Book Read Free


Page 11

by Lori G. Matthews

  “It would be nice to have another dork to talk to.”

  “Sometimes she lacks a filter.”

  “She can’t be that bad.” Sam rested her elbows on the step above. “Did you miss me?”

  Alex mimicked her pose. “Oh, definitely. I don’t know how I survived without you.”

  Sam playfully nudged a shoulder into her. “It’s okay. I’m here now.” She snatched Alex’s baseball hat and put it on.

  “You gonna take my hat too?”

  “Maybe. How’s it look?”

  Alex leaned away and drank her in, arching a brow. “You almost look athletic.”

  “Good. I’m ready for a basketball rematch.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. Am I getting my hat back?”


  “Damn it.”

  Sam glanced down at Alex’s toes. “You do have some cute toes.”

  “You do too.” Alex covered Sam’s toes with her own and tickled them.

  Sam slid off her sandals and soon they were engaged in a hot and heavy toe wrestling match that had them both giggling.

  After putting their toes in timeout, Sam took a breath and exhaled. “God, I’m gonna miss you.”

  Alex gave a start. “Why? Are you going somewhere?”

  “I have to leave Sunday for a movie shoot.”

  “This Sunday?”

  “Yeah.” She’d been secretly wishing the schedule would be delayed, which was why she hadn’t mentioned it until now.

  Disappointment clouded Alex’s eyes. “For how long?”

  “I’m not sure.” Melancholy seeped into Sam’s voice. “Six to eight weeks.”

  “Well that sucks.”

  “And I have to explain something about how I work. When I’m shooting a movie, I try to keep my distractions to a minimum and stay in character as much as possible.”

  “Like method acting?”

  “Yeah. I don’t talk to my friends, or my mom, or anybody.”

  “How about texting?”

  “No texting.”

  “No talking or texting for two months? Wow.”

  Sam grimaced and shook her head. “Believe me, I’m not looking forward to it.” How would she survive that long without Alex? Suddenly her heart felt tight. Eight weeks was a lifetime. So much could happen. What if Alex found somebody else? Or grew bored waiting? A knot of worry lodged in her belly.

  Alex sighed. “I guess I’ll have to survive.”

  Sam tried to keep it light, because thinking about no Alex for two months was unbearable. “I’m sure you’ll live. You’ll probably find another distraction while I’m gone.” Sam put the hat back on Alex’s head, tucking in a stray strand of hair.

  “I’m not easily distracted.”

  Sophia opened the door. “You guys ready? Hi, Sam, I’m Sophia.”

  Sam stood and gave Sophia a quick hug. “It’s nice to meet you.” She handed her the wine.

  “You too. I’ve heard a lot about you. Thank you for the wine, that’s very sweet.”

  They made their way to the dining room, where Lenna had already taken her seat.

  “Why aren’t we eating in the kitchen?” Lenna’s mouth dropped open when she saw Sam. “Oh shit. You’re…oh shit…I can’t believe it.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “Stop stammering like a toddler,” Alex said. “I told you she’s a dork, Sam.”

  “Well, I’m happy to meet a fellow dork.” Sam walked around the table, and Lenna stood to shake her hand. “Oh no, I’m a hugger.” Sam gave her a big hug before taking the seat next to her.

  Alex sat across from them.

  “I’m a… I’m a…,” Lenna stuttered. “Ugh. Sorry. I’m an idiot.”

  “Aw, Sam, she sounds like you,” Alex teased.

  “She’s right, I act like a dork around this one.” Sam pointed in Alex’s direction.

  Lenna inched her chair closer. “Why would you act like a dork around her? She’s not worth it.”

  Alex smirked. “Go ahead, Sam. Tell her why.”

  “I told her she gave off a lot of sexual energy, and it made me nervous.”

  Lenna scowled at Alex. “I told you to behave.”

  “I’m innocent in all of this.”

  Alex’s toes slipped across the floor and grabbed Sam’s, making her jump. The long tablecloth acted as a cover.

  “You hear that, Lenna? She’s innocent.”

  “If she bothers you, tell me, and I’ll pull her off your job.”

  “Oh, I’ll put up with it. Occasionally she takes her shirt off. And I’m not ashamed to say, I look. I mean, I’m human.”

  Lenna rested a hand on Sam’s arm. “You can look. Look all you want. Alex, from now on, sports bras only over there!”

  “Thank you, Lenna.” Sam reached across the table and stole Alex’s hat again.

  “Wow, I’m impressed,” Sophia said. “That’s her favorite hat. Nobody touches it.”

  “Sam likes to take things that don’t belong to her.”

  Meandering toes traveled up Sam’s leg.

  “Only your things,” she said sweetly, trying not to flinch.

  “Alex, let her have your hat.” Lenna smiled at Sam, clearly smitten. Like a kitten.

  “She already took my sunglasses.”

  Lenna glowered at her. “This is Samantha fucking Cassidy, you’ll give her whatever she wants.”

  Alex’s lip curled into a playful sneer. “You give her your hat.”

  Now the toes were above Sam’s knee, traveling up her thigh, toward an area that was probably a no-fly zone. Sam discreetly reached under the tablecloth and pinched the wandering phalanges, stopping them in their tracks.

  “She just said she likes to take your things.” Lenna stared adoringly at Sam.

  “Shit, I won’t have anything left. I’ll be walking around naked.”

  Sam glanced at Lenna. “Naked? I wouldn’t mind that.”

  “Alex, take your clothes off!” Lenna yelled.

  Sam and Sophia guffawed.

  “Sam you’re my hero,” Sophia gushed. “Someone who can actually hold their own with the Novato sisters. Now, are we ready to eat? Lenna, help me get the food on the table.”

  * * *

  Once in the kitchen, Sophia pulled Lenna’s arm. “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

  “Sam Cassidy?”

  “No!” Sophia softly slapped her arm. “Are you seeing what’s going on between them?”

  “You mean the fact they dig each other majorly? I see it. I’m wondering if my baby sis has kept her promise.”

  “She has, because there’s a bunch of sexual tension between them. If they were sleeping together it would be a different vibe.” Sophia stole another peek at the happy non-couple. “They’re so cute together. Alex hasn’t acted this way around someone in a long time.”

  “I know.”

  “Do they realize how they look at each other?”

  “Probably not. I don’t know Sam, but Alex can be dense. Hey, maybe we’ll have a famous sister-in-law in the family.”

  They both snickered.

  “Can you imagine? Thanksgiving with Sam Cassidy,” Lenna said. “We have to encourage this.”

  “Oh, so you’re okay with it now?”


  Lenna and Sophia returned to the dining room, arms loaded with plates of food.

  “Wow, everything smells delicious. Thanks again for inviting me over,” Sam said.

  “It’s us who should be thanking you for coming. It’s nice to finally meet you,” Sophia said.

  They all dug in.

  “Sam, Sophia is a shrink,” Alex said as she spooned some vegetables onto her plate. “So watch what you say to her. Unless you want to be psychoanalyzed. Then, you put a nickel in the jar, like Lucy from Peanuts.”

  “I love Peanuts.”

  “Well, there you go. Meet Lucy, and my dorky, dykey sister is Peppermint Patty.”

  “Who are you?” Lenna demanded.

>   Alex puffed up her chest. “I’m Snoopy, of course. Cool and aloof.”

  “Oh pa-lease. Who am I?” Sam asked.

  “You? Hm.” Alex glanced at the ceiling, her index finger tapping her chin. “Linus.”

  Sam crinkled her nose. “Linus? Why Linus? He sucks his thumb.”

  “He does. However, more importantly, he cuddles that blanket. He’s a cuddler. Sam’s a cuddler,” Alex told Lenna and Sophia.

  Sam nodded. “She’s right. I’m a cuddler.”

  “Although I wouldn’t know. Right now, it’s hearsay.” Alex cocked an eyebrow at Sam.

  Lenna and Sophia looked at each other. Then looked away.

  After dinner, Sophia announced the dessert options. “We have two choices, apple pie with ice cream or Alex’s homemade brownies.”

  “I’ll take a brownie, please.” Sam’s phone buzzed and she took a quick peek down. “I’m sorry. I never do this, but it’s important. Please excuse me.” She hurried into the other room with Yogi trailing after her.

  As Sam left the room, Alex’s eyes followed her. When she turned back, she had a stupid grin on her face and a dreamy look in her eyes.

  Lenna and Sophia gawked at her.

  Alex frowned. “What is it with you two? You’ve been chicken hawking us all night.”

  “What’s going on here?” Lenna asked, pointing to where Sam had been sitting and then at Alex.

  “Nothing.” Alex’s lips twitched up slightly. “What?”

  “How far along is this thing between you two?” Sophia asked.

  “This thing? It’s not a thing.”

  They both continued to stare.

  “Nothing’s going on. You made me promise.”

  “All I ask is that you just don’t break my favorite actress’s heart,” Lenna said.

  “I’m not gonna break her heart. Geez, give me a little credit.”

  Sam came back into the room smiling.

  “Good news, I hope?” Alex asked.

  “Very good.” Sam sat down at the table.

  Lenna threw an arm around her. “So it’s my fortieth birthday this weekend.”

  “Well, congratulations!”

  “We’re having a big party. Consider yourself invited.”

  “Well, that sounds fun. Alex never mentioned it.” Sam shot an accusing glance in her direction.

  “Ah, it’s at a gay bar in WeHo. Kinda like a no-go for you,” Alex explained.

  “Why? It would be fun.”

  “It’s definitely gonna be fun,” Lenna said.

  “Sam,” Alex said gently, “there’s going to be over a hundred people at the party. All taking selfies with you. Your agent would not appreciate you being headline news. If you thought Twitter blew up from your show’s last episode, this might be worse. Everyone would be posting all over their Facebook pages.”

  Sam looked pensive for a moment, and then her eyes flashed with excitement. “What if I brought a bunch of other cast members and crew?”

  “You could do that?” Lenna asked.

  “Why not?”

  Alex frowned. “Sam, this is a bad idea.”

  “Don’t worry. It’ll be fine. And so much fun.”

  “Yes!” Lenna shared a happy high five with Sam.

  Sophia placed the desserts on the table, and Sam grabbed a brownie, taking a healthy bite. “Wow, this is good. You’re obviously better in the kitchen than I am.”

  “Yeah, Sam can’t cook,” Alex told Lenna and Sophia. “But it’s okay, you can’t be good at everything.”

  “Well, I’m not very good at pool basketball either,” Sam pointed out.

  “You have my hat now. It’s bound to make you more athletic.”

  “I’m not good at drinking.”

  “Well, who wants to be good at drinking?”

  “You’ve never seen me behind the wheel. My driving can be horrifying.”

  “I’ll drive.”

  Lenna and Sophia looked at each other. And looked away.

  A few minutes later, they all finished eating and sat back, hands on their bellies, feeling overly stuffed and satisfied.

  Sam cleared her throat. “The phone call earlier was from my agent, Zach. Alex, I have something to tell you.”

  Sam’s tone had everyone’s attention.

  “I sent your book to him, and he shared it with the head of their literary department.” Sam paused. “They loved it. They wanna represent you.”

  Alex’s mouth dropped open. “What?”

  “No way,” Sophia and Lenna said simultaneously.

  Sam continued. “Not only that, but Zach has a friend at a publishing house in Chicago. He wants to send the full manuscript to him. Guy owes him a favor. So, at the very least, they’ll read it.”

  “Oh my God!” Sophia threw her arms around Alex. “This is wonderful!”

  Alex remained frozen in place, her eyes wide with shock.

  Sam raised a hand. “Now, there’s no promise they’ll publish it, but at the very least, someone will read it. And if they don’t want it, Zach will keep shopping it until he finds someone who will.”

  “Holy shit!” Lenna hollered, jumping to her feet to put Alex in a choke hold. “I told you. I told you! Write the fanfic, get a following, get your book published. Though I never expected your following to be Samantha fucking Cassidy!”

  “Who would expect that?” Sophia laughed and slapped at Lenna’s arm. “Honey don’t kill her before the book gets published.”

  “Oh, right.” Lenna released Alex and duffed her in the head for good measure.

  Once freed from the headlock, Alex jumped to her feet and pulled Sam from her chair. “Are you serious? I have an agent?”

  “Yes, if you want him.”

  Wrapping Sam in her arms, she twirled her around. When Alex set her down, moisture pooled in her eyes. “I just can’t believe it. I can’t believe you did this for me.”

  Sam wiped at her own watery eyes. “I’m just glad I could help. The book is great. I loved it.”

  Alex pumped her fist in the air. “I’ve got an agent, bitches!”

  Everyone hooted and hugged.

  With a hand over her heart, Alex said, “I can’t even express in words how happy you’ve made me. This is totally unexpected. And, quite possibly, the nicest thing anybody has ever done for me. Thank you.”

  Sam grasped her hand and squeezed. “You’re so welcome.”

  “How am I gonna repay you?”

  “Oh, I’m sure I can think of something.” Sam’s eyes sparkled with mischief.

  Lenna and Sophia looked at each other. And looked away.

  After a celebratory toast and more conversation, Sam finally stood. “I guess I should get going. Sophia, wonderful to meet you. Dinner was delicious. I would reciprocate, but only if Alex cooks. And Lenna, great to meet you too. I’m gonna work on that birthday thing.” Sam hugged them both.

  “I’ll walk you out,” Alex offered.

  Lenna and Sophia stayed behind to give them privacy.

  “I like her,” Sophia said. “She’s so down-to-earth. And a breath of fresh air.”

  “She’s adorable. I hope Alex doesn’t screw this up.”

  “Have some faith in your sister. She hasn’t been with anybody since she met Sam. She’s been home every weekend for the last few weeks.”

  “True.” Lenna peeked out the window to monitor the action.

  “Maybe this is finally it. Maybe she finally met someone she can be with, long term.”

  “Well, I hope you’re right. Been a long four years for her. But it’s gonna be longer if she doesn’t step up her game out there. You should see this. C’mon, kiss her, you ass. My God, when did she become so inept? I swear sometimes I think we’re not related. Is this the same woman who beats them off with a stick? It’s embarrassing.”

  “Will you stop gawking like some Peeping Tom?” Sophia scolded. But then curiosity got the better of her. “What are they doing now?”

  “It’s like some aw
kward teen dance. They’re just staring stupidly at each other. Alex has her hands jammed in her pockets like some douchebag. Jesus Christ, it’s almost unwatchable. Oh wait, here we go, hands out of the jeans, and…a hug. A goddamn hug…and…Sam is in the car. Yogi got a kiss though. Only Novato getting somewhere.” Lenna lowered the curtain and grinned wildly. “Since Sam can’t cook, I guess we’ll have Thanksgiving here.”

  * * *

  On the drive home, Sam called Jade.

  “Sami, what’s up? How’s my girl?”

  “I’m good.”

  “Not you, damn it, my perfect sexy ten. I haven’t seen her in so long.”

  “It was less than two weeks ago.”

  “Feels longer.”

  “I’m not comfortable with you lusting after her so much.”

  “Well, I suggest you step up the wooing.” Jade switched to her sweet voice. “So, don’t hold out on me, how is she?”

  “She’s fab. I just left dinner with her family.”

  “Oh, the gay family dinner. How’d it go?”

  “It was fun. Her sister cracks me up. Her wife is sweet, and a pretty good cook, I might add.”

  “So, you were able to actually eat what was cooked. That’s good. Baby steps. You’ll get there. Learn from others.”

  “We played footsy under the table.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Footsy. We played footsy.”


  Sam laughed. “Yeah, seriously. Footsy. And it was hot.”

  “Footsy. Huh. I didn’t know the word was still part of the English language. You go, Betty White. You’ll be pregnant in no time.”

  “I’m serious, it was kinda hot.”

  “Well, when you’re relegated to hugs and pecks on the cheek, I guess footsy is downright pornographic.”

  “Very funny. Did I tell you she wrote a book?”


  “Well, she did. I gave Zach a copy, and he loved it. I told Alex he’s interested in representing her.”

  “Holy shit, that’s awesome! So, what did Alex say? Is she gonna sleep with you out of gratitude? Will she sleep with me out of gratitude?”

  “Stop it. She was happy, and that made me happy.”

  “Sounds like love, Sami. The footsy thing seals the deal.”

  “No, I’m not saying that. I’m just saying, it made me happy to make her happy. She got teary…I got teary.”


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