Book Read Free

Presence- The Marked

Page 28

by L J Branch

  “Arondight,” Jack whispered as a cold mist escaped his lips.

  “Sometimes fear is more effective than a thousand lectures,” Meifeng said from atop of the mountain. “Come, our session is far from over,” Meifeng said as she walked away. Jack’s talons dug deeper into the stone before he catapulted himself up to the top of the mountain. When Jack landed and met Meifeng’s eyes, they both knew that Jack would never doubt her again. “Take your stance.”

  “Yes, Master,” Jack said as he raised his gauntlet in front of him.

  * * *


  “So why? Why did you three choose to make the Midas Family the royal line?” Diamond questioned Juventas as she stood on the Goddess’ hand. Juventas released a long breath as she thought about the question.

  "When the founders were cursed, they were afflicted with a crippling madness as well as power. Our enemies sought to have the founders destroy themselves and each other with the power forced upon them. Midas, that devilish rogue, asked me to take the madness from his allies and seal it within him. His idea was that by doing this, his companions would be able to harness their cursed power and use it to bring down our enemies,” Juventas explained as she looked at a stunned Diamond sadly. “He was willing to sacrifice himself for the future of the Guild. His selflessness moved my divine heart and I honored his final request to continue his bloodline just before his very soul was torn asunder. The madness ran deep, its darkness binding with his very blood and being passed down from himself to his heirs. Yet, unlike their father, because of my blood, their bodies hardened and were strong enough to contain the madness and hone it along with his cursed touch. It is because of this fortitude that your family continues to lead the Guild Diamond, and why I’ll never leave your family,” Juventas told Diamond pointedly. “Unlike other thieves, you are born with your treasure, you have years ahead of others to get used to it which is why your family always makes such capable thieves. In the end, however, that madness is still there. Your body keeps it contained which is why your blood must never spill,” Juventas warned and Diamond grimaced. “The females of your family, in particular, have to be monitored with extreme care for obvious reasons.”

  “Like my schedule for drinking nectar?”

  “Exactly, and why you must come to me when you are ready to produce an heir,” Juventas informed her. “Not to ask for permission, but rather give me time to prepare my realm for you. Giving birth amongst the mortals will not end well. This is why it took almost two centuries for your mother to work up the courage to even think about a family. If it wasn’t for my nectar, your family would have died out long ago,” Juventas revealed and she smirked at the memory. “In hindsight, we owe your father a great deal. I was convinced the line would end with her.”

  “I…was born here?”

  “And delivered by myself, as was your mother, her father, and so on and so forth,” Juventas said as she raised an eyebrow. “But please, tell me once more how I abandoned you. My sisters and I are guides, we want you all to thrive but we cannot interfere too much else we risk hindering your ability to grow and improve. That’s why when things like this war with the Mages happens, we have to be creative, a trick we actually learned from you all. Many think that speed is the greatest strength of a thief, but it is your imagination. How you decide to overcome each and every obstacle is your true power.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “You better be,” Juventas said though her smile never wavered. “Each generation I am reborn, taking a form that would best relate to the next heir. I guide them but I never truly interfere with how they rule. I was there for tyrants like your grandfather and I was there for saviors like your mother, and now I am here for you as I will be for your child.”

  “No point, I am not having children nor am I heir to the throne.”

  “No children? And here I thought you were quite fond of the Frost boy,” Juventas said. “I can’t speak for my sisters, though Discordia is most likely too distracted by her toys to care. Laverna would most likely object, but even so, I am in your corner.”

  “He’s gone, you know that my band fell against August.”

  “Funny, I don’t remember letting either of them through the gates of Elysium,” Juventas mused which made Diamond’s heart skip a beat. “No, in fact, I actually believe they are alive now, waiting for their boss to return.”

  “But…I…I saw…” Diamond trailed off while Juventas chuckled as she raised her free hand.

  “You saw what? The Frost boy die? Give him more credit,” Juventas said as an image appeared in the sky that showed Jack sparring with Meifeng only to be defeated. However, after each defeat, he climbed to his feet quickly and began to fight back. “Or perhaps you meant Katarina?” Juventas asked and Diamond’s heart clench as a second image of a broken Kat appeared. Kat’s body rested in a grassy field as a massive shadow appeared over her. “She’s far craftier than you give her credit for. She ripped her own Apple of Discord from her chest to protect it from August’s onslaught,” Juventas said as Diamond fell to her knees. “And I know you do not believe your civilian friend is dead,” Juventas said as a final image appeared that showed Alice, Roy, and Eric working to rebuild Wonderland. Juventas smiled as she looked at Alice’s tattoo. “Good taste, I always did favor the Cerberus. Of all the creations from the gods of old, it represents the band system the best does it not?”

  “But I couldn’t feel them,” Diamond said unable to believe her eyes.

  “Your own pain distracted you from theirs. It is simply too powerful. Let me tell you something I told your mother. Stop bottling up your emotions and just let the healing waters flow, girl,” Juventas said warmly as Diamond’s eyes shone with unshed tears. “Come to terms with what plagues you and become the person you know you can be.”

  “But my curse-”

  “-Doesn’t affect a Goddess like me, just let it out, you’re safe here with me,” Juventas said reassuringly as Diamond looked down at her gloved hand. She hesitated for a moment before she began to pull it off. Once she pulled it off, it felt as though a dam had broken as her heart no longer felt suppressed. Her nearly emotionless expression shattered as she broke down into tears while she stared at her right hand which released a bright golden light. Juventas just watched silently as Diamond cried uncontrollably while years of suppressed pain were released. Images flashed through Diamond’s mind, memories both good and bad. She saw the times she celebrated a successful job with her band and she saw when she failed them when she thought each died in front of her. She saw her mother smile down at her and she saw her mother fall, her heart stopped by a wicked mage that wore Romero’s face. Diamond even saw when she, just twelve years of age, celebrated her birthday with her father. She saw how she reached to grab a necklace he bought for her from a saleswoman. She saw how her hand touched the stranger’s and how the woman suddenly turned into a golden dust as Diamond’s curse activated. Diamond wept as she relived how her hand’s light brought destruction upon anything and everything within the crowded store. The destruction only stopped when she covered her hand with her body and waited for her father to bring her a glove. So many memories passed through Diamond's mind, so much pain, and finally, she had a release. The sight moved Juventas so much that a single golden tear slid from her eye while the light continued to grow and engulf everything in sight.

  * * *

  Garden of Discord

  Kat’s eyes snapped open as she shot up to a sitting position while fear filled her entire body.

  “Everything hurts,” Kat muttered before she noticed that she was in what appeared to be a large orchard. There were apple trees as far as the eye could see and Kat couldn’t help but be stunned when she noticed that all of the apples were gold in color. Scattered throughout the realm were nude individuals, Dolls if Kat had to guess. They all happily tended to the orchard and the few that noticed her simply waved with bright smiles before they continued with their tasks. Kat looked down and was star
tled to find her arms, legs, and chest covered by a black flesh-like material. Upon closer inspection, she could see what looked like her skin slowly reappear over the material. Kat ran her fingers through her hair and paused when she noticed that it now hung past her shoulders. “How long have I been out? Where am I?”

  “Home,” a voice said with a sinister chuckle. Kat tensed and looked up to find a brunette woman on the branch of a nearby tree. Her body was covered in a loose-fitting red toga that seemed to be made out of silk. Her eyes were covered by a red blindfold yet Kat could still feel the mischievous glint that was in the woman’s hidden gaze. “You took quite the beating,” the woman said as she grabbed one of the apples and bit into it.

  “Discordia,” Kat whispered in awe before she hugged herself when a sharp pain shook her to her core. “So, it’s true, I’m a Doll,” Kat murmured quietly as she realized August was right. “Did I really destroy a nursery? Did I really smile at the deaths I caused?” Kat asked desperately. For a moment, Discordia said nothing as she continued to eat the apple.

  “The last war was…a dark time in the Guild’s history. The alliance had to do whatever it could to protect humanity from a very powerful enemy,” Discordia said after a moment. “Umbra was tasked with infiltrating a group known as the Legion of the Black Moon. They had been long-term enemies of the alliance and were the ones who started the war. Umbra was to act as a traitor and fight against us while giving us much-needed information. One task the Black Moon gave her was to destroy a supply base of the Mage’s Circle,” Discordia explained. “However, the man who now calls himself August made a last-minute decision and swapped the locations of the supply base and their nursery. Umbra set off a bomb on the outside and…”

  “…the children died,” Kat finished.

  “That event broke Umbra, so much that the systems in charge of her emotions were scrambled. Her face smiled, but her heart shattered. This is why you, even now, tend to smile in dire situations,” Discordia explained to a stunned Kat who even at that moment had to stop a smile. “The nursery was an unfortunate loss but it earned you their trust and thanks to you and the information you got us, the war ended in our favor. You ran into August who was understandably angry and he did damage to your apple. The damage was severe and you would never be able to be as powerful as you used to be…until now,” Discordia said as she gestured toward a tree behind Kat. “After this last little adventure of yours, I planted the seeds from your apple. This tree grew from them in mere weeks and is currently producing some of the ripest fruit I have seen in a long time. Through your sacrifice, we will be able to create some of the best Dolls and bands the Guild has ever seen. I’ve taken the liberty of giving its first fruit to you to celebrate your new body. Unlike other Dolls, you had a badge that could be used to temporarily store your mind. You’re lucky, losing your Apple of Discord would normally mean death,” it was then that Discordia frowned. “That said, though your fruit can be replaced, your body cannot. Laverna made it clear that she would not participate in the creation of another Black Doll. The complete production process proved to be a bit too unsavory for her tastes,” Discordia said with a scoff. “This will be your last life. A regular Doll cannot participate in the band system, and we both know you’d rather die than be transferred into a body that couldn’t aid your band.”

  “What happened to Jack? Diamond?” Kat asked urgently as she thought about her band. “What happened to-” Kat cut herself off as she remembered who she spoke to. Discordia, however, just chuckled and gave her a knowing look.

  “Your lover?” Discordia questioned as Kat averted her eyes. “You can fool those mortals, but I will always know what my toys are doing. Personally, I approve, the chaos resulting in keeping a civilian bound to you…I wonder how this will end?” Discordia said with a sinister laugh that made Kat shudder. “Doesn’t matter, Laverna is who you should fear but she is not here so for now your secret will remain just that. They are all safe, your boss…well, I’m told she is strong so she will survive. You saved them.”

  “I did?” Kat asked with a frown. “But the last thing I remember was my treasure failing.”

  “Your treasure doesn’t fail,” Discordia said with a sneer, as if insulted by the thought. “You just didn’t get the effect you wished for. As a reward for your efforts in the war, the Bandit Queen, Isabelle, gave you the chance at living a new life, a chance to live as a civilian before being honorably decommissioned. You chose a new life, wanting to forget the horrors you saw, but you refused to leave the Guild,” Discordia said with a smirk. “Each Doll is born from a single memory of a thief, as a soul is nothing but an aggregate of memories. When you’re forged, a memory is bound to your apple. That memory will become the basis of your personality. Your very appearance comes from the donor who gave you this gift of life. Isabelle chose to transfer the memory she had of giving birth to Diamond into Umbra’s apple. A few years passed as I raised you, making sure that your damaged body was working properly before I sent you off to live with the woman you call Vivi. Still, I am not Juventas. I am not as hopelessly optimistic as she is, I knew a day would come when we would need your old self back which is why I made sure Umbra stayed with you. Your treasure is a fail-safe,” Discordia informed Kat. “Good luck makes you take over and bad luck awakens Umbra. Neither you nor she remembers your time as the other, but you feel what the other felt. You probably felt like you woke up from a terrible nightmare while the inverse is true for Umbra.”

  “So, when I blacked out…”

  “Umbra took over and did her best to keep you all alive,” Discordia said and waved a hand at Kat’s new body. “At any cost.”

  “I see, wait, what about the Doll in Prosperity Industries? Did anyone go back for her?”

  “On the contrary, she came for you,” Discordia said with a grin. “The Frost child incapacitated August long enough for her to sneak in and retrieve your body. In fact, she’s now a part of you,” Discordia said and Kat looked down at herself in horror. “Calm down, she’s fine but let’s say she…no longer wanted to be part of your model-type. She was repurposed, her apple was removed from the black frame and placed in one more suited for servicing the Guild in more passive ways. You are now effectively the last of your model. Parts from your fallen sisters and brothers were used to repair you and upgrade you into a ninth generation Doll, the latest incarnation,” Discordia said with a laugh, clearly proud of her work. “And the last for you. I can repair you, but you cannot withstand massive damage like that again my little agent of chaos.”

  “Heh,” Kat laughed and Discordia raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, it’s just, I’ve been called that before. So, when will I be done here? I want to see the others as soon as possible.”

  “Not so fast,” Discordia said firmly. “You have been blessed with a new body, a superior one. You must discover your new limits and undergo many tests to make sure the transfer worked. You will be here for a little while.”

  “Wait, what!?”

  “Yes, but do not worry. Your band is using this time to get stronger,” Discordia informed Kat. “You should do the same so you don’t fall behind. We must test for bugs and work out any possible flaws in your new body. You should be in optimal condition in a few more months.”

  “Months!?” Kat repeated with a horrified look on her face. A stern look from Discordia, however, just silenced her before her shoulders slumped. “Fine, all I gotta do is pass these tests, right? Let’s see what I can do, then.”

  “Yes, but before we can begin preparations to help you spread havoc, I do believe you are forgetting something,” Discordia said and Kat was confused by Discordia’s growing irritation. Kat suddenly gasped before she kneeled and bowed her head. In her confusion, she had forgotten that she was before her Goddess. “Well, I suppose the lack of respect means you were successful at becoming like the mortals. Now, let’s begin.”

  * * *


  “Are you alright now?” Juventas asked as Dia
mond wiped her eyes.

  “Yes, I needed that. I feel lighter than I have in a long time, like a burden has been lifted,” Diamond said kindly with a bright smile that Juventas matched only to gasp as she looked at the desolate wasteland that surrounded them. No trace of Elysium’s former beauty to be found. “What have I done?” Diamond whispered in horror only for Juventas to wave off her concerns.

  “The gate to Elysium still stands and that’s all that matters. Everything else? It can be rebuilt, made even better now. That’s the fun part,” Juventas said with a smile. “Just like you, you’ve broken down and now you can rebuild. Become a better you. Your curse will continue to destroy but that is a small price to pay for your peace of mind.”

  “I almost don’t want to put this back on, to turn back into that cold person…but it’s for the best I suppose,” Diamond said sadly. “Plus, this light is hurting my eyes,” Diamond said with a giggle.

  “Well, that depends, you could stay here if you want to,” Juventas clearly amused by this more open Diamond.

  “No, I can’t,” Diamond denied. “My band needs me, my father needs me, but most importantly the Guild needs me, even if I threw away my right to the throne.”

  “Diamond, the throne is part of you, it cannot be easily cast away,” Juventas said before she tapped Diamond on her head. The Princess frowned for a bit before she felt a tingling sensation course over her body. Diamond’s eyes widened when she found her hands and arms covered in strange black markings that vaguely resembled those on the Knight Order’s grimoire. It was then that something seemed to click into place for Diamond.

  “The Thief grimoire…is me?”

  “Your body already protects your blood and the Guild. We decided to have it protect our secrets as well, tying them to the royal bloodline,” Juventas explained. “As you see you have many responsibilities, your status as heir to the throne cannot be lost easily even by your own hand. Now, you wish to earn your right to go back to your band? A life is easily given up, but not easily taken back,” Juventas told Diamond as her gaze hardened ever so slightly. “Can you prove to me that you’re worth a second attempt at life?”


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