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Page 17

by B R Flores

  Victis yanked open the desk top-drawer and grabbed a stack of papers from inside and threw them across the table onto the floor. After rambling through the drawer, he found what he was searching for. A shiny badge and a document. Victis barked at Azha, “Get over here and sign this.”

  Thinking he was going to die, Azha apologized for his outburst and trudged his way over to the desk. The document wasn’t legible and Azha’s linguistic chip did not provide him the ability to read Ryquat. Grateful to be in one piece, he took the pen and signed it, Azha Cole, and handed it back to Victis. The badge lying on the desk resembled his Earth police badge. This wasn’t a reprimand; this was a promotion. Victis picked up the badge and looked at Azha’s chest.

  “Uh, take the badge when I hand it to you, there’s nowhere to pin it.”

  Not missing a beat, he placed the badge in Azha’s hand, “I, Captain Victis allegiance of the Fidus Achates promote Azha to Senior Lieutenant, second in command. Azha has shown outstanding bravery and loyalty. Any disrespect or failure to follow his command will be punishable by Decretum Code 5-1.”

  No one dared to move or make a sound.

  “Remain on board until I clarify your assignments. You’re dismissed. Captain Pify and Lieutenant Azha, we have business to discuss.”

  Azha gripped the badge in his hand and stared at the document he had just signed. As soon as the door shut, and the room was safe to talk, Victis punched him in the arm.

  “They had to stop disrespecting you. Rank is the only way to make a Ryquat listen. Between you and me, the document you signed is optional. What I need is for you to be at my side until Palatu and Earth are safe. Can I count on you?”

  Victis had jeopardized everything to protect him, the Quizans, and Palatu. The least he could do in return was to promise his loyalty and support.

  “I give you my word,” vowed Azha.

  Captain Pify belched to honor their special moment. “Embrace superb boon. Starved flying light, sapped on last leg. You too?”

  Victis laughed, “I’m tired and hungry too, my friend.”

  Captain Pify’s huge smile was dazzling. His gleaming white teeth were perfect and enchanting.

  “Mutual serve, forever aye.”

  With a little jig, he swung the door open, skipped a few steps, then waddled out of the office. Shamelessly the old salt belted-out a jingle for all too hear, “Umduls we do celebrate. Pluck those Crozins out of space. Can’t run from yer fate, we will exterminate.”

  Victis whispered to Azha, “Umduls are brilliant engineers, shrewd in combat, brave and loyal… very loyal. They are by far the quirkiest species in the Orion Belt, and my favorite.”

  Captain Victis looked tired. He hung on to the edge of the table and stooped awkwardly to gather up the papers he’d thrown on the floor. Showing no concern for order, he stuffed them back into the top desk drawer and flopped in his chair behind the desk. One long deep breath and then he exhaled slowly.

  “Azha, please sit down. I need to discuss another matter with you.”

  Azha gladly sat down; he was still rattled and processing the formidable responsibilities of being second in command. Victis forced the desk drawer shut, tossed a couple of crumpled papers in the trash, then began rubbing his forehead. Apparently, it was very serious, Victis never took this long to say anything.

  “What is it? Just tell me,” asked Azha.

  “You know paper is hard to come by and rarely used anymore, but I like the feel of it. Everything’s recorded by code or tabpad.”

  Azha frowned, “Paper is not what you wanted to discuss.”

  “If we weren’t friends, I wouldn’t bother… well here goes. Do you know who Phera merged with? You don’t have to answer that. She merged with Special Ops Tara. I was not privileged to this gossip until today.”

  Azha sat patiently waiting for Victis to get to the point.

  “Tara and Simon are engaged and have plans to marry after this assignment. I’m prepared to devote as much as say… twenty minutes to deal with your anger or grief.

  They sat staring at each other. It took a few seconds for the news to sink in, and then Azha smirked, “I did not see that coming. So that’s why Phera has been acting so nasty.”

  Victis continued to stare at Azha, waiting for him to fall apart. Instead Azha cracked up laughing and his stripes lit up bright green. How odd. This was not the reaction Victis had anticipated. Did Azha understand what engaged and marriage meant? Victis had no idea how to respond, “Yeah, funny ha-ha. Real funny.”

  Azha stopped laughing just long enough to confess, “Phera’s the only Quizan or Human female who has ever dumped me. Damn, she’s dumped me twice now.”

  Victis relaxed, “I thought it a bit amusing, too. Glad you see it that way. What’s dumped?”

  The irony of his question, for whatever the reason, made Azha laugh so hard, he rolled out of his chair onto the floor. Shocked by his ridiculous behavior, Victis jumped a little in his chair and began to laugh, too. Both laughed so hard their sides hurt. He had not laughed like that since he was a young boy on Zaurak.

  Twenty minutes had come and gone, and not once was Phera’s name mentioned in the conversation. Victis opened the bottom desk drawer and pulled out an old flask, “Here’s to love and war,” then unscrewed the cap to take a swig of Coltaboone. “I take it you’re not bothered by Phera’s relationship with Simon.”

  “Nah, I have a wife on earth, it took me awhile to remember how I felt about her. Phera was my first wisp, that’s what Quizans call a girlfriend. When I was a young quiey, my parents pre-arranged my bond with another Quizan. I would’ve challenged my parents and the village, but Phera wouldn’t. For a hundred years, I secretly and foolishly lusted for her while being bonded with Rodia. I never appreciated how good Rodia was until she died. Besides, I lost my Phera when she merged with Tara. I’m relieved to have that fantasy out of my head.”

  “Well since we’re admitting things to each other, I find Trekachaw females fascinating. When they’re in my presence I have disturbing thoughts, I can’t concentrate, and I embarrass myself. You must admit, Phera is mind-blowing. If I can’t get control of myself, then I can’t be around them. Seriously, what’s wrong with me? Every time I’m around one of them, I get a boner. During briefing I won’t look at them cuz I know what will happen.”

  “Victis, Victis, Victis, Trekachaw females could care less about your boner. The only way you’re going to have sex with a female Trekachaw, is to become a Trekachaw.”

  “You’re right, that makes sense. If that day ever happens, would you care if I had sex with Phera?”

  “You have my blessing.” Azha’s chin dropped, “Oh shit, Deneb is bonded with Roon. Has anybody told Deneb?”

  “No, I heard Deneb and Vious had sex, or whatever you call it when Trekachaws fornicate.”

  Azha smiled, “Good for Vious. He never bonded before the Gystfin attack and couldn’t after. I bet he’s one happy Trekachaw.”

  Lighthearted and with a lot off their chests, Azha and Victis went their separate ways.

  Walking alone in the corridor Victis pondered the days’ events in his head, finding it difficult to focus for very long. Exhausted, he gave up; an inviting bed was around the corner and he couldn’t wait to crawl in. What did he forget? Something important? Whatever it was kept bugging him. His dark room made him even sleepier. Without thinking, he stripped off his clothes and laid down naked on his soft bed, feeling the cool sheets against his skin. Relaxed, he breathed in slowly, then yawned and closed his eyes.

  Dammit, no one updated Choan and Belton on Palatu… that’s what I forgot. For all they knew, everyone was dead and the Crozins were in orbit preparing to strike. His body was too tired to get up; it would have to wait.



  SCARED refugees poured into Cavern Village with no end in sight. Without fail, the grief-stricken Quizans told the same story. Three large Gystfins attacked their village, slaughteri
ng everyone in their path. Thus far, they had not bothered to suck the grey-death energy from any of the bodies. The aberrant huge Gystfins were fast with wide stripes on their backs, and they could turn into energy. Belton and Choan told everyone about Myosis merging with a Gystfin and how he murdered Zith. In need of a formidable leader, the village unanimously delegated Belton to be interim King.

  Choan’s mission was to continue recruiting Quizans for his growing army. Because of their overwhelming respect for him, he was given the title, Papay of Soldiers. Sooner or later, Traitor Myosis and his Leaders would make a mistake. Belton and Choan would be ready to avenge the bloodshed caused by the butchers.

  It was midday, and there was no word from above. If they didn’t hear something from Victis or Azha by nightfall, Choan volunteered to search Palatu’s orbit for shipwreck debris; Crozin or Ryquat.

  Evening was approaching, their fears worsened, and hope was fading. Targus descended behind the red volcanoes and the moon’s dark canopy revealed a burning sky. Falling shipwreck debris was proof they weren’t alone. Rocks and spears along with twelve non-functional Neco lasers would be worthless against a Crozin invasion. Fear turned into dread.




  VICTIS awoke rested, confident, and hungry. Enjoying a hot steamy shower and a clean uniform made him feel like a new Ryquat. Conversely, Azha endured a long, restless night. The news of Phera bothered him more than he wanted to admit. He grieved the loss of Quizan Phera and felt anger towards this new audacious Trekachaw Phera. Shaking it off, he stepped out of the Quizan quarters telling himself the past was the past.

  For the crewmen, morning was the best time of the day. Odors of a hearty breakfast saturated the maze of corridors. Coffee, eggs, and bacon awaited Victis at the end of a long line. He didn’t mind waiting his turn, listening to the loud, cheerful conversations coming from the jam-packed galley of hungry Ryquats was entertaining. Azha sat with Victis, listening to the boastful tales of yesterday’s victory. He’d forgotten how long it took to eat. What a waste of time when he could be checking on Palatu’s status. Victis sipped the last drop of coffee, then nonchalantly sat his cup down on the table. With breakfast finally finished, they were on their way.

  Azha turned into energy and flew though the ship’s hull. As always, Victis took forever to liquefy his Vexy spacesuit. Since he had no other choice, Azha passed the time watching a pebble float across the hull towards the misty, red planet. She was beautiful, as if suspended in space and framed by tiny, sparkling stars. Earth was beautiful too, though very different from Palatu. Cole’s stubborn presence made it clear how much he missed Ginger, his mom, his friends, and everything about life on Earth. Cole was naïve to think he would be accepted on Earth now that his was a Trekachaw. Everyone he loved would see him as a ghastly, alien monster. The mission to Europa would be Cole’s chance to contact his family and convince Ginger to merge.

  Side by side, they flew over Palatu’s silver ocean and soared above the red-hot volcanoes. In the distance, they saw Cavern Village nestled inside the lush, tropical forest. Now was a good time for Azha to ask permission, “I was hoping you’d consider recruiting my Human mother and wife?”

  Victis didn’t seem at all surprised, “Of course, if my first wife and mother were alive, I’d recruit them, too. With that said, it’s not up to me. You need to remember it’s your family’s and the Quizans’ decisions.”

  Azha didn’t have a chance to agree. The cheers and hoorahs coming from the swarming myriad of Quizans and Soldiers greeting them were deafening. Cavern Village had practically tripled in size overnight. New cupola pods were springing up everywhere and every cavern was occupied.

  Belton and Choan ran to the center of the courtyard, “You did it! We saw ships burning in the sky and thought you were dead when we didn’t hear from you. How’d you do it? Come, we want to hear every detail.”

  Azha had never seen either Belton or Choan so cheerful. There was no way he was going to tell them they’d won the battle yesterday. Apparently Victis wasn’t going to reveal that tidbit of information either. Instead, Victis directed his attention to the cheering Quizans.

  “Yea, yea, the Crozins are dead. You’re all welcome, now go home. All right, Belton, Azha, and Choan, let’s continue our conversation inside the Hall.”

  Yep, same old Victis.

  BELTON AND CHOAN CHASED EACH other across the dirt path in a tug-of-war until they reached the doorway where the two goofs refused to slow down and crashed into each other. Evidently unaffected, they scrambled to their feet, pushing and shoving each other to the other side of the cavern. Wide-eyed and anxious to hear all about the glorious battle, they briskly sat down on a low ledge.

  Victis kept the details short and sweet. To skirt anymore questions, Victis changed the subject, asking why there were so many refugees. Belton’s mood changed.

  “Quizans are saying Traitor Myosis and his Leaders are killing everyone.”

  “Do you believe this to be true, or are they rumors created by frightened Quizans?” Victis asked.

  “I believe them,” Belton assured. “I’ve seen them a couple of times myself. They’re in an encampment with normal Gystfins just beyond the volcanic ridge. We considered attacking them but thought it best to wait until we heard from you.”

  Choan’s stripes flashed bright purple and his yellow eyes narrowed into thin slits, “I will raid their camp with my soldiers, now that we know the Crozins are gone.”

  “You’re right. All of them need to be eliminated before they have a chance to escape Palatu, but not by you. I need you as an acting Captain on one of the two captured Crozin battleships in orbit.”

  Choan demanded that he should remain on Palatu with his soldiers.

  Victis warned, “Need I remind you that you’re half-Ryquat and a crewman of my ship? Your place is where I assign you.”

  Choan looked as if Victis had slapped him in the face, and his stripes faded from purple to orange.

  Victis rolled his head sideways to relieve his stiff, achy neck. “Let’s start over. Can Bruce engage a battleship?”

  “Yes,” Choan said in confidence.

  “I hand-picked you from hundreds of special ops and promoted you to Sergeant because you were the best. And now to Captain of your own battleship because I still believe in you and in our trust for one another. Your ship is armed with a sterilization laser. Why endanger Quizan soldiers, unless it’s necessary? Start thinking Ryquat if you want Palatu to survive.”

  Victis was right. Nonetheless, at heart Choan wished he could decline the offer and remain on Palatu with his soldiers. But if Palatu were to survive, he needed to think like Bruce, not Choan. In hindsight, Victis was a respected Captain who’d earned the reputation of being a cunning war hero even during grisly battles against the galaxy’s most ruthless enemies. Anyone who served under him praised his resilience, honesty, and fairness.

  “Forgive my insolence. I am grateful for the opportunity and your trust.”

  Victis scooted back on the ledge and leaned against the cavern rock wall before he continued.

  “I named the two Crozin battleships, Luxon and Paratus. Choan, your ship is Luxon, with Duro second in-command. Phera is captain of Paratus, with Vopar second-in-command. Belton, you Deneb, and Vious will remain on Palatu. Azha, Pax, Roon and Atue will accompany me on my battleship to Europa. Once the cargo ship has been secured, Azha and I will fly the shuttle to Earth and recruit one-hundred Humans for Quizan merges. Right now, we need to recruit sixty male and forty female Quizans.”

  Choan and Belton were confident recruiting a hundred Quizans would be easy, seeing that most of the soldiers had already volunteered to merge.

  Curious, Belton asked, “Why recruit Humans and not more Ryquats?”

  Victis was tired of Ryquat defiance, but he felt the question deserved an answer.

  “Ryquats are prejudiced. Humans have not been tainted by alien x
enophobia. Plus, where would I get that many Ryquats?”

  Azha moved his lips silently in a feeble attempt to repeat the word, xenophobia.

  “What does xenophobia mean?”

  With a flip of his hands, Victis responded, “This proves my point, Humans are the best candidates. Xenophobia means the fear and hatred of another species. Humans have no proof of aliens; they only hate and fear one another. Ryquats are far more advanced than Humans, but we’re burdened with an unwavering hatred of many species.”

  Choan caught himself shaking his head up and down in full agreement with Victis’ analogy. His merge with Bruce had created a disturbing rift between his two souls.

  The meeting ended as abruptly as it began. Belton exited the Hall and asked the first couple of soldiers outside to notify the village of an urgent gathering. Waiting in the courtyard gave Victis the opportunity to appreciate the wreath of towering trees that encompassed the primitive village. He watched as the trees grew heavy with Quizans. When the trees could bear no more, the timid creatures stood atop their caves and swarmed the crowded courtyard far beyond the flat mesa. King Belton raised his arms, and all were silent.

  “Heed Azha’s words, follow his wisdom, and do not fear his allies.”

  Looking up towards the red sky, Azha summoned, “Our protector, Victis of Ryquat needs our help. I call upon forty brave females and sixty brave males to join us on our journey to Earth.”

  Clusters of Quizans perched in the trees, roared in unison with the masses on the ground. Soldiers turned into green energy and darted wildly about on the ground in a race with those scurrying down from the trees. How extraordinary; the once-scared species were now fearless and determined to be first in line to begin the epic journey. Victis was thankful his Vexy suit concealed his emotions. Tears would have shown weakness, and that he could not afford.


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