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Best Served Cold

Page 6

by Sandy Lynn

  “What are you doing?” she asked, confused.

  “I told you I was going to enjoy every inch of your body. I was very remiss earlier, and neglected these.” His teeth scraped against her, drawing a moan from her. “I love your breasts. They’re more beautiful than I imagined.”

  His mouth seemed determined to worship the breast beneath it as his hand made certain the other didn’t feel neglected.

  Within minutes Stacy was arching against him. When he ignored her, she reached beneath the covers. Taking his hard cock in her hand, she positioned him just so as she arched up, easily guiding him deep inside of her.

  “You cheated,” he growled against her. His voice betrayed his pleasure rather than annoyance.

  Instead of responding, she sucked his earlobe between her lips, then bit down on it.

  His response was instant, his ministrations becoming more insistent. Taking her cue from him, she allowed herself to do things she’d denied herself the pleasure of doing before. Thomas always complained if she bit him, however gently, or sucked on anything but his dick. And he absolutely hated it when she raked her nails down his back. Now she knew it was because he hadn’t wanted his girlfriend—or was it girl friends?—to see any marks that his wife had made.

  Releasing her inhibitions with Demetri’s help and obvious pleasure at her actions, she gave herself permission to do whatever felt right. When he did something that she enjoyed, she arched her body into him, and her nails scored down his back.

  His growls of pleasure only encouraged her. Soon, she was grabbing whatever she could reach. Her nails dug into his flesh when her mouth was full and she could not vocalize her pleasure. She bit down on his body and suckled the area in an attempt to remove any possible pain she’d inflicted.

  When his thrusts grew more forceful, so did she. They seemed to feed off the other’s responses, and Stacy could not believe how amazing it felt. She knew he was through playing games when Demetri paused in his thrusts to rearrange one of her legs, draping it over his arm to allow him to thrust deeper into her.

  In response to the pleasure she was receiving, her nails dug into his ass. When he lowered his head to kiss her, she tried to suck his tongue out of his head. She released him from the kiss when her entire body arched, every muscle in her body trembling as her pussy contracted around his cock in pleasure and her very soul hummed from the force of her orgasm. Tilting her head toward the wall behind her she left her throat completely exposed as she screamed with pleasure. She felt his cock twitching inside of her a moment later, and sighed with contentment when he collapsed on top of her.

  “I think you killed me,” he told her, his head buried in the cradle formed by her neck and shoulder.

  Forcing herself to relax her fingers and remove her nails from his ass, she gave a brief chuckle. “Ditto. But what a way to go...”

  Demetri chuckled and began to pull away.

  “Please don’t.” She tried to stop him. “I want to feel this as long as I can.”

  “But I’m crushing you. How about a compromise?” Wrapping his arms around her, he rolled them onto his back, somehow managing to stay deep inside of her. Keeping his caresses light, he gently massaged the muscles of her back.


  “I’ll still be here in the morning, Stacy. Get some rest.”

  She nodded, too tired to protest. She felt too good to worry or to complain about him giving her orders. She fell asleep easily, a smile on her face.

  Chapter Five

  “Mmmm,” Stacy arched her body as she sat up on the bed. She felt the erect cock slide deeper within her and opened her eyes. Demetri was watching her with a smile.

  “I was wondering how long it would take before you woke up.”

  For a second she was appalled. “You were—while I was asleep!”

  “Actually, you woke me up about five minutes ago when you started riding me.”

  Her eyes widened. She’d been taking advantage of him in her sleep? While they were both asleep? “Oh no...I am so sorry.” I really do need to add that earth swallowing me whole concept to my contract.

  “Please don’t apologize. I can’t think of many things that could top that on my list of preferred ways to be woken up.” Reaching between them, he palmed what he could of her ample breasts. “I definitely have no complaints. Well, except that you’re keeping me from my preferred breakfast.”

  “Huh?” Lowering herself slightly, she tried to shift closer to ask what he could be talking about. Her eyes closed in pleasure as his tongue swirled around her nipple. He teased her for a moment before sucking the bud into his mouth.

  Opening her eyes, she watched as he clearly enjoyed her body. When he looked up and saw her watching him, he winked. Releasing her breasts, his hands moved to her hips, to guide her movements as she thrust up and down on him.

  “Sit up,” he whispered to her.

  She was confused for a moment. She didn’t really understand why he would want to lose so much contact with her, but she trusted him. Following his directions, she gasped as her adjusted position created new sensations within her. His cock was now pressing against her in a way she’d never known possible.

  Biting down on her lip, she closed her eyes, allowing her hands to play across his chest, feeling his body without watching what she was doing. She scratched, pinched his nipples and moaned, but she never stilled in her thrusts.

  Demetri’s hands gripped her hips and ass almost painfully as he increased their pace. She cried out her pleasure as his hand shifted between them, teasing her clit. Her movements became harder until she was sure one of them was going to get hurt. But she didn’t stop. She was too close to what promised to be another mind-blowing orgasm to stop. Her nails dug into his chest.

  He tugged on her clit, and she found out she was right. Her back and neck arched and she became vocal in her pleasure as she scored his torso. Beneath her, Demetri growled seconds before she felt something warm filling her as his cock twitched.

  Collapsing on top of him, she wondered if she’d ever had an alarm clock that had woken her up this easily.

  Glancing at the clock, she said, “We have to get up.” Despite her words, she made no attempt to move.

  “Yes, we do.”

  Looking into his eyes, Stacy wanted to ask when she’d get to see him again. But she knew she didn’t have the right to do that. She wasn’t looking for a relationship. She couldn’t offer any man anything right now. She technically wasn’t free to do so.

  Slowly, trying to savor every second she could, she lifted herself off of him. Rolling to the edge of the bed, her legs protested her weight when she tried to stand.

  “Do you want to shower first, or...” She let her voice trail off.

  “You moved,” Demetri complained, rolling to his side.

  “I have to go to work,” she told him quietly.

  “Yes, I guess you do. You go ahead and take the first shower. You deserve to be able to linger in it. Besides, it’ll help relax your sore muscles.”

  She didn’t bother to ask how he knew she was so sore. Nor did she try to protest. “Thank you.” She knew that he was watching as she made her way across the room, just as she knew she was walking funny.

  Inside the shower, hot water poured over her, relaxing her. She ached in places she’d never thought possible. As she finished shampooing her hair, she felt hands on her body.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be good. I’m just here to help.” She could hear the smile in his voice.

  Looking at Demetri, Stacy allowed herself to indulge in a small pity party. She wished that she’d met him before she met Thomas. This was a man she could easily fall in love with. And that meant she needed to stay far away from him.

  True to his word, he helped her wash her body. And, other than lingering a little longer than necessary on her breasts and between her legs, he did not do anything deliberately arousing, much to her dismay. She rinsed her body off and climbed out of the sh
ower. Wrapping a thick bathrobe around her body, she twisted a towel around her hair like a turban. Entering the kitchen, she wondered what a werewolf ate for breakfast.

  Pulling out some bacon, eggs and sausage that the company had provided at some point the last few days, she started breakfast before leaving to get dressed.

  When she returned, she saw Demetri tending to the stove wrapped in only a towel. She gasped when she saw his back. He looked as though he’d been in a fight. But perhaps that was only fair since she’d noticed more than a few bruises on herself as she dressed, most of them on her hips. She smiled as she thought of them, more than happy to accept them as a reminder of the wonderful night she’d had.

  “What’s wrong? I didn’t hurt you too badly, did I?” His gaze fell to her shirt. She wore a modestly cut business blouse. Anything else showed the various hickeys and bite marks she’d received. Looking at his chest, she couldn’t help chuckling. It seems he’d received as much as he’d given.

  “Not at all. I’m sorry about your back. And your chest... Do they hurt?”

  “It was worth it, and more.”

  Stacy knew she was blushing, but she couldn’t lead him on. “Demetri...”

  “I know. You were clear last night that you aren’t interested in anything long-term. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends, does it?”

  “No, I’d like that.”

  “Friends with benefits?” He approached her and wrapped his arms around her.

  She allowed herself to indulge in the embrace. Laying her head against his chest, she smiled. “Even better.”

  “Good. I’d better go get dressed. Before I make both of us very late.”

  She could feel his erection pressing against her. “I’ll finish fixing breakfast.”

  When he disappeared, she forced her mind to focus solely on the task at hand. Pulling out a plate, she covered it with paper towels before laying the bacon and sausage on top. As the paper towels absorbed some of the grease, she put bread in the toaster and finished fixing the eggs.

  Ten minutes later, they were sitting at the small table in her kitchen.

  “This is delicious, thank you.”

  “I’m glad. I wasn’t sure what were—what you ate for breakfast.”

  “You made a good choice.”

  Silence prevailed and they finished their meal lost in their own thoughts.

  Taking his plate to the sink, Demetri turned to look at her. “I should go. I left my number in your bedroom. Just give me a call if you ever want to hang out.”

  “I will. And thank you so much.”

  “It was my pleasure, Stacy.”

  She watched him leave her apartment and felt disappointed. With a fierce shake of her head she determined that she wouldn’t mope. She was starting a new life, and this was part of it. But that didn’t stop the guilt that flooded her as she remembered what she’d done. She was no better than her ex. She was an adulterous bitch.

  Grabbing her purse, she headed for the door. As she walked, she looked inside the large bag for her keys. Unable to find them, she started panicking. It took a few moments for her to remember that Demetri had driven her home, and her car was still safely parked at work.

  Sighing, she looked at the dry-erase board set up right beside her phone. Somehow, she’d managed to forget to get her friend’s phone number. Picking up the new cell phone, she put it in her purse, then scooped up her apartment keys. After locking the door, she moved down the hall.

  Stacy didn’t need a mirror to tell her that her face was beet red when Tina answered the door. “Demetri brought me home, and I need a ride because my car is still at BSC.”

  “No problem. I’ll give you a ride. But only on one condition. I want to hear all about your night.”

  * * * * * *

  Stacy was blushing under Ms. Pope’s scrutiny. She tried to keep her mind blank to not think about the things she had done the previous night—or that morning.

  “Oh, for the love of—stop it.”


  “Do you think we care what you do when you go home? Whom you have sex with?”

  “I—I’m not sure—I don’t—” Taking a deep breath, Stacy decided to go with honesty. “I don’t know what to think. I know that somehow you know what is going on inside of my head. And I’ve never actually had to be around someone who knows—I mean really knows precisely what happened between myself and a—a lover. And to be honest that makes me a bit uncomfortable. And I feel I should warn you when I’m uncomfortable I babble. Worse than normal. Now, I understand that I made a commitment when I signed your contract, but I feel that there are certain areas of my mind that should be allowed to remain private.”

  She stood there, waiting for any indication of what would happen to her. Would she be fired? Could she get fired? How would Ms. Pope react to her honesty?

  “I respect your honesty. And yes, you can be fired, but that does not mean your employment with us has been terminated. It hurts like the dickens, and I would suggest never experiencing it for yourself if possible.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “The reason I called you into my office was to commend you on a job well done. After Demetri left, Randal paid me a visit. Sit down already. I think I’m going to send you to yoga classes.” Ms. Pope was massaging her temple again.


  “Yes. It will help you relax, quiet your mind, meditate. Where was I? Oh yes, Randal. Other than your close proximity to Demetri, he could find nothing to complain about during your meeting. That is quite the compliment.”

  “But I didn’t do anything. And he said I screwed up on his—” She froze. If Ms. Pope didn’t know about that, should she tell her?

  “I know, and you did not ‘screw up’ on anything. He just had to find something to complain about. He has demanded that any further negotiations between his clan and Demetri’s pack all be done through you. You have already proven yourself to be a valuable asset. Randal has gone through ten mediators this year alone, and some of those I mean quite literally.”

  That was an image that Stacy didn’t need in her head. She could imagine the blood-soaked room littered with body parts as Randal scowled.

  “Yes, that’s amazingly close to how a few of them looked. So, as promised, you shall be given a bonus. What would you like? Because trust me, Stacy, those two men will keep you busy.”

  “I—I can’t do that. I don’t think I can—I probably really shouldn’t be around Demetri much.”

  “Did he hurt you?”

  Whatever Stacy had been about to say died on her lips. Why did her boss just ask that, when she already knew the answer and so much more? Questions about Demetri seemed to force him to the front of her mind and that brought the memories of their coupling back to the center stage of her thoughts until it left room for nothing else. She could almost feel him inside of her.

  Placing a hand on her forehead, Ms. Pope used her free hand to reach the phone. “Tina!”


  “I want Stacy to have the next available appointment with anyone we have that will teach her how to better control her thoughts. The sooner the better. The best we have!”

  “Yes, Ms. Pope.” Even Stacy could hear the humor in her friend’s voice. That, coupled with her boss’s obvious headache, managed to quiet the lust-filled thoughts surging through her mind.

  “I’m sorry. I just don’t understand why you would ask me a question that you already know the answer to.”

  “Because,” she sighed. “I am trying to honor your request and stay out of those thoughts. Besides, just because he is gorgeous does not mean I wish to ever see Demetri in that way. That man is like a...nephew to me. A very cherished nephew. And seeing what you two did last night...” Ms. Pope shook her head. “I could have lived an eternity without those images in my head.”

  “Then you have to know why I can’t work with him. I just can’t—I’ve already done something that I really should not have—”
  “We are going to have to work on your babbling as well. Though hopefully your guru will be able to ease that as he or she teaches you to slow your mind. Now, to use a mortal expression, shame the devil and tell the truth. What about him terrifies you so much?”

  The expression on Ms. Pope’s face said she knew the answer. It was in the slight smirk she wore, the amusement in her eyes.

  “I got married young. I’d only been out of high school for a short while. I thought Thomas would be the man I’d spend the rest of my life with. I could see us growing old together and that’s what I wanted more than anything else.”

  “And now?”

  “And now, I feel like I have all these doors opening up for me. I feel that I get to do all the things I’ve wondered about, the experiences I should have had before I settled down. Part of that is working here and not knowing what to expect. I want to live, I want to have fun. But with Demetri...” her voice trailed off. Closing her eyes, Stacy took a deep breath and rushed forward. “I could fall in love with him. I could fall in love with him and see myself having some kind of mythical happily ever after that I don’t even think I believe in anymore! I’ve never met another man like him and I don’t know if it’s him or if it’s because I’m vulnerable right now. I don’t know if I’m just feeling this way because for the first time in over seven years I felt as though my lover were concerned about my pleasure or if it’s because of the lure of the forbidden. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve read too many romance novels that have a werewolf for the hero and I’ve got some kind of romanticized view of him because of that.

  “I just know that I need to be alone right now. That I need to be able to figure out who I am and what I want from my life before I even think about anything like that, and he tempts me more than I’m comfortable with.” Her speech done, Stacy slowly opened her eyes. “That’s why I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to work together.”

  “Thank you for telling the truth. It’s good that you have admitted it to yourself. But I’m afraid that you will work with Demetri. You are a victim of your own success last night, and I really cannot allow you to be excused from mediating those two groups. If things get out of hand, there will be a massacre. Vampires, werewolves, mortals—and any other creature that gets in their way will die. Those two groups have been blood enemies for centuries. The simple truth, that you were able to have them agree to a truce, however temporary it is, speaks highly of you. Now, since I will not grant your request to be allowed to avoid Demetri, is there anything else you would like for a bonus? Or would you prefer to simply hold onto it until you have thought about it?”


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