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Stay With Me

Page 12

by Grayson, Alivia

  Bob said that we could try and find out who my birth father is if that’s what I want. If we did, I could confront him about what he did, maybe ask him why. However, I don’t want to go from one evil father to another, and that’s precisely what a rapist is, evil. I don’t need a man like that in my life. I may not have a father anymore, but I have Grandpa Bob. He might not be my grandfather by blood, but I will always see him as such. He’s always treated me with respect and love.

  The fact is, I would be lost without him. He has been more of a father to me my whole life than Ray ever was. So that’s why he’ll be walking me down the aisle with pride. That’s what he told me when I asked him to give me away. He cried and held me close to him, telling me how much he loves me and will always be there for me.

  I love him so much, and I’m hoping I can convince him to move in with Bryan and me permanently. I don’t want him to be alone in that big house any longer. I worry about him. Sure, he stayed with us over Christmas, and we’ve all enjoyed having him around, but he’ll go back to that lonely house, alone.

  I need to talk to Bryan about it, but I know deep in my heart that he’ll agree. He loves Grandpa Bob as much as I do, and he’ll want Bob to be taken care of, we can take care of him. If he’s with me, I’ll know he’s safe from Ray and his abuse. I won’t see him all alone in that house. I know there are many memories there for him, and I’m not asking him to sell his home, just to let me take care of him in his old age. No elderly person should be alone.

  I want to take care of my little family, Bryan, Faye, and Grandpa, Bob.

  Chapter 23


  You don’t do things by half, do you?”

  “You know me, Ty,” I shrug after setting the weight bar down. My brother and I are at the gym working out, and he’s referring to the fact I’ve just lifted twice the weights I usually lift.

  The wedding is just a week away now, and I’m not embarrassed to say that I am beyond excited. Ricky will finally be my wife! I’ve been dreaming of nothing but since we were kids. I never thought it would happen after she left. However, it is happening. In a week!

  I’ve helped plan everything with Ricky. We’ve done everything together. The venue, the cars, the flowers, the food, everything but the dress. I wasn’t allowed to help with Faye’s dress, either. Ricky has allowed Faye to choose her dress, and little lady wants it to be a surprise the way Ricky’s dress will be.

  Kristin wasn’t too happy when I told her about Ricky and I getting married. She told me that it wasn’t fair to Faye that I bring this woman into her life permanently. I put her straight on the fact Ricky has been the one helping take care of Faye the past few weeks the way Kristin herself should have been, and Ricky and I getting married was a good thing for Faye. That seemed to sate her, and she told me congratulations.

  Do you know what’s sad? What I said about Ricky doing Kristin’s job didn’t seem to faze her as it should have. She wasn’t bothered that Ricky is basically a mother to Faye, all Kristin cared about was getting back to her job. The job she apparently loves so much she’s thinking about moving to Paris on a more permanent basis.

  I made damn sure she knows that I will never allow her to take Faye to live in Paris. I’d never see her! I wouldn’t last a week without seeing my daughter after having her with me for so long. My daughter is my life, and I can’t even imagine not being able to see her when I wanted.

  Kristin told me we’d talk about it soon and then ended the call. She hasn’t called back since, nor has she tried to contact Faye. That was three weeks ago. Baby girl asked every day for the first week why Mommy hadn’t called; why she couldn’t speak to her, she missed her. However, Faye suddenly stopped asking about Kristin, and stopped missing her, started clinging to Ricky more. They’re always laughing about something, nothing where Faye is concerned is too much for Ricky.

  As much as I love Ricky, as grateful as I am to her for being there for Faye, I’m worried that they’re getting a little too close. Kristin is still Faye’s mother; she should be the one with the bond unbreakable with Faye.

  However, she’s not, and I’m scared Kristin will use that against me in one of her games. I’m afraid she’ll come home and take me court in order to be able to take Faye to Paris with her. She’ll use anything against me to make that happen.

  I’m not above using the fact she left Faye with me for three months to go to Paris against her. I’ll tell them how there was hardly any contact between mother and daughter, thanks to mother being too “busy” to take the time to call her daughter. On the three occasions she has called to speak with Faye, she’s ended the call in less than three minutes. Then there’s the time I called, and she yelled at Faye. There are all the times I’ve called, and she hasn’t answered.

  I would never take a child from its mother, I would never stoop to Kristin’s level and use my child against her mother, but I will not let her take my daughter from me either. Who the hell would I be without my little girl?

  I catch the bottle of water my brother throws at me. I’m out of breath; I’ve been working out for over an hour. I needed to clear my head. “Tell me what you’ve planned.” I want to know what he’s got planned for my bachelor party. I don’t want him pulling some stupid prank on me that could ruin Ricky’s big day.

  “Not a chance.” He laughs around a gulp of water. “Let’s just say it’ll be a night you’ll never forget.”

  “Don’t think I won’t kill you if you pull a stupid prank on me. Colin is still trying to get over what you did to him.”

  Ty might be laughing, but Josie wasn’t laughing the morning of her wedding when the groom went missing. Tyler and his friends, Colin’s also, stripped the man to his underwear and handcuffed him to a railing near the old waterworks. He was drunk at the time, woke up, and didn’t have a clue where he was.

  Josie was in tears by the time my father came to let her know he couldn’t find Colin anywhere. It was Colin’s brother who eventually ratted my brother out. Ty was in more trouble than he ever thought he would be.

  I won’t risk Ricky being as upset as Josie was when she thought Colin had left her. I saw the look on my sister’s face; it was painful. I don’t want that for Ricky.

  “Brother, I’ve already been told what will happen to me. Ricky has made it quite clear that she’ll cut my dick off if I do anything that would mean you’re even one minute late to the altar.”

  I knew telling my girl what happened to Colin was a good idea.

  “She’d do it too,” I tell him before drinking down the cold water.

  “Can’t believe you’re gonna be a married man.”

  “It’s been a long time coming, Ty.” From my perch on the weight bench, I use an overarm throw to land my empty water bottle in the trash can across the room. I smirk to myself when it lands smack in the middle.

  “You’re such a child, Bry.”

  “Bite me.”

  “Asshole.” He laughs. “Heard any more from Kristin?”

  I sigh deeply. “Nothing. It’s like she doesn’t even care about her daughter.” I get to my feet and toss my sweat-soaked towel down on the bench. “I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do, Ty. If I talk about Kristin, Faye gets upset and runs to Ricky. If I don’t talk about her, I’m scared Faye will start to forget Kristin is even her mother.”

  “She’s not going to forget her mother, Bryan.”

  “She’s three years old, Tyler, she’s already stopped asking when Kristin is coming back. I’m fucking terrified that Kristin will take me to court and get permission to take Faye out of the country. If she does that, she’ll never bring her back, Ty.”

  I’m beyond terrified that will happen. If Kristin takes Faye to Paris, she will never bring her home. She’ll make sure I don’t get to see her even if I fly over there.

  “Do you really think I’d let that happen?” My brother is a good lawyer, and he’d fight to the end to make sure Faye gets to stay with me. I’ve always put it off before n
ow because Kristin gave me access. Not as much as I would have liked, but she didn’t deny it to me once we knew for sure Faye was mine.

  I won’t lose my daughter. I’ll do whatever it takes this time.

  “I can’t lose her, Ty. I want full custody of Faye.”

  “Are you sure you want to do that?”

  “Of course, I’m sure, Tyler! I don’t care what Kristin’s excuse was for leaving Faye for three months; the point is she did leave her. Kristin has had next to no contact with Faye since she’s been gone. That was of her choosing. Faye deserves better than this. She deserves a stable home with parents who love her and put her first. When the hell has Kristin ever put that little girl first?”

  Tyler nods knowingly. Because he knows as well as I do that Faye has never been number one in Kristin’s life, and she never will be. However, she is number one in mine, and she will be until the day I die!

  “If this is what you want, and you’re sure it’s the best thing for Faye, then I will support you one hundred percent. You know, I will. However, I think you need to speak with Ricky about it. She’s going to be your wife, and this will impact her life as much as anyone’s.”

  He’s right, and I will speak to her as soon as I get home. However, I have a strong feeling in my gut that I know what her answer will be.

  * * *

  This scene right in front of me is exactly what I’m talking about. Faye is tucked up in bed while Ricky sits in front of her reading a story. One about fairies and unicorns, one that has my baby girl listening intently to the woman who loves her like a daughter.

  “.... And so, Posey fluttered toward Shadow, her heart full of love for the unicorn who had saved her family home. Posey landed on Shadow’s nose, her tiny arms trying hard to wrap around him. “Thank you, Shadow, you saved us.” The little fairy kissed the unicorn’s nose, her heart knowing they would always be friends.”

  “The end.” My baby mumbles.

  “The end.” Ricky parrots back while closing the book and setting it down beside her. “Are you ready for sleep, sweetheart?”

  “Wicky, I don’t want to leave.”

  This is the third time Faye has said this in as many days. She doesn’t want to leave when her mother returns. She wants to stay here with Ricky and me; she’s happy here, she feels safe here. Not that Kristin would ever put Faye in a dangerous situation, I would never accuse her of that. However, Kristin has never been the kind of mother to put her child’s needs before her own, and Faye knows that, and she feels it.

  “I know you don’t, darling. However, when your mommy comes home, she’ll want to see you. She’ll want to take you home.”

  “But I don’t want to go to Mommy’s house. I want to stay here with you and Daddy. I like it here. You always say you love me.”

  I can see the look on Ricky’s face from here. She’s wondering if Kristin ever tells Faye that she loves her. The truth is that I can’t be sure, or at least, I don’t know if she says it as often as she should. Baby girl certainly doesn’t think so.

  I’m about to march into the room, but stop when Ricky gently takes Faye’s hand in hers. She strokes Faye’s hair with her left hand. “My sweet little angel. Your mommy loves you very much. I know you want to stay here with Daddy and me, but your mommy would miss you if you stayed here.”

  “She wouldn’t miss me. She never misses me. I want to stay here with Daddy. I can see mommy sometimes, like; I used to my Daddy. I don’t want to go. I love my Daddy. I like it here, Wicky.”

  I hear Ricky sigh. It’s my turn to say something. However, what do you say to a little girl who doesn’t understand any of what’s going on?

  “Daddy!” Faye is always so happy to see me. It makes my heart swell with love for her.

  “Hey, baby girl.” I crouch down beside her bed, stroking my hand over the front of her brown hair. “It’s time to go to sleep.”

  “Wicky wead me a stowy.”

  “I heard. You’ll be dreaming about fairies and unicorns tonight.” Faye giggles and grabs my hand and kisses my fingers in that cute baby way she does. “I love you, my little pixie girl.”

  “I love you, Daddy. I love you, Wicky.”

  “We love you, too.”

  “Will I still be here tomorrow, Daddy?”

  “Of course, you will.” I smile and kiss her head.

  I don’t want her to go as much as she doesn’t want to leave. Having her here these past few weeks has been amazing. We’ve gotten into a routine. She wakes up in the morning and comes looking for me. We all eat breakfast together before I leave for work. I call Ricky on my lunch break to see how my girls are, then as soon as I’m home, Faye runs to me. We eat dinner together, Ricky bathes Faye, then we both put her to bed with a story and lots of kisses, and I love you’s.

  I can’t imagine not having her here with me.

  “Close your eyes, sweetheart.” She does, holding both mine and Ricky’s hands in her little ones because this is how she falls asleep each night.

  It’s not long before she’s asleep, and Ricky and I leave the room quietly. “You’re so good with her,” I tell Ricky as soon as we’re in the den downstairs.

  “She’s an easy child to love. She’s your double, Bry.”

  I smile at that. “I’d disagree, but I don’t see Kristin in her at all.”

  “I don’t know Kristin other than what I saw those few moments I met her, but I agree with you.”

  I lean in and kiss Ricky deeply. She moans into my mouth. I pull her closer, needing to feel her body against mine. I need to taste every inch... Dammit!

  I pull my lips from Ricky’s with a groan. “I’m sorry, baby, I need to get this.” I look at the name on my phone’s screen. “It’s Kristin.”

  Ricky leans in and kisses me swiftly. “I’ll go take a shower. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, baby.” I watch her walk away from me while answering the call. “Hello, Kristin.”

  “Bryan! It’s so good to hear your voice!”

  I’m sure it is.

  “Really? Where the hell have you been? I’ve been trying to call you for days!”

  She giggles down the line like a stupid little girl. The woman is forty, why the hell is she giggling like a child?

  “I’m sorry I’ve been sooo busy. It’s fantastic here, Bry. One of my designs has been picked up by a company that wants to produce it. They want me on their books, Bryan!”

  I know where this is heading, and it’s not going to happen. She is not taking my daughter to live in Paris!

  “That’s great, Kristin, but what about Faye? Because I’m telling you right now, you are not moving my daughter halfway across the world.”

  “Well, they’ve offered me a two-year contract, so I’ll have to move here for the foreseeable. I called to talk to you about Faye.”

  My blood is boiling with fear and anger. I can’t lose my baby; she’s my world. I don’t know what I’d do without her. “Kristin, I’m happy your dream is coming true, but Faye isn’t moving to Paris.”

  “Well, no,” No? “The thing is, I’ll be so busy getting my designs off the ground that I won’t have much time to spend with Faye. If I brought her here, she’d be with a nanny most of the time.”

  I push my fingers into my hair and pull. I feel sick!

  “I love her, and I miss her so much, but this isn’t the place for her right now.” I narrow my eyes at myself through the mirror in front of me. Is she saying what I think she’s saying? “You’re a wonderful father to her, Bryan. Moreover, I think we both know that I’m not much of a mother. I’m woman enough to admit that.”

  “What are you getting at, Kristin?” My heart is pounding out of my chest right now. I just want her to get to the damn point. I want to hear the words from her mouth.

  “The thing is,” She lets out a deep breath. “This hurts me more than you’ll ever know, but I have to put my career first.” Of course, she does. God forbid she’d put her daughter before it! “This is my last
chance, Bryan. Faye is happy there with you and Ricky. Faye told me as much last time we spoke.”

  She’s going to choose her career over her daughter. She’s willingly going to hand Faye over to me to chase her dream. I get it to a degree. Whether this is her last chance to be who she’s always dreamed she would be or not, her daughter should come first! What decent mother would ever walk away from her child the way Kristin wants to?

  I can’t deny that I have dreamed of nothing but having Faye with me permanently since Kristin dropped her off with me. However, I never thought the woman would tell me she wouldn’t be coming home for two years! Faye needs her mother in her life.

  Maybe Faye would be better off without her. Kristin doesn’t give a damn about her daughter; she’s proved that.

  “I’m not saying I’ll be happy with Faye calling Ricky Mom, but I think it’ll be inevitable one day.”

  “Say it, Kristin. Tell me you’re not coming back for Faye, and you want me and Ricky to take custody of her.”

  “That’s what I want, Bryan.” There was not even a hint of hesitation in her answer. I can’t believe it. I honestly cannot believe she said it. Does she honestly not care about Faye at all? I know I said I didn’t want Faye to leave, but I never imagined this would happen. Sure, I was all set to fight for custody of her if Kristin pulled the moving to Paris trick, but this? This is something else! “I know what you’re thinking, but you’re wrong.”

  “Am I?” I grind out between gritted teeth.

  “Faye means the world to me, Bryan, that’s why I’m doing this. I could be selfish and take her with me. You could scream and shout about how it will never happen, try and take me to court for custody, but I’d take her anyway, and Faye would be miserable without you. She loves you more than she loves me, Bryan. You’re all she talks about when she’s with me. I don’t want to be selfish; I love her enough to let her go. This is hurting me, Bryan.”


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