Book Read Free

Reaching Answers

Page 24

by Erin R Flynn

  “While you were out there saving people and learning more than in any book, I was here being bullied and dealing with every stupid cliché we hate. You were doing something real and making a difference, and I sat in chemistry getting spitballs thrown at me or stuffed in lockers. That’s what you missed.”

  He turned to straddle the bleacher and made me do the same so we were facing each other, cupping my cheeks as he stared into my eyes.

  “You are so much more than normal. You are extraordinary, agra. You are what people aspire to ever be, and you are only twenty. I know you feel alone and different, an outcast because you weren’t raised like them nor us. But you were never going to be like any of us because you were always going to be more, and I’m not talking about who you were born to.

  “I don’t care about that and I never will.” He moved one of his hands to over my heart. “I mean here. This is what matters. Your heart. Your soul was never going to be one of a normal woman who experienced anything ordinary. You were always meant to be above all of this. You were never behind us, no matter your education, but lightyears ahead of us, and that’s why they’re all so fucking jealous of you.”

  I was fairly sure he had more to say but I didn’t give him a chance, leaning in and kissing him with all I had. A lot of people had said basically the same thing, but no one had ever gotten me to truly hear them like Darby just had.

  He broke the kiss and rubbed his nose against mine in the way that always made me melt. “So stop wearing it as a strike against you that brings you shame. It should be your shield of pride. You were doing more as a kid than even fairies do. I heard the Light Guardians talking about it, and it’s unheard of to go out in the world solo to right wrongs before a fairy has their wings. You’re amazing, agra.”

  “Thanks, Darby,” I whispered, leaning in and snuggling with him, laying my head on his shoulder for a few minutes. I knew that was all we had but I wanted to enjoy it.

  We continued with the tour. He was shocked at that after I discovered the purpose, but I had demanded to see everything and get to know more about his past. I wanted to know more about him, and I think that meant a lot to him.

  Silly man. Of course I wanted to know everything about my prickly pear. I simply didn’t know how to say that always, and I wasn’t great at pushing.

  He had opened a lot of old wounds by bringing me there and trying to help me. That was obvious by the time we reached the end. He was lost in his head—bad memories probably—as we walked down the aisle of the school theater.

  “Were you into theater?”

  “Not really, but the theater teacher was nice.” He shrugged and wouldn’t look at me. “I liked helping with the sets. It was a safe extracurricular as the guys who were in theater were popular and appreciated the grunts. I was into a few of the girls who were into theater too.”

  And they’d hurt him. Or at least one did, and that was what he didn’t want to say.

  “Was she pretty? Or them?”

  “She was. They both were, but yeah, she was. Is.” He cleared his throat. “I mentioned her once. She wanted help getting into college. She doesn’t go to Artemis. Even her money couldn’t buy her in there with such shitty test scores. Not when there are elites who do test well and have money like Lucca and Hudson. They work too. I’m not disparaging them or—”

  “I know. I get it. I’m sorry she hurt you.”

  “Me too.” He glanced around again and shook his head. “I was stupid. All the signs were there it wasn’t real.”

  I snorted. “Been there, done that, and went back for more like an idiot.”

  “Yeah, same,” he whispered. He showed me around backstage and then the storage area, even a few of the sets he’d worked on that were still there. There was the prep and theater classroom. “This is the chorus classroom. There wasn’t a chorus class or group anymore, so it was more the cool kids’ hangout area all the teachers pretended not to know about.”

  “Ahhh, we had that. It was the condemned old school that was never torn down because that was smart to have around, but funding ran out or whatever,” I muttered as I looked around. “Or they were supposed to get funding to turn it into an extended area, but it never happened. Public schools are funny like that and never know what’s going on. Or lie. I found there was a lot of lying.”

  “I think that’s any school.”

  “True.” It was a much nicer hangout area than ours was, which was expected with a fancy school. “So this was the high school version of bringing someone to the stacks? You bring anyone here?”

  He snorted. “There are places like that all over Artemis. Let’s be honest that it’s not just the library. That’s every college campus.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “And no, I never brought anyone here.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked out the window. “That’s where she brought her real boyfriend. I wasn’t cool enough to hang out here. We should get going.”

  “Nah, I think you need some better memories of this place,” I purred as I dropped my jacket on the ground.

  And pulled off my sweater.

  “I’m over this place and this crap,” he lied. He sighed when I didn’t reply, turning around to say something, but his eyes going wide to find me mostly undressed. “Tamsin!”

  “Darby!” I teased as I peeled off my pants, my shoes already gone. “I put up a barrier. Are you saying you don’t want your agra?”

  “I always want you. You know that.”

  “Then be naughty with me in the cool kids room like we never got to. Give me my fantasy, my sexy Irishman.” I winked at him and teased the front clasp of my bra. “Unless you don’t want to?”

  He was on me before I could get my bra off. His hands moved to my ass as his lips found mine. He kissed me silly before pulling away. “You are much prettier than she is. Don’t be jealous, agra. You’re a twenty and she’s like, an eight. No, you’re at least a thirty on a scale of ten if she’s an eight.”

  “I wasn’t being jealous,” I defended.

  “Sure,” he chuckled, kissing me quiet.

  I hadn’t thought I’d been but maybe. “You’re much more handsome, definitely sexier, than that idiot I gave my virginity to. He was so fucking stupid and I love how smart you are. And your glasses always get me hot how you fidget with them.”

  “You’re the only one. I think I love that you were raised with humans for the single fact you adore my glasses and they have a thing of sexy geeks,” he mumbled against my lips in between kisses. “You want to give me my fantasy?”

  “Yes, always. Let’s play.”

  “Anything I want?”

  I nodded, knowing he wouldn’t push too much or take things over the line.

  He smiled against my lips. “I’m going to bang you against the wall and make you scream my name while all the little shits are in class and I get the prettiest woman ever they could never dream of.”

  I groaned. That was so fucking hot.

  Mostly because he meant it. Darby completely felt that way about me. No reservations or doubts. To him, I was the hottest woman ever, the best all-around and no one better possible.

  He was totally delusional, but I liked he appreciated me that much.

  I had my bra and panties off by the time he got his jeans open and pushed down, giving me a curious look. I shrugged. “I assume the fantasy had me totally naked for you.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Agra, all of my fantasies have you totally naked.”

  Okay then.

  He pushed me up against the wall so I was facing it and knelt behind me, giving me some serious fun with his tongue and fingers. I cried out his name twice before he spun me around, hard and ready for me. He lifted my leg and plunged into me, loving to surprise me and my body with the sudden first thrust.

  And I fucking loved it. I felt so full and his need poured over me, egging my own desire higher and higher.

  Darby lifted me under my legs and pressed me flush against
the wall as he pounded into me without giving me any time to adjust. I wrapped my arms around his head and held on for the ride. He ran his fangs along my neck, making my shiver, but both of us knowing he would never bite me again.

  I trusted him enough to let him near my neck and to tease me with his fangs, and that meant the world to him. He’d told me that several times, and I was glad we were back to the place I could trust him and not flinch at the idea of him near my neck.

  It had been dark times for us when I couldn’t.

  I think that relief overwhelmed us both since it had been just over a year since it had happened. I kissed him with all I had as he moved faster, took me harder.

  “I love you, Darby,” I rasped, my heart soaring at being with him, but my soul also hurting at all we’d had to suffer through to get to this point.

  And I doubted it would be the last of our pain. Call me pessimistic, but I saw it more as reality.

  “I love you so much it hurts, agra,” he grunted in between thrusts. “Come for me. Show me how good I make you feel.”

  That wasn’t hard to push me into since I was already right there. I screamed out his name as I did, not holding back at all since I knew he wanted that for his fantasy. I hated feeling like I was obnoxious but now and again, my men could get the win of making me have a porn-type orgasm.

  I’d give them much more than a bit of embarrassment on my part.

  He brought me again before finishing but apparently, I wasn’t finished with him.

  “Again,” I demanded.

  “Really?” he asked, gasping for air and not hiding his shock. He shook his head when I nodded. “We have to get going before someone comes looking for us.”

  “Fuck me again or we won’t have sex like this for a while,” I threatened, both of us knowing I wouldn’t carry out that threat now that the passion was back between us.

  A slow smirk crept on his lips. “I’m gonna bend ya over something and drill ya hard if ya gonna be a brat with me, agra.”

  “Fuck me then, feed me more, or I’m gonna get really hangry with ya, my sexy Irishman,” I teased in my best Irish accent.

  Apparently, it wasn’t half bad, or it was horrible, and my teasing still turned him on because moments later, I was bent over the teacher’s desk having my world rocked by my boyfriend. Going to hell apparently had a few perks.

  As long as I was involved.

  A sentiment Darby agreed with and said the moment we finished. I laughed so hard I couldn’t even stand or clean up. It took me several minutes to calm down and explain he’d said exactly what I’d been thinking, and then he was just as amused.

  What wasn’t amusing—but also not unexpected—was the group waiting for us at the main office when we went to sign out and return our badges. I didn’t wait for the normal bluster and bullshit, finding Claudia in the group and going right on the offensive.

  “Thank you for coming so quickly. I need a police report filed as a student assaulted me while I was here and wouldn’t let me go after both of us warned him. I had to forcibly remove his hand from my body.”

  “You broke my son’s hand and—” a man started.

  I gave him a bored look. “He’s lucky I didn’t break his arm and face. He clearly was about to do the same to me for the way I disrespected him by telling him no when he assumed I was no one. You should be teaching your son manners and vital necessities, like self-preservation, as he’s stupid and so entitled, he’s crass by human standards.

  “It’s disgusting and uncouth that I’m disappointed he attends this fine school. I’ll make sure I mention to Headmaster Edelman that I don’t think he’s Artemis material, and several other of our fine colleges could do without such an uncivilized and ill-behaved boy. He goes out in the real world, and his actions could land him in human jail and risk all of our society.”

  “Why, you stupid little bitch,” he seethed as he reached through the group of people for me.

  “Clearly, we can see where he gets his lack of self-preservation,” Claudia drawled. “And also, his trashy behavior.”

  “Touch me and I will break you,” I warned the man as he reached me. “I don’t care how archaic and behind the humans you’ve been allowed to behave towards women, but I don’t put up with that shit. It’s not only ridiculous, but it risks all of us.” I ignored his bluster and focused on Claudia. “It will be a lot of hours, but I want your interns or junior associates to interview every female student here.”

  She raised an eyebrow at that. “To what end?”

  “I want to know who else that little shit has put his hands on like he’s entitled to any and every woman he wants. I want to know how bad this rape and abuse culture runs. And I want to know if there’s another option for the ten-year celibacy rune. If there is not, I want to set up a research fund with a million dollar prize for the one who creates a two-year rune.”

  Her eyes flashed shock. “Why?”

  “Because that’s going to be the new punishment given by the councils to anyone who rapes their people. It’s disgusting it’s not already. This world has magic, but it’s not magical or better at all. People simply use their power for more corruption and to get away with more crimes. If they want to keep playing that way, so will I. I simply have more power than they do.”

  I winked at her and grabbed Darby’s hand, thanking the principal for the lovely time and tour. I ignored the man trying to “put me in my place” and all that stupid sexist bullshit and left. If he thought barking at me that I needed to shut my mouth and stand off to the side like a woman should after all I’d been through when bigger and badder had already tried… Well, I couldn’t fix the stupidity of others.

  But I could punish them for their misdeeds.

  And soon, I would. Legally, once I was out.

  I was starting to honestly look forward to that day.


  The next few weeks were actually calm and pretty great. After what happened with Izzy being taken off campus, we expected pushback on demanding stricter security procedures but before we could say anything, Mr. Von Thann was formulating plans for the school board to implement. It had taken me a few moments to catch up, but Lucca had filled me in.

  Someone had found a weakness and publicly exploited it. Others would try it next, and that risked all the wealthy, high priority targets of the elite families attending Artemis. It had nothing to do with Izzy or I and everything to do with protecting their kids, which they didn’t mess around with.

  Fair enough. I’d always known that given the amount of security guards compared to the number of students at such a small university. There were cameras and protection measures all over, plus the wards and barriers.

  Hey, I wasn’t complaining.

  And our school wasn’t the only one who had stepped up. At first, the warlock elders had assumed it was their time to shine and get something out of the deal. Some needed goodwill when so many were pissed at them either for the ongoing crap with McGrath, Ainsworth, or that elder who had been willing to work with a leader in the Underground to take me out.

  Instead, the school boards approached the Calloways and asked how to figure out what to do. They had some ideas but in the end, I had asked the fairies in hiding at my hotels for help. It was a chance for us to help our allies and protect students, which we needed to, and they agreed.

  Unfortunately, the answer they had would have been busted as fairy magic in a few minutes flat.

  Of course it would.

  It had been an all-hands-on-deck situation since the longer we left the door open for baddies to slip in, they would want to use it. Iolas, Katrina, and Craftsman came up with the answer after he was able to create a new rune based on a fairy one, but only because of his link to my magic and being my mate.

  We were going to leave that part out of story. Definitely.

  There were currently magical items that scanned for magic. I’d used one several times when we’d been interviewing people to work at HAVEN and hunting
Underground. There were ways to cloak magic though, like how White had that safe in my closet or her purse blocked crystals from me at times.

  Or I cloaked myself all the damn time.

  So that was a factor. There were lots of factors, and we had to be smarter than the bad guys. Iolas, Katrina, and Craftsman all said my not growing up in the supe world was truly my biggest asset sometimes, as it was my weird way of seeing our world that had given them the visual of what to focus on, try for.

  “Why can’t you just have a damn black light you turn on in the security room?” I had demanded. “Like when police or forensics scan for blood or bodily fluids with lights? Bring packages into the room and flip on the switch to activate the bespelled light that will flare up anything that’s not what it’s supposed to be. Either magic or ill intent or just that the fucking bad guys sent it.”

  Sure, I’d been mostly sarcastic and a bit snippy because they’d been discussing magical theory and all the stuff I didn’t understand. But it was also how long they’d been going on, and it was way past when we were supposed to have eaten.

  Hey, I warned people I got hangry.

  After they’d gotten over their shock that I’d come up with such a simplistically complicated genius idea, Katrina had muttered something about getting me a warning shirt. I wasn’t sure how something could be simplistically complicated until they all pointed to the reservoir on the counter.

  That made sense in a magical context. The concept was simple. It held magic until one needed it. It stored it for later.

  However, it was ridiculously complicated to make, layers and layers of crazy to put it all together. Fine, but it still sounded like an oxymoron.

  And the wench really did have a hoodie made for me that said “WARNING: Suffers from extreme cases of Hangry. Feed immediately for the safety of everyone.”

  I think all of my friends are still laughing.

  I’ve worn it because it’s not wrong. Unflattering, but not untrue.

  And it’s super comfy.

  After a lot of work, they’d pulled it off with my helping Craftsman and managed to get it set up in the guard station. Score one for the good guys. The past couple of weeks had been going good with the testing of it, and we were ready to figure out how to get it into the other colleges as well.


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