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Nothing Remotely Familiar (My Crazy Alien Romance Book 5)

Page 10

by Donna McDonald

  “I know. She is with him now,” Resig said.

  Nia swallowed and nodded. “That was too close, Resig. If Kevin hadn’t seen what was going on, General Stark and Director Polar might both be dead.”

  “It was his antenna,” Jessica said proudly. “Goddess Icela gave them to him as a gift. Kevin told me they were vibrating and then he took off.”

  “You talked to the Goddess while you were here?” Resig asked.

  Jessica nodded as she smiled. “Yes, I built her an ice dome, and she froze time for me.”

  Resig smiled. “The Goddess froze time for me once. I found it very startling. I got a visit from her when General Arctic illegally went to Earth.”

  “Isn’t she the most beautiful woman on your planet?” Jessica asked as she remembered.

  Resig chuckled. “The Goddess is impressive, but I confess that another female is more beautiful to my eyes.”

  Grinning, Jessica looked at Nia. “I bet I know who she is.”

  Nia sighed. “Go hug your father, Jessica, and take Kevin from him. Stark may end up carrying your mother. Topper looks done in by all this.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Jessica said, running off.

  Nia turned to Resig. “I noticed guards posted throughout the crowd. Do you think he was the last of Arctic’s corrupted ones?”

  “That is my hope,” Resig answered. “Nia…” He studied her face but could see nothing for him in her gaze. “I don’t want you to go to Earth.”

  Nia lifted an eyebrow. “Why not?”

  Resig searched for the right words. “Because I need you here. I want you to share my bed—all the time.”

  Nia snorted. “There were many females in your bed before me, Resig. There will be females after I am gone. You’ll have no problems finding willing females to entertain you for an evening.”

  Resig frowned. What wasn’t Nia happy with his declaration? He’d been thinking about what to say for the entire ride into town. “I’m trying to tell you that I don’t want other females. I want you. Is this not what you wanted to hear?”

  “Not even a fraction. Why do you not want me to go to Earth?” Nia asked, lifting her chin.

  “I have no better words,” Resig said in exasperation. “I just don’t want you to go.”

  “Males,” Nia mumbled, before walking around him. She didn’t get far.

  “Fine,” Resig said, blocking Nia’s exit. “Let us mate and make children together. I will give you what devotion I can.”

  Nia huffed as she glared at him. “You sound so happy about extending me that offer, Resig.”

  Resig frowned. He did not feel happy. He felt desperate. The thought of Nia leaving sent him into a panic.

  Nia shook her head. “I officially decline your offer. I am going to Earth.”

  “You… what?” he asked in disbelief.

  Nia glared and pulled her arm from his hand. “You offer me nothing of actual value, Resig. I deserve genuine devotion. I deserve to feel joy in my mate’s presence. No female wants to be merely tolerated. I want much, much more.”

  “Like what?” Resig asked. “I do not understand what you want.”

  Balancing the babe in one arm, Nia used the other to grab Resig. She turned him toward Stark and Topper. Jessica was talking rapidly to her parents, but most of Stark’s focus was on the woman in his arms. Topper, one of the strongest females she’d ever met, was all but weeping in relief that her mate lived. Stark’s profound relief to be alive was obvious in the way he held onto Topper like she had been the one who’d saved him.

  “I want that,” Nia said firmly. “And I will have a mutual devotion like that one day. If not with you, Resig, then it will be your loss that you could not give it to me. As you have so often pointed out, I am young and have a long time left to live. You, General Resig, might not have so much time.”


  Nia let go of him, tucked the babe tighter, and walked off.

  Stark said one last goodbye to Polar and then turned to his family. “Let’s go home.”

  Resig turned and nodded to the male behind him. Mars smiled and came forward.

  Stark grinned when he saw Mars was wearing simulated Earth clothes. Naked portal travel had finally been removed from the preparation list. That was one less thing to explain to his now much older teenage daughter. Jessica would need counseling about males soon, but he would stall for as long as possible.

  He sighed before turning to Resig with a smile. “Despite the risks, I wish to continue the warrior visitations. Instinct tells me this is an important thing to do for both our planets.”

  Resig bowed his head. “I am in agreement. You will be satisfied with Lieutenant Mars.”

  Stark nodded. “He was my first choice.”

  Stark placed his hands on Resig’s shoulders. “It is time for me to leave, my friend. Let’s keep working on a device that will allow us to speak more often. I feel close to solving the time continuum problem. Earth scientists are smarter than they realize.”

  Resig nodded. “It was good to see you, Stark. I look forward to a calmer visit next time.”

  “It was good to be on Glacier again for a while,” Stark replied.

  He lifted his wrist to create the portal, but Resig pushed his arm back down. “Please… I require a moment with Nia before you leave.”

  Stark turned to where Nia was patiently waiting. “Resig wants to say goodbye, Nia.”

  “It is unnecessary,” Nia replied. “Resig and I have said all that needs to be said to each other.”

  Resig stepped around his friend. “We have not. I did not properly answer your question.”

  “How is that any more important in this moment than any other? You answer none of my actual questions,” Nia replied.

  A warning growl rumbled in his chest. Resig narrowed his gaze. Nia reacted to his show of aggression with only a slight release of breath. It was as if she had become another female in the last week. This version was not fearful of him—not at all.

  “Our arguing is tiresome and accomplishes nothing. Must we do this again, Resig?” Nia asked.

  “Yes. I do not want you to go to Earth,” Resig said loudly, ignoring the shocked expressions of Stark and his family. He kept his gaze focused on Nia. “I want you to stay here—with me. I want you to be my mate.”

  “And I have declined that honor,” Nia repeated.

  “Nia—be reasonable.”

  Nia lifted her chin. “I consider it reasonable to want what I want. Why don’t you want me to leave so that I can perhaps find it?”

  Resig opened his mouth, and then closed it again. Many logical reasons danced across his mind. “I could make you an endless list.”

  Nia crossed her arms. “I have already fulfilled many things from that list, General Resig. It is not as endless as you claim. Any female could meet your simple needs.” She turned to Stark. “If your invitation remains open, General, I would still like to go with you.”

  “I will die of loneliness if you leave,” Resig blurted out.

  Nia’s shocked gaze turned to meet his.

  Resig nodded and went on. “Yes… that’s my answer. I can’t imagine not seeing you every day—not being with you at night. No female but you will work. You have to stay, Nia. No, I don’t mean that. I mean—please stay. I’ve been foolish. I wish to make amends.”

  Nia closed her eyes. “Once again you are saying everything I want to hear, but you no longer have my trust. I love you, Resig. My heart remains full of you and never has had room in it for any other male. Can you return that in kind?”

  Resig stepped close and ran his hands over her arms. “How will we know if you do not stay?” he asked as ice crystals formed with every brush of his fingers.

  Nia looked at his hands on her and gasped. It was a sign from the Goddess.

  “I am terrible with words,” Resig whispered. “Before you, I had no need for them. I never felt like this with anyone else.”

  Nia chuckled as her heart soft
ened once more. “A man your age should have the courage to speak of his emotions. You need to learn such words because your mate deserves to hear them. She deserves to hear that the male she adores values her in kind.”

  “Will you teach them to me?” Resig asked.

  “No,” Nia said with another chuckle.

  “No? How can you say no when I am this willing to learn?”

  Nia reached out and tugged Resig’s shirt until she could reach his mouth. She gave no thought to his warriors or anyone else who was watching. She fastened her lips to his while she laughed at his shock. Instead of pulling away, his arms pulled her close. The action made her feel something she hadn’t felt with Resig in a very long time.

  “Today, you have made me feel happy. Perhaps there is hope for us.”

  “So you will stay?” Resig asked.

  “No,” Nia said, easing back from him. “You need some time alone to reflect on what you are offering me. When I return, it will be up to you to convince me to become your mate. I will not settle for less than full joy, Resig.”

  Resig lifted a hand to her face. “I fear you will not want to come back if you go.”

  Nia smiled. “Will you revert to your former self while I am gone? This is a question my absence will answer for both of us.”

  “I suppose I deserve to suffer,” Resig admitted as he bowed his head in defeat. Then he captured her mouth in a type of possession Stark’s daughter wasn’t ready to witness, but it could not be helped. “Don’t make me come after you, Nia. Your home is on Glacier with me.”

  Nodding, Nia put her forehead on his chest, then backed away. “I look forward to you convincing me of your devotion, Resig. I will think of it each day I am gone.”

  Resig took her hand and walked her to Stark. He held it out to his friend. “Guard my future mate with your life, Stark.”

  Stark smiled and bent low over Nia’s hand. When he raised his head, he winked at Nia before turning to Resig. “I wish you better luck in convincing Nia to mate than Thor is having with my sister. Rime says she is never mating again. I think it’s something in the air on Earth. It has a strange effect on females. It makes them willful and rebellious.”

  “Someone is asking to be turned into a donkey again,” Topper said loudly behind him. She looked down at her cooing son. “Would you like to see a donkey, Berg? Daddy is a very funny donkey.”

  “What’s a donkey?” Resig asked, but no one answered him.

  Nia chuckled as she kissed Resig’s cheek. “Pay Stark’s warning no mind, Resig. Thor and Priestess Rime are devoted to each other. I’m sure Stark exaggerates about the air on Earth. I will return no more willful than when I left.”

  Resig sighed before answering. “After all your changes this week, I am not reassured.”

  Nia smiled and bowed her head. “We will speak of children when I return. I would like to have one before I pass a century in age. Will you give me a child, Resig?”

  Resig laughed. What else could he do? “I will give you whatever you want.”

  Nia’s pleased laughter went with her as she stepped into the portal. Resig missed her the instant she disappeared.

  Stark was famous for attracting females. Resig planned to become famous for his devotion to his mate. Unfortunately, the most expert male on the subject of females had just left through the travel portal.

  He turned and ran into the chest of the biggest, broadest male he’d ever laid eyes on. The man was definitely a warrior, but he was wearing royal clothes.

  “Greetings,” Resig said. “Can I help you?”

  The warrior smiled. “It is I who have come to help you, General. I am Goddess Icela’s consort. She said you needed to learn how to properly woo a female. You will find no better teacher than me.”

  Resig’s mouth dropped open. Around him, he saw that his warriors were frozen in place. His gaze came back to the royal warrior. He would refuse no gift from the goddess, no matter how embarrassing.

  He bowed his head. “I accept the gift of your teaching. Will it hurt my pride much?”

  The warrior laughed. “I cannot guarantee the fame you wished for, but I can guarantee your female will never long for any other male. Stark only wishes he knew what I know. Of course, every male thinks that highly about himself. Right?”

  Resig’s laughter filled the air as his warriors started moving again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Topper breathed easier the moment they walked out of the portal and into her front yard. It wasn’t like she didn’t like Glacier… well, actually, it was like that. At least it relieved her until everyone of alien origin suddenly froze and stared at the woman sitting on her porch steps.

  Topper swore softly and handed the baby to Stark before she marched to confront the troublemaker.

  “Sweet Gaia—what’s the wicked witch down under up to now?” Nonny murmured as she followed her sister.

  Topper all but growled when she stopped in front of her current nemesis. “Witch? Don’t you mean bitch?”

  “Hush, sister, your daughter is listening to you. Mind the example you’re setting,” Nonny said as she interrupted.

  Stark turned to his friend. “Thor, will you see Mars to his new quarters? And perhaps Rime could show Nia around town while the witches work out their… situation?”

  Rime bowed her head. “I’d be happy to give Nia a tour of the town.”

  Thor grinned. “Are you suggesting that the fewer witnesses for the witch fight—the better, Stark?”

  Stark looked down into the wide-eyed stare of his two-day-old son. He smiled and nodded. “Yes. A witch stand-off is not the best way to welcome a new guest to Earth. Even my infant son knows that.” Berg gurgled and squealed in support.

  “Indeed. He’s already as wise as his father,” Thor said as he and the other Glacierans strode to the path that led into town.

  “Did you have a pleasant trip, Topper? Say…” Narelle pointed and smiled. “Weren’t you in a family way when you left? Bruce said you were about to pop.”

  “Mother Gaia is the only reason I’m not zapping you right now,” Topper said, crossing her arms.

  Narelle grunted. “Well, that’s not very friendly. Am I not welcome here?”

  “No,” Topper said flatly. “That’s why you couldn’t get past my wards, Narelle.”

  “I believe I could have broken them if I’d put some work into doing so, but that would have not set the right tone for my visit.”

  Topper glared. “Speaking of that… why are you here, Narelle?”

  Narelle sighed as she stood. “I may have been a bit hasty in saddling your young witch with my former employee for her first familiar. I’ve come to correct my error.”

  “Your change of heart happened too late. They’re blood-bonded, Narelle.” Topper narrowed her eyes. “And I’m not buying that story. Your arrogance is larger than your power. Tell me the truth.”

  Narelle rolled her eyes as she lifted her hands. “Can’t an old friend make amends?”

  “When did we become old friends? Last I heard, you never wanted to set eyes on me again in this life. I’ve been more than happy to comply with that request all these years.”

  Narelle closed her eyes in exasperation. “Bloody hell, Topper. Are you really going to make me crawl?”

  “No, I will bind you, stuff you inside a wooden crate, and ship you back to Australia. And I will let Kevin help me,” Topper declared.

  “You Bloody Yanks hold a grudge, don’t you? The Fates told Gaia what I did. Poor Bruce can’t shift now. He’s being punished for his part. Stone the flaming crows, Topper. If I don’t make this right all around, I may lose my job over it.”

  “Am I supposed to care?” Topper asked.

  “You should after luring my man…”

  “I lured no one…”

  “The way I still look at things—well, you owe me for not zapping you out of existence back then.”

  Topper narrowed her eyes. “Get off that cross, Narelle, people
need the wood.”

  “Ha. Ha. That was so not funny.”

  Topper’s mouth twisted. “Kevin already told me you turned that womanizing warlock into a cat and made him a familiar. Are you planning to foist the warlock off on Jessica next? Well, give it up because I will never allow that to happen. I’ll risk Gaia’s wrath first. Don’t tempt me to show you how much power I possess. You won’t like finding out.”

  Narelle sighed. “It wasn’t like I cursed you for kissing the man I was engaged to, but you have to admit that wasn’t a proper thing to do.”

  Topper screamed in frustration and storm clouds rolled overhead. “For the millionth time, the bastard didn’t tell me he was engaged to you. And I thought we were friends enough that you’d believe the truth about it when I told you. You took that lying warlock’s word over mine. I may never get over your betrayal.”

  Narelle made a face. “Betrayal? That’s rather harsh.”

  “Stop dodging. Why are you here?” Topper demanded.

  “Fine. Let’s get to the point of my visit. I can see I’ve come at a terrible time,” Narelle said as she snapped her fingers.

  Topper snorted when a dignified Scottish Fold cat with white fur, cute ears, and shiny gold eyes appeared at Narelle’s feet. The cat looked at Topper, and then started licking its paws. The pompous familiar had dismissed her with one glance. No way that snooty cat was getting near her daughter.

  Narelle motioned downward. “This is Matilda. She’ll be more than happy to serve your fledging witch. They will be the perfect pairing.”

  Jessica moved forward, clutching Kevin. She turned to her mother. “She can’t make me give up Kevin, can she?”

  Narelle pointed to Kevin. “Strewth, Kevin! What happened to your head?”

  Kevin grunted. “Life happened, Relle. What did you do with my Lucy? When I went to say goodbye, Lucy and our entire tree had disappeared.”

  Narelle winced and lifted both hands. “Don’t sharpen your fangs. Maybe I went off my dial for a bit, but I swear I didn’t harm her.”

  Kevin blinked. His arms tightened around Jessica. “What did you tell Lucy when you sent me here? I know you told her something bad or she would have come looking for me.”


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