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Stay With Me

Page 13

by Grayson, Alivia

  Is she crying?

  Well, fuck me, maybe the wicked witch does have a heart.

  Or maybe it’s just for your benefit, Bryan.


  “I’ve done a lot of thinking over the past couple of weeks, and the only conclusion I come up with is this one. I want you to take Faye. I want you to raise her right. Make sure she knows that I do love her, that I always loved her. I’ll call now and again, visit sometimes, but I won’t be a constant in her life. I should never have been a mother, Bryan; I’m not cut out for it, I’m too selfish.”

  At least she’s honest, I suppose.

  “And you’d be happy signing custody over to me? You’d be okay knowing Ricky would be the woman raising your daughter?”

  “I’ve heard you speak about her before, and I saw how much she loved you the day I met her. I saw how she looked at Faye with love in her eyes. She didn’t even know Faye, and she loved her, it was so easy to see. If she’s the woman you led me to believe she is, then I know she’ll be a good mother to Faye. I am honestly not doing this because I don’t love or want Faye. I’m doing what’s best for her. I’m not what’s best for her, Bryan, you are.” I won’t argue with that.

  “If you do this, Kristin, then it’s forever. I won’t have you walking back into Faye’s life expecting to take her from me. I understand why you’re doing this, and I thank you for putting Faye first. I just want you to be one hundred percent sure about this. Because once you sign those papers, there will be no going back.”

  She sniffs down the line. “I know. Just take care of her for me.”

  “You know, I will.”

  “I know that, Bry.” I sense her smiling. “I’ll get in contact with my lawyer. Unless you want Tyler to handle this?”

  “I do.” If my brother handles the case, then I’ll know for sure it will be binding in a way Kristin can’t manipulate. “I’ll speak to him tomorrow.”

  “Good. I want this dealt with quickly. It’s too painful for me to drag this out. I love you, Bry. Thank you for everything. I mean that with all my heart.”

  I’ve got tears in my eyes by the time I end the call. My baby girl is moving in with me permanently. Her mother will sign her parental rights over to Ricky and me, and we’ll raise Faye to be a kind and caring, young lady. We will love her so well.

  However, I can’t help feeling a little sad for Kristin; this is possibly the first decent thing she’s ever done for Faye. It can’t have been easy for her. No matter what I’ve said about her in the past, this was selfless. I’ll always love her for that.

  I close my eyes with a smile on my face. I’m marrying the woman I love next week, and my daughter is home for good. What more could I want?

  Chapter 24


  The water pounds down around my aching body, relaxing my muscles. I have so much on my mind right now. I’m scared of what’s going on inside of me, and I’m afraid of how Bryan will react when I tell him.

  I have no choice but to say something. I wanted to wait a while longer, maybe get the wedding out of the way first. However, I never want to keep anything from Bryan again, not even for a week. That’s why I’d planned to tell him tonight, but he had something else in mind. Something I was more than willing to participate in, but then he got a call from Kristin, and that put pay to that plan.

  I wonder what Kristin and Bryan are talking about. I know it’s nothing to do with me, but each time he speaks to her, he comes away in a bad mood.

  He doesn’t take those moods out on me, of course, he doesn’t. However, I hate seeing him like that. He ends up going for a run just to clear his head. That woman winds Bryan up in a bad way.

  Little Faye asked me again tonight if she could stay here with Bryan and me. It kills me inside to hear her say those words because I have to wonder why she’d want to leave her mother indefinitely.

  I know Bryan says that Kristin takes good care of Faye, and I don’t doubt that she does. That little girl is special. She’s so loving and kind. However, I also know, from what Faye has told me that Kristin hardly spends any time with her.

  Children aren’t children for long. You blink, and they’re adults. I know what it was like to be a child that nobody wanted. My childhood was lonely, and I don’t want that for Faye. Faye is wanted, she is so wanted by her Daddy and by me, and she’s loved twice as much.

  It brings me to tears thinking about sending her home with her mother. I know we have to because her mother does love her. I know that she does. However, there are different kinds of love. I’m not saying that I could love her more or better than her mother does, but the love I feel must be different somehow if Faye clings to me the way she does.

  In the time she’s been here with us, I have fallen in love with that little girl. I used to think children were monsters, that I never wanted one after Ryan died. However, I love Faye as if she was mine, and the thought of losing her hurts so much.

  How can I feel like this about a child who isn’t mine?

  I haven’t even accepted my placement at a nearby hospital because I love spending all of my time with that little girl. I love playing with her, reading to her, making her laugh. I had no idea I could get so much joy out of watching a little person grow each day. She’s thriving and growing, and she’s just perfect. I don’t want to miss out on her life because she lives so far away.

  I know Bryan wishes he could keep her here with us, but we can’t just take her from her mother because that’s too cruel. Faye doesn’t deserve that. Life is unfair, sometimes, it really is.

  Hands slide around my waist from behind. I hadn’t heard Bryan come into the room, let alone strip off and climb into the shower with me.

  Bryan presses his hard cock between my legs. I groan and lean back against him. He’s hard, and I’m wet, and as he rubs his cock along my wet pussy, I moan loudly. “Bryan,”

  “I want you so bad right now.” He mumbles in my ear before kissing my neck.

  “I want you, too. Fuck me, Bryan. Please, fuck me.”

  “I love it when you beg.” I bite into my arm as he pushes his thick cock inside me from behind. I’m so wet that I take him to the hilt on the first thrust.

  His hands grab my breasts, lips against my shoulder, cock pounding into me, and my legs are shaking, struggling to keep me upright. It feels so good when he fucks me like this.

  I don’t know what his conversation with Kristin was about, but I don’t think it was a bad one. Unless he’s taking his frustration out on my body. Right now, I’m too horny to care.

  I hold his hands over my breasts, clutching tightly. “Bryan, it’s feels so good.”

  “You feel so good. I can’t get enough of you. Your body was made for me, Ricky.” I whimper with pleasure as Bryan fucks harder into me. My eyes roll behind my lids, and I bite my lower lip to stop myself from screaming.

  My hands are suddenly against the tiled wall in front of me. Bryan grabs my hips, fucking faster, air bursting through his clenched teeth. I may not be able to see his face, but I know his eyes are closed, head thrown back as he thrusts into me.

  I bite my upper arm, and Bryan’s fingers rub my clit hard and fast, I don’t want to scream and wake Faye, but I can feel the urge creeping up on me along with my orgasm.

  He fists my hair and pulls my head back so far I can’t swallow. “You belong to me, Ricky. Very soon, you’ll be my wife. There’ll be no escape then.”

  “I don’t want to escape. I love you, and I am never leaving you again!” He bites my shoulder, and I come so hard, my knees buckle. Bryan wraps his arm around my waist, holding me up as he shoots his seed deep inside of me.

  We’re both out of breath, holding onto each other as if our lives depend on it. Bryan pulls out of me, and I instantly turn in his arms, wrapping mine around his waist, laying my head on his shoulder.

  Bryan means the world to me. I wish I could make things easier for him where Faye is concerned. I hate how hurt he feels when she begs him to let h
er stay here.

  “I love you, Bryan. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too, baby, more than you’ll ever know.”

  * * *

  Wow.” I’m in shock, and I do mean literally.

  After Bryan and I showered and changed, he sat me down and explained all about his phone call with Kristin. He left nothing out, telling me every little detail, and I am stumped.

  Kristin wants us to take custody of Faye.

  We get to keep our little princess!

  I can’t deny that I felt my heart break a little for Kristin. She loves her little girl and wants the best for her. She knows she can’t give Faye the life she deserves because she wants a life of her own. She knows Faye will be better off here with her father and me.

  She actually told Bryan she wants me to help raise that precious little girl. He said there was no animosity in her tone; all she wants is for Faye to be loved and taken care of. Kristin believes I could be everything Faye needs in a mother.

  That alone, to me, is selfless. She’s putting her daughter first, even though it’s hurting her and will no doubt hurt Faye badly.

  “I know this is a lot to take in, and a lot to ask, but, Ricky,” Bryan grabs my hand in his and brings it to his lips for a quick kiss. “This is my daughter. She’s my heart and soul. I want her here with me, with us. However, if you don’t want this,”

  “Oh, baby,” I smile and cup his face. If I don’t want this, then there is no hope for him and me. That’s what he was going to say. Because regardless of how much he loves me, his daughter comes first. I can’t tell you how much I love him for that. He’s a good father - a fantastic one. “You have no idea how much I want this. I love that little girl like she was my own. I’ve been dreading the day she has to leave us, and now she doesn’t.” I give him a big toothy, excited smile.

  He grabs me and pulls me against him. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek. “This is really happening, Ricky. I’m going to talk to Tyler tomorrow about custody. Kristin wants it sorted as soon as.”

  I pull away from him. “Are you sure you want me...”

  “Absolutely.” I smile because he knew what I was going to say. “I know we haven’t been back together long; this is all happening so fast. You didn’t expect any of this when you came back to town. However, we’re getting married, Ricky. That little girl in there deserves two parents who will always put her first. She deserves everything we can give her. Even Kristin knows you’ll be amazing.”

  As happy as I am, I can’t help thinking about how hurt Faye will be to learn that her mother is never coming back. Kristin may have told Bryan she’ll visit now and again, but I have a feeling she’ll never come back.

  What will that little girl think when she’s old enough to understand this?

  She’ll feel abandoned by her mother. I may be the one helping Bryan raise her, but the fact will always remain that I am not her mother. I can love her as well as any mother. I can be the one taking her to school, attending all her school pageants. I can be the one kissing her head when she’s sick, chasing away her nightmares in the night, sharing in all the good times in her life. However, she will always miss her mother and wonder why she wasn’t enough.

  I hope I can do this. I hope I can be what that little girl needs. I don’t want to let her down; I would do anything for that not to happen.

  “Are you okay, Ricky? You seemed miles away then.”

  I smile at the man I love. This man has brought me back to life. Everything bad that happened in the past, the horrible times I’ve had in the years I have been gone, he’s fixed with his love for me.

  He forgave me wholeheartedly, brought me into his home, into his daughter’s life. He asked me to marry him, to take on his daughter as my own. He’s given me everything he promised when we were kids.

  I am going to spend my life loving him and Faye. I’ll give them my all with a smile on my face. I belong here with them. I didn’t know it until he touched my face that day in the park. However, the second he did, I knew there was hope for us.

  “There’s something I need to tell you. I was going to wait, but I never want to keep anything from you again, Bry.”

  “What is it, baby?”

  I take his hand in mine. “It’s nothing bad. Well, I don’t think so, anyway. The thing is,” I take a deep breath. I have nothing to be nervous about; this is Bryan, my Bryan. He’s right here with me. This is nothing like last time. I’m not alone now, and nothing will happen to me this time. “I think I might be pregnant.” I swallow hard.

  Bryan’s eyes widen. “Are you serious?”

  I nod. “I’ve been feeling a little off these past few days. I put it down to the stress of the wedding at first, but then I was sick yesterday and again this morning.”

  “Have you taken a test?”

  I shake my head. “I didn’t want to do it without you. If I am pregnant, I want us to be together through every part of it.”

  “You’d keep the baby?”

  Did he really just ask me that?

  I pull my hand from his in shock. I honestly can’t believe he just said that to me. I never questioned whether or not I’d keep the baby if I am pregnant, just as I didn’t when I found out I was pregnant with Ryan. Sure, I was scared out of my mind, but I wanted him. If there is a baby inside of me right now, then I want it. I want it badly.

  “Oh shit,” Bryan grabs my face in his hands and forces me to look at him. A tear slips from my eye. He’s hurt me. Unintentionally, but he’s hurt me nonetheless. “Ricky, I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. Shit, I would never hurt you, you have to believe me.”

  I do believe him. I know how sorry he is, I can see it in his eyes. “If there is a baby inside of me right now, a child you and I created, then I want it so badly, Bryan. Our little boy was taken from us, and that broke me in ways I can’t explain. Then Faye came into my life, and I felt like I had a little piece of Ryan with me. She’s amazing, Bryan, I can’t even explain how much I love her.”

  That brings a tear to his eye, which makes me smile and stroke his cheek with my thumb.

  “Kristin giving us permission to raise Faye... I can’t tell you how happy that has made me. Every time Faye has asked me if she can stay here with us, it has broken my heart just a little because I never wanted her to go.”

  “I noticed when you refused to continue with the transfer with work.”

  I did refuse. When I spoke to my old boss about a transfer, he was all for it, and he gave me a fantastic reference. Even secured a place for me at a community hospital just outside of town. I was hyped up to start, and I was so excited, my life was finally looking good. However, on the morning of my first day on the job, I woke up and looked at Faye, smiling at me, and I just knew that I didn’t want to leave her with Bryan’s mom for the day. Bryan had already gone to work, and I just wanted to spend time with his little girl.

  It took me ten minutes to realize I wasn’t ready to go back to work. I needed time to settle into my life here before going back. I have enough money saved to be able to take a good few months off work.

  I called my new boss and explained that I couldn’t leave my stepdaughter just yet. He wasn’t pleased with me, but what the hell could he do? He was an asshole and told me should I not turn up, then the job would be nonexistent. I told him that was fine. I’m a good doctor, and I can find a job at a different hospital.

  I could even make my dream come true and open my own surgery here in town. I can do anything I put my mind to. My grandparents always told me that I could be anyone and anything I wanted to be. I have confidence in myself.

  However, for right now, I’m taking some time off to be with my new daughter and to enjoy my pregnancy if I am pregnant.

  “A job is just a job, Bryan. Children aren’t children for long. I love Faye, and I want her to know that this is her home now. She’s safe here. When I woke up yesterday and threw up the first thought that popped into my head was, could I be pregn
ant? Is God blessing me with this gift? I knew that if it was true, then I wanted the baby. I want it so badly, Bryan, and not as a replacement for Ryan, because nothing could replace our little boy.”

  Another tear falls from Bryan’s eye, which I wipe away with my thumb. “How do you feel about it, Bry?”

  “We really might be pregnant?” I nod and giggle. I can’t help it; I’m nervous and excited. I want to know the truth, but I’m scared in case I have this wrong. “How long do we have to wait until we can find out?”

  “Well, I picked up a test earlier today, but I was too scared to take it without you.”

  “You meant it when you said you want me to be with you through it all, didn’t you?”

  I smile as he presses his forehead against mine. “I meant it. It’s best if we do it first thing in the morning. The hormones are more potent with the first pee.” I giggle.

  “You expect me to sleep now that I know you could be pregnant?” I laugh loudly and kiss him.

  This time tomorrow, we could be expectant parents. I am so excited!

  You deserve this, Ricky. Just don’t be too disappointed if it doesn’t happen for you this time.

  I can’t promise anything, but I’ll try.

  Chapter 25


  I tap my thigh nervously with my fingertips. I’m sitting on the edge of the bed, one hand holding Ricky’s, the other tapping at my leg as we wait for the timer to go off and let us know the pregnancy test is ready.

  My stomach is churning. I want this so badly. So damn bad I can’t even explain it. I didn’t realize I wanted it yet. In a few years, yes, but it might be happening now, and I almost can’t stand the wait! Ricky pregnant with my baby, about to become my wife and gain joint custody of my daughter. I guess she’s our daughter now. What could be more perfect than that?


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