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Page 18

by B R Flores

  Suddenly, three energy lights streaked through the trees and spiraled into the courtyard. One of them morphed into a Gystfin just before crashing on top of Victis. Traitor Myosis stabbed his lethal claws into Victis’s shoulder and jerked him off the ground into the air. Stunned, Azha watched in horror… a split second longer than forgivable.

  High above them, Myosis screeched an eerie death cry. He flipped the limp body mid-air to bury his long fangs into Victis’s back and slash the impervious Vexy suit, exposing Victis’s unprotected flesh to Palatu’s toxic atmosphere. Azha streaked towards the Beast to save Victis, but discovered Myosis was incredibly fast, faster than he was. He watched the ghastly attack as if everything was in slow motion. It was difficult to see what the Beast was doing until a piece of Victis’s bloody spine hung outside the shredded suit. Myosis was chewing Victis in half as he spiraled in the air. Azha sped towards them and was almost within reach, but Myosis jetted straight up with Victis between his jaws. The Beast waited for Azha to get close for the sole purpose of provoking the almighty Trekachaw. Azha had underestimated Myosis’s cunningness and his capabilities. Myosis and the Leaders streaked towards Azha, then flashed into a blinding energy and disappeared into the thick trees. Victis fell from the sky giving Azha seconds to break his fall. Azha screamed for help, “Belton! Find a Quizan to merge with Victis! Anyone! Or he won’t survive!”

  Azha cradled Victis’s severed spine against his body in a feeble attempt not to cause further damage. His friend was difficult to look at; Myosis had chewed him almost in half. The only thing holding Victis together was a shredded piece of his Vexy suit. Terrified of losing him, Azha ran towards Cavern Hall leaving a trail of blood and severed chunks of tissue strewn across the ground. Unable to control his shaking, Azha stopped for a moment, questioning everything. He needed to accept that Victis was dead. Forcing himself to look, he could see the Vexy-suit was soaked with blood and shredded even worse than he’d thought. It was time to let go; he walked inside the cavern and carefully laid his friend on the ground. Azha tried to brush off the dirt stuck to Victis’s severed spine and gave up. Victis did not show any signs of life.

  Belton ran stumbling into the hall, “Zygo will merge. He’s old and wise, perfect for Victis.”

  “Zygo merge now!” Screaming in desperation, Azha could feel his friend growing cold. He peeled off the head of the Vexy suit exposing a ghostly face. Zygo turned into silver energy and disappeared into the top of Victis’s head. Was it too late? Not a spark of light, not even a soft glow. He sat staring into his friend’s hollow eyes, waiting for a sign. How strange his expression; acceptance was his last emotion? Azha’s stripes faded to an ashy tan and he cried.

  Belton and Choan lit up the walls with their raging purple stripes. “I will rip their hearts out!” roared Choan.

  They streaked out of the hall in pursuit of Traitor Myosis and the two Leaders.

  Azha’s mind shut down and his body felt numb. It was as if he was looking at Victis through someone else’s eyes. Powerless, he searched for answers from within. There had to be something. Victis would’ve never given up on him. Then it dawned on him, the Targus sun. Why had he not thought of that already. Azha carefully stood up with Victis cradled in his arms and headed for the nearest mesa. Along the way, he realized another chunk of bone or flesh had fallen onto the dirt. If he were to bend over and pick it up, more would fall. From there on, he’d slow down and be extra careful to support the dangling spine and ribs. Azha’s thoughts were terrifying. If Victis died, no one would survive.

  THE CROWD RESPECTFULLY PARTED AS Azha made his way towards the sunny mesa. Many circled above in energy as a gesture of sorrow and kindness. Slowly and so very gently, he laid Victis’s lifeless body onto the smooth surface. With the utmost care, he removed what was left of the Vexy suit, allowing the warm sun to shine upon his naked friend. How frail Victis looked, so disfigured from the savage attack. Azha waited. Surely, Cole appeared dead after his merge in the old wine cellar. Even the slightest spark was enough to ignite a new life, a new Trekachaw. Azha looked away. Too much time had passed. How was he going to survive without Victis? Why would he want to survive without his friend?

  A Quizan shouted, “Look! A flicker, right here.”

  Azha inspected every inch of Victis looking for a sign. The slightest light would be hope, something, anything. There was nothing.

  “I don’t see anything. If you see it again, show me.”

  The little Quizan giggled pointing at Victis’s eye, “See, there it is.”

  Azha stooped over, casting a shadow across Victis. He stared, afraid to blink. There it was, a tiny, silver spark deep within a vacant eye. A new life emerging from death’s grip.

  A brilliant light exploded, knocking Azha backwards. Silver fire burned Victis’s fingers and toes, spreading up his arms and legs. The inferno devoured his torso to his head, then danced in his eyes before bursting into flames. Victis the Ryquat was gone. Azha had never watched the birth of a Trekachaw before, but he remembered how his arms and legs faded away, leaving a silver hue in their place and then everything around him disappeared. Victis would be confused and disoriented, but very much alive. His best friend in the universe was alive.

  Victis the Trekachaw laid motionless on the mesa. He searched the area with his eyes trying to grasp on to anything recognizable. Everything was a blur, and he could not remember how he got there.

  “Is that you? Why am I lying down?” Victis asked Azha.

  “Yes, it’s me. Let me help you sit up. Do you remember what happened to you?”

  Victis rubbed his eyes and squinted at the crowd of Quizans staring back at him.

  “No, what happened?”

  “Traitor Myosis attacked you and bit through your Vexy. I thought for sure you were dead. But an old Quizan named Zygo merged with you.”

  Victis’s eyes opened wide, “I’m what, a Trekachaw?”

  Azha chuckled, “Yes you are. Check yourself out.”

  Victis raised his head to look at his long, muscular legs with brilliant, orange stripes. He flexed his arms and held his hands out in front of his face, then slowly closed his fingers, making a fist.

  “Damn, I’m really a Trekachaw. I feel… big, strong, powerful. Is that how you felt?”

  “Yes, but that’s nothing. Wait until you fly or turn into energy. I didn’t want to rub it in, but everything is so much better.”

  Victis rolled onto his side feeling awkward and clumsy. When he tried to stand up, his legs wobbled out of control. Azha reached out to steady his friend and couldn’t stop smiling.

  ONCE AGAIN, MYOSIS ESCAPED INTO thin air, leaving Choan and Belton empty-handed. Upon their return, they noticed an unusually large gathering of Quizans around a mesa. What they discovered was anything but dismal. Victis wasn’t dead; he was a Trekachaw getting his first taste of a new life. Belton high-stepped it over the Quizans’ heads to the mesa, while Choan picked up and hugged every Quizan within arm’s length.

  Victis closed his eyes thinking about the countless times he’d tried to imagine what it would feel like to be a Trekachaw. Never would he have imagined this.

  Choan and Belton were glowing green, and heckling, “Captain get up, turn into energy and fly.”

  He might as well. They weren’t going stop until he tried. Victis turned to pure energy for a moment, then morphed back into body form. That was easy enough. Telling himself to float up, he hovered above the mesa, then flew to a tree limb, landing feet-first with perfect balance. After that, he couldn’t wait to fly in space, in energy, what the hell, through anything or anywhere he wanted. Oh, yeah and sex. Yep, sex with Phera.

  Azha was getting such a big kick out of watching Victis discover his new powers, he’d forgotten about the all-important mission and their brush with Armageddon. As always, pessimistic Choan was the first one to remind them.

  “Probably already guessed Traitor Myosis and the Leaders escaped us. Shouldn’t we get going?” Choan grumbled.

  Reminded of the insurmountable burdens before them, and that time was growing shorter by the minute, Victis, Choan, and Azha bid their farewells to King Belton and streaked out of sight.

  Free from the constraints of his Vexy suite, Victis soared in space. He clearly remembered his Ryquat life and likewise the tiniest detail of Zygo’s two-hundred and ninety-seven years. More than ever, he was convinced the Fidus Achates Counsel would neither understand nor support what he had done or was about to do. United, the trio flew onto the bridge, landing in tandem. They were formidable adversaries and impressive to behold by any standards. Fate had brought Victis and Azha together, but this new life made them brothers. Together, they would win the war and find a new planet for their kindred Trekachaws.

  PER CAPTAIN VICTIS’S ORDERS, FORTY females and sixty males buzzed in energy outside the battleship. To expedite their initiation, Pax was given permission to escort the group through the ship to their new home. After a quick presentation of the accommodations, the brave Quizans were left alone to settle in for the trek to Earth.

  Victis’s plan was finally in motion. He called for an emergency briefing with the Trekachaws and several Ryquat bridge officers to clarify changes, assignments, and time lines.

  “If you do not recognize me, I am Captain Victis. So far, our journey has challenged all of us one way or the other. Together I am confident that we will prevail no matter what storm comes our way. If you haven’t been counting, presently there are eleven Trekachaws. Soon, Earth will provide one hundred new Trekachaws and the promise of a viable future for all of us.”

  Phera raised her hand, “Who merged with you?”

  “Zygo chose me. He was at the end of his time, and I was dying from injuries. I was very fortunate to have merged with such an extraordinary Quizan to guide me.”

  The Trekachaws were impressed. Zygo was admired and highly respected for his wisdom.

  “Hold any more questions. We have a lot to cover. I promoted Choan to Captain, with Duro second in command. Their Crozin battleship is Ship #1, the Luxon. Phera is Captain on the other Crozin battleship with Vopar. Her ship is Paratus, Ship #2. Both battleships will remain in orbit around Palatu. Deneb, you and Vious will assist Belton at Cavern Village. Just so everyone knows, Belton was appointed King by the Quizans. Captain Pify is in command while I’m gone.” Victis pointed at the old, salty Captain standing at the back of the room.

  “Pax, Roon, Atue, and Azha will be on my ship en route to Europa. Let’s go, we have a mission to complete.”

  This time there were no petty remarks or snide comments. The Trekachaws were adjusting to their new lives and roles that suited them best.

  Captain Victis commanded, “Akio, set a trajectory course for Europa.” The Battleship hummed. “Check, solar thrusters’ power-on-line,” and the sleeping giant awoke. “Commence,” and excitement filled the bridge. A slight vibration… then the mighty battleship pitched forward, and in a flash of light was gone.




  AN estimated four days to Europa gave Victis the opportunity to spend time with Azha. He was antsy to share the wealth of information gained by his merge with Zygo, and he had questions about his new body. Eating rituals and sleeping long hours were no longer necessary. Even better, bathing was moot; a quick change into energy purified his body. If he knew then what he knew now, he would’ve taken Choan’s offer. Even so, Zygo was a much better match for his destiny in life. For the first time in a very long time, he felt at ease sitting behind the old wooden desk inside the captains’ office. He was at peace watching the asteroids and colorful gases rush pass the long port windows. Being in one place for too long was boring and being bored always seemed to create a maddening restlessness. As always, the best remedy was the next adventure. Today was a good day to reflect, especially on those things he could not control. Like the Fidus Achates Counsel, who should be praising his prominence, thus hailing him a hero.

  Victis visualized himself standing before the counsel receiving the Gold Medallion at the renowned Alvorte Theater. Hundreds of peers and admirers were clapping wildly and cheering him on.

  Azha barged into the office, interrupting his dreams of grandeur. Victis appeared rattled, as if he were embarrassed and irritated at the same time.

  “Why do you look guilty? Are you thinking about Phera?” Azha asked.

  Victis felt the need to defend himself against Azha’s petty sarcasm, but refused to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was irritated. Instead, he ignored him, wishing that Phera was the distraction. In the real world, the Fidus Achates Counsel would most likely strip him of his rank and battleship, then court martial him for disobeying numerous fundamental laws. Like it or not, there was nothing he could do about it now.

  “Where’ve you been, Azha? You’re such an asshole,” snapped Victis.

  “Where have I been? And why am I the asshole? You need to be more creative if you’re going to call me names. Check yourself. Neither one of us has an asshole anymore. And I came here on my own accord to find out if you’re okay.”

  Victis’s stripes had been gradually turning red since the minute Azha walked into his office.

  “Silence! I’m the Captain of this ship. You’ll show me respect!”

  The office was now glowing purple from the two pissed-off, yellow-eyed Trekachaws. Without missing a beat, Azha spit-out, “Screw you, Captain!”

  They locked eyes, staring at each other, as menacing as they could muster.

  “Damn it Azha, enough is enough. Seriously, you can’t talk to me that way in front of my crew.”

  Azha smiled and held up his middle finger. “There’s no crew in here.”

  Since Victis had no idea what the middle finger represented, he figured it had to be silly Human salute.

  “Why are you pointing your middle finger at me?”

  Azha roared with laughter, “Geez, never mind. On Earth, it’s a way to express one’s anger. I thought you’d seen the middle finger thing watching Earth movies or TV. Just forget it, it doesn’t matter. Since I’m here, do you want to talk, or should I leave?”

  Indeed, he was dying to tell Azha all about Zygo’s centuries of knowledge and Azha couldn’t wait to hear the priceless secrets held by the wise, old Quizan.

  “I shall start from the beginning. Wait… well, I’ll start in a minute. Let’s move to the table, my chair is too small. Remind me to requisition adequate chairs for the Trekachaws.”

  After a roundabout of musical chairs, Victis and Azha settled on those with no arms.

  Victis started over, “Quizans are one of the original two-hundred and forty-three species to occupy the fifty-eight documented Universes within the Vastuscaelus. We were indigenous to a planet called Pala, located within another universe. Billions of years ago, Quizans were not as physically evolved. Like Humans, we required food, water, and shelter. Quizans explored the universes millions of years before Ryquats or Humans were capable of building fires. They were an advanced, compassionate species who engineered spaceships to rescue endangered life on compromised planets. Planet Pala orbited around a pair of White Dwarf Suns, providing the perfect environment for the Quizans. Tragically, a sudden shift in gravity pulled the two suns together, triggering the birth of a Supernova. Disintegration of the planet was imminent, allowing very little time for the Quizans to escape. Pandemonium ensued, driven by the quest for individual survival. Sadly, only a small number of scientists, engineers and physicians were rescued on the first EXP-Science Spaceships. They barely escaped Pala’s orbit before the Supernova left a path of destruction consuming their entire solar system that could be seen in space for eons. What saved our species were the hundreds of Quizans on spaceships scattered throughout the universes on missions. Eventually, the ships rendezvoused in search of a habitable planet. Perseverance prevailed. A perfect planet was discovered, providing the Quizans a new beginning. Our ances
tors named this planet “Palaone.” Today, Palaone is called Earth, your Earth. Back then, Earth was young and unstable. Active volcanos covered large areas of the surface, providing the Quizans with a perfect, carbon-dioxide-rich atmosphere. Over time, the Quizans became allies with a species living on a neighboring planet called Mars. That species was my ancestors, the Ryquats. During that period, Mars was a warm planet with oceans of water and rich in oxygen. The Quizans flourished on Palaone for millions of years, until the Crozins invaded Mars in their quest to destroy the Ryquats. The Ryquats had evolved into a thriving industrial species who made their presence known across the Milky Way Galaxy. Several aliens within the galaxy accused the Ryquats of aggressively entering and violating sacred space without permission. Instead of pleading ignorance or asking for a caucus to negotiate, the arrogant Ryquats vowed they would travel wherever and whenever they pleased. Their defiance split the Milky Way Galaxy and three neighboring galaxies into bloody territorial disputes. The boundaries have never been resolved and the war is ongoing.

  One such enemy is the Crozins. They retaliated by disintegrating two of the four small moons that orbited Mars, thus causing a slight shift in all the planets orbiting the sun. Mars slowly lost her rich, oxygenated atmosphere, turning her into the red planet that you see today. Palaone gradually cooled and transformed into today’s Earth.

  It took centuries for the Ryquats to leave their dying planet and relocate to their new home, Zaurak. All the while, relentless Crozins continued to randomly attack the Ryquats as they fled Mars. One of the last Ryquat passenger cargo ships en route to Zaurak was attacked by a Crozin battleship, causing them to crash onto the harsh surface of Earth. A futile attempt to locate the lost ship was unsuccessful; therefore, she was classified as a casualty of war. Most of the Ryquats survived the crash on Palaone. The survivors found the planet to be hostile with a thin, oxygenated atmosphere and a blistering hot surface compared to their once-beautiful Mars. The stranded Ryquats prayed for months that a rescue ship would find them, to no avail. Years later, hope was gone, along with their depleted resources and food supplies. Sympathetic Quizans befriended the tattered Ryquats and willingly nurtured them during their acclimation on Earth. For decades, the Quizans provided them with an abundant source of giant beaver meat, vegetation, and salvaged containers filled with fresh water.


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