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Page 19

by B R Flores

  In time, the Ryquats adapted to the hostile environment enough to travel north where they found lush jungles and cooler temperatures. Regrettably, to survive they were forced to leave their beloved Quizans’ habitat near the equator. Though apart, their admiration and loyalty were unwavering for each other. The Quizans and Ryquats often met at the edge of their neighboring climates to rejoice and exchange stories. Over thousands of years, planet Palaone continued to cool into an Ice Age. The Quizans could no longer survive in the frigid terrain and were dying alongside the Teratorn, Wooly Mammoth, and the Sabre-toothed Cats. Preparing for the worst, they docked their spaceships inside deep craters and caves adjacent to active volcanoes. Ironically, the Ryquats were now thriving in the oxygen-rich atmosphere and had adapted to the colder climate while the Quizans grew weaker with each passing year. Eventually, they were unable to venture outside the warmth provided by the lava caves. Devoted Ryquats supplied them with food and essentials until the ice age should have passed. Years turned into decades and decades turned into centuries. Even though Palaone only grew colder, the Ryquats refused to abandon their frail, Quizan friends. Eventually, the Quizans were forced yet again to search for another planet. The Ryquats bid their sad farewells to the Quizans, promising that someday they would meet again.

  A few idealist Ryquats refused to teach history or technology to their youth. This preposterous thinking by these misguided few was forced upon the others to preserve a transparent, mundane society. As a species, they severely digressed during the first thousand years. By the time the Zaurak Ryquats discovered them, they were considered an inferior species. Rather than destroying the savage Ryquats, the Council renamed them Humans. Other than random visits, they’ve been left to evolve at their own pace without interference. But now let’s go back to the Quizans.

  During the Quizans’ long trek while searching for another habitable planet, a Quizan bio-chemist and a physician continued to work on a theory discovered while on Palaone. They perfected a process to bind, or what we call merging, using an extinct Phosphorus-Urodela Amphibian’s DNA and a Quizan’s DNA. These flying colorful amphibians we called Phobias, could change their body stripes into brilliant colors and absorb the sun’s energy for nutrition. The merge was instant, and the results were amazing, making it possible to leave their ships and absorb solar energy. Without these advantages, the Quizans would never have survived the long, brutal journey to the new world.

  Every Quizan physiology advantage that you see today is owed to those two scientists who miraculously mutated the Metamorphose Gene. The bio-chemist and physician are ancient ancestors of Zygo and you.

  Their new planet, Palatu, and the Targus sun provided them with the perfect environmental conditions. Once settled, their Phobia DNA compelled them to remain close to home and bask in the sun. Quizan life was simple, and they blissfully multiplied, unfettered, until the Gystfins invaded Palatu. We being a passive species were unable to defend ourselves against the ruthless Beasts. As you well know, it didn’t take long before the Gystfins discovered the addicting, euphoric high, as well as an incredible physical advantage, from our grey-death energy.

  Zygo pleaded with King Myosis to allow Quizans the option of merging with Humans on Earth. He was certain the merge would create an invincible Quizan capable of defeating the Gystfins. Determined to prove his theory, Zygo traveled halfway to Earth only to discover that his will was much stronger than his body. He returned emaciated, discouraged, and far too old to attempt the trek again. Despite King Myosis forbidding a merge with any species, especially a Human, Zygo never gave up. He convinced several Quizans that a Human merge was their only chance for survival. Azha, you believed in me and were the only one brave enough to risk your own life. Before I forget to say it, thank you.”

  Azha was humbled by Zygo’s words.

  “While you were on Earth, the Gystfins continued to slaughter whole villages. Cavern Village was never directly attacked, not even by the bad Ryquat. Brazenly confident, King Myosis routinely ventured out into the dangerous woods for hours. I followed him one time to a large cave located on the other side of the forest. To my surprise, a Gystfin, the bad Ryquat, and an unfamiliar species they called Crozin, were waiting for him. It was obvious to me they’d met many times before. Scared to death, I stayed and eavesdropped on their conversation. It was sickening the way they talked about us and the devious alliance King Myosis had made with our enemies. The Gystfin and Ryquat were selling raw materials extracted from Palatu to the Crozins. They were skimming off a portion of the raw materials for their own profits.

  Immediately upon your return as a Trekachaw, King Myosis warned them of your Human merge and how powerful you had become. He wanted them to kill you, but they laughed and refused to take him seriously. The bad Ryquat notified the Fidus Achates Council of the new hybrid species to stop any rumors or investigations. An unknown source contacted the council reporting a very different story. I still don’t know who it was that exposed the truth about the Quizans being slaughtered. The Fidus Achates Council assigned me, Captain Victis, to investigate the rumors and report back. I thought Palatu was going to be quick assignment, a couple of days’ tops. I was wrong. What changed everything for me was seeing you.”

  Victis sighed and gazed out the portal window.

  “One more thing. Quizan lore and ancestral heredity are passed on by a select few. We are burdened with this honor for the next five hundred years.”

  Azha’s mind raced. It was going to take some time to digest all the information. The tapping of Victis’ foot on the floor made it clear to Azha that Victis wanted a quid-pro-quo regarding information relevant to Humans.

  “What I’m about to tell you, is based solely on my biased opinions. Here goes nothing. Humans can either be really good or really bad, with the majority in the middle, and all of them are naïve about the complexity of the Universe. A select few might accept us, but the majority won’t. I fear we’d create panic worldwide.”

  Azha’s perception brought up valid concerns. How were they going to recruit a hundred Humans without revealing extraterrestrial life?

  “What if we search for them at night? We can remain in energy until we’ve located worthy Humans, then morph to see how they react,” suggested Victis.

  Obviously, it was not that simple. But unless Azha had a better idea, this was the plan.

  “I have one question. We can’t land shuttles on Earth, so how will we transport them?” Azha asked.

  That was a problem Victis had not considered. “Let’s brainstorm the finer details later. I’m calling this mission, The Kigen Selection.”

  Azha was glad the discussion had ended. He was distracted by an overwhelming urge to look out the window. From there, he could see a tiny, beautiful, blue orb beckoning him to come home. Cole’s persistence was disturbing; he concentrated on suppressing his Human-half. Nothing worked. The closer they got to Earth, the worse he got. Vivid memories of Ginger and his mother were confusing and causing an overwhelming sadness. Victis tapped Azha on the shoulder. “Do you have anything else to add?”

  Azha closed his eyes and collected himself before turning around. “Yes, I would like to contact Ginger and my mother.”

  “Why, of course. They’ll be our first Human volunteers,” assured Victis.

  THE RYQUAT BATTLESHIP DROPPED INTO Europa’s orbit adjacent to the cargo ship. Victis chose Azha and Roon to accompany him on the initial inspection, while leaving Akio in charge during his absence. Azha led the way through the vast cargo ship to the bridge where he’d stood before. Eerily, it seemed like a lifetime ago. Victis was busy touching everything in sight, reminding him of a kid on Christmas morning.

  “This ship is nice. It’s powerful enough to transport just about anything I want, and Atue can increase its speed with a few minor adjustments,” Victis mused.

  Roon was honored that he had been invited by the elite duo. This was a nice distraction from Quizan Phera or evil Tara dumping him. After their m
erge, the Tara he loved was gone and Phera was not at all interested. Lonely and heartbroken, he needed someone to confide in. Since Phera dumped Azha too, Roon was certain they could talk about the gut-wrenching pain she’d caused.

  Roon let out long sighs waiting for Azha to notice his despair. Clearly, he was doing everything possible to get Azha’s attention, and it worked.

  “Roon, is there something you’d like to talk about?”

  The dam broke. Roon was talking so loudly about his break up with Phera that Victis couldn’t help but overhear the drama. Of course, he was interested. And why? Because it was Phera.

  Azha vigorously shook his head NO at Victis, indicating that now was not the time to ask Roon if it was ‘okay’ to have sex with Phera.

  Victis mouthed, “Fine,” and made a face. “Let’s head back to the ship; it’s time to put our Kigen mission in motion.”

  This was the first time Victis’s stripes had turned into a brilliant green. He was very happy.

  THIRTY-TWO CREWMEN WALKED ACROSS THE battleship platform to board the cargo ship. Most of them had been reassigned to the bridge and engineering deck. Victis approved the retro-solar grid intake and telerobotic upgrade that Atue recommended to increase speed and improve the overall efficiency. This was Atue’s baby. He’d make sure every upgrade was installed with exact precision, including a weapons system that any battleship would be proud to have. Someday, every inch of the massive craft would be explored, but for now essential areas would have to do.

  Azha and Victis buzzed into the Quizan quarters to announce the good news. “We’ve arrived at Europa.” A deafening, high-pitched cheer rang out.

  “May I have everyone’s attention,” Azha asked with a grin. The room grew silent and all eyes were on Azha.

  “Victis and I will fly to earth first to recruit candidates. Once we’ve selected qualified Humans, we’ll return to the ship. Your merges will take place on Earth. But I can’t stress this enough, the atmosphere is oxygen-based, so remember to remain in energy until you’ve entered your Human’s body.”

  Nothing was preventing Azha from leaving the battleship, yet he dreaded even the thought of leaving. Why now? He could feel his stripes turning from orange to a pale tan. What could be so bad on Earth to make him feel this way? Pushy Victis had already turned into energy and was flickering about like a firefly. Seeing Ginger again scared him. What if she rejected him? That’s probably why he felt so stressed. No more thinking about what-ifs. Shaking it off, Azha turned into energy and followed Victis through the ship’s hull.

  The stars were spectacular. Flying weightless in this grandeur cleared his misguided thoughts. Doubt and anxiety were for Humans, not a Trekachaw. Besides, his future was with Victis. Together, they could lead their superior species to a new, uninhabited world. He just needed to stop listening to Cole.



  EARTH was beautiful. Too bad Humans were sheltered from their ancestry and isolated in the Universe. Now that he was closer to home, he wished desperately to stay. On second thought, Cole was the one home sick. Shit, he was angry, and not letting go. He was the reason for being hesitant to leave the ship. Cole needed to calm down and not interfere. Azha flew around the equator, over Hawaii and through the walls of the old, abandoned winery into the last cellar room. Cole flared with a vengeance, forcing his Quizan soul to see haunting memories. None of them were pleasant and none of them he wanted to remember. The rock walls glowed blue from Azha fighting desperately to gain control of his emotions. A thunderous clap in his ear awoke him from his trance. Victis was in his face yelling, “What’s wrong? Azha, are you okay?”

  “This is where I merged with Cole.”

  “Doesn’t look like much to brag about,” mumbled Victis. “Why are we here? I say, we meet the family.”

  More often, than not, Victis was impossible. But, he had a way of keeping things in perspective. The cellar room flashed and once more was black as night.

  Azha’s old backyard should have been the best location to spy on Ginger without being detected. But Victis was being so loud that all the dogs in the neighborhood were barking.

  “What the UNKO are those? DAMARE BAKA YAROU,” shouted Victis

  Azha grabbed Victis by the arm and pulled him behind a tree. “Geez, shut up!”

  An unfamiliar, elderly man and woman were pressed up against the living room window, peering out into the backyard at them. Victis could not control his fear, and his stripes were glowing bright red. Neighbors had turned on lights and were coming outside to see what all the commotion was about. Azha squeezed Victis’s arm and pointed up, “Follow me.”

  Victis flew in circles, frustrated, admitting how much the beastly dogs had scared him. That was just about the most ludicrous thing Azha had ever heard in his Human or Quizan life. He’d witnessed Victis fight Gystfins with no fear in his eyes. How could he be afraid of a little dog and what was UNKO, Blah, Blah, Blah?

  “What did you yell at the dogs?” Azha asked with a smile.

  “Go ahead Azha, hope you’re having a good laugh. Unko is a Japanese Earth word. If you’re so smart, why don’t you know what it means?”

  “Why didn’t my linguistic chip work?” Azha asked.

  Victis stopped flying in circles. “I had the Japanese dialect removed so the crewman wouldn’t know when I was swearing.”

  “Ah, you should know the crewman already figured out your bad words.”

  “I’ll tell you what they mean, if you keep this dog thing between us.”

  “Deal,” Azha agreed trying not to laugh.

  Unko Damare Baka Yarou means shit, shut up, stupid asshole.

  Azha practiced saying the Japanese swear words over and over until Victis congratulated him on getting them right. All this time wasted, and nothing accomplished. Zilch.

  “Now that we’ve got that settled, I don’t know the elderly couple. Can we check my mom’s house?”

  “I suppose, lead the way,” Victis mused.

  Azha floated in first, then Victis. His mom’s house was dark and quiet. They dimmed their energy into a soft glow and searched the living room. Slowly, they drifted down the hallway into his mom’s bedroom. Her bed had been replaced by a hospital bed with an IV bag hanging from a pole. The drip-line led to a frail, old woman sleeping in the dark shadows. The room smelled pungent, and a faint light emitted from a monitor hooked up to a stand adjacent to the bed. Even in the dark, Azha recognized the silhouette of her face. His mom was gaunt, and her breathing was labored. It appeared she had not been able to care for herself for a very long time. He morphed into body form and gently touched her face. Victis watched from above as his friend wept in sorrow.

  The cover of night turned into dawn and the birds began to sing. Their familiar sweet songs soothed Azha. His mom had moaned several times during the night, but she never opened her eyes. From down the hallway, the sounds of another bedroom door opened. Footsteps were coming closer and closer towards his mom’s room. Azha turned into energy and joined Victis floating against the ceiling. Ginger entered the bedroom and began caring for his mom. Azha watched as she checked the monitor and spoke lovingly to her.

  “Morning Beverly. Today will be a good day. If you can open your eyes, I’ll sit you up. Wouldn’t that be nice?”

  Azha morphed into body form behind Ginger. Silently, he watched her while searching for the right words to say. Ginger walked over to a dresser and saw the monster’s reflection in the mirror. Breathless, she froze. One small step at a time, she shuffled backwards towards his mom’s bedside.

  Azha touched his chest, “I am Cole.”

  Ginger fell backwards, catching herself on the edge of the bed frame. Horrified, she gasped and covered her mouth with both hands to muffle her scream.

  “Don’t be afraid. I was a police officer. We were going to be married, but I disappeared. You and Mom saw me in the backyard out the kitchen window, remember?”

  Azha heard footsteps scampe
ring down the hallway. Ginger looked up at Azha, then her eyes darted over to the open doorway. She lunged to grab the boy as he scurried into the room and ran to the opposite side of the bed. Her hands were shaking as she draped her worn sweater around the child in a feeble attempt to hide him from view. With a voice filled with fear she stuttered, “Please stand over there,” pointing to a corner in the room.

  Azha stepped backwards into the corner. “I would never hurt you or my mom.”

  “What did you nickname Beverly?” She asked while trying to restrain they boy from peeking out from underneath her sweater.

  “Beaver, because she likes to build things,” replied Azha, relieved that he knew the answer.

  Ginger appeared angry, “What happened to you?”

  “So much has happened. I was feeling tired and decided to check out that old, abandoned winery where the kids hang out. No one was outside, but there was someone inside. Ginger, it wasn’t a someone, it was an alien from a planet called Palatu. They’re called Quizans… I’m half Quizan. My name is Azha and I merged with Cole. Now we’re a species called Trekachaw. I merged because Quizans are being slaughtered by vicious aliens. Forgive me, but we’re running out of time and the rest will have to wait.”

  All the while Ginger was listening to Azha, the small boy on her lap was fidgeting trying to find a way to escape. Victis grew restless and morphed into body form at the opposite side of the room. Ginger shrieked, stood up, and then fell backwards onto the bed.


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