slipped easily inside of her. His cock filled her. It felt wider than any she’d ever experienced before.

  When his balls were resting against her clit, he bit down on her side. “You’re so tight.”

  Instead of answering, Stacy wiggled her hips against him. Thankfully he took the hint and began to retreat. He was almost completely out of her before he thrust forcefully into her, his balls slapping against her in a delightful, tantalizing manner.

  Keeping up that pace, he had her panting for more. Within moments she was moaning, her sounds growing in volume as he bit her. When her orgasm came, it rushed over her, making her scream with its intensity. His pace slowed for a moment, allowing her to enjoy the sensations. But as soon as her tremors began to ease, he increased his force again.

  She knew she’d be bruised in the morning from his grip on her hips, but she couldn’t complain. She wouldn’t! Another orgasm rushed toward her, when his pace increased yet again. When his fingers sought out her clit and began to tug mercilessly on the sensitive bud, she screamed again, as she felt him pull out of her and something warm hit her lower back. Her limbs couldn’t support her any longer, and she collapsed to the bed, her weight trapping his hand where it was.

  “Damn,” Demetri whispered.

  “Oh yeah,” she agreed. Her throat felt raw from her screams. Her hips hurt from where his fingers had dug into her flesh, and her pussy felt as though she had been well and truly ravaged. She’d never felt better, or more alive.

  “If you let me up, I’ll clean that off of you, and we can rest comfortably for a little while.”

  “Do I have to?”

  Above her, Demetri laughed. Reluctantly lifting her hips slightly from the bed, a tremor moved over her as his hand brushed against her too-sensitive sex. Falling back to the bed, she didn’t even care if she had cum rolling toward her ass.

  She wasn’t sure if she dozed off or if he moved just that fast, but she was startled by the warm material that was pressed against her back. She felt him clean her off. Cracking one eye open, she saw him put the now soiled washcloth on a nightstand before returning to her. She felt her boots, then her hose being removed. Somehow she’d managed to completely forget that she still had them on, but was too sated to be embarrassed. When she was completely naked, he climbed back onto the bed and snuggled against her.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed that.” He pressed a kiss against her temple.

  “That was nicer than anything I’ve felt in years,” she admitted. Then she wished she hadn’t said anything, because reality raced in the door she
’d cracked open with her comment.

  “Oh, crap. I just committed adultery. I’m an adulterer.”

  “No, you’re separated. You’re free.”

  “But—but there hasn’t been any paperwork filed. I haven’t even made an appointment with a lawyer yet. I don’t—I can’t—what am I going to do?”

  “Shhh, it’s going to be all right. You didn’t do anything wrong. You are separated, and free to move on with your life.”

  She allowed his voice to soothe her. She couldn’t change what she’d done by worrying about it, and she wouldn’t change it if she could. Truthfully, it had been the most memorable experience of her life. And if that made her a horrible person, she’d easily live with that knowledge.

  “Why did you pull out like that? Is there a chance I could get pregnant? Do I need to be on birth control? Should I have already asked if you had diseases? Do you? Am I going to—”

  He silenced her with a kiss. “Ms. Pope is right. You do need to learn to relax a little. Going on birth control would probably be a good idea, just for added protection. BSC has had a birth control shot available for men for a quite a while now, and I never miss my appointment for that. I don’t have any diseases, I promise, and I pulled out because I thought it would be rude to assume you would be all right with me just spilling myself inside of you.”

  “Okay, birth control is definitely on the top of my ‘to do’ list.”

  “Good. You never can be too careful.” He kissed her again. “I can’t think of anyone at BSC or any of their clients who would be able to infect you with anything. STDs are more of a problem for mortals than it is for us. It’s practically impossible for us to be infected, and even harder for us to infect anyone else.”

  Her fears eased slightly, she shifted in the bed, cuddling up against him. Her eyelids were growing heavy even as she took comfort in the arm that rested on her waist.

  “Get some sleep and allow your body to rest. The night has only just begun.”

  * * * * * *

  Stacy felt a finger circling her nipple. With a moan, she arched her back, not wanting to leave the realistic fantasy. When a warm mouth closed around the tight peak and an erection rubbed against her pussy, her eyes opened.


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