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Shades Beneath (Shattered Souls Book 1)

Page 6

by Chrissy Jaye


  "The cottage is enchanted. It's a precaution since these are used to house people who've just come into their powers." Asher whispered this into my ear, causing me to shiver while Ford turned back to us as he sagged against the counter. His hand landed close to mine and I fought the urge to reach out and comfort him. He looked so defeated with his head bowed. His blond hair spilled forward, shining in the sunlight from the window over the sink. I leaned forward only to stop myself when I almost lifted my hand, but then he stood up straight and walked out of the room. Toward where, I had no idea. The place only had a few rooms. I heard a door open and then close behind me and guessed he'd left out the front door.

  "So," Asher said, pulling me back into him, almost like he needed to remind me he was there. He didn't. I couldn't have forgotten him even if I wanted to. His presence was too commanding, even when he was silent. "Shall we go sit? I'll start a fire. It's going to get drafty when the sun goes down."

  "Where'd Ford go?" Not because I really cared so much right now, but because I realized I was alone with him in a strange house in an unknown location. I’d never been alone with a man before. It seemed silly. You’d think I’d interacted with hundreds of people, but I really did try to limit relationships as much as possible.

  "Probably to see about dinner," he replied, pulling me from my seat and leading me to one of the couches. I had to fight the feeling I would be swallowed alive as I settled into the deep cushions. It got worse as Asher pulled away from me. I leaned forward as far as I could to keep our hands connected. I didn’t want to be without him. Tears prickled in my eyes as our fingers fell apart and my arm fell limply into my lap.

  Bereft felt like an understatement. This new feeling wasn’t like when Mia would touch me and then flit away like she did. I felt Asher’s absence on an emotional level, as if a piece of me had broken away, even though my brain told me it was absurd.

  "Do they fight like that often?" I couldn't seem to let the scene from the kitchen go. I was full of questions, both by those I wanted answers to and those I didn't. I'd start with the easier things and maybe work my way up to it.

  He didn’t answer at first. He was kneeling in front of the fireplace with his back to me. I tried not to stare at his shoulders as the muscles moved underneath his shirt. "No, not really. There was a huge fight about ten years ago, but nothing like that since."

  "What happened then?" I asked the question quietly, but Asher just looked at me over his shoulder and shook his head before going back to the fireplace, adjusting logs before stepping back. He glanced at me again, cocking his head to the side. There was a spark of something in his eyes that filled me with anticipation. I was about to ask what he was looking at but then he snapped his fingers. The fireplace lit up all at once. No small coaxing of the flames or blowing on it to get the fire lit.

  At first, I jumped but then I grinned. I knew what it was without asking. I'd have to be stupid not to know, but still it was a bit wild seeing it for the first time.

  "Oh boy. Magic tricks already, Ash?" I turned toward the new voice and felt my eyes widen. A new man stood in the kitchen next to Cole. They'd entered so quietly, I hadn't even noticed them. He was nearly identical to Cole. Their only differences were their clothes and their hair style. While one had their hair shaved on the left side, the other had it shaved on the right. Another difference was that Cole’s twin was wearing a shirt. Thank God for small favors. I thought I might combust if another gorgeous man presented himself for my perusal.

  "We're mirror twins. Technically." This was said by Cole, again answering my silent question. He didn’t even acknowledge the other thoughts. The ones filled with lust and longing. He turned to the stove and started clearing it up. The other, Bastian I think they said his name was, came into the living room and sat on the other end of my couch and just stared at me.

  "She's a lot calmer. Thank the Maker. Where's Ford?" His voice was similar to Cole’s, clear and smooth, but there was a cadence to it that made me want to listen to whatever he said. I was instantly drawn to him and fought the urge to get closer. Instead, I started twitching my foot, a nervous habit Mia had tried to cure me of on many occasions. She even bought weights for my ankles once and put them on me while I was sleeping.

  In the background, Cole started to set the table in the kitchen. I wanted to offer to help, but I also didn't want to move away from Bastian. He was still staring at me. No one was speaking. It was both uncomfortable and the most natural thing in the world.

  “We’ll have to be careful with what we say,” he said to Asher with a knowing look. “Cole mentioned—” His words broke off at the sound of footsteps from outside.

  The front door opened behind me, sending in a draft of cold air. I turned around at the sound, shocked by it only to get a flash of the world outside. Ford stood in the doorway, shaking snow out of his blonde hair. I was up off the couch before anyone could stop me. It was just the escape I needed. Ford saw me coming and just barely moved out of my way before I ran straight into the snow and flopped over in it smiling like a giddy school girl.

  Even drool worthy men were nothing compared to snow.

  Chapter Eight

  The snow was still falling as I lay there, staring up at the gray sky. Gray, like Fords eyes.

  No. Stop it, Aria.

  I let the snow seep into my clothes, hardly caring. It wasn’t the wet kind that soaked your clothes, but it would be chilly when it melted. I hardly cared. I needed to get a grip on myself and stop lusting after four men I’d only met hours ago. Excluding Ford. Maybe it was okay to lust after him. I’d known him for a while.

  But I couldn’t deny it. I liked all of them, even though I barely knew them. And Asher could touch me. And God, did I enjoy his touch.

  None of the guys followed me outside, though I could feel Ford’s eyes on me. I just didn't care enough to chastise him for it. He'd seen me covered in sweat from head to toe before, so what if he saw me laying in the snow like a maniac.

  "Leave her, she's fine," I heard Cole shout inside the cottage. How could he possibly hear me from so far away? Was there a limit to it? Hearing thoughts was a double edge sword, but I was already sort of thankful for it. I'm sure there would be bad times for him to hear my thoughts, but he was probably used to hearing embarrassing thoughts.

  Instead, I ignored everything around me and stared up and watched the snow fall from the sky. It fell in thin sheets, not a complete white out yet, though I was sure it was coming. It was winter after all. I breathed deep, inhaling snowflakes and taking in the crisp air with a sigh.

  I loved snow. It was magical all on its own. It had a way of making the world seem small and endless all at once. When I was a child, if I could get away with it, I would spend the entire day running around in our backyard, which butted up against a small forest, when the snow was thick. It absorbed the noise of the world around it, making me feel safe, even when I knew the neighbors were around. For those few hours Aunt Lauralin gave me, I felt like a normal kid. At least until my fingers and lips turned blue and she forced me into the tub, blabbering on about losing limbs.

  Thinking of her made my chest tighten. Was it really fair of me to find something to enjoy when she was missing? I refused to think of any alternatives. She was just missing. No one said anything about worse than missing. How bad could it really be? I went missing all the time. Maybe it was my turn to sit around with worry and wait for her to call. Not that she could find me here. I needed to figure that out.

  Footsteps crunched nearby, shocking me out of my bleak thoughts. My head popped up out of the snow to see which of the guys was coming to drag me back in. A refusal was on my lips when my eyes met the strangest sight I'd ever seen, and that included magical portals, creepy shadows, and Fae who can start fires with a snap of their fingers.

  A woman in billowing robes carrying a large woven basket practically skipped through the snow toward me. Her gray robes were the most normal thing about her. H
er ears were long with points at the top. Not like Asher or the twins, but like a rabbit, only thinner. Her skin was a pale pink and her eyes, when they met mine, shone like rubies. The most jarring thing about her was her hair though. It was strawberry red and had flowers and leaves growing in it. But her smile was bright and comforting as she approached.

  “You must be Aria. I’m Esper,” she said, reaching her hand out to shake mine. I wanted to grab it, but I didn’t have my gloves with me. Actually, I hadn’t even looked for gloves. I stared at her hand for a moment before deciding to be truthful. I could already tell that I was going to like her. It was like the first time I set eyes on Mia, I just knew that I would love her. Maybe not now, but eventually.

  “I’m sorry, I have a thing about touching,” I said with a rueful smile. Her face lit up, almost like I’d pulled a string and turned on a lamp inside her head, but instead of being put off, it made her all the lovelier. Even the leaves and flowers in her hair seemed to perk up.

  "Of course. I wasn't thinking. Unbonded," she giggled and then pointed toward the house. "Your Soul requested dinner. I heard Colton tried to cook." She let out another breathy laugh. "The very thought is horrifying. Do yourself a favor, don't let him cook. You might not survive." And then she swept up the rest of the walk, her hips swaying as she went. At the door she turned back to me. "Coming?"

  Well then. I guess my snow-show was over. At least for now. I followed her to the door and gave the winter wonderland one last look of longing.

  When I entered, she was already at the counter, pulling out covered dishes and handing them over to Ford and Cole to put on the table. Whatever it was, it smelled amazing.

  Asher leaned against the fireplace talking to Bastian who was still where I left him. Both of them swept their eyes over me as I walked toward the kitchen. I went to help Esper, but she flapped her hands at me as I approached, her ears quivering with the motion which caused several flowers to hiss. I backed away in surprise.

  "I'll not even hear of it. Go sit down at the table," she said, pointing toward the dining area. "You two as well. Quit gabbing. I've more people to serve tonight."

  "Of course, Esper," Asher sang, as he came into the room, grabbing my hand and leading me toward the table. I went to sit on one of the long sides, but he pulled me past it to the head of the table. "You'll sit here."

  He pulled out the chair for me and guided me into it, smoothly pushing it in with me as I sat. I was completely taken aback. Did this really happen in real life? Was I even in reality anymore? I didn’t even try to cover my amusement. I couldn’t wait to tell Mia that gentlemen really did exist.

  As Ford passed Esper, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and then sat to my right, giving me a sheepish smile. My eyes shifted between Esper and Ford. I tried not to feel jealous, but he was my first real crush since high school. It was hard not to feel it. I gulped and focused on my hands, inspecting the abused cuticles until the emotion passed.

  While Esper, Cole and Bastian continued to pull items out of the seemingly endless basket, I looked around the room for the first time. I hadn't been in the kitchen proper yet, but as I noticed the details, I got more and more annoyed.

  Wood. Everywhere.

  All different types. The counters, the cabinets, the walls, and the floor. Even the damn table and chairs were wood. People were wrong; there really was such a thing as too much wood.

  Cole made a choking sound, turning away from everyone as quickly as possible. His shoulders started shaking and I quickly realized he was laughing. Laughing at me. Fuck... I felt it then, a full body blush. It didn't happen often, most of the time I was unflappable, but there it was. It rose up my neck into my face, radiating heat as it went.

  Asher turned around quicker than I realized he could and pushed Cole into the counter.

  "You complete asshole. You've embarrassed her." His voice was filled with venom as he gripped Cole around the throat and pressed him backward.

  Several things happened at once after that.

  Esper backed away as quickly as she could, pulling her basket with her. She shot me an apologetic look before she turned and fled the cottage. Bastian who had been standing next to her shot forward and pushed between them, murmuring words, his palms glowing as he pressed one to each of them. The most significant thing though was the itch I felt against my skin. From the corner of my eye, I watched Ford’s hand descend toward my shoulder in slow motion. I braced myself for the pain that would follow but it never came.

  Instead, his hand stopped a millimeter from my skin and then he jerked back, as if remembering himself. I’d felt the heat from it though and found myself begging for him to change his mind. I wanted to know if he could touch me too.

  "It was an accident. I'm sorry, Asher. I just wasn't prepared for it." Cole was muttering his apology to Asher while I stared at Ford. Our eyes were locked, his gray eyes stormy while mine were just wide and frightened. The sound of the door closing behind Esper snapped me back to my body.

  "It was an errant thought. I'll be more careful." I caught myself speaking before I could stop myself. The tension was so thick throughout the room. As I spoke, each of them turned to me. I locked eyes with each of them, willing them with my eyes to relax. Asher took a breath and then smiled at me.

  "Not your fault. We'll work on shielding after tea." Tea, not supper. I cocked my head in confusion. Was he British? He didn’t sound British.

  I pushed the thought away as quickly as they came. I had more important questions to ask. I picked at the different dishes, not really paying attention as I inventoried my questions. I didn't come out of my thoughts until Asher set his plate down in front of me and nudged me with his arm. He was staring at me.

  "I, uh…yes?" I finally stuttered, wondering what I’d done. Was I not giving myself enough food? Did he think I couldn’t feed myself? I stared at him, confused and a bit scared. I didn’t think I could deal with another mother hen in my life. Two was enough. If he insisted on it, I might blow a gasket. It would be the final straw in a list of bad straws that would break me.

  "We pass our plates. It builds kinship. Always to your right. We’ll rotate seats each meal."

  I stared at him for a second, glancing to my right, taking in everyone staring at me. I looked back down at the plate in front of me, piled high with food and then at the one I'd been filling. It wasn't very full at all. A spoonful of this, a forkful of that. I grimaced a smile at Ford as I placed it in front of him. "Sorry."

  "Perfectly fine, I don't eat much, Ari." I snorted at the nickname. He didn't use it often. It was something he picked up from Mia. She had a thing about names sometimes. I pushed thoughts of her aside when my chest started to tighten again and picked up my fork.

  At least they didn't start praying. I don't think I could have joined in on that. My Aunt was a devout Pagan, though she didn't really do much to celebrate. She said it was pointless since the Gods were too busy to hear us and if she really wanted to, she could hunt one down. Yes, I know she’s a bit strange, but have you met me?

  I let everyone get about halfway through their meal before I started asking questions. Once I did, everyone seemed to melt into relaxation. I guess quiet meals weren't really a thing with them.

  "So, magic. How do I fit into that?" It seemed like the most prudent thing to ask. Why would Asher have come to my rescue if I didn't factor into this world somehow.

  "We're a unit. The five. Well, six of us," Ford said around a bite of something white and mashed and sprinkled with brown powder. I think cauliflower and brown sugar. It was an odd combination.

  "Right, you said that before," I said with slight irritation. The sixth was also female. "Where is she?"

  "She's been away for a while. Most of us haven’t seen her in some time," a voice came. It was Cole, who smiled at me from his place at the table. He knew where my thoughts had been. I tried not to feel irritated about that too. It wasn't his fault.

  "Okay, well. What am I? You three are Fae
, that's clear from the ears, but I'm just human, right?"

  "Technically, you're not. You just look human." Bastian answered me this time, his cadence had me melting all over again. I leaned forward on the table, almost dropping my chest into my plate, but Asher pushed me backward at the last second. I looked up at him with the contact, smiling sheepishly and sat back.

  "Alright. I get that, but that doesn't answer my question."

  "We don't exactly know. Only our Maker does," Ford replied quickly, sharing a glance with the others. It was quick. If I'd been distracted, I would have missed it, but I didn’t, and I let him know with my eyes that I'd seen it.

  "You get that this is frustrating, right? You're not really giving me answers. Just tidbits of facts that barely make sense. Lay the truth out for me. I can keep up." It wasn't a lie. I tried not to lie. But it felt deceiving. Sometimes, I couldn't handle things and I freaked out. Like earlier. But this was a new me. Crying me had decided. No more weak Aria.

  Chapter Nine

  It was impossible to sleep. Too much ran through my head. A parade of information and not nearly enough all at once. I'd told them I could handle it, but now, alone in an unfamiliar room with the scent of pine thick in the air, I couldn't get my brain to shut off. I was exhausted though. I punched my pillow into shape and settled into it again, frustrated.

  We were linked together through magic. It was how Cole could hear our thoughts, how Bastian could feel our emotions. Asher and Ford had powers too but by the time we got to that part, they'd cut me off to practice shielding. That's where the real mind-fuck had come from.

  They'd pushed the furniture in the living room back and pulled up the rug that covered a circle etched into the floor. It was some sort of protection pentagram that was hand carved to help fuel the magic that ran throughout the whole cottage. Also doubling as a ring of protection for beginners just learning their magic. Lucky me.


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